Author Topic: Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC]  (Read 780 times)


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Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC]
« on: April 26, 2009, 01:20:16 am »
disclaimer:    The red sections of the thread are essentially logs of what happened in-game, so in that regard the events are considered in-character and apply.  However, this is not a public announcement available for our characters to read in Yliakum.  So, unless your character was present, or told about  any goings on, they are unaware.  This thread is for our out-of-character selves to read about what has happened and to discuss those and potential things to come.  But, if your character assumes a role in the story, this thread will allow them to  acquire any necessary knowledge to play the role.  White text is straight up out-of-character.

[IC log thingy]

Thoss Yonbur, a young Dermorian around 25 cycles old, came rambling into the Hydlaa plaza appearing quite cheery.  He had just returned from a bit of hiking and exploration, which never fails to leave him in high spirits.  If one were to assume, they might think he was on his way to Kada-El's for a bit of a wind down.  However, Thoss never quite made it there.

While walking in front of the Statue of Laanx in the center of the Hydlaa Plaza he stopped short with a curious look on his face.  Apparently something in the fountain pool surrounding the statue had caught his eye, for he then set down his pack and climbed directly into the water without a bit of hesitation, clothes and all.

He stood there, knee deep in the water, staring in wonderment at whatever had caught his eye.  With a gleeful look in his eye he slid his hand underneath the water and proceeded to let out a horrific shriek!  Immediately he jumped from the pool up onto the stone enclosure in an effort to flee, but the water from his boots interrupted his plans.  His left foot slipped on the stone, shooting off to the side, and slammed into the block rising nearby.  This induced a second episode of shrieking as the ankle bone splintered upon contact.

Even in the midst of the pain his attention immediately returned to whatever was under the water as he continued trying to flee.  In his stricken state  he was unable to rise and so began clawing and thrusting his way from the fountain on his hands and one good leg, while the other trailed behind useless...

[/IC log thingy]

This is a bit of an augmentation of the ideas I had with the “Roleplay – Learning and testing in-game” thread I had started.  With some advice and inspiration from a forum member, I've been flipping around the net and ran across some RPG forums of the “play-by-post” type, and thought I would blend a little bit of that idea with some gameplay here with PS.  The difference being that all the IC happens would occur in-game and this thread can serve as an OOC thread concerning those events and also as a sort of journal to log what has been happening so others may join in at some point if they so wish.

So here is Thoss, who found something in the fountain and wound up frightened, broken, and helpless in the middle of the plaza.  I would enjoy some characters to join in if anyone would like.  A few helpers for Thoss to start.

Then I will try and log the story line here, and if someone envisions a character that could fill a spot that has developed, then that would give opportunity to join.

If you do want to join, drop a single post here stating as much.  I would like the roleplays times in-game to be somewhat scheduled.  We can coordinate that through PM and then post that the times here in case anyone wants to drop in.

So that's that...if any other weird dynamics come up we can figure it out then.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 08:29:39 pm by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC/IClogs
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 05:09:21 pm »

[IC log thingy]

...his scrambling began to slow as the pain in his ankle came to him in thunderous waves.  His arms began to shake with fatigue as the adrenaline pumping through his veins quickly became exhausted.  At this point he finally thought to look for help, and began to scan the darkened plaza for any passersby.  All he could see was a scene of smudged shadowy confusion from the sweat.  He quickly brought his left hand up to wipe his brow while he turned to rest on his right side.  He winced as the sweat mixed with the blood and scratches on the palm of his hand, his view no better.

At this point a kind of tiredness or resignation seemed to set in.  The fight almost visibly left his body.  He lay in the quiet, darkened plaza and began to slowly let his eyes close.  And just as he was about to slip across the threshold of consciousness, he noticed a shadowed figure appear at the top of the stairs leading to Jayose's.  His breath stopped short at the sight of this figure, in hope or fear, it is hard to tell.  Either way, he lay there helpless in the hands of the gods.

[/IC log thingy]

Thoss seems to be loosing all hope!  The plaza seems deserted with no one willing or able to step forward.  :devil:

But, at the last moment one has!  And in the beginning, one is all I need, so, all of you wanting to come and roleplay will have to wait until I see what happens in-game. But, I would imagine that soon there will be a need for someone knowledgeable about artifacts, a need for a priest or representative of Laanx and Talad I would imagine, and of course some baddies.  There are always the baddies....Oh! and someone to cook apple pie.  Thoss likes apple pie, especially when he's hurt.

Anyway, come join!  Even if you are brand NEW TO PLANESHIFT!  It's all good. :)

Send me a PM or post here if you want in.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 08:13:27 pm by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC]
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 06:30:43 pm »
Got a PM stating some rogue-ish characters could be available for the I was thinking that we would need figure out what it might be that is in the fountain that frightened thoss....perhaps it would be valuable, or powerful enough, that some rogues or such might want to come and take it, and that whomever owned it may want it back....then of course it could have been put there on purpose by someone to elicit just the effect it did....based on some currently unknown motive....who might it have been!?

Currently, Thoss is still clueless as to what he encountered in the fountain...

The original idea stemmed from me packing around this Fear glyph, and that that was what was in the fountain....or some version there of.  Not sure if we should run with that, or come up with something else... any ideas?

I guess it could be some object that had some spell/enchantment put on it by a person with some Fearish spells...some valuable item or weapon perhaps....then we could see where that spun off too....

