Author Topic: Clarification of Forum Section!  (Read 4433 times)


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Clarification of Forum Section!
« on: March 12, 2006, 08:51:33 pm »
A mess. That's this forum right now. I don't want to be a rules nazi, but this forum really is a mess. There is a sticky with the rules in it. People need to read that sticky and abide by those rules. I am going to start enforcing those rules. Strictly.

I want to clarify a few things:
1. Things posted here *MUST* have happened in-game. You are posting primarily retellings, diary entries, etc. There is room for some roleplay to make things colorful, but the real story should be in-game. The roleplay here should be a side story, reflections of your character and a log of what has happened. The real happenings should be in-game.
2. [RP] tags should be used, but don't assume that any thread without them is an OOC thread. Look at the content!
3. Play nice. I said in the sticky I wanted no out-of-character arguing. I'm saying it again. Don't go there. I'm going to take this seriously; arguing is going to lead to deleting.

Now, about #1... I've decided that to make things easier, I'm going to give you an example. The following (2-post) roleplay recounting is from a Neverwinter Nights server I used to play on. The key thing about this tale is that it is a reflection on what was happening to my character in-game, not a brand new roleplay. It also sets up a means for my character to log things that happen in-game. I'm not saying you should all write books... that'd be a bit repetitive. However, keep the real roleplay in-game; just reflect on it and color it up here. Without further ado, your example:
« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 01:38:58 am by Karyuu »
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Example Part 1
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 08:53:36 pm »
Ganthran paced the room, his eyes down, his distorted shadow flickering back and forth across the wall in the dim yellow light of a lone candle. On a table beside him lay a heavy leather-bound book, closed and unmarked. To the right of the book stood a silver quill, shining softly in the eerie light beside a jet black inkwell. An owl hooted in the trees above the inn, but Ganthran noticed not and continued to pace.

Finally, he stopped and slowly raised his head. On the bed to the left of the table lay a neat stack of books, leather-bound and neatly marked. Ganthran sighed and walked leadenly to the bed with measured pace. Gently lifting the top book from the pile, Ganthran tilted it back to read the spine. The gold glistening letters read, "The Wandering Sorcerer," and then, on a smaller line below, "By Ganthran Tolaran."

He shook his head and gently replaced the book. Moaning softly, he collapsed on an open part of the bed. As he lay there, his head buried in the sheets, he murmured, "Grandfather, I can't do it. I can't write as well as you. I can't do what you've done."

A voice echoed in his head, Yes you can. You're everything I could have ever wanted in a grandson. You can do anything if you're willing to work at it.

"How can I live up to what you have done? Your deeds, your writing... a legend," Ganthran sobbed.

The voice whispered back from the depths of his mind, Do not think about living up to what I have done. Simply go your own way and do good in the world. I know you can do this, want to do this. Do not let my memory stand in your way.

"I... can't."

You can. You must, for your own peace of mind... the voice faded.

Ganthran stopped sobbing and slowly raised his head from the sheets. He pushed himself to his feet shakily and looked to the table where the empty book lay waiting. His feet were planted firmly on the cold oak, but the rest of his body trembled uncontrollably. Finally, he calmed himself and walked tentatively across the cold oak to the old table and the waiting chair before it. He took a deep breath and slipped into the chair. The book lay before him, empty and waiting, the candle-light flickering across the blank cover. He shook his head. He couldn't do it. But... he had to. Letting go of all thoughts of his grandfather and all fears of failure, Ganthran reached out his hand and gently, almost tenderly, grasped the waiting quill. He raised it slowly and carefully moved it to hover above the inkwell beside him. Slowly, breathlessly, he dipped the pen into the ink.

Ganthran realized then, that he had taken the first step of a journey into something mystical and magical; there could be no turning back. Ganthran moved now with deftness and efficiency, spinning the book so that the spine was before him. He carefully took the quill from the inkwell and, grasping the spine firmly in his left hand, he wrote, "New Chronicles of Middle Earth" and then below, "By Ganthran Tolaran, the Younger." On the cover, he copied these words and then, smiling, added, a line at the bottom. As the ink began to dry, Ganthran murmured a few words, the spell coming easily to his lips. All was still for a moment. Then, suddenly, the ink flared up, shimmering a brilliant red-orange. For an instant, the room was as bright as day. And then the light faded, leaving only the golden letters imbued upon the book's cover:

New Chronicles of Middle Earth
By Ganthran Tolaran, the Younger
Volume I: The Angel that Wept
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 03:47:33 pm by Cha0s »
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Example Part 2
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2006, 08:54:31 pm »
Ganthran smiled as the letters on the cover danced in the candlelight, shadows playing across them in a slow intricate pattern. It was time to write. Slowly, carefully, he opened the cover of the book and turned the first page. He breathed in deeply, skipped a few pages, and then copied the information on the cover to an inner leaf. Then, dipping his quill in ink and adopting an objective mindset, he turned to a blank page and began to write.

[Content from the New Chronicles of Middle Earth]
The Fifth Month of the year 1372 was filled with interesting events. This book will tell the story of an angel discovered by Brother Nathard in his temple at this time. Several adventurers were gathered in the Temple of the Sun Maiden that day when all of a sudden, a Brother of Illuvatar burst into the temple. He came to summon the Cardinal Donall to the Temple of Illuvatar to see Nathard. The adventurers in Nienna's temple accompanied the Cardinal on his journey.

