Author Topic: Story Chain - Mitaki & Ikatim  (Read 670 times)


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Story Chain - Mitaki & Ikatim
« on: November 21, 2005, 09:56:17 pm »
As Mitaki stood on top of the Laanx Statue in Hydlaa, he thought back to his past. He let thousands of people die because he was scared, and hid himself like a coward, while his friends and family were all slaughtered. He kept stabbing himself, not with blades, but in the mind, the pain of losing them was too great.

Meanwhile, a cult was planning an attack on Mitaki. They decided that they were going to strike when Mitaki was most vulnerable. Upon raising an army for the attack, they began to wonder why Mitaki kept resisting them with such aggression and hate towards their kind.

As the cult\'s army marched to Hydlaa, Mitaki spotted them from atop the Statue of Laanx. He jumped from the statue, and ran towards the gates connecting Hydlaa to Ojaveda, ready for a fight. When Mitaki came face-to-face with the army, he raised his blades, and threatened them.

\"You may slaughter as many as you wish, but for each life lost, you will suffer each one of their deaths when I reach you...I swear it!\"

The army charged Mitaki with all of their might! Mitaki jumped into the air, and landed in the middle of the vast army. He began striking them from the center, and charging deeper as he fought. One-by-one, the army\'s soldiers fell, and there was just one left...The General of the army.

He ran away after Mitaki raised his blade to him. Mitaki felt that this victory was meaningless, he did not accomplish anything by merely defeating soldiers, he needed to hit the cult with all of his might, and destroy them before they caused anymore suffering.

Upon hearing Mitaki\'s words, the leader of the cult began to wonder something...What would a reflection, a complete opposite of Mitaki, do to the world? Murder countless people? Destroy a large number of cities? The thought pleased them, and they decided to send a single man to Mitaki.

As Mitaki was staying in Kada-El\'s Tavern, they would reveal Mitaki\'s true form....A destroyer of lives. The person they sent, was none other than the leader himself, to unlock Mitaki\'s true path, his destiny to destroy...

He found Mitaki sleeping in one of the rooms, and raised his hand over Mitaki\'s head as he was asleep. Using a curse of the Dark Way, they made Mitaki a killer, a destroyer...Yet, there was one thing they did not realise, they had not changed Mitaki, they doubled him. Two sides of Mitaki, Light and Dark...As the dark clone awakened, he said,

\"...I am Ikatim Otaru, Warrior of Shadows.\"

Then, Ikatim raised his blade to the cult leader, and killed him with one quick strike.

\"I will be looking forward to our future battle, there can only be one Mitaki...And I intend to win.\" Said Ikatim.

Ikatim jumped out of the room window, and left a trail of blood on the floor. When Mitaki awakened, he saw the corpse of the cult leader, and noticed the trail of blood, leading outside of the room and trailing on the ground.

\"What the...Who could have done this...?\" Mitaki said, as he followed the trail of blood.

The blood seemed to just...Disappear, Mitaki had reached the end of the trail, and noticed a burn mark on the ground where the blood had stopped...

Ikatim walked slowly up to Mitaki from the shadows, ready to strike when Mitaki looked the other way...Mitaki stood still, sensing a nearby evil, and jumped out of the way before the strike. Ikatim dashed for him and jumped to strike him down before he landed on the ground, but Mitaki drew his swords, and fended off the attack before it hit. As they decended to the ground, they struck eachother with equal strength, swords clashing and sparks flying.

They both jumped back. Neither of them fatigued, and they charged at eachother again. A crowd started to form in the general area of the fight, staying back far enough not to get hit by the aftershock of the attacks. As Mitaki raised his blade for another strike, Ikatim drew a dagger out of a hidden pouch and stabbed him in the side. Bleeding, Mitaki continued the decent of his sword down on Ikatim, as though the dagger had no effect. Ikatim quickly jumped to the side, and charged again with the dagger, this time jumping from side to side, to try and throw Mitaki off balance.

