Author Topic: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.  (Read 2744 times)


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GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« on: January 24, 2007, 09:24:28 am »
Following is an explanation of GM-events, the process of creating one, the aims of the Game Masters, the rules, general information and all the brave warriors, musical bards, magely mages and hard working miners need to know about them. I'm GM Yill, with acces level 24. Which means i have the commands and skills at my disposal to create, host and run events. I like running events and entertaining all of you, but there is some information I'd like to share.

What is a GM-event?

A GM-event is exactely what the name implies, an event hosted by the Game Moderation team. But not every Game Master is allowed to take on roles in  these events, one must first show his abillity to Role-play and have plenty of experience in role-playing. Talad tests this by asking a series of questions related to RP and your general knowledge of the broad fantasy theme. The people that he thinks have the needed experience to join an event as a character, will get the GM3 position. Those that are both Role-players and have slightly more experience, recieve the GM4 position. GM2's are given the chance to proof themselves aswell, but can not participate in an event as a character. However, the GM1's and GM2's are vital to every event as well, since they provide back-up and warn players that are out of line or acting disruptive. This leads to a minor problem as well... the chance that enough GM3's and GM4's can be online at the same time to throw larger events is relatively small, although the team is growing enough to regularly host events. Furthermore... GM-events are created for you to enjoy, for your fun, and to increase the amount of Role-play. Often consisting out of inruiging stories with interesting stories and surprising plots or tough tasks.

How do I join in a GM-event anyways?

Gm-events are NOT announced before they are hosted. that would be OOC.  Imagine a lady walking in your local shopping mall saying: "I'm about to loose my wedding ring in 30 minutes, could you come back then and help me search?" This is surreal. An event will happen without any notification to the players, unless RP suits it. So basically, be at the right time and the right place, just like you would expect in real life.

When one does encounter a character with a yellow label ( yellow label means he or she is a Game Master) Then stay in your RP role. Would a demonic warlord help a lady get some lake mushrooms? Would a miner save the world from a legion of Ulbernauts? I'd say no. If you are helpful and listen to the story the GM characters tell you, you can RP your way in by asking questions, or doing the tasks at hand. So Role-play your way in and keep in mind that the GM-characters are dynamic NPC-like characters.

The /event command.
This is a brand new command used by GM4's in events. The command makes it capable to let players know they joined in an event and what the events name is. When you RP yourself into an event, or want in at a later stage, you will be registered as a participator. A system message will appear when that has happened. The GM-event can now be found in the quest-tab, where normally only your active quets were displayed. My personal aim is to reward only those that  are registered, to keep lousy scumbags from getting a reward without doing a single thing. So... are you participating? make sure you are registered.

Did you join a little later? No worries! send a /tell to the character that opens the event and you will be registered. And might you have to walk the dogs, grab some coffee, or do some homework halfway through the event, not to worry either.... send a /tell you are leaving and you will get a reward for what has been done thus far. 

What else?

Role-play! Role-play! Role-play! and a thousand times more. It's crucial to any event that you RP in them. They make the events immersive and interesting for all. In fact... during a GM event, we expect you to be RP-ing when you are joining, if not, we'll send a /tell then a warning and possibly a kick or a mute in the worst cases. We don't do this because we dislike you, but because we like the people that do RP a whole lot better  :woot:

don't get greedy! We really do not like /tells that read "gimme the award plz" or "will I get a reward?" or "Hey what about me?" All these questions can be role-played as well. And since we do not have the commands to award all of you simultaniously, patience is needed. We might take our time in the award part, but trust that you will get what comes to you.

Don't get impatient! We are doing an event while keeping an eye on about 40 people. It's a relatively busy and stressy undertaking at times.  Might we have missed a question, or something you said, just repeat it in a calm and patient kinda way.  Cause surprisingly enough... us GM's do not fly to work, or lift trucks either.

And in the end, there are rewards

The rewards... The biggest reward itself should be the event, in which time and effort was put in order to show it to all of you and let you have some additional fun. But Hell yeah! even I like goodies! So goodies we shall give.

Award for helping in the event: Mostly you'll recieve a small sum of trias for helping in the event
Award for completing the event: A bigger award is given to those that solve objectives of the event. Mostly trias and/or items
award for Role-play/activity: Do we see you as a great RP-er? or are you very active in this event? You will get a higher amount of PP's as a reward.

I think that about summarizes all of it. Bare in mind, that these events take time and effort from the GM's side. Solving them will take time and effort from the players side. We like doing events a lot :) and you should as well. There is always room to learn. So might you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to PM on of the GM4's or GM3's

yours, the entertainer


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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 11:50:09 am »

Hey Proglin must have missed that you actually bacame a GM although I remember your nomination *giggles*


As for the GMevents I will definately keep an eye out. Although personally the biggest reward possible would be an item one could wear that perhaps wouldn't do anything, but would be something different. Like one of those strange daggers or the helmet I have seen on some NPCs or heavy armor for the chest. Or a cloak or whatever. Or a jesterscap ;)

Just some fun items like that would bbe a bigger reward I think then PP. Not that I'm saying I would qualify for such an item with the GM events by my dazzling peformance, but still fun to know it's possible ;)
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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 01:21:56 pm »
Good explanation, Proglin! :)
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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 02:06:31 pm »
Ah, OK. So, just running around to where you have to go in the quest, even if it takes your time from something else, isn't enough to get you a lot of stuff.

Next time, I'll have to talk too (even though in this last one I didn't have anything unique to contribute...)


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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 07:49:08 pm »
Just wanted to update this thread. Akaye (That would be me) is no longer a GM due to being inactive for a period of time. Feel free to contact me through PM's if you do have any questions of concerns about PlaneShift (Don't PM me if it has to do with specific changes that I cannot make. Better to contact a current GM in that case). Thanks and have fun roleplaying!
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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2008, 12:11:24 am »
This should totally be updated because I don't think your the only one that is no longer a GM and I am sure there are more as well.


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Re: GM-events, purpose, rules and general information.
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 01:16:11 am »