Author Topic: Fur, Claws, and Teeth  (Read 812 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Fur, Claws, and Teeth
« on: July 14, 2005, 04:34:48 pm »
(a [hopefully] continuing story)

I was waling around in my small enkidukai villiage. It was a small little place, with few huts, and a lot of vegetation. The crystal shone strong in the sky. I could\'nt help but think that  everything was too perfect.

I went over to my friends house. His name is Clover. Me and him have known each other for... about 2 years. I really like Clover. He is sweet, gentle and caring, unlike most other Enkidukai\'s our age. Usually they are mean, angry, and violent. I just hope we will always be friends.

Once I got to his house, we had some food. His mother made the best carp I have ever tasted! Afterwards we went out on a walk.

Since the forest bordered our little town, Enkidukai our age  would usually explore in there. We kept walking along a little forest path and talking. I couldnt help but admire the beauty of the forest. The light shone through the leaves, and perfectly illuminated our small path. Moss, ivy, and other vines grew up tree trunks. Mushrooms dotted the ground.

\"I want to go hunting\" I said, after having walked in silence for a long time.
\"Sure. I have a little knife with me that i grabbed out of my house before i left\" Clover took out the little knife and showed it to me. It was absolutely beautiful. The blade was gilded, and in some places coated in platinum. Jewels encrusted the engraved handle of the small knife.
\"Wow! That is really nice! Your parents let you use it? It must have cost thousands of tria!!!\" I exclamed, envying the beautiful rubies, emeralds and Diamonds
\"No, of course they wouldnt let me use it! I just saw it lying on the table and figured i could show it to you. Do you like it?\"
\"I love it, its amazing. But i dont think we should use it. It looks too valuable.\"
\"I suppose your right, I mean, if I got it dirty my parents would......\"
Out of nowhere, A small beast had popped out and attacked Clover. The knife fell on the ground, only a few feet in front of me. Anxiously, I picked up the knife and looked at the little creature, tumbling and tangling with Clover. I walked over slowly, trying not to get it to see me, and then it used its hind legs to lurch at me. Nearly knocked out by the impact, the knife went flying into the forest. I bit, scratched, whacked and punched the creature, until it finally got off of me. The little beast darted into the forest, never to be found again.

Tufts of fur dotted the path. White fur, grey fur, black fur, everywhere there were little peices of it. I walked over to Clover, who was on his back lying on the ground, and shook him. After a couple seconds, he woke up and asked what happened.
\"A little tiny animal attacked us. It knocked the knife out of my hand. We have to find it, or your parents will have your tail!!!\"
\"Where did it go?\" Clover asked.
\"It went really far, over there\" I pointed into the direction I saw the knife fly. \"Also, there was a really strange feeling I got when i picked it up. It was tingling my hands,  I think that was a special knife.\"
\"Yea, well, lets just find it before my parents notice it\'s missing.\"

We parted the vegetation that blocked our paths, stopping occasionaly to listen, and to sniff so we would be sure no one was around.  When we got to the area where I had seen the blade go, we ran into a little problem.

It was a cliff.

(tell me what you think, and i will write more if you like it! Keep in mind that this is when taser and clover are very young, in their early teen\'s)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 05:43:20 pm by dragonfire999 »

= <3