Mitaki did the same. As they were both charging, Ikatim vanished. Mitaki looked around, wondering where he could have gone...Then, he saw him...

Ikatim snuck his way into the crowd, and held a dagger up to the neck of Ondren Torr, threatening to kill him if Mitaki made a move.

\"This is a very dishounorable act...I know you are evil, but even ones tainted by darkness should have some shred of decency!\" Mitaki said, dropping his blade after his words.

Ikatim quickly threw Ondren to the ground and dashed at Mitaki. Right before the impact of his second dagger strike, Mitaki jumped into the air and threw a hidden blade at Ikatim as he was stumbled. The sword hit him in the back, and drove its way through, yet he simply vanished again...

\"You have not defeated me yet...I will be back soon, but apperantly, I can not beat you in this form...\" Said a voice from the shadows.

Ikatim spied on Mitaki from the shadows. Mitaki looked around, but could not find Ikatim anywhere. He finally decided that Ikatim was not there, and went near Harnquist\'s hut to the people standing around. There was a god there, talking to them like a normal person, but also boasting about magic, and powers.

Mitaki confronted this \"god\" and though these powers were merely advanced magics. After the god had called Mitaki a mere worm compared to her, Mitaki drew his blades and struck the god down. After a few minutes, the god appeared again, angry, and eyes burning hatred for Mitaki.

\"I have been watching you for some time, and after this...I realize that you are the cause of the chaos\" The god said.

\"You may think what you want, my cause is a noble one, I will bring peace to this land...You gods may have created this world, but you have no right to interfere with our way of living!\"

After this, the god walked away, as did Mitaki, but in a different direction. An hour later, Mitaki realized something...No matter what he does, even if he does destroy the chaos in this land, the gods can merely knock him back down, and return things to chaos. Mitaki looked at his blade...

\"My life...My so called \"destiny\" does not matter anymore...The gods have too much power, they can merely rid the world of me, and infest this land with evil...All of this is worthless\"

Mitaki then stabbed himself, ending his life in a mere two seconds...Ikatim saw this, and was pleased that Mitaki was no longer living, and he crawled back into the shadows unknown to anyone.

\"...Mitaki is dead, now no one can stop me...This world is now under my control...Only a few more days now...\"

Soon after Mitaki\'s death, Ikatim prepared to setup plans for an attack on Yliakum, yet, he would take it down piece-by-piece, as charging into it would be foolish. Since he can manipulate the shadows, he took over the body of a civilian, and communicated normally with others.

As he gathered information, he noticed a few things that would halt his plans. First of all, there were a lot of guilds prepared to protect Yliakum, though quite relaxed since nothing much happens, they had some strong fighters. So, Ikatim began to speak with a few of the leaders of these guilds, and from what he gathered, each guild had their own intentions.

The only way for Ikatim to destroy these guilds, would be to strike the leaders unexpected. He found Sangwa relaxing in the Tavern, though he was the leader of an evil guild, Ikatim viewed him as a fool who did not know the true meaning of darkness, and must be destroyed. When he crawled out of the shadows, something stopped him. He had a feeling inside of his body, telling him not to attack, and at the same time it was destroying him from the inside.

Ikatim began to feal pains throughout his body, and fell to the ground, outcold...

Ikatim woke up after a few hours, and looks around to see nothing. He walked further, and realised that he was in the Death Realm. Since he was a shadow, he could not die, but he wonders...How could he have gotten there? Ikatim crawls out and travels along the shadows back to Hydlaa, only to find Farren Kutter...

Farren knew that he had to get Mitaki back, somehow, and challenges Ikatim to a duel. They both got into their battle stances, ready for a fight to the death, and right before the fight started, a crowd gathered around to watch. Ikatim charges for Farren, ready for a kill in one swift move, but Farren jumped to the side and hits Ikatim in the back with the broad side of his sword, and Ikatim gets slammed into the ground with a strong force.

