Author Topic: PKing.......  (Read 1186 times)


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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« on: January 06, 2002, 01:50:02 pm »

                            posted 10-11-2001 04:10 GMT        

                         this is a coppy of what i wrote in another thread. since it was a bit off the topic of what the thread began as, i thought i should
                         repost it in a new thread.

                         i just want to point oput that i cant stand any PKing what so ever. it leads to griefers very fast. sooner or later some one will find
                         an easy target and then make that person\'s life misserable. constantly killing them over and over and taking their items. there is
                         no way to regulate PKing. people find their way around it. also whats to stop groups of people from jumping a single person. sure
                         a lvl 50 cant attack a lvl 5 but 5 lvl 5s can jump a single lvl 5. sure thats life but this is just a game. people play to have fun. not to
                         be griefed over and over.

                         i love the duel system and the arena system but all out anyone can kill anyone at any time, just stinks. how would a new person
                         get anywhere in this game. they dont know anyone yet and want to explore a bit then all of a suddon a PKer comes along seeing
                         an easy target. boom the new player is dead and discoraged(sp) and ends up quiting.

                         look how succesfull EQ has been. if it wasnt for their horrid customer suport, they would be still on top of the MMORPGS. they
                         had a server for PKers, team PKers, deity PKers and so on. those were the most unpopulated servers in the game. the most
                         popular were the ones non PK.

                         all i have to say is weather a game is PK or not determins if ill play it or not. if i cant go out and explore the lands without having
                         to worry about both NPCs and PKers then i dont find much interest in it. from all the games i have played, PKing only ment one
                         thing...grief. for some reason there are people out there that cant find fun in a game unless they are causeing another player
                         harm. killing them out of the blue then taking their gear. that is harm. its bad enough that mobs will attack you for no reason
                         other than to kill you but then to have PKers after you just so they can take your things.....thats just too much.

                         people then want to say \"well then its not very realistic if there isnt a PK system\". well is it realistic to be killed then respawn
                         somewhere else? is it realistic to be a huminoid rock person that can use magic? is it realistic to be doing anything in a virtual
                         world. no its not realistic. thats why people play RPGs. to get away from what is realistic.

                         ok so i think ill end this here with a question to the crew making this game. with the talks of duels and arenas, i was under the
                         impression that PKing wasnt going to happen unless agreed apon by the two in the fight, or those that enter the arena. now from
                         what has been said in the PK xp thread, i am wondering. is there a chance that any player at anytime, away from a town, can
                         attack any other player, within their lvl, and kill them? if so then i would have to rethink this game and probly wouldnt play it.
                         though it looks great and sounds great, PKing is one thing i have found in many games that just completely trashes it and
                         makes it another Quake. so is there PKing outside of duels and the arena areas?
                            posted 10-11-2001 06:30 GMT            

                         You wrote:i just want to point oput that i cant stand any PKing what so ever

                         No pking=lame carebear game

                         Planeshift will handle pking well as has been stated before.
                            posted 10-11-2001 08:19 GMT            

                         lame carebear game? so is that why ever quest has gotten best game of the year a couple years in a row, cause it was lame?
                         look at other games where PKing was part of the game. AO for example, went to the crapper in a short amount of time due to the
                         rampant PKing. its funy when i see people saying that PKing has to be a part of the game or no one will play it. then go look at
                         the online status of non PKing vs PKing games and the non PKing games have three to four times the population. look at Ever
                         Quest for example once again. three or more PKing servers with only about 6 to 7 houndrred players on any of them at peak
                         time. then go to the near 20+ non PK servers and see 15k+ people on each of them. PKers may be the loudest voice you hear in
                         game making but its the non PKers that make up the majority.
                            posted 10-11-2001 08:47 GMT            

                         oops my numbers were off badly on the non PK servers. it was 1500 to 2500 on the nonPK servers at peak time. not combined
                         mind you but each of them had 15 to 25 hundred players while the 3 or 4 PK servers only had 4 to 7 hundred each.
                            posted 10-11-2001 09:12 GMT            

                         blalllggh i cant wait till this game comes out!!
                            posted 10-11-2001 11:32 GMT            

                         See my post in the other PK topic about hiring/requesting gurads and travelling around in groups, and also having it being much
                         harder to pk someone than in other games, meaning you have a chance and pking isn\'t as lucrative as in other games...
                            posted 11-11-2001 04:27 GMT            

                         well crap. i would like to have pk cuz it is more realistic as far as it being a MU game. BUT I would say they should have certain
                         areas where u cant pk. like a forbidden forest or a pirate sea or some islands that have only pk on them.
                         just some thoughts.

