Author Topic: MMCYOA: Game 1: Vaik's Story, Part Six  (Read 502 times)

Stephen McNaire

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MMCYOA: Game 1: Vaik's Story, Part Six
« on: January 21, 2006, 11:39:12 pm »
I\'m posting this here for those who would like to read it. It you wish to vote however, you will have to go to kLuTz\' Board and register. \'Details\' at end of part.

For The New People:
For those of you who didn\'t see the original post for this, I will briefly explain what this is. This is a MMCYOA, something I cooked up as a fun game for kLuTz\' board. MMCYOA (Massive Multi-person Choose Your Own Adventures) is very simple:
I write a bit of the story and then give a choice. I set up a poll at the end of the part with your choices. You guys as the \'voices\' decide what happens next by voting. At the end of say 4-5 days, the poll closes and I count the votes, the most votes are the way Vaik goes.
If you are new, please read what has happened before so you can fully appreciate what is going on and better understand to vote.
What has transpired ->

Middy\'s Rant:
[From kLuTz\' board post]Well the site went kaput I waited to make sure it\'s safe to put this up. *Looks both ways and checks the ceiling. * It seems stable now so I\'m gonna risk is \'cause I\'ve been itching to keep going. I really, really apologize for the length of this part, but I couldn\'t manage to trim it at all :|. There was just too much to try to fit, had to leave some things out. I hope that I don\'t confuse or anything since I had to keep explanations short...if it does, that would put you in Vaik\'s shoes I guess. Anyhow, I\'m hoping that you guys love me enough to read the whole thing anyways. I don\'t think I need to mention that this is a very important choice this week.

Vaik\'s Story
Part Six[/b]

 . ?My name is Vaik.? I said. I decided that I would not lie yet, but I would be very careful in what I said.
 . ?Greetings Vaik, I am Fern, daughter to Lord Kelvin.? The girl said with a smile.
 . The man didn?t smile when he spoke. ?I am the man whose protection you are under. While I will never leave any man wounded by the road, now that you are awake and healing, your further protection depends on who and what you are. I will not harbor those of evil.?
 . I could see in his eyes that he was serious. If he thought I was a criminal, I would have to leave. I knew that trying to rise now would kill me in the current shape I was in.
 . ?I-I had a fight with a wizard.? I finally said.
 . The man frowned. ?You fought with a wizard...? He looked me up and down. ?Forgive me if I state that it is unlikely that you would survive such an encounter.?
 . ?I would hardly say he won easily.? Fern commented.
 . ?There?s no strength to his magic Healer, it would be impossible for-?
 . ?But, I didn?t win.? I broke in.
 . They both turned to stare at me with unsettling gazes.
 . ?To fail and live is even more inconceivable. Tell me what happened.? He said softly.
 . I gulped but saw that I would have to sometime, so I began my tale. I told them nothing of my strange feelings, instead pretending that I was aware of magic from birth. In my story the wizard arrived as he should have.
 . ?But he would have left instructions concerning you with your parents.? The man objected. ?Not to mention that after he left you, he should have returned to the Ulln from which he came to inscribe your name in the Tablets of Names. I know them by heart, your name is not there.?
 . ?He...? I grasped in vain for something. ?...died soon after he left I am told. He was found two days after my birth on the side of the road.?
 . ?I see, continue.? His face didn?t show whether he had believed me.
 . Being more careful now I made out that my family had been unable to care for me properly. In this false life, I was a foster child for many years until my father could make a living suitable enough to send for me again. But the instructions left by the wizard had been forgotten.
 . I said that certain strange things had happened to me through-out my childhood and I starting hiding my powers to keep the other boys from rejecting me. The man nodded sympathetically, but made no comment.
 . Then I jumped ahead to the day Euless arrived. When I mentioned the wizard coming across the field Fern asked her first question in the whole tale.
 . ?What did he look like.? Her voice was tight and sharp, making me afraid of the importance of my answer.
 . ?I do not recall.? I lied. ?I can remember what happened, but he, himself is blurred in my mind. I cannot recall what he looked like, nor what his name was.?
 . ?A truly powerful man then to mask himself so well.? She breathed.
 . I went on to explain how he was looking for a baby. This part was easier because it was true. Then it got hard again as I tried to explain that night.
Three times I was interrupted, and I was worried because each time it was when I was slightly changing things to hide the fact that I was the one Euless wanted. In my tale, he was just furious when he was found to be in error. He attacked me solely because I tried to defend the others.
 . After that I gave as true an account as I could, which was hard because my memory truly was fuzzy there. Neither said anything until I mentioned the strange ending.
 . ?...and then the world seemed to flood into hundreds of colors and I was swept into something like a tunnel. The wizard kicked me off and I was lost in that river of colors and I blacked out. The next thing I knew, I?m here.?
I lay back exhausted, for the tale had taken some time. I knew that I would not be able to remain awake for much longer.
 . The man stirred himself. ?Well, you have had quite an adventure. I am disturbed though, because I sensed much lie in your tale.? I stiffened in alarm, but he waved a hand. ?However the truth was where it was needed to convince me that you serve no evil purpose. I understand your caution, especially concerning what you went through. Perhaps before you leave you will trust us enough to tell us the true story, but for now I want you to rest. I have much to consider on this matter.?
 . He swept out of the tent and I realized that I had never gotten his name. Fern brought me a sweet-smelling broth and I gingerly sipped it.
 . ?Rest now, your body has much healing to do. Poor lad, don?t worry, you won?t come to any harm here.? Fern said and she too rose to leave.
 . ?Wait!? I called and she paused at the tent flap. ?May I ask the name of my host??
 . Fern smiled queerly. ?Him? We call him Mage Opae. He?s never told anyone his real name, not even me. And I?m his betrothed.?
 . With that she slipped out, leaving me more confused then when I first woke up. I suspected that there had been a sleep drug in that broth, for I quickly drifted into a deep, dreamless, sleep.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 11:54:21 pm by Stephen McNaire »

