
What would the players want most from the Art Department?

New areas.
Fixes to old areas.
Expansion of existing areas.
New Mobs. (domestic/pets/monsters)
The rest of the player races.
More animations for the existing player races.
New Items. (icons/models/textures)
Updating old races.
New guildhouse interiors.
Furniture for guildhouses.
Scenery (trees, bushes, fence, etc)

Author Topic: Art Dept Poll  (Read 3945 times)


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Re: Art Dept Poll
« Reply #45 on: August 03, 2008, 11:14:50 am »
It would be nice to see all the areas of Yliakum geography. We still have no true mountains (classical ones with rocks and snow, not our hills), we have a lot of cities to see and  Ojaveda... only Akkaio. And the "secret" (almost everybody now knows how to get there...) places over Hydlaa's walls, near the world end... So, I'd like to see these nice spots more interesting. I think that old areas should be fixed.. there are different spots lagging/crashing or where you can jump down at the end of the world.


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Re: Art Dept Poll
« Reply #46 on: August 04, 2008, 02:45:02 pm »
Definitely the rest of the player races with updating the existing player races as a close second, and updating their animations as a close third. It's what you have to look at the most in game. Also, I don't think that the races should be tied down to a specific location, such as their "home city" or "home village". If someone doesn't want to go to a specific area, I'm sure it's easier for them to cope until their favorite location is implemented than to stare at the clones of characters with place-holder models.

While a certain race may look good on paper and in concept art, it can end up being translated badly into the game. This is often due to a model's design in combination with how armor/clothing and weapons look with it, as well as its animations. Even now some models have extremely annoying animations.

There are already things like plate armor and weapon alignments that have been added into the game. And that is with models that could use some updating. Imagine the amount of work you'll have to do to realign everything once the models need to be updated. That is why all the player races have to be implemented first, the existing models updated, animations made more fluid, so that you can start aligning various gear without having to look back later.

Look at any MMORPG out there -- one of the most important features is a visual character customization.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 03:11:23 pm by Argoroth »


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Re: Art Dept Poll
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2008, 02:24:19 pm »
I voted for 'more animations for the existing races'. Although I, too, would like to see the 'missing' races in-game, I think a higher priority should be given to more fully developing the races we already have. Being able to scratch one's head, laugh, bow, lay down (as if sleeping), point in a given direction with at least one arm (with a command like /pointright, /pointup, etc.) would be great. Being able to shake hands (or some analogous operation) would be fantastic, but I assume it would require a lot more than just an animation, seeing as it would require that your partner either accept or decline your offer to shake.

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Re: Art Dept Poll
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2008, 07:58:30 pm »
Oh, a thousand times, clothing!  The inability of one to customize one's character's appearance much at all is the one great visual failing of PS, I feel.  I'd love to be able to tell people apart more, get some distinctive appearances, etc.  Clothing For The Win! \\o//