Ikatim slided acrossed the ground, then did a backflip into the air and landed on his feet, then he charged at Farren yet again. As the sword made impact, Ikatim realised that he only cut the side of Farren\'s clothing, and jumped back before getting hit again. They both charged up to eachother, and clashed their blades together, only to have Ikatim use a cheap shot, and kick Farren in the stomach to hit him a few feet back.

Then, Ikatim jumped into the air and impacts Farren with his knee on landing, and jumped back for a finishing move...As Ikatim charged his Flame Burst spell, Farren found oppurtunity, and jumped out of the way before the spell hit, and sliced Ikatim in two from the side before he could turn around...Thus, Ikatim disappeared into the shadows, realising that this world has too many great warriors, and continued planning his next move...Taking into account that it wouldn\'t be easy.

As time passed slowly, Ikatim started to feal a pain, far greater then the time in the Tavern when he was about to strike Sangwa. He clenched his stomach, and fell to the ground...Then, when he awoke on the ground, he saw the feet of an Enkidukai running, and Ikatim felt a sharp pain in his back...Then he found out...He had been stabbed...

As Ikatim slowly got up, the pain in his back continued to draw him back down. He did not understand what this pain was, since he is a shadow, he should not feal pain, nor should he die. Then, he remembered - The Enkidukai that stabbed him could be only one person...


Ikatim finally found the strength to get up off his feet, and ran in the direction Mitaki was going. After a few hours of running, Mitaki was found on the edge of a cliff, looking at the sunset. Ikatim knew that this was the only chance to regain his power, to kill Mitaki himself.

As Ikatim dashed towards Mitaki, he was suddenly halted by another pain. Ikatim looked behind, only to find Mitaki had already reopened his wound in a mere few seconds, his speed was amazing.

\"I may have killed myself due to a few words, but there was a hidden reason...I knew, that if you were my shadow, then a shadow can not live without something to hide behind. You may have still held on to your powers, but I just hurt you from the inside, until you gave in,\" Mitaki said, still cutting his way up the back \"It may be dishonorable, but shadows can only be destroyed if there is nothing to return to hiding behind...Me.\"

As Mitaki made the final slash through the head, he threw the corpse down the cliff, never to be seen again. Then, Mitaki dropped to the ground, finally able to relax. Perhaps, this is what the god told him. Ikatim had gotten loose because he was off guard, and killed many people. This entity came from me, he thought, and I was the only one who could stop it...

(So ends the legend of Mitaki & Ikatim, enemies to the end...)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 03:07:40 pm by Suno_Regin »


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I like that it was longer....
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2005, 06:44:42 am »
Dylia stands in wait to see what twist will happen next
I just hope that I am there for once :P
Good writing and hope to see more from you. I really like the dialogue involved. You do very nice work and it is fun to read :D
Dylia bows to Suno_Regin


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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 10:31:21 am »
Well, I might be doing an alternative ending to the story, but after that there will be nothing more from Mitaki and Ikatim, and I\'ll move on to my alts if possible.


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« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2005, 12:16:49 am »
Originally posted by Suno_Regin
Well, I might be doing an alternative ending to the story, but after that there will be nothing more from Mitaki and Ikatim, and I\'ll move on to my alts if possible.

:( Aww.. well @ Mitaki you must tell me how you make that drink so that we keep you alive ;) plus tis real tasty
Dylia bows and grins then tries to think of a good name for it....
« Last Edit: November 25, 2005, 12:17:26 am by Dylia »


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« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2005, 10:34:56 am »
Well as Frisky called it, \"Gasoline\"

Not really, but I\'ll make \'em as long as your in the Tavern


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« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2005, 06:57:35 pm »
Originally posted by Suno_Regin
Well as Frisky called it, \"Gasoline\"

Not really, but I\'ll make \'em as long as your in the Tavern

But he wont drink it so no getting to name for him ;) . I like what you called it last time \"Mitaki special\" nice, simple, and easy to say when drinking *wink-wink* :D