                            posted 11-11-2001 09:07 GMT            

                         Some areas will be protected by guards... and i think my suggestion about travelling guards and making it harder to take down a
                         person through pking would mean it would be discouraged...
    Oldman Kay
                            posted 11-11-2001 15:02 GMT            

                         WickedWayz wrote:


                              BUT I would say they should have certain areas where u cant pk. like a forbidden forest or a pirate sea or some
                              islands that have only pk on them.

                         That is just going into RuneScape right there.

                         I hate it where you hafta walk half the world to get to this \"zone\" so you can kill this one person who ends up runnning away.

                         I say there should be guards in towns, NPC guards. After you click or whatever to fight the guard automatically comes in
                         between the two fighters and say \"Stop this immediatly or you shall go to prison!\" That way there is no fighting in towns. But
                         there is fighting away from towns because guards are not there.

                         ...or not.


  • Administrator
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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2002, 02:15:33 pm »
    PS Official Member
                            posted 26-12-2001 18:01 GMT        

                         In an effort to inspire worthwhile descussion between fans I introduce to you a very contriversial topic. How do you feel about
                         pking in general? I will monitor the forum over time and take notes on the public opinion on the issue. Discuss !!!!! :)
                            posted 26-12-2001 19:56 GMT          

                         Heres my take on pking in general:
                         -It should be allowed in Planeshift but of course there will be very vigilant miltias in cities.
                         -pking should also be allowed outside of town ( not just in designated areas) but there should be level limits. For excample If I
                         had a lvl 4 dwarf he could only attack 4 lvls below and above him.
                         - thirdly I think pkers should be able to loot 1 item off there victims corpse in order to insure a game that doesn\'t become dull or
                         un-dangerous. The Player should be able to also loot half the money off the victims corpse also.
                         - Next I think there should be faction hits for killing one\'s race only. For instance if Jade killed 4 of his dwarven kin in a day, the
                         dwarven guards would kill him on sight;till he regained his faction by killing evil aligned players or monsters.

                         In conclusion pking both randon and consentual should be allowed in Planeshift but with level restictions.
                            posted 26-12-2001 23:29 GMT            

                         I think that pking shouldn\'t be such a large roll in this game.
                         Cooperation, and teamwork, would be better. Such as working together on defeating monsters.
                         Buechler\'s idea of pking is a good one. But I don\'t think in the long run, that it will work out. If someone is mining. He doenst want
                         to die just because he didn\'t have armor on, in order to hold more ores. So there should be certain arena\'s where you can
                         congregate to fight. AND place bets on certain players.
                         Dueling could also be interesting. Such as each player agrees to duel. That way. No one feels that he has been abused by the
                         other player. As he himself has agreed on dueling.
                            posted 27-12-2001 04:18 GMT            

                         I think realism should definalty be put into this game, I think you should be able to attack anywhere you want to, but NPC\'s will
                         dislike you and maybe they won\'t trade with you or something. Maybe have like a karma thing. The nicer you are to people, the
                         nicer people are to you. I think powerful gaurds should be put all over towns and along trails.

                         But I like the deul idea. Maybe Deuling won\'t hurt your karma, but random attacking will

                         the only reason I would not like PKing is if I was mining, or smithing. Maybe make it so you can\'t attack people that arn\'t wielding
                         swords, but if you do attack a large group of rangers will assist the poor attackee.

    Ancient One
                            posted 28-12-2001 04:27 GMT            

                         Erm, I guess I will be the only person to actually answer Firestorm\'s question which was \'How do you feel about pking in
                         general?\' not \'How do you feel about pking in Planeshift?\'.

                         PKing whilst not fun for the other person is still actually a prominant part in Roleplay. For example if you are playing a
                         Highwaymen and you use the age old line \'Stand And Deliver, Your Money Or Your Life\' then the victim runs the right thing to do
                         is kill them so you are remaining IC. But PKing as in playing the part of a Cleric and killing newbies is not Roleplay its immature.
                            posted 28-12-2001 07:47 GMT            

                         PKing gives benefit to people who like to powergame, forcing roleplayer to try to powergame as well. This game will be full of
                         COOL DUDEZ and people who play the game as a different version of quake of doom.

