Author Topic: Essence of ideas from other PvP games  (Read 597 times)


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Essence of ideas from other PvP games
« on: December 27, 2004, 08:20:58 pm »
I think most of players agree that PvP should be implemented in some way.

being able to fight each other gives that \"something\" to
the game, and improves social relations as it encurages people to group.One should be able to kill another player that is annoing him.


Outside some small areas  (as towns and newbie zones)PvP should be allowed with \"marking system\".

When you die from PvP you drop 10% of trias that you had and a small chance to drop items from your invectory.

When you atack a player you get a mark that you are agressive (that mark vanishes after few minutes).
While being marked other players may atack you without being marked but thats the only consequence.

After atacking and killing some amount of players you get a PK mark that keeps for longer time than agressive mark and increases possibility to drop items when someone kills you.

Third stage would be mass PKer mark.That would make you drop all items when killed by player and would last for about month.

As addition to this sistem players should be able to determine (by magic spell) position of other players -
This way players would be able to hunt down ones that killed , for example , their guild member.

In this system players would controll by themselves the amount of pk in game .

2.Idea :

Most of game area should be PvP free (except for guild wars and challenge), and there would be some PvP enforced areas.
Those PvP terrain should be quite large to make normal exping and plaing avaible there.

In those PvP areas players would get PK points for killing others.after collecting big amount of those points one would get an unique item (nice cape or good-looking armor).

In those PvP areas there should be not only players but also  Mobs that gives good experience or have increased drop rate , or maby even some drops that are not avaible in non PvP areas.
This would encurage players to try their strength in those dangerous , but more profitable areas , and on the other hand - enable to avoid PvP for newbies and those that dont like PvP.

What do you think about those idEAS?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2004, 04:11:52 pm by pacyfikator »
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« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 05:51:57 am »
i like both of them a lot!

in-game Metallo DellaMorte

Nimble Rabit

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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2005, 09:46:15 pm »
Actually that seems like a very good idea to me, making not horrible to pk other people but still punishing and restricting you from doing it massively.

Both the ideas implemented into the game could be very interesting and good to newbs and pros.  Level restrictions on pvp or at least protection until a certain level should also be put in I think though.


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« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2005, 10:23:29 pm »
i like pvp free servers but no offence, i hate the marking idea, you should get marked if you get arrested by authorities by a tatoo on your face. those idea are from tibia correct?

man i miss the old tibia

i find that in most games people look out for eachother. only few mean loot stealers will let you die.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 10:24:45 pm by Black_rose »


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« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2005, 10:55:26 pm »
I used to play Tibia too. The only problem I found was that if you accidentaly clicked attack, which happened alot because it was beside follow, you were almost immediately swarmed with people who wanted to attack you without consequences. Mis-clicks are my only problem with the marking system.


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« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2005, 11:06:17 pm »
yes but two things,

1 the warning system did not work due to the bans, it made no sense considering the fact that it was a lesson to kill looters ect. ect.

2 i loved their pk\'ng system. it would work well in this community, that game had several original aspects and ideas. :)  the people would protect newbs from pkers and mass pkers were really fun, loss of massive exp but fighting a god was awsome :]  i was a lvl 8 and i delivered the final blow to a lvl 71 person by catching him off his gaurd. i loved that


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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2005, 09:12:23 am »
I play a mud called Medievia a lot and they have a great pk system that  could easily be used in Planeshift.

The world is divided in lawful-pk, neutral-pk and chaotic-pk zones ( LPK, NPK and CPK for short).

- in LPK, you can\'t attack or harm other players in any way. In these zones, you are toatally safe from other players.

- in NPK, you can attack other players, but when one of you dies, they don\'t suffer a real death, they are just teleported ,with just a few hp, to the closest LPK area, in a shielded room.  Mobs in this areas also give more xp than they would in Lpk, thus people often gather here to xp and pk.  

To prevent mass newbie pk,  a marking system has been added, so when you pk someone you get \"blood\" on your hands. This means that you can get attacked anywhere by anybody for a certain ammount of time, which depends on the difference in levels between you and your victim.  So, if u were a lvl 100 player and you killed a lvl 4 newb, the mark would last for a very long time, maybe even a few hours, but if you killed a lvl 150 player, you would only get marked for a few minutes. This marking system also prevents players from pking at the edge of the NPk zone and then running out to rest and regain hp or mana.

- Finally  in the CPK zone you can pk anybody without penalty. They will suffer a real death in this zone and you will also be able to loot the corpse for about 2 minutes until it dissapears. The mobs in CPk give even more xp than in Npk and usually, rare and powerful eq can be found in this areas.

Phew this was a long post :)