Author Topic: The Lament of a Ranger  (Read 1683 times)

Farren Kutter

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The Lament of a Ranger
« on: September 26, 2007, 06:31:09 pm »
Farren Kutter, leader of the group known as the Rangers of Yliakum, sat at the edge of a cliff. To all but those who know him, it might seem odd for him to do so. Adjusting his blindfold slightly as it rested uncomfortably on his ears, his mind was on other things. Flashes of memories came to him such as the attack on his life by Cerientos. The Stone Labyrinths came next, his days there frightening though beneficial. The loss of many of his friends flashed through his mind, and the subversion and controlling of Zhai to pit her against the dwarves, and then himself. The battle between he and Zhai, a battle heā€™d never wanted to fight, and a battle he refused to win. Then the freeing of Zhai from that creature called Angadu. A good memory at last. The party celebrating Zhaiā€™s freedom, where he gave her the leadership of the Rangers of Yliakum. Then, more loss of friends, to the wilds or to death.

Then the coming of Zakkā€¦ Vague memories, bits and pieces of battles. He remembered losing his eye, the blade in Zakkā€™s hand slashing up across his eye, and then the memory of him throwing a knife at Zakk in anger, killing him. He remembered many battles with Zakkā€¦ He remembered other memories of that time, with no details, supposedly ones that when heā€™d died he did not wish to remember. Then came the wandering period, during which he had wandered away from the Rangers and been with other groups, including the Vespers of Laanx, which he joined for the want to help Xillix, whom heā€™d loved, or thought he did. Those days had turned him into something he didnā€™t want to be, but then the promise of battle came, and his training brought back the fire in him. No longer was he one of the Vespers, but more of a bodyguard. Still not a ranger again. He had not been one again for until some time after that.

Then came the evils of Janeousā€¦ Which were luckily ended. Afterwards came more evil, this time some sort of form changer, shape shifter. Heā€™d been trying to track it, and then Zhai came and told him sheā€™d found a trail. He followed her without hesitation, without seeing for himself this ā€˜trailā€™. She led him to the Laanx Temple dungeons, and there his folly was revealed as Zhai was not really Zhai, and was instead the very shape shifter that he had believed them to be tracking. And that was when the creature took his other eye. Then his memories went void of vision, and all he remembered were soundsā€¦ And he just stopped trying, though one more memory came to him. Hearing of Zhaiā€™s disappearance and the imposter.

The ranger came out of his flashbacks, an expression of pain visible on a face that didnā€™t seem to have ever held that expression before. No tears came from his damaged eyes, he wasnā€™t even sure it was possible for him. He heard the soft voices of nature in his mind, the thoughts of the trees and animals and other life. They said many things, some contradicting others, none giving clear direction nor any answers.

ā€œToo long have I lived this way,ā€ he said after many minutes. ā€œNever have I asked reward, never will I do so, but there must be a purpose. I have been shown none. I am done with this life. Nature will let me go, for I can hear that it doesnā€™t truly need me anymore. So few of my friends remain, so perhaps it is time for me to pass as wellā€¦ā€ Standing up slowly, Farren was balanced easily right on the edge of the cliff and says to himself, ā€œHehā€¦ I always thought Iā€™d die in a fight some day.ā€ After these words leave his mouth, he takes a step forward, dropping from the cliff.

(The End...?)

Under the moon

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Re: The Lament of a Ranger
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2007, 07:57:00 pm »
Farren fell. He fell to what he knew was to be his final doom. He fell...until a violent tug at his cloak putted him up short. He fell no more. Confusion filled him. Why had he not been granted his simple wish of True Death? Bound to finish the deed, he twisted on his cloak until he could reach what had entangled him. It was a root... just a simple root. But, as he pulled on it, he found that it only further entangled his cloak. Struggling, he kicked at the cliff face as he tried to pull free. But it was to no avail. Finally, after he was too exhausted to move, he rested his hands against the cliff to stop his swing... and found his hands pressed against a stout vine-like root. At the same moment, the other root twined in his cloak let loose, freeing him. Instincts took over, and he grabbed at the vine in his hands. Once again, he found his life in his own hands...literally. His sightless eyes looked to the sky above, as his ears listened to the wailing of the winds below him. As he hung there in the balance of life and death, a soft, sweet-smelling object struck him in the face... a single flower. He plucked it from his face, and considered. Perhaps Nature had finally given him a direction... up. Now, it was once again his choice to listen, or to fallā€¦
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 07:59:43 pm by Under the moon »

Farren Kutter

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Re: The Lament of a Ranger
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 06:23:22 pm »
Farren shakes his head. Perhaps indeed he was given direction. And so he climbed, hand over hand up the vine. He was surprised to find that his lifeline reached all the way to the top of the cliff. As he put one hand on the edge of the cliff, he paused. Someone was there, someone who held themself in a familiar way. Then a hand gripped around his forearm, pulling him up a little, then another hand on his upper arm pulled him all the way up and let him lay to the ground. "Taken up cliff diving and rock climbing now, have you ranger?" said a voice he most certainly recognized, had at one time feared to hear. Cerientos stood there, the once-assassin and enemy of Farren. But they had ceased to be enemies some time ago. They were friends now. Especially now, Farren supposed. Farren replied at length with a bit of his own half-jest. "I just wanted a better view of life." Cerientos almost laughed before inquiring, "And did you manage to find such a view?"

Farren thought on it a few moments. Had he found a better view? He realized now that he had. Sometimes there was no direction given to you and you must seek for the signs. He had a purpose, but it was up to him to figure it out. "Yeah, I think I did," he replies. He stands to his feet slowly, feeling a slight chill. Suddenly he instinctively brings his left arm up and to the side, smacking away a punch thrown by Cerientos, his right arm moving to block the other attack from the once-assassin's other fist. Stepping backwards, Farren has a confused expression on his face, noticeable even with the blindfold. Cerientos did not attack again, but instead said something. "Good, nothing's wrong with you then. I think I'll be going... Maybe take up some healthier hobbies?"

Cerientos laughed before turning to walk away. Farren stood there, shaking his head. But he knew Cerientos was right in his unspoken words. The demonstration had told Farren one thing, that he was a warrior. All warriors had purpose or they would not be true warriors, and only a true warrior would so instinctively and easily block those attacks when blind. So obviously, Farren had a purpose. Now he just had to discover what it was. He always believed he was a warrior of nature, its protector of sorts. But truly, nature was his protector. He would figure out his purpose one day.