Author Topic: A first draft of a Laanx doctrine Marriage ceremony.Please PM comments.  (Read 1751 times)


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  This project is being contributed to by Drakon and Parallo. It does not show any endorsement by or obligation by/to/for the settings department or any other department of the PS team. It is solely the work of players who wish to contribute something to a game with such marvelous potential in the hopes(wishes) that maybe, just maybe something they come up with could be used at a later date in part or entirety.

Priest Draff woke. It ws almost the hour to beging his meditation in preperation for the marriage ritual he had been asked to officiate. Now what were their names again? Ahh yes. The bride was Gorlata and the grooms name was Terlrios. Their petition for marriage was properly completed and now it was up to Laanx to decide if this marraige pleased Her. Draff rose from his bed and went to the meditative rooms, just off the temple gardens. It was always so quiet here and peaceful.As Draff began the preperation, he removed his plain robe and bathed. The water was warm and scented with the special blends gathered by the lower priests during the previous three days. Some of the ingredients had been rather costly and required the priest to go to a different city, but the result was blessed.
  The water was cooled when Draff left the bath heading to the purifying room. Here, the mind and heart were cleansed by the use of incenseDraff released thoughts of the day and of the body as he sought guidance from Laanx, sought a confirmation of the marriage more vital than any mortals could give.It di not help that his knee ached so bad from the slip He had taken earlier. The penance that acolyte would be required to complete for leaving those steps wet would be fitting he had been assured, but it did not do him any good now.At least, after what had seemd like forever, Graff felt a sense of clam come over him indeed even the ache was taken from him. Instead a feeling of joy flowed into Graff and He knew He had just been given the sign He had been waiting for. Laanx approved.
  As was required to maintain the power granted during the meditation, Graff ate morning meal alone and a half hour before the time set for the ceremony changed into the robe and mask required of official ceremonies such as this.Then Graff, speaking no word to any of His brethren proceeded to the marriage chamber. This wedding had been blessed by Laanx like no other in Graffs memory! The feeling was so stronge it seemed as if Laanx would be there Herself, watching and conducting the ceremony herself. He then removed the silver censor and incense from the hidden storage alcove and began the ritual of purification, smoke pouring heavy and cloying from the censor. The purification of the area complete, Graff began the purification of the signs. Both families had delivered the anklets this morning, along with the standard marriage fee charged for the temples services.Each anklet was first washed in n infusion of herbs and flowers and then dried using a cloth said to have been given to the temple by none other than Laanx herself so long ago it was legend. How it always remained clean and never wore away was something Graffa nd every other Priest and Priestess of the temple took as a sign of their faith. Both anklets where cleansed and placed upon the altar, waiting for the time when they would be placed upon the couples ankles just as a sign of the blessings of Laanx.Graff then muttered the short prayer to Laanx that would light the main TempleStone and provide the Joining Circle for the ceremony. As the last syllable of the Prayer was uttered the stone shown with the power of Laanx. Was it brighter today than any other time? It seemed such was the case to Graff who couldnt recall the stone being so bright ever.All was in readiness, he could ponder this mystery later, after the ceremony. For now it was time, time to ccarry out the will of LaanxGraff walked to the back of the Joining circle and rang the gong twice. Once to summon the bride and once to summon the groom.
  Graff turned to the sunrise side and motioned the Bride forward and noticed that the only weapon in her possession was the ceremonial marrige dagger permitted by Laanx.A beautiful young Klyros with well define bones and strong features.No doubt a fine wife.As Gorlata crossed the distance to the circle entrance her Clan filtered in behind her threatening to overcrowd the rather spacious room.The future bride stopped just outside the entrance to the circle and looked to the sundown door, looking for Her love.
  A slight mumrur drew through the clan of the Bride as the Groom entered. Terlrios was an average male Xacha, and it was hard to understand just what each saw in the other. Yet Laanx's will was beyond mortals to understand and Laanx had made her will VERY clear this morning concerning this couple.It was easy to see that the Brides clan was not overly happy to see this marriage happen. If it were not against the law to carry weapons into the temple, the surely these people would be battling the grooms clan already.Terlios entered warily, watching the clan of his love,yet He stood tall and straight. And When He saw his bride, in Her gown and finery, her clan ceased to exist and a smile spread over his face, still he remembered the ritual and stopped just inside the door and waited.Graff let him stand there, just a moment longer than usual and then waved him forward. Kerlios stopped at the circle entrance and it was plain to see He was enraptured of Gorlata and looking at Her She was enraptured of Kerlios. The love was true and Laanx had spoken.
"Gorlata, Bride of the clan River Steemers have You chosen Your Guard?" Graff intoned in his priestly voice, enhanced by a minor bit of magic to be heard among the whole of the room.