Anyway...that was where the generic idea came from....we just need to fill in the details.  Again, things are open to free development, so feel free to post ideas.

I plan on being in-game tonight at 0130 04/30/09 UTC to get things going...first will have to see who that shadowed figure is [that character is filled], and deal with Thoss' state, but some details about what happened may come to light as well...

i'll post a summary of events after the fact.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 07:06:56 am by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC/ic]
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2009, 10:06:04 pm »

[IC log]
as Thoss was lying on the stones of the plaza fighting off the pain of his ankle, he seemed to become increasingly agitated...angry almost.  This doesn't seem all that fitting for what has occurred to him, and is quite against the nature of Thoss himself.  One could understand the pain and apparently even the terror, but anger?...

Along this time a Dermorian approached from down the plaza steps.  He looked to be coming over to offer help, but at the same time seemed to carry a smirk on his face and a mild antagonistic air about his actions.  At first Thoss didn't really seem to notice the presence of the other, but shortly thereafter he must have noticed giving the violent shouts and accusations he let fly.  There was what appeared to be an argument, or at least Thoss seemed to be arguing, but this was quickly interrupted by the approach of a female Ylian.  She had a quick, urgent conversation with the Dermorian concering some pale skinned female Dermorian being attacked by a Lemur.  The Dermorian then motioned for the Ylian to watch over Thoss and then took off towards East Hyldaa at a run.  All the while Thoss was oblivious to the conversation between the two, and continued to shout out accustions aimed at the Dermorian about being setup.

The Ylian female began looking over Thoss' ankle with the intention of helping, but about that time another Dermorian approached them.  This one Thoss also seemed to know as well, however he began shouting at him just like the other.  In a fit of what one would have to call insanity, Thoss lifts his leg by the pant leg and slams it down onto the stones!  Obviously, the pain must have been immense, but as Thoss falls back in agony, a flash of clarity comes across his face as he quietly pleads with the Dermorian for help.  Appearing concerned and more than glad to help, the Dermorian began to cast a Crystal Way spell to try and mend the shattered ankle.  However, something seemed to have gone wrong.  As the effects of the spell began working on Thoss' ankle, they just as quickly dissipated, almost as if the effects were block by some counter-effect....

To make everyone's evening all the worse, at just this moment, the Dermorian who had left in a hurry returned.  In his arms was the pale-skinned female, as close to death as one could get.  He gently laid her down a short distance from Thoss and the others as they all stood around trying to come to grips with the situation.  Thoss was as far from coming to grips with anything as he became aware of the female lying next to him, near death.
[/IC log]

wow...retyping all of that hurt my head....and now don't feel like thinking too hard about this OOC part...

Questions to ponder:

First....can I start using the character names?  Didn't this time cause I wasn't sure........

Second....what the heck is in the fountain.

Why is Thoss half crazy

Why didn't the Crystal spell work

If magic is bunk, could the ankle be mended by the Ylian's methods?

And why is the female Dermorian, who Thoss knows, near dead at the same time all this business happened to him...coincidence?

Would be cool if we could craft a way to get everyone back in-game at the same that possible....or does anyone even want to?

ooc discussion posts about all this are fine in this thread...what will actually happen in-game will ultimately be determined there........things change rapidly!  Already quite a bit different than where i was heading. ;D
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 07:45:43 pm by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: Broken Bones and Frightful Sights [OOC]
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 11:39:09 pm »
note:   see newly added disclaimer in the original post. Thoss became more aware of who it was lying next to him, a name slowly began to ebb from his lips..."Veerra..liinn".  The moment the name was voiced his entire world went dark.  From the outside it appeared that Thoss had merely fainted, but in the reality Thoss was experiencing, unconsciousness would be a blessing.  He could see nothing.  He could feel nothing.  He could  The dark mass of emotions pouring into him had nearly broken him completely....hunger for terror,  joy in sorrow, and ecstasy in pain...underneath all this he began to falter.  As his will dissolved and his mind began to crumble, a bolt of azure energy blazed into through the darkness as if the light of the Crystal itself we burning everything away...and his eyes began to flutter open.

As the female Ynnwn finished casting the last of a long series of healing spells, Thoss' eyes suddenly flashed open.  He then immediately lunged out in Veralin's direction, crashing to the ground the moment he put weight on the ankle.  The Ynnwn moved over and cast another series of healing spells directed at his ankle.  This time, the spells were successful.  In a healing frenzy, the Ynnwn moved on to Veralin, who was looking a great deal better, and completed her healing as well.  After Thoss expressed his thanks and gratitude, the Ynnwn gave a final check of the two and bid them farewell.

Feeling much better, thanks to the Ynnwn, Thoss then began trying to find out what had happened to Veralin.  At this point, the interpretations of what happen fail to add up.  The Ylian who witnessed what had happened in the Secret Gardens asked if Veralin got a good look at her attacker.  Veralin seemed confused by this.  The only thing she seemed to remember is trying to help an injured Lemur man.  At this, Thoss asked how Veralin's helping of an injured man leads to her lying on the plaza stones near the exact time time he was in the fountian.

So, what's going on here?  Alot of the questions in the previous posts are still open for anyone wanting to bring ideas to fill them in.

Seems to me, things are heading in a direction indicated that what has happened to Thoss and what happened to Veralin could be related.  Perhaps orchestrated by the same individual(s).  could it be the dark shadowy figure mentioned in an earlