Author Topic: Dev Q&A November 14th 2021  (Read 545 times)


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Dev Q&A November 14th 2021
« on: December 05, 2021, 04:47:57 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Ossifus says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
>Anysu Atani salutes Ossifus Nallifer with respect.
Thosor says: hello!
>Anysu Atani grins at Anysu's Small Table impishly.
Ossifus says: This is Uadjet, currently inhabiting the character of the Engraver. No need to change characters, I think.
Ossifus says: If you have any questions, please step up to the lecterns in front of the stage.
Ossifus says: If not, I'll give you a brief update on what people are working on.
Damola says: No Q at the moment.
Gonger says: There was a post by Talad that the migration is far advanced.
Ossifus says: If you've been keeping up with the streams that Talad is doing, you'll know that he's been doing a lot of fixes.
Ossifus says: Oh, it is!
Ossifus says: He's done a lot of... SEE?!?! I mention him and he appears!
Talad says: hello!
>Lurielle Volanxis salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Damola says: Hi Talad.
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Anysu says: greetings, Talad.
Ossifus says: Everyone welcome Talad to the meeting! He's the Founder and Project Lead, and the person doing the most work by far.
Ossifus says: I was just doing to give them a little recap of what you've been working on for the last three weeks.
Talad says: sure
Talad says: do it and I can integrate as needed
Talad says: yes or no? :)
Gonger says: He is speechless. A rare thing.
Damola nods "Remarkable."
Gonger says: I had just mentioned your post that the migration is far advanced.
Damola smiles "And we have a permanently running PSUnreal server now."
Damola says: It will eventually take over the role of the legacy PS server some time in the future.
Ossifus says: Okay, so Talad has finished (I think) the new character creation system in PSU.
Ossifus says: Not all of the character creation options we currently have would make sense for all races/homeworlds, so they needed an update.
Ossifus says: The latest alpha has the dryken plane up and running, so you can (and should!) test out the character creation system if you have the chance.
Damola still has to figure out the riddle there.
Talad says: Yes the character creation in the previous Alpha was not really working. But now it is. The main part was to add all options you can choose for life events
Damola says: But did not have much time to dig into it yet.
Talad says: those are now in with enough variance and topics to be interesting. A major difference in the new char creation is that you get see the effect of every choice you make immediately, there is a panel to show that
Talad says: so you can better construct your char if you care about the rules. If you dont care about the rules, you can just hide that panel and choose based on pure RP history of the char
Talad says: on the char creation , we still miss the voiceovers and many of the history illustrations
Talad says: but those will be coming soon I hope
Talad says: Other things I've been working on is to simplify the Dryken PLane level
Talad says: as it was a bit hard to complete
Damola says: Did the old game have voiceovers there? The only voiceover I remember was with Levrus.
Talad says: I did that today fixing all places in the floor where you culd fall, and simplifying access to the magic elevator
Talad says: when we will have the voice over there it will be more understandable
Talad says: Another development is the minigame with dice
Talad says: I think will be fun to see as will bring in PS something new and different from the past
Ossifus says: Yeah, that's looking like a lot of fun!
Talad says: The dice game can be played alone, or with 2 players
Talad says: maybe in the future also against an NPC
Talad says: can become a gamble game
Talad says: but that will require more work and at the moment is not planned
Ossifus says: There's already an NPC you can gamble with (Darphen?), and he's be perfect for that.
Talad says: thanks to the donations and support on Patreon I've commissioned more pieces
Talad says: including the animations for the 3 missing monsters , you saw the news on web site
Talad says: gobble, velnishi and tloke
Talad says: those are now working again
Talad says: plus we got the new server thanks to Proact sponsor
Talad says: and its working well atm
Talad says: its pretty much always up
Talad says: today I fixed the red/green indicator on login for that server, was a problem with system date
Talad says: so now you should see it green when its up
Talad says: overall good progress, still need more devs to speed up.
Damola says: Oh, I think I did not yet install ntp onto the server. Will do.
Damola says: Ok. done. :)
Damola says: Server time will be calibrated with NTP from now on.
Ossifus says: So that's been a very busy three weeks for Talad. Any questions about that?
Talad says: If you have some bugs open on bugtracker, please check if those are fixed and request closure
Talad says: and in general its good if you can test PSUnreal as we need to find more bugs if present
Damola says: I mentioned that crash in Hydlaa for PSUnreal under Linux is gone with 0.7.14. You can close this bug.
Thosor says: Yes, I haven't yet crashed in hydlaa
Damola says: #7273
Thosor says: But I've always been the only player.