"Indeed I have Priest Graff. I have chosen My clan sister Jorhna. She is My chosen arm for this day when I cannot weild death on My own" and with these words Gorlata turned to Her right and presented the marriage dagger to Jorhna. Jorhna, aware of the honor She had been granted took the dagger and stood within the arch  after Gorlata had Entered.

"Jorhna, clan sister of Gorlata, How do You swear?" Intoned Graff

"I swear to Guard He whom my clan sister loves from all danger and dishonor until the sun rises on the new day. I swear this even at the cost of My life and My honor"

"The oath is heard and witnessed."Graff stated and turned to Kerlios

"Kerlios,Groom of the clan Hill Tackers Have You chosen Your Guard?"

"I have Priest Graff. I have chosen Dranet, he who has had my back through many battles and knows no fear orsurrender."WIth these words Kerlios turns to his right and hands the marriage dagger to Dranet who blocks the archway as did his counterpart after Kerlios had entered.

"Dranet, clan brother of Kerlios How do You swear?" Graff once more intoned

"I swear to guard, with My life and My honor, She whom My clan brother loves, from danger and dishonor until the sun rises on the new day." And with his finall word Dranet fully stands within the archway and blocks the entrance.

"The guards are posted and the oaths have been heard. From now till next sunrise this couple may not wield a sword or swing an axe. No weapon shall be permitted in their hands till the new day has risen.The Guards of Honor have been chosen and accept the charge of protecting the couple at all times. They shall not allow, nor should any try to force the problems of the clans between the two. Let the couples hearts rest this one special day and be free from strife to find succor in the heart and arms of another." Speaks Graff as He circles around to the back of the altar. As Gorlata and Kerlios walk to the front of the altar there is a hushed atmosphere and indeed, just for a moment the witnesses could swear they have seen the face of Laanx in the circle curtain!

"Does the couple wish to proclaim the vows in their own words or do You wish to Me to speak them and You repeat?" Graff asks quietly, his voice barely carrying to the couple in front of Him.

 The couple look at each other and smile. Then they tell Graff that they wish to make their own vows.

Gorlata, in a voice made loud by a subtle spell worked by Graff,speaks words spoken by Her mouth but brought to the world by Her heart "Kernios, My love, For Years we have fought against each other in duty to Our clans. Yet never has Our blades drawn each others blood. For even then, We felt a need to protect the other forbearing even the gaining of honor in battle. At times, I have seen You take a misstep in the hopes of blocking a blow meant for Me, or fall when nothing was in Your way so Your blow went wide. And I knew the love You felt for me was true. I swear, in the hearing of all present to be a wife from which You only gain honor. I will stand by You, even if My clan wages battle against Your own. I will provide a home for Our children and sooth the trials of battle from Your muscles when You come home. With You, I know I can allow Myself to relax and let my guard down, to love. And till the day I am called from this world, I shall love You only."

After a short pause, Kerlios, His voice gruff with emotion speaks in a voice that brooks no doubt of the sincerity of the words" Gorlata, the words You speak are true. Never have I been able to draw blood from You, to cause You hurt. My heart would not allow Me.But You speak only of My actions, and leave Yours in the shadows when they deserve to be known as well. Not that long ago, I lost My sword to You in battle fairly. I was Yours to slay yet You did not. Instead, You forced Me to circle you until I was by My sword again and then You looked away. For only a second, just to let me get My sword. And the time when,  My back was to You and You did not strike. It was then that I knew I could trust You as I could no one else. I knew I had found a woman of honor. I swear, in the presence of Laanx herself I will strive only to be worthy of one such as You. I will give You no reason to doubt Me, to feel remorse for wedding me, or to resent the anklets We shall wear. I will stand By your side against any who seek to do You harm or dishonor, and I shall protect You with My life if called for. I will provide for our family and always be there for You and Our children. And one last vow to speak. I will vow to leave my bloody swords outside instead of by the fireplace.I vow these things, if only You will bless me by taking my hand."

Having spoken their vows, and a moment of silence had passed from the weigh of those words, Graff hands one of the anklets to Gorlata and the other to Kerlios.

