Author Topic: pk like in uo:age of shadows  (Read 788 times)


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pk like in uo:age of shadows
« on: August 30, 2003, 07:40:25 pm »
There the PK was possible anywhere on the Felluca continent. You could kill another player and loot him. You couldn\'t take only his basic stuff(mage\'s spell book,clothing,etc) Killing another player marks you as criminal and your name is been seen in red by all players. All the towns had very strong guards that teleported near the criminal and kill him if he does something in the town (after a set amount of PKs the guards spawn when you enter the city teritory). If another players is attacked and writes \"guards\" the guards appear to kill the attacker Same goes for thiefing but your name becomes grey and the danger is only if you perform something in the town and the other player notices it and calls the guards. I think that way of PK will be  mostly enjoyable. The players could PK and the victim isn\'t complitly defenceless. Only thing is that if a guard kills a monster no loot is left. If he helps you kill another PK you can loot. In every town there are banks in which you can leave items and money that can not be taken by another player.


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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 10:23:40 am »
just please dont suggest a felluca/trammel system!!!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2003, 04:38:59 pm »
Now, I like a lot of the ideas people are putting up, but a lot of them are derived from other games. Isn\'t the idea that we try and make something completely new? It\'s fine to use ideas from other games, as long as there is some kind of spin on it.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 04:39:16 pm by lostprophet »


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« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2003, 03:18:42 am »
Actually the devs encourage taking ideas from other games lostprophet.  Even if someone doesn\'t suggest a modifcation with the idea, posting it allows others to do so.  Case in point...

I like this idea a lot, the part about the murderer marking anyway.  Cept I think that anyone marked as a murderer would be attacked by uber-guards anywhere in the vicinity of a town or otherwise civil area.  However, the guards don\'t kill the person, but rather capture them and give out a sentence based on who they killed and what they did after killing the person (like looting I guess).  This could be penalties of items, possibly returned to the person who was killed, monetary deductions, and penalties of stats (which in a skill based system would be worse than death).  So basically a PK\'er would have to be a fool to head anywhere near a town if they kill anyone, and the effect is the PK\'er could no longer get supplies, equipment, or rest in a safe area.  

Additionally a bounty could be placed on a PK\'ers head, and if someone attacked a player with a bounty on them, they would only have to severely weaken the player to capture and turn them in (so the PK\'er would be at a disadvantage in combat).  However a PK\'ers rap sheet does not increase if someone initiates combat against them, but no one can be charged for attacking them.  I think ultimately free PK should be allowed, since just as you are free to live the game as a non-combatant, you are should also be free to attack anyone you wish.  But doing so would have severe penalties that would highly discourage it.  

Of course this shouldn\'t be implemented until it is worked to a point that prevents a PK\'er from having any loopholes where they can survive for a time and kill masses of people.  And so rather that is an idea for the future, and I think in the meantime the game should have arena based and otherwise consensual PvP, but no free PK, which is what the devs intend to do I believe.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2003, 06:06:32 pm by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2003, 03:05:27 pm »
Sorry wedge, I\'ll copy more in future.

I really like that idea. How are you sentenced though? I like the idea of a courthouse. The jury are npc\'s, and each of them have different traits (some are sympathetic depending on different circumstances). Also, up to half of the jury could be filled with players, so they could have a say in what happens to pk\'ers. If you\'ve played neverwinter nights, there\'s a trial quest which was really fun where you had to collect evidence by getting people drunk or helping them out, then convince the jury.


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« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2003, 03:17:40 pm »
what about the guard might attack ya and if u reach a low hp-lvl u might get jailed then??


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2003, 03:38:16 pm »
That\'s exactly what\'s just been said by my good friend wedge there. Read the post before you reply.


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« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2003, 10:13:19 am »
Why do we need a Jury, you are guilty?at best a jury of PCs might lessen a sentence?or be willing to ?vouch? for you.

But if the server has records of your action?then this translates into some mage being able to show what happened back in time.

The main problem here is that the system is almost fullproof, we will never get the wrong person for the crime, unless we build that into the system, and how would you like it if the thief?s guild decided that that day all crimes where going to be done as you?.

Just throwing some ideas out there.


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« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2003, 01:57:16 pm »
Yeah the jury was just something that came up, I\'ve scrapped that idea since.  I also have no idea what the problem is with not ever finding the wrong person for the crime.  I\'m not thinking about this system from a logical standpoint in the world.  I really don\'t give a crap how you rationalize it, I\'m only considering it from a gameplay standpoint.  And the point of that is that PK should be allowed as you should be free to do whatever, but also should be discouraged and have harsh penalities, as murder logically would.  This is a free game so I gurantee there will be plenty of griefers, and this is the best way I see to allow freedom but not allow them to run rampant.  And I have no idea what you are talking about with the Thief\'s thing.

I know I posted more about this idea in another thread somewhere too...

Yeah it\'s the \"You guys have no faith in people\".  Which no, I don\'t.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2003, 01:58:06 pm by Wedge »
Ninjas have feelings too.  Mostly they feel like dancing.


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« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2003, 07:00:03 pm »
I think what Paxx ment is...
If part of the game design allows for people to be erronusly marked as Thieves enven though they commited no crime, then a group of real thieves might be able to use the system to get you caught.

Eg. PS dev, decide there is a 10% chance that if you are near a crime that you are falsely accused, and that you walk near a thieves guild who decides to play a trick on you.  They all pickpocket each other and then yell guards!  In the mailstorm ensuing you would most likely be labled a thief.

The drawback to this is that they are thieves and having a grey name is not a big deal.  Now, you have a grey name as well. How long should your thief lable stay?

One problem I see with the labeling players as murders and thieves is it does not allow for revenge.  In PS and all MMORPG you do not stay dead.  You will be seeing the same people over and over.  You will come face to face with your murderer.  This does not happen in real life unless your Client Eastwood or something.

If someone muggs you while you are afk or at one quarter health, you will want revenge.  Someday you will meet up with the same person and maby they will be the one who is \"not ready\". When that happens you want to be able to kill them back and not be labled a \"bad guy\".