Stephen McNaire

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MMCYOA: Game 1: Vaik's Story, Part Six continued...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2006, 11:43:23 pm »
This part was so large that I hit the post length limit :p. I was forced to break it into two parts. Here\'s the other half:

 . This time when woke up I found myself ravenous and levered myself onto my elbows to see if there was anything nearby to eat. I saw nothing and my stomach protested again.
 . When I had risen my upper-half had been exposed to the air, which was frigid. I rubbed my arms across my chest and shivered. Then I froze stunned. I had felt no pain anywhere. I looked down and beheld my skin was healed and unblemished, if missing the tan it normally retained.
 . Who was this Fern that she could heal burns like mine and have the skin look untouched? Was this what magic could do? Would I be able to do this someday?
 . I threw back the covers and grabbed onto a nearby chair to pull myself to my feet. After a moment of testing, I found my feet perfectly capable of supporting my weight. I rejoiced at the pleasure of not feeling ill, but not for long. A much more important mission had fallen on me, I craved food.
 . I looked around the room hoping to find my clothes, but they were no where in sight. When I looked at the chair I saw that a robe had been folded neatly there. Seeing no other clothing, I gingerly picked it up and put it on. It fell perfectly around my frame like it had been made for me.
 . The robe was a reddish color, like my host?s, and it had green designs embroidered into it. It was comfortable, but the open freedom made me fell a little exposed and I wished I had my pants.
 . When I pulled the tent flap back I beheld a world completely alien to me. It was morning, which was why it was so cold, but the land was like nothing I had ever seen.
 . As far as I could see I saw bare earth. It wasn?t good black earth either, but seemed like cracked hard clay. I saw my first sand dune in the distance and understood, I was in a desert. I had heard of them of course, but never dreamed I?d be on one. Bewildered I looked around. My home was no where near a desert, how had I gotten here?
 . The tent I came from was one of several tents surrounding a fire pit. I saw no animals, but several people were going about tasks, none of whom took notice of me. Someone cleared his throat to my side.
 . ?So you are teh boy Mage Opae found.? A young man was guarding the entrance to my tent. His accent was very hard, like his mouth had never learned to form the sounds it tried to put forth. ??bout tim? you wuke up.?
He looked me up and down. ?Well I ne?er.? He said. ?He ?et you wear ?is culors??
 . I shook my head. ?My clothes were missing. This robe was next to my mat. I didn?t know what else to do.?
 . The boy laughed. ?Taht ell right tehn. We?ll see into getting you sume propur rubes.?
 . ?Is there somewhere I could get something to eat?? I cautiously asked.
 . ?Sure ya can.? Everything I said seemed to make this boy laugh and it was starting to annoy me. ?I were supposed to tell Mage Opae when you ?ere wuke.? He gestured to a tent across from us. ?We?ere have already eaten. Pella Fern will find sumething fer ya if you ask. Just dun go anywhere else ?til I bring Mage Opae.?
 . I nodded my understanding and started to walk towards the tent. I could smell many good things coming from it that made my stomach roar in protest again.
 . As I walked I found my legs getting wobbly and half-way there I was forced to stop and hold onto the spit over the fire to support myself. After a minute I attempted to move again. I got three feet before falling flat on my face. The thud of my fall drew the attention of someone.
 . ?Hoya!? Another youth knelt next to me. ?Are you alright messar?? He asked worried.
 . I wanted to be sarcastic, but lacked the strength. ?No, I was walking towards the tent there when my legs suddenly gave out.? My voice had a warble to it.
 . He glanced ahead. ?Ah, Pella Fern. Here, I?ll help you. If you don?t mind me adding,? he grunted as he helped me to stand, ?you look like you need her.?
