Author Topic: A Bard's Tale - Multiplayer Thread RPG  (Read 602 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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A Bard's Tale - Multiplayer Thread RPG
« on: December 12, 2004, 04:02:05 pm »
Hello, folks. This is a little MTR as I call it, (Multiplayer Thread RPG) that I wrote. Sign up your chracters here, and you will be able to participate in the story.

               A Bard\'s Tale

A worn Bard limps into a bar in Hydlaa one day, and sings a tragic song on how an evil cult kidnapped his party and
sacrificed them to their \"god\". He tells how he barely escaped them, and began the long journey back to civillization.

Players start in the Hydlaa plaza. They can post anything they want about themselves. Players must have atleast 1 casualty
in the whole story; preferably 2 or more. Any player can develop the story as they please, but they have to stick with the
current plot.
Players post a description of their character, and a brief history on them. Post your clothes, weapons, armor etc. Every
player must post strengths and weaknesses. Try to balance them both out, for if you make your player invincible, you will
not be allowed to continue the story.

                       Root plot written by: Eitri Helmsguard aka Bjorn
If you see someone going around talking about their \'+1 silk underpants\', you would take it as a joke at first and later wonder about their mental status
- ZpTyZ


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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2004, 02:00:40 pm »
Name: Kwip

Race: Enkidukai

Personality and allignment: Friendly,  strange some would even say mad. Chaotic Good

Background: He was trained in the bardic skills by his father.  After losing his father early in life wondered the Labyrinths. He became a creature lurking in the darkness.  After a time he came into close proximity to the azure sun and suffered damage (most would believe to the brain).  But during the incident the divided parts of him fused to become a combination of the person he used to be and the person he became.  After recovering he wondered and found himself in Hydlaa.

Items: a wooden staff, a set of plain clothes, and a wool cloak. [Edit] almost forgot, a small harp, and a whistle [/Edit]

Strengths: ability to create song/music/story to provide almost magical effects on people, his search for knowledge(benefits from what he has learned), his madness(effects may vary).

Weaknesses: sensitive to light, weak at the skill of \'real\' magic (though he has studied it), ravenous appetite(only a weakness if short on food), his search for knowledge(to an almost foolish extent), and his madness(effects may vary).
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 11:50:01 am by Kwip »
Lurking in that space between -             \The\____
 trying to see what is off both ends -        -----\Mad\_____
  but the confusion and chaos looks so fun -     ------\Bard\
   that I must now jump down twixt them both and dance the dance


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My Character...
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 03:38:11 am »
Name: Matthew

Race: Ylian

Personality and allignment: True Neutral, Kind, Wise, Called Demented by his enemies as he exerts strange strengths in battle and beats large numbers of people alone.

Background: He was trained at a very young age to be a warrior and did not really have a hometown as his family or tribe were always on the move... one day the tribe was captured while he was hunting, they were all gone by the time he got back so he set out on a war trail against the captors of his tribe.. his trail still goes on this day and he has just entered Hydlaa after reports one of the generals of his enemy was resting here...

Items: A dagger, A bow, Some basic clothing

Strengths: Good at surprise attacks and causing fear in the enemy, he can use this to beat a whole army on his own.

Weaknesses: Severely weakened in cold areas or cold weather, Goes mad when he sees fire as after his tribe was captured their tents were all burned to the ground, Not very strong (he cant carry plate mail or heavy items and hits less damage in combat), His battle rage which if not concentrated could be fatal to him not his enemy.


By the way, Kwip have you played NWN before? Its just \"Chaotic Good\" is an alignment there and the bit about a song with magical influence, well that sounds like Bard Song.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2004, 03:40:19 am by Matthewrdot »