Damola says: Oh, how about gossip chat in PSUnreal? How can we do this?
Thosor says: screenshots?
Damola says: I have been online in PSUnreal briefly and saw you Thosor. I think it would be good to have a gossip chat channel again
Talad says: ok, closed it
Thosor says: not important, other ways to do it.
Ossifus says: Last I checked, /shout was worldwide.
Damola says: I see.
Ossifus says: So for testing purposes, you can use that.
Thosor says: yorlak and I could shout from anywhere.
Damola says: Might not be too realistic, that one can shout world wide. But might be a nice idea for a new spell. You can shout normally and reach farer than with regular talk. And then you can use Sound glyph and maybe another sound glyph to Magically Shout and reach farer?
Damola grins
Thosor says: instant groffels
Damola says: Of course first porting over what is still missing is more important.
Damola says: Well even with Magical shout I wouldn't make it world wide.
Talad says: the chat in PSunreal is not supporting custom channels yet
Talad says: not very high priority, but I will add that back in the future
Damola says: well for event we can have already group chat. Would be nice to have an event in PSUnreal again, now that we have permanent server.
Damola says: Event is good for testing PSUnreal.
Talad says: yes, I can also do another testing weekend event
Thosor says: and fun.
Talad says: Linux is still weak , crashing often with VK_DEVICE_LOST error
Damola says: I think till 0.7.15 is still some time in?
Damola says: I do have a regular crash at quiting PSUnreal Client or Launcher.
Thosor says: I haven't crashed with that error yet, on Linux
Ossifus nods. "Can do. I just have to think of where to take you all."
Damola says: I could report this as well.
Damola says: During playing I did not have a crash with 0.7.14 yet.
Talad says: need more content and fixes for 0.7.15
Damola says: Yeah.
Thosor says: It may be my problem, possibly other windows clashing, but I get flashing and different parts of graphics wink out of existance for a fraction of a second.
Thosor says: I'll run it by itself to check.
Thosor says: right now this room is perfect, but the unreal window is doing the flashing next to it.
Ossifus says: I can add that the commissioned art is quite nice!
Talad says: I have to go, nice talking to you guys
Talad says: see you!
Ossifus says: The artist is doing faction symbols at the moment? I saw a Talent symbol too, I think.
Damola says: See you.
Ossifus says: Bye!
>Thosor Riereri bows to Talad Dev.
Gonger says: Thanks for the great work!
Ossifus says: Oh, and one thing he didn't mention is his work on Talents, which will be new to PS>
Ossifus says: Well, mostly new.
Ossifus says: If you log into PSU and look at your skills, you may notice things along the path from 0 to 200.
Ossifus says: Evety so often you'll get a Talent, which could either be a passive bonus/ability, or maybe an active ability.
Ossifus says: Just pulling examples from the aether, it could be something like a high skill in Shields would allow a shield bash. Or a high skill in Blacksmithing could reduce the time it takes to do things.
Gonger says: Interesting
Ossifus says: I don't have info on what the Talents will be, but they're something to look forward to.
Gonger says: And how would these talents be granted?
Gonger says: Randomly, or at a certain skill lever, or...?
Thosor says: grinding :)
Ossifus says: Talad's done a couple streams on them recently, and they'll be on the youtube channel:
Ossifus says: At certain skill levels.
Gonger says: So what does this mean for someone who has a veryhigh skill level already?
Gonger says: We all receive dozens of talents for our high skills?
Anysu says: Good question, Gonger.
Ossifus says: Oh, it's possible. If you look at stream 571, at around 1:57:00 you'll see a partial list for combat skills.
Ossifus says: And yes, you'll get the Talents your skills deserve. I'm not sure if players are supposed to get a popup or something to explain new Talents, as that would be more complicated with established characters.
>Anysu Atani nods at Ossifus Nallifer.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Gonger says: Ok, in any case, it sounds very interesting.
Ossifus says: The reason I don't call it totally new is that the combat maneuvers we already have are Talents, and I THINK they'll be done as a combination of skill and quest to unlock.
Damola says: We have one hour.
Damola says: I think there are no questions anymore. Or are there?
Gonger says: Thanks for the information.
Ossifus says: I don't think so. Anyone?
Thosor says: no more questions, your Honor.
>Anysu Atani salutes Ossifus Nallifer with respect.
>Damola Etedi waves.
Damola says: See you!
Ossifus says: So Talents are streams 571 and 572, if you want to check them out.
Ossifus says: Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you again in two weeks!