 . I was grateful for his help for apparently I was not as recovered as I had thought. It was only a few more steps to the tent, but it felt like a good rood. He pulled back the flap and led me inside.
 . The tent was crammed full of greens. Herbs hung everywhere and jars full of powders lined portable shelves. A little pot bubbled over a tiny brazier. I spotted Fern leaning over a chest as she rummaged for something.
 . ?Hoya Pella!? The boy called. ?I got one of Mage Opae?s messars here and he ain?t looking so well.?
 . Fern glanced up sharply, but she smiled when she saw me. ?Vaik, you?re up.? She frowned. ?But you shouldn?t be moving around yet.?
 . The boy helped me to sit down in a chair. I felt a little better, but had lost my desire to eat.
 . ?Thank you for helping him Joul.? Fern said. ?You may return to your duties.?
 . The boy touched his forehead in respect and withdrew. Fern came over and felt my head.
 . ?Your fever is gone.? She declared. ?Typical man, once his head clears he figures the body must have healed already. Why are you up??
 . ?I was hungry.? I said.
 . ?Well, that?s a good reason I guess, although if you had waited I check on you every half-mark.? She smiled. ?It is a good thing Mage Opae didn?t see you in one of his old robes. The robe denotes a rank that I feel you are not at yet.?
 . I blushed. ?I?m sorry, I had nothing to wear and I didn?t want to-?
 . She waved it off. ?It is forgivable, although we will have to find you more suitable clothes. Sit tight and I?ll get you something to eat.?
 . I glanced at the doorway. ?That boy had called me one of ?Mage Opae?s messars?, what is that??
 . She laughed. ?Mage Opae has students under him, you are wearing the robe they do. Normally the punishment would be severe for wearing another mage?s colors, but you didn?t know.? She too glanced at the door. ?Although Joul will most likely give you a hard time when he finds out the truth.?
 . The tent flap opened as she finished and Mage Opae entered with another man behind him. The other man was old and frail looking, but his eyes burned with intensity. Mage Opae?s face twitched when he saw my robe, but he thankfully didn?t say anything.
 . ?Greetings Vaik.? Opae said instead. ?It is good that you are up.? He gestured to the man. ?May I introduce High-Mage Truim.?
 . The man bowed. ?It is a pleasure to meet you, young Vaik.?
 . ?I am pleased to meet you too.? I replied awed, taking to bowl Fern offered me with thanks. The stew was delicious and I found that I was very hungry. It was all I could to do to keep with manners and not slurp it down.
Opae found another chair and offered it to the old man who nodded and sat down. Opae remained standing and slowly paced as he spoke.
 . ?Now that you are almost recovered Vaik I hope you understand that we have to figure out what to do with you. We cannot just have you travel with us as we do not take passengers. My caravan travels fast. The only reason we have tarried is to wait for High-Mage Truim.?
 . The old man interrupted. ?I would hope Opae that you would be willing to tarry if this lad was unable to travel.?
 . ?Of course I would.? Opae replied. ?However, he can travel now and I need to know what to do with him.? He turned to me. ?You see Vaik, I am traveling with the mages under me. Rules do not permit idle people, for we are always about our business and can have no complications to what are usually already dangerous tasks. So what am I to do with you. Is you family near here??
 . I shook my head. ?Sir, I have no idea where ?here? is. My home was no where near a desert.?
 . They exchanged glances. ?It seems that the lad was truly flung loose in a transport spell.? High-Mage Truim said. ?He was lucky to end up here and not some vacant place where he would?ve died.?
 . I asked something I had been wondering and indeed hoping. ?You have said I had strong magic.? I said nervously. ?Could I stay and train under you??