At the Temple of Illuvatar, Nathard told the gathering that an angel had appeared. At first he had thought it a miracle, but, on visiting the angel, he saw that she was weeping constantly and could not speak. Furthermore, she emitted a sense of pain and grief so powerful that no man could bear to remain in her presence for long. The adventurers wished to see her anyway, regardless of this grief. They stayed below in the dark cellar with her for quite a while, but they learned little of what ailed her or what they could do. They were finally forced to quit the cellar as the grief became too much to bear.

Once safely out of the cellar, they decided to split up into three parties and search for information, querying the wise folk of the land. The first party, which travelled to Lothlorien and Ettenmore, consisted of Belawyn Earebril, Jacob, Elrendur Knoll, Brother Bulghe Tarrowsill, and Zrong. The second party, which explored the docks, contained Bhanuch Bladesinger, Kata Marris, and Torin. The final party, which met the with the Brown Wizard and Tigan Xylor, consisted of Goga, Ghirota Millenka, Mathias Templar, and Ganthran Tolaran. All spent days exploring and questioning and many fell during these difficult times. Eventually, all returned to the Temple of Illuvatar to report their findings.

The first group found little: only that the Ents felt great pain and anger, pain they had not felt since the First Age and anger that they had never felt before. From Lothlorien, they were given the promise of an answer from Galadriel when she had finished meditating. The second group reported nothing from the docks, though they searched diligently and carefully. The third group brought two questions from Radagast and news from Tigan Xylor. Radagast said he could help them if they discovered more about why the angel was in pain and who was causing her to suffer. Tigan reported increased undead activity along the Great East Road. Another party of adventurers led by Brother Bulghe a few days later confirmed this report.

The adventurers could think of nothing to do and decided to disperse and search individually with the promise to meet again in Illuvatar's temple in a few days time.

Several days later, a new group met in the Temple of Illuvatar. Many of those from before returned, but there were new faces as well. Once again they split up, into two groups this time. The first, to Lothlorien, was composed of Goga, Jacob, and Brother Bulghe Tarrowsill. The second, to see the Brown Wizard, consisted of Bhanuch Bladesinger, Triel Dy'ner, Kerin Klastor, Mathias Templar, and Ganthran Tolaran. Again, many people fought and many died. L?thien M?riel joined the second party in Last Bridge. The first party arrived in Last Bridge soon after, and together the adventurers all made their way to the Temple of Illuvatar. On arriving, they discussed what they had learned.

The first group had spoken to Galadriel and had been told a story of a war in the First Age, a war where every city was crushed, every people decimated, but Gondolin. Gondolin survived, though was later betrayed by servants of Morgoth. This story interested the second group, as they too had encountered mention of Gondolin. The first group had met with the Brown Wizard and had, with his aid, summoned an undead creature and forced it to speak. The undead gave little information. However, after it was gone, the little girl that haunted the Prancing Pony appeared. She told the adventurers that she spoke for many people, those betrayed at Gondolin. She further told them that the traitors, presumably those that betrayed Gondolin, had sentenced her and those she spoke for to eternal pain. She explained that the pain the angel felt was theirs. She then advised the adventurers to speak the word "Gondolin" to her mother, the angel, to release her. Then she disappeared. After much debate, it was decided that the angel would be spoken to, the word would be said. Bhanuch Bladesinger was chosen for the task and everyone accompanied him to the cellar where it was to be done.

He approached the angel, and then, spoke or rather sang the word, "Gondolin," and the angel was freed of her constraints. She could contain her grief, and she could speak. She spoke, thanking the adventurers for aiding her and confirming what they had heard from the little girl and from Galadriel. Then, she took them to an old building in West Tharbad, the former guild hall for the Guardians of the Silmarils. She gave them the guild hall as a place of refuge for those of good. Then she left, leaving the weary adventurers standing about the hall.

The adventurers eventually made their way to the large table at the center of the guild hall and sat to discuss their plans for the guild. There were nine of them, with Jacob sitting at the far right end, then Goga, Triel, Bhanuch, and Ganthran at the head. To the left of Ganthran sat Mathias, then Luthien, then Brother Bulghe, and Kerin at the end. This group, this conclave, then discussed the election of a council, a council of five to guide the guild in its goals and ideals. They extolled the virtues of many that sat around the table and some that did not. They set a date for a conclave to hold this election and devised a temporary method for recruitment of members. And then, the First Conclave, the Conclave of Nine, dispersed into the world, knowing that the Guardians of the Silmarils would be there, a haven, a refuge, always open to them.
[End content from the New Chronicles]

Ganthran smiled and sat back in his chair, waiting for the ink to dry. When it was dry at last, he closed the book and stood up, stretching. There were still many pages left. He would add information about the conclave, he nodded to himself. Until then, there was a world to explore, people to talk to, and a guild to protect. He grinned broadly and murmured a few charms sealing and protecting the book before carefully dropping it into his backpack. It was time to go adventuring again.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 03:51:57 pm by Cha0s »
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