"With these anklets, You are to be known as a couple. In married life, with Laanx's blessings these shall be the marks with which You announce Your marriage, Your oathes, even Your honor. Let now these signs be removed, nor let the be tarnished by shame and dishonor, lest all know of the misdeeds."Graff then instructs the couple to place the anklets on their bethrothed ones left ankle. As the anklets are closed, the seams dissappear and the anklets become whole and unbroken.

" As the anklets, so are the vows. Unbroken, unblemished and untarnished. May they remain so for the rest of time. May Laanx bless this couple and bring prosperity to their home both in love and in money." Speaks Graff. " As Laanx's witness I pronounce You married and bound only unto the other. May You live forever in the blessed eye of Laanx."

Gorlata and Kerlion Embrace, their first kisses as husband and wife in front of those who meant the most to them for some time now. As their clans cheer, any thoughts or feelings of animosity forgotten at least for the moment, the couple join hands and turn away from the altar. There, in front of them lies thegate through which they will emerge into society as a family.The guards close in around the new couple aafter they emerge from the gate and follow them out of the temple at the head of two clans who once waged fruitless war against each other but for today at least that is forgotten and it is one big family, celebrating a union of joy.

And as they last witness leaves, the offerings placed upon the 24 pedestals dissappear and Graff slowly looks around as if waking from a dream........"Why am I here already? I still need to get ready for the marriage ceremony"......

Scene details are as follows:

Church Official(Priest or Priestess authorized by Templ of Laanx to perform ceremony) must have communed with Laanx for ? hours prior to ceremony.

Marriage couple(may be of any race,clan or profession except Kran to reflect the animosity Laanx feels for Talad and his creations)

Witnesses(May be of any race, clan or profession including Kran)

Circle of Joining- A Temple room devoted purely to the marriage ceremonies. On the ceiling is a scale model of the Crystal that give Yliakum its life and light. This model is lit by the power of the Teemple of Laanx and creates a shimmering circle of Azure light that can be seen through. The circle is outlined by 24 Crystal pedestals which symbolize the periods of the year(and symbolically newness, growth, life and ultimately death) On top of these pedestals are placed the offerings to Laanx made by the Marriage Couple, the clans and even the witnesses beseeching Laanx for Her blessing upon the couple.Bisecting the circle are three openings, one on either side and one on side of circle furthest in front of altar.

Ritual Description is:
Ritual Description:

  Priest(ess) having communed with Laanx for ? hours prior to the ceremony Enters the circle and conscrates the circle in the name of Laanx. Priest(ess) wears a flowing red robe and a featureless mask to signify the authority of Laanx, the masquerading god. During the consecration, two silver ankle circlets are blessed. These were provided by the families of the marriage couple for use in the ceremony.
  After the Priest(ess) has consecrated the circle, blessed the marriage anklets, and prepared the altar, S(he) summons the couple by a gong(or whatever is more suitable). Bride enters from sunrise side to signal the power of birth and renewal as does Her clan. Groom enters from sunset side to signal the darkness that claims all in the end and yet without it new life wouldnever be as does His clan.No weapons are permitted in the room except for the two ceremonial daggers which are carried by the Couple for selecting their Guards of Honor.
   The Couple proceed to their respective entrances and stop. Bride chooses Her guard who then accepts the dagger and swears an oath to protect Groom from all danger and dishonor until sunrise of the next day. Groom chooses His guard who swears oath to protect Bride against all danger and dishonor until sunrise of next day. The couple step through the entrances and the guards stand in the entrances, blocking any from entering. Any who approach are ordered to voice their objections or back away, the only ones who can do so are the Guards of Honor. Only a claim that the Guard, fulfilling His oath considers valid will allow the guard to step aside halting the ceremony. The circle is now sealed and the cermony of vows commences.
  The Marriage Couple tell all present just what the other had done and how it improved them as a person and then the Marriage Couple exchange their vows using either common vowa or vows created by the couple. After the Marriage Couple have completed their vows, the Priest(ess) hand the anklets to the couple to place the silver anklets upon each other and calls upon Laanx to accept the gifts offered and to bless the new couple.
  The Couple, now joined, exit through the doorway in front of the altar to signify that above all else, their loyalty belongs to each other. At this point, the ceremony is over and the party begins(Yeah Right!)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 04:38:32 pm by Drakon »