Author Topic: Dev Q&A December 12th 2021  (Read 494 times)


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Dev Q&A December 12th 2021
« on: January 16, 2022, 10:43:29 am »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Thosor says: Here are the writeups of the gathering yesterday, It was very interesting, and somewhat sad.
Thosor pipes down as meeting begins.
Uadjet says: So line up at the lecterns if you have a question. If not, I'll give you a brief update on things.
Uadjet says: Ah, Damola?
Damola says: Just a little update on performance aspects. I was a bit unhappy with new ThinkPad T14 AMD Gen 1 performance, but it was a mistake on my side. I misconfigured Linux to use only the lowest CPU frequency of 1,4 GHz. I wondered about it for a while but only this week I found the mistake. Well now PS Crystal Space is between 20 and 144 fps (I set a cap there as the gaming monitor cannot handle more)…
Damola says: … and PSUnreal is at a comfortable 40-50fps still with all on epic except effects on medium and another setting on high. It is as if I just bought a new laptop again. So AMD Ryzen Gen 1 should be good to go with PSUnreal.
Damola says: Even in low voltage laptop version with integrated GPU
Uadjet says: 144 fps? Don't human eyes have a max of 60 or something?
Damola grins "Well gaming people claim they can notice the difference and this 27 inch display I am using does 144 fps."
Uadjet says: Oh, I'm sure it's better. After all, the monitor doesnt' synch to our eyes. It's just another example of humans being surpassed by tech, it seems.
Damola says: However… I did not buy it for that reason but case if has a much better color spectrum and brightness than most if not all of the displays you can buy at this (quite low) sprice.
Damola says: price
Uadjet says: Thosor?
Thosor says: [hard to speak ooc hehe] My new framework laptop works well on W10 for unreal, I was ready to buy an external graphics card just for unreal, but using W10 works. It is too new for some linux drivers and unreal, but should work soon. Not cheap, though/.
Damola claims "We are… in no really important way… surpassed by tech. Did you ever consider the image pattern recognition capability of your brain. It is still… by margins unparalleled by even the most advanced AI algorithms I read about."
Damola says: Tech can do number crunching, but at real intelligence it is not even close.
Damola says: Anyone a Q?
Damola says: Me and Thosor did not really have a Q.
Uadjet says: It's an update on what tech works with PSU, which is nice to know.
Thosor says: No further questions, your Honor.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Damola says: Its Effects on Medium and Shadows on High, everything else Epic
Uadjet says: Okay, so I'lll give you a bit of an update.
Uadjet says: Talad's been working on dungeons mainly in the last couple weeks.
Damola says: Shadow on Medium makes shadows that should be there disappear…
Uadjet says: Oh, I'm sure I mentioned it but I think in the Run Run Run vid you can watch him run around as a 5x speed Klyros for a bit. I don't know why, but it amused me greatly. Just mentioning it.
Uadjet says: But as for dungeons, he's using some packs from the Unreal Marketplace to assemble dungeons.
Uadjet says: The packs needed modification, but now that he's done that they can mostly be built without hiccup.
Uadjet says: He's moved past basic structures and is now having fun with things like traps and secret passageways.
Anysu says: oohh traps.
Damola says: Run Run Run video? Nice, need to look that up
Anysu says: Hope find traps will work in PSU
Uadjet says: I'm not sure if skills will come into play with those, but thief-types will have some fun with them I'm sure.
Gonger says: Run run run? Sounds like Eurythmic
Gonger says: Run run run? Sounds like Eurythmics
Anysu says: I do recall the Eurythmics
Thosor says: thifs on which side, the thieves using them, or trapping theives?
Uadjet says: See, now I have to listen to Annie Lennox.
Thosor says: *thieves
Anysu says: Do do that Uadjet
Gonger says: There are worse fates than this, Uadjet!
Anysu says: As for traps.. anyone with the skill I think
Uadjet says: I went with "No More I Love You's".
Thosor ponders Enki running around with a trap attached to tail.
Uadjet says: Oh, now I definitely want to see that!
Uadjet says: But it would be nice to finally have a use for the Find Traps skill.
>Anysu Atani nods at Uadjet.
Anysu says: Have 5 points already in it
Thosor says: how did you manage that, Anysu ?
Harither says: if you play unreal version and put a bug in in the tracker... it would be nice to recheck ya fixed bugs and get em closed...
Damola says: Also 5 points in Find Traps… I bet as an event reward
Gonger says: 10, even.
Gonger says: Certainly from events.
Anysu says: It was from an event in dungeon under temple
Gonger says: I have 222 in Empathy...
Uadjet says: I do that from time to time.
Harither says: i attended only the unreal event... and with next update those granted skillups are gone.
Uadjet says: Skill bonuses granted in PSU events would be lost because the character database gets ported over fresh with... I was going to say each update, but maybe it's only updates that require a new client download.
Harither says: indeed
Thosor says: Work on your legacy PS Harither they will be carried over.
Harither says: but someone need to find bugs
Harither says: we really try to crash the server and try to find severe bugs to make the game more enjoyable
Thosor says: a bug yesterday: Just driving my drifter to OJa crashed server over and over, not wearing any enchantments.
Thosor says: I didn't check if in bug reprts yet.
Uadjet says: That's pretty harsh, if it crashes the server. Only on a drifter?
Thosor says: I never noticed running on foot. I won't report until I see if it is listed or not.
Thosor says: Only recently I can play on unreal, tried for over a cycle [year] to get my bench amd unit working, still won't.
Thosor says: Framework is all intel.
Gonger says: I hope to find more energy for PSU testing between the years. 2021 was tough, work-wise.
Thosor says: something tells me '21 was going to be a bad year.
Thosor says: Especially if you and me bring it in together...
Thosor says: sorry....
Uadjet says: I've been digging around through Unreal tutorials, and I've found a few that could be useful. Like ways to add thermal and night vision to games.
Thosor says: Nolthrirs have that attribute, right?
Uadjet says: I don't know if they'll work with PS, but I'll give them a go.
Anysu says: Night vision for enki be great.
Uadjet says: Nightvision for Nolthrir and Enkidukai, yes.
Damola says: And Klyros?
Thosor says: maybe klyros have eagle vision>?
Damola says: Not sure about lore at the moment.
Uadjet says: Dermorians have nightvision as well. And Klyros. And Ynnwn. And Diaboli.
Uadjet says: Kran have infravision.
Thosor says: But are they blinded by bright things?
Thosor says: like my shining personality?
Uadjet says: Seems like Stonehammers and Lemurs should have some form of low-light vision.
Gonger says: Blinded by the Light? (Now Uadjet needs to listen to Bruce Springsteen)
Gonger says: Aye, we spend so much time in mines and underground
Uadjet says: And the Dermorians developed night-vision in the Stone Labyrinths... where they were for 25 years. One-eighth of their average lifespan.
Anysu grins at the Springsteen line.
Thosor says: no vitamin D down ther, should be added to beer.
Thosor says: No, then they would overdose...
Carahaij says: yeah most races have some degree of dark vision for living in the labyrinths and such
Damola says: Given you also take K2 with D3 it is difficult to overdose. But of course this is no medical advice.
Thosor says: of course
Thosor says: but good advice
Uadjet says: I did note a while back that most races do have some sort of nightvision except the two races that still iive underground. :D
Thosor says: didn't notice you slink in.
Uadjet says: So infravision and nightvision are possible. There are also tutorials for gliding, though i suspect those are more challenging to incorporate. I know when I turn gravity off for myself the advanced locomotion system keeps trying to put my feet on the ground, and that could cause a problem with any kind of gliding addition.
Damola says: hmmm, which one is the run run run video?
Anysu says: Darn. Not helpful for Klyros.
Thosor says: maybe gills out of water are infrared sensing, like cobras.
Uadjet says: It's possible that it can be turned off while in gliding mode. I haven't asked yet. But it would be nice to have a little bit of gliding in. Safe fall, at the very least.
Thosor says: I miss the button to float in unreal, was good for looking at the map
Thosor says: was it a linux only thing?
Uadjet says: Ah, the 'physics-off' button?
Uadjet says: That was fun.
Thosor says: it was helpful, but limited in my barely working amd machine.
Thosor says: since we are still in debug mode...
Thosor says: although might not be good for the server.
Thosor says: bungee jumping...
Uadjet says: I was able to use that to get to places that weren't supposed to be available before the GM commands were working.
Anysu says: Ptero mounts for players.
Uadjet says: Any more questions?
Uadjet says: Oh, ptero-mounts are restricted by settings, not mechanics.
Anysu says: awe...
Uadjet says: I'm still pushing for Velnishi as mounts, myself.
Thosor says: The TAIL!!
Anysu says: Velnishi be cool mount
Thosor says: enkis are bad enough...
Anysu says: Rivneks have tails.
Thosor says: no stinger...
Thosor says: enkies hide something in there, like a dagger or something.
Thosor rubs his face scar...
Uadjet says: There are some kind of spikes that enkis wear on their tails in the lore somewhere. I've seen a sketch or two.
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Thosor says: I do believe I got it during a haircut though, she must have slipped with her razor and put me to sleep somehow.
Anysu says: Spikes on tail...
Thosor says: Or bumped me with her horns, you know, the hairdresser near the market.
Uadjet says: Or blades.
Anysu says: Tail blades...
Uadjet says: But if there are no more questions, I should probably run out and get my cat some food.
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Uadjet says: Unleash the Anysu!
Anysu laughs
Thosor says: catfood shortage here last few weeks
Carahaij says: tell the cat i said hi
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming, and I'll see you again at the next meeting in two weeks!