Author Topic: Tips for Players Regarding Events  (Read 5350 times)


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Tips for Players Regarding Events
« on: December 12, 2005, 12:41:50 pm »
You want to be part of an event? You want the event to be fun, rewarding, and meaningful to you? Good, then we're on the same page. Because that's what the GMs want too! We can't do it all, though. Following are a few tips to help you get the most out of the GM team, both in how to get into an event and how to behave while participating in one.

1. Roleplay all the time. You should be doing this anyway, but if you want to be in an event, roleplaying is a good way to get you there. Why, you ask? Well, roleplaying often brings you into contact with other players. The future of events is that GMs will simply find a likely group of players, and then start an event with those players. Roleplaying in group of good players not only gives the GMs a pool of people to work with, but convinces them that you will roleplay well during the event.

2. Don't go out-of-character to accept an event. If your character would not participate for any reason, he or she should not participate. Little good can come from an event where your character does not belong.

3. Don't forget NPCs! While it's true that they aren't very intelligent most of the time, they get a bit smarter during an event. Remember that from your character's point of view, they are normal people in the world.

4. Improvise. There's something your character would do but the GM "wouldn't like it" if you did, so you don't do it, right? No, wrong! The purpose of GMs is to provide a realistic environment that can respond dynamically to the players (unlike the NPC AI). When you do things, we respond. Don't hold back; whatever your character might do, try it. Even if it would be impossible with the current game mechanics, do it with a /me! Limit yourself only by your character, not by mechanics.

5. Be patient with the GMs. The GMs often have to look after multiple NPCs, items, and players. There's a lot to do. If you don't get a response from an NPC or one of your actions is apparently ignored, send a tell to one of the GMs running the event. They'll make sure that it gets to the right person and that a GM takes care of it.

6. Roleplay and have fun! These are the two primary objectives of the game. Keep these in your sights during events and I guarantee that you'll have a great experience!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 01:48:08 am by Cha0s »
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