 . I instantly felt awful, like I was abandoning my family, but I knew I was far, far away from home. I would always try to find out how to get back, but for now I had to find out how to survive. And what better way then to train in magic?
 . Mage Opae frowned. ?Most of my students are already proficient in their magic, you have no training at all. I?m afraid that wouldn?t work.?
 . I was heart-struck, but the High-Mage spoke up. ?Perhaps he cannot go with you.? He said thoughtfully. ?However, we are both heading towards our respective Ullns, we not take him to one of them? There he can be tested, and if he is strong enough, he could apprentice there.?
 . Mage Opae shook his head. ?His wizard was a fool and died two days after binding his magic. He is not in the Tablets of Names. They would never accept him.?
 . The man?s eyes flashed. ?Not in the Tablets of Names? What a deplorable series of events. However, I would demand that he receives testing and a trial of training and you could do the same. They will not refuse me and you hold great persuasion powers for your young age.?
 . ?That is true...but he is unknown and untrained...?
 . ?Now listen here Mage Opae.? Fern rebuked. ?Vaik is far from home and no doubt sick with fear about his family, yet he can do nothing.? She glanced at me for confirmation and I nodded once. ?He has no idea where to go or what to do. But he does have very strong magical potential. It is the only thing left to him! By right of his gift he deserves a chance!?
 . Mage Opae smiled glumly. ?Must you always be so right?? He groused, but there was no bite to his tone.
 . ?Well then Vaik, you may join one of us.? He put his hands together. ?We each go to different Ullns, which are special places for training wizards and mages. Since your parents forgot which Ulln you were destined for, you have the unique choice of choosing where to try. You might be able to learn, or not, we shall see.?
 . ?What are the differences?? I asked, finding this all confusing.
 . ?My Ulln is the Healers way.? High-Mage Truim said. ?We train our magic to heal others, like our dear Fern here. Of course we are not all healers...but our choices attempt to never cause others harm.?
 . Mage Opae snorted. ?My Ulln harnesses the earth.? He said ?You may think of us as magical soldiers. It?s by our sweat and blood that the healers are able to be such wimpy pacifists. When thinks get out of control we always get called in to clean up the mess.?
 . ?Think what you like Opae.? The man retorted. ?It?s my people who heal yours whenever you go out and get in a fight over some stupid thing.?
 . ?Am I to choose between the two Ullns?? I tried to clarify.
 . ?Yes and no.? Mage Opae replied. ?Your magic would?ve been bound to one type of magic, the reason is too complicated to go into here. However, we have no idea what that would?ve been, nor do any of us here have the kind of skill to tell. All wizards can learn little things from each other, but you will be strong in one type of magic. In a nutshell, we are offering you a choice of where to try first.?
 . ?You look like an energetic lad.? Truim said. ?I would warn that you might find my Ulln dull. We do a lot of studying inside and meditating. Opae?s Ulln is a lot of firebrands, you?ll get plenty of exercise from them...mostly by running from the hornets they always stir up. However,? he added, ?there is much satisfaction in helping heal others in the many ways we do.?
 . ?Don?t disregard the good work we do.? Mage Opae growled. ?Many people are helped by are efforts.?
 . ?That is so.? There was silence while they waited for me to answer.
 . ?Can I have some time to think?? I asked.
 . ?You may have a half-mark to decided. We must start traveling before much longer.? Mage Opae informed me.
 . The two mages left and Fern moved to the back to give me the privacy to think. But how could I choose when I knew so little?

If you wish to cast a vote, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to go to kLuTz\' Board, make an account, and vote there. The acually post of the part is here: Vaik\'s Story, Part Six
« Last Edit: January 22, 2006, 09:39:05 am by Stephen McNaire »