Author Topic: Dev Q&A Jun 25, 2023  (Read 1157 times)


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Dev Q&A Jun 25, 2023
« on: June 26, 2023, 07:43:55 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)
Gonger (PR)

Uadjet: Hello, and welcome to the Developer's Q&A!
Karzela  waves back at Damola
>Damola waves at Gova
Damola:  Hello.
Damola:  Kga, Gova!
Uadjet: You've all been here before, so I think I'll break from tradition and NOT explain how these meetings work. Let's see if my slight OCD tendencies will let me get away with that.
Gova:  Kga!
Karzela:  Go for it!
Karzela:  Hi Gova
Damola  tilts her head "Oh, dear mighty Uadjet, what was this meeting about?"
Uadjet's  eye starts to twitch.
Damola  giggles slightly
Uadjet: First off, are there any new bugs I should know about?
Uadjet: They tend to appear during events, but I can be a tad busy at the time, and might not recall them later.
Damola:  Not exactly a bug I'd say, but I found climbing ladders to be rather hard in PSUnreal. It was not perfect in Crystalspace based PS, but better.
Uadjet: Ah, that's true. I tend to /slide, so I don't really encounter that.
Gonger says: True, that.
Damola:  Even more so with those special collision enabled bamboo shelves, Damola collected during some special events.
Gova:  I was able to jump up a ladder, but I fell back down quite a few times in the process.
Damola:  These can not be climbed at all anymore.
Damola:  Yes, Gova. Sometimes Damola went up a bit also by walking, but then she stopped.
Uadjet: Honestly I'm not sure why they were climbable in Legacy. I think they'd have to be at a slight angle to work in PSU.
Uadjet: But ladders do need work.
Damola:  Thing is: PSUnreal can detect places where Damola needs to climb, and I would love that PSU would detect ladders and collision enabled bamboo shelves as climbable.
Damola:  Well a ladder can be "climbed" in RL as well? one can discuss about the bamboo shelves :)
Uadjet: I know Talad talked about an actual climbing ability, but I think ladders would need to be different. DIfferent animation (if it has one), and it would ideally be attachable to droppable items and not just sections of the map.
Damola:  That.
Damola:  The animation for a ladder I bet would be somewhat different but not too unsimilar.
Uadjet: I think a ladder climbing animation would likely be very complex, if there's any attempt to get the animation to match the ladder. Maybe that can be left for later.
Uadjet: There are ladder climbing animations on Mixamo, though, so they don't need to be created from scratch.
Damola:  Any other "bugs"?
Uadjet: I've found a ladder tutorial on Youtube. Less gthan 8 minutes, so it isn't too hard. ALS does change a lot of things in Unreal, so I'm not sure it's compatible.
Damola:  Great.
Damola:  By the way, Uadjet, about the server crashes in recent events, luckily not the one of yesterday, do you have an idea what caused them?
Uadjet: You just run up the ladder, but that was what we had in Legacy so it'll do. I have no idea how to align a animation with the actual ladder mesh, though.
Uadjet: Oh, Talad did figure it out.
Uadjet: It was my long impersonations.
Damola:  Ah okay, did you file a bug about it?
Damola:  Or did Talad already fix it?
Uadjet: The text the NPC says is part of the /impersonate command, and it was exceeding the allowed length of commands. Talad did have a fix for it, though.
Uadjet: I think it's already fixed, actually.
Damola:  Wonderful!
Uadjet: I don't recall my longest /impersonate yesterday, but I can be somewhat long-winded, so if I didn't trigger the bug it's probably fixed.
Uadjet: Ah, the next tutorial from the same person adds a climbing animation. Nice!
Damola:  What about news? Aachey, did you watch (parts of) some of the streams from Talad?
Uadjet: I haven't been able to watch many lately, but I've kept track of what he's working on.
Damola:  I heard he did a lot of bug fixing?
Damola:  Hope he releases a new version soon!
Igesalo:  all right
Uadjet: He has. We're getting very close to another release, so he's been doing a lot of fixes. I didn't watch the spell crash streams, but he spent two streams on it and finally fixed it off-stream.
Gonger says: Igesalo, if you have any questions, line up in front of the bookstands.
Igesalo:  hello
Uadjet: Let's see...
Uadjet: It's taking me longer to type than normal, as I'm still getting used to a new keyboard.
Uadjet: On my own to-do list, I've got some effects related to weather that might work. There's accumulating snow on the ground, which we had in Legacy at least for GM-cause snow.
Uadjet: I'm not sure if it'll accumulate on PCs and NPCs, but it would be fun if it did!
Uadjet: I've got a few different tutorials I'm going to try, and if they produce decent results I'll submit them to Talad and see what he thinks.
Uadjet: I'm also going to try to get working an effect that'll make the ground appear wet when it rains. Ideally puddles and spases from raindrops, but I don't know if I can get that to work.
Gonger says: Sounds neat.
Uadjet: I also trimmed down my Amdeneir NPC list quite a bit. Well, I'm sorting them into "Should Add", "Maybe a Good Idea", "Not Until Something Else Is Added", and "Probably Not.""
Uadjet: Sadly that means my favorite potential NPC is in the last list.
Gonger says: Why is this NPC a "Probably Not" case?
Uadjet: I looked up a list of medieval professions when first making the list, and... one profession stood out.
Uadjet: It's a pseudo-medical profession, that claimed to be able to divine health issues by - and I'm trying to be delicate here - tasting a particular body fluid.
Uadjet: Not blood.
Uadjet: It's the name that caught my eye.
Gonger says: Wait, TASTING that body fluid? That's just gross...
Uadjet: But at least colloquially, they were called piss-prophets.
Gonger says: I mean, the colour can tell a lot, but to taste it...
Uadjet: Now, I never thought that NPC would get approved, but I wanted to see how far along the process it would get before being rejected.
Gonger says: That gives a new meaning to PP in PlaneShift!
Uadjet: Sadly, I've had to reject them myself, and Talad does not want to sift through a list of 100+ NPCs. I assume. I wouldn't.
Gonger says: The technical term is Uromancy...
Gonger says: Sounds to much like Necromancy for me to like it.
Uadjet: I suspect that's a type of magic that doesn't exist in PS. ;)
Gonger says: It was done in Babylon already, 4000 BC
Uadjet: So, any questions?
Gonger says: A few words from the PR team...
Gonger says: In RL we have a system migration coming up next weekend, so my workload there will get worse before it gets better.
Gonger says: Also I find it difficult to advertise right now PS as a true RPG when there is nobody around for newbies to RP with.
Gonger says: For these two reasons, not much news from my side for the moment.
Gonger says: Mayhap the time has come to try and make Ancient Players return...
Damola:  Would be nice to meet some players again who did not play for a long time
Gonger says: But first I need to survive the next two weeks IRL.
Gonger says: Aye, Damola.
Karzela:  The best of luck with your real life adventure, Gonger.
Gonger says: The Ancient Ones Who Return (do I sound like Lovecraft?) would also be aware of the fact that PS is Work In Progress.
Gonger says: So they would not be chased away by things not yet implemented.
Damola:  Best of luck, Gonger! And always remember not to overestimate the importance of work.
Gonger says: Certainly not! I am too old a bastard for that!
Uadjet: May the system migration be as quick and easy as that of the North American Blue Grouse, which migrates about 300 meters.
Karzela:  Age doesn't always equal wisdom, short one. ;-)
Gonger says: What about I make you shorter, like by one head?
Karzela  grins
Karzela:  I'd be unique then.
Gonger says: Oh, it will be a major pain-in-the-you-know-where, with all the "but" and "if" floating around...
Gonger  chuckles softly. "Indeed, Karzela, indeed."
Uadjet: Well, I think we've covered everything, so we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and I'll see yhou at the next meeting in two weeks. Until then, have fun playing and maybe try an event or two!
Gonger says: And do not quit in this room...
Uadjet: Not if you're a Stonehammer, at least.
Gonger says: If I logoff here, after the next logon I will just keep faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaling...
Uadjet: You'll log back in to find yourself permanently falling.