                         PKing is part of roleplaying, but if not controled it can become a caos. Mytharria ( does a good job in reguard
                         to PKING. They are a UO shard and they ban people for PKING with roleplaying. People never PK unless they have a reason to.

                         It depends on how much the dev teams want to make this game a Roleplaying Game. If they want to have another type of Ever
                         Crack, I dont care much, because I will not be plying it. But if they are trying to make a TRUE roleplaying game then I am
                            posted 28-12-2001 08:05 GMT            

                         boy, that powergaming and COOL DUDEZ stuff is way over my head... :P


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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2002, 02:18:12 pm »
                            posted 31-12-2001 17:04 GMT            

                         hmmm how do you answer that question without starting a flame war. people that PK tend to be very defensive over their stand.
                         most that i have talked with are so defensive that if you dislike PK then you are considered lame or (insert your game term insult
                         there have been many things people have said to suport their reasons for liking PK. one of the largest seems to be realizm. ok
                         lets stick with that one for a bit. you want to be able to kill another person just because people can in real life? so i guess cause
                         people can kill each other in real life then you kill people in real life? just because it can happen doesnt mean it is right or that
                         you should do it. another thing about real life, if you kill someone they dont come back to life.

                         so this argument of wanting things cause it happens in real life just doesnt work when it comes to a game like this. these RPGs
                         make a new world seperat from real life so that people can escape real life for a while. the world is cruel. people rob, abuse, and
                         kill each other in real life. do you realy want to play a game that does the same? i would hope not. remember the fantasy part
                         and try to stay away from the realizm defense.

                         now lets look at a few alternatives to a full out PK. several games have found that full out PK turns a large number of players
                         away and only those that stay are the power gamers. as most of you know, power gamers are the exact opposite of RPers. they
                         could care less about the character they play, only that it is strong and can kill well so suporting characters is lost. now look at
                         games where PK is limited. these games have toped the charts and one of them has been the top game for about three years
                         now. these games have taken PK and put laws around it.

                         a few examples of what i mean by laws are duels and arenas. duels were great ways to deal with small skermishes. if one player
                         insulted another player they would be chalenged to a duel. this was more effective than just flat out PKing that person. why?
                         cause well now the person has a choice. he can either defend himself and his honor and accept the duel or he can decline the
                         duel and prove to all around that he is a coward and doesnt have the guts to back up his words. another thing about the duel is
                         no one else can get involved. if it were full out PK then someone passing by could interfere and the despute would go unsettled.
                         one more thing is that you would have to be aware of what is around you when you start a duel. NPC guards and the like, realy
                         dislike fighting in their patrole areas.

                         arenas were another great way to dish out some PK. if one group had a dispute with another, they could set a time and fight it
                         out in an arena. arenas were set up in every town and also some were set in areas between towns. it made it to feel like in roman
                         times with the colosium(sp).

                         one other thing that allowed PK was guild war. if guilds wished to war, then they simply inputed a comand, /guildwar \"name of
                         the guild to be wared with\" \"duration of the war\". this would give a set amount of time where any member of either warring guilds,
                         and their allies if so chosen to join, can be set to all out PK. only those of the guilds and their allies would be able to attack each
                         other though. no one outside could attack or be attacked by those warring.

                         one final way PK was regulated was in events. GMs and DEVs would set up events like invasions where people were givin PK
                         status for the extent of the event. leave the area and loose the status.

                         PKing in general isnt that bad of a thing to have. all out PK is. when it is all out then problems arise and games get changed from
                         what they were intended as, to what the PKers turn it into. with laws and regulations on PKing, it can be a good and fun addition
                         to any game. leave it all out and rampant and problems always arise.
    PS W.T.B. Member
                            posted 31-12-2001 19:11 GMT            

                         I think that PKing should definately be regulated. Power Gamers should go and play Quake, CS or UT instead of sticking with
                         PKing in RPGs.

                         BUT...I think a fun and RolePlay friendly way to PK is faction based/ guild based wars. THey can really add to the RP
                         enviroment. Also you should be able to set up temporary \'groups\' who may form a temporary clan and pick a name so that they
                         may fight in CLan wars using Kendaros idea of /guildwar \'name\'. BUt after the war they will be seperated again.

                         Also the Arena is a GREAT idea and then theres the no pking in cities or the guards will kill you rule which will help peanuts
                         (unless they stray from the city).

