Author Topic: A poem I started: Knocking.  (Read 558 times)

Under the moon

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A poem I started: Knocking.
« on: May 06, 2005, 02:50:38 am »
This is the begining of a much longer poem that I\'ve been thinking of. Tell me what you think.

Once and once and once before,
I heard a knocking at my door.
The wind, it howled. The trees did bend.
The Azure Sun dwindled, at day?s end.

Once?caution held my hand, fear shook my knees.
I reached to the peg, and took down my keys.
Twice?curiosity battled fear, but fear proved no match.
So in the dark of darkest night, curiosity turned the latch.

You stood in the downpour, dark hair plastered down,
wary in eyes of blue, distrust in a frown.
Dress and cloak torn, with dirt on your hands,
there was no greater beauty in all of the lands.

?Good Sir,? said you, voice small and meek,
?Please let me enter.? A tear on your cheek.
?I cannot tell you who I am, nor what I have done.
But I am so tired, I can no longer run.?

With that you fell forward, into my arms,
never knowing that I had fell to your charms.
Who was this lovely woman, what was her name?
Long did I ponder, till third knocking came.

At the door again, I peeked though the crack.
Four armored guard stood peeking back.
?No Sirs, I have seen no one,? I promptly lied.
They left in the storm, never seeing inside.

You slept though the night, the fire kept high.
The question I needed was not who?but why?
Why the running? Why the fear? Why the distrust?
Why, oh why did I need you so near?

Sleep took my wonderings just before dawn.
When I awoke, I found you were gone.
I feared the worse as I woke with a start.
But I found nothing taken, besides my heart.


Twice and twice and twice before,
came you tapping at my door.
The wind, it sang. The trees did bloom.
The Sun shown brightly about my room.

Once?first woke me from morning?s rest.
I scrubbed my eyes and quickly dressed.
Once again?stomping my boots as I rushed down the stairs.
The sight through the door took me unawares.

In deep cowled cloak, though the day was warm,
you stood in my doorway, as you had in the storm.
Your blue eyes bedazzled, my heart stopped dead,
for here was the woman many weeks in my head.

?Good Sir,? you whispered as you pulled back the hood,
?I had no chance to thank you, and knew that I should.
I gave no reason for trust, and had no place to hide.
You?d best cast me away.? But I let you inside.

I sat you at the table, I had something to say.
?The guards came that night, to take you away.
I sent them elsewhere. I kept you safe.
I wished you no harm,? I said to the waif.

?I owe you my life. I owe you my soul,\"
your voice quavered, tears fell out of control.
?That night was my death, its jaws open wide.?
I held you close, and you softly cried.

I whispered of nothing, to pass the time.
I spoke of my life, but not of your crime.
Your weeping subsided, your eyes shone bright.
A hope lit my heart, kindled one stormy night.

You rose from my arms, the cowl pulled ahead.
You walked to the door, your face turning red.
You passed through the doorway, but before was gone,
said you over shoulder, ?I will see you anon.?

continued...if you like...

*edit* wrong pronouns :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 11:57:58 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2005, 03:57:19 pm »
For two nights, you did not come,
Not seeing your face made me so glum,
Until at the door i heard a thud,
I opened it and you were covered in blood,
You did not speak but ran inside,
Went into my kitchen for a safe place to hide.

After you was a group of men on horseback,
They demanded to search my house with no slack,
I tried to hold them off but they would not halt,
The guards carried on their assault.

I knew now that I couldn\'t save you,
But nevertheless my weapon I drew,
As they charged towards me I told you to run,
Although what I said you never done,
You and me fought side-by-side,
Fighting together until be both died.

We looked into each others eyes as if to say,
\"I have always loved you in everyway\",
Near to each other we took our last breath,
We were closer than ever at our own death.

My half wasn\'t long or good, i\'m not good with romancy poems.
Give me 3000 trias because you feel sorry for me....

Under the moon

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(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2005, 11:54:11 pm »
Um...well...thanks Gowallo, but that is not quite what I meant by \"continued...if you like...\". What I meant was I will continue if others liked it. Sorry for the confusion.

There is still \'twice and twice before\', then \'Thrice and thrice and thrice before\'. So, here is where I left off...

Two days passed, before again came your knock.
I feared ill fell you, your face proved a shock.
I leaned on the wall as second you tapped.
I could never escape, for my heart was trapped.

I pulled on the latch, undid the lock.
In my head my thoughts wondered, Why did you knock?
Gasped I did, ?I thought you were gone.?
The look on your face said I was wrong.

?Your kindness, good Sir, I could not forget.?
Nor could I your face, from when we first met.
?You saved my life, and I gave you my soul.
I came here today, to pay you in whole.?

Your face turned red, and you gazed at your feet,
?Name any price, and that price I will meet.?
What you implied, your expression held dread.
You would give me your body, but with shame in your head.

I took your hands, so soft and small.
?I take not what you offer. I wish nothing or all.?
You shook your head, and pulled away,
?I understand not, Sir, I have nothing else to pay.?

?I do not ask for payment, not as you give.?
If I hurt you that way, I could no longer live.
I did not want coin, nor any task.
?I will not take your body. It is your time that I ask.?

?My time?? you spoke, caution in voice.
?I know not what you mean, but you give me no choice.
What should I do? Tell me plain out.?
I wish you to love me, I wanted to shout.

But shout I did not, whispered instead,
?Knock here tomorrow, wear something pretty and red.?
Your eyes did narrow, your expression warry,
?I will be here at High. I will not tarry.?

to be continued...