                         thats my $0.02 cents worth
                            posted 01-01-2001 06:09 GMT            

                         How big are the arenas? I like the colosium idea, maybe have lots of small arenas, then one huge one for guild wars

                         I still think realism should be put into planeshift

                         maybe if you try to attack someone (outside an arena) a god-like voice says to you \"if you do that, Talad will be very angry, and
                         when Talads angry people DIE!!\" (or something a little more scary) thus making you not want to attack.

                         BUT if you do attack, you die

                            posted 01-01-2001 07:42 GMT            

pking is a must... i also think that pking should be allowed in the majority of the game and not restricted to just teh arena. If there is no fear of fying or geting attacked it takes the fun outa the game and it just becomes a game for people who like to lvl up.
                         Making if so u can only loose like 1 or 2 random items or items the pker selects would be the best idea i think. I generaly dont like to kill people, on the other hand i enjoy a good fight. in runescape for example... i had TONS of fun playing when i had to always watch out for people trying to kill me, and i had to
                         make friends and rely on people to help me (which builds teamwork and clans). But as soon as teh wilderness was introduced i
                         no longer had to worry about anything and it became boring because it was no longer fun for me... it was missing that rush that u
                         get when someone attacks u, and u are fighting for ur life.
                            posted 01-01-2001 07:47 GMT            

                         i think the arena\'s shoudl be used for people who challenge one antoehr to a duel or for could do it something like this.
 for people who get pked outside (or inside if pking is everywhere) your loose like 2 items(for example)
but if u fight poeple in the arena\'s you dont loose anything except like honor or something like that.
so people who like to kill for the sake or killing can do there thing. and people who dont like loosing there items can still fight and
                         not have to worry about loosing items...

                         and if u add something like honor for beating someone inside the arena, u create a kind of competition for teh highest honor, so
                         hopefully people will revert to fighting in the arena to prove they are the best :) also it would be alot of fun.
                            posted 01-01-2001 18:31 GMT          

                         Heres a solution to the pvp issue!

                         1. Have 2 PS servers, one PlayervsPlayer and one Non-PlayervsPlayer.
                         Meaning on the pvp server, anyone could be attacked within 3-4 levels of someone.(but there are vigilant city guards) People
                         could still challenge each other to duels on Pvp Server.

                         Non-PVp server would mean the only player vs player combat would be duels fought anywhere or in arenas. No random pking
                         would be allowed on this server.

                         I think if a player wanted to play on both servers he\'d have to pay a one time fee. However upoun account creation the free player
                         gets to choose one server ( either PVP or Non) to play on.

                         I believe this plan would satisfy both parties.
                            posted 03-01-2001 04:13 GMT            

                         the problem with that though what if u select non-pk and get bored out of ur mind... and want to pk... then u cant!

                         that happened in runescape where u had to pick... and then everyone figured out they were missing out on all the fun but couldn\'t
                         change. so they had to redo the entire system
                            posted 03-01-2001 06:18 GMT            

                         in rune they scaped the system cause the people there wasnt enough people that wanted to PK. thats where the PK area came
                         in. so only those that wanted to PK would go out there. There just wasnt enough PK interest to have a PK no PK system set up.
                         beleave it or not, PK is not that popular... people who like to PK are just loudly outspoken about it but dont have the numbers to
                         back them up. example.... EverQuest... over 30 non PK servers all with well over 2500 people at peek times... only about 4 to 6
                         PK servers and only 600 or so on them at peek time. the proof is in the numbers and the success of the game. the majority just
                         doesnt like all out PK.
                            posted 03-01-2001 23:07 GMT            

                         i have started a couple of discussions about PKing on the forum and reshaped my opinion through them. PK is a definite must
                         have and i will always support that, but you still must be fair to others in how PKing works for not every wishes to do it. so i feel it
                         should be aloud openly with murdering and stuff still happening, though a law system be inplace to descourage it, but it should
                         be in certian areas desginated PK areas, no not arenas but places outside town and away from general civilzation perhaps a
                         zone far enough not to disterb the public and general transport but close enough that anyone who wishes to go can get there. as
                         far as Guilds and factions go i feel that Guild/faction fights should be aloud ANYWERE but noone outside the guild/faction can be
                         involved meaning they cant help (attack or heal) or be attacked. also i love how UO gave you the ability to spar amungst your
                         own guild, this way you can train with your guildmates in preporation for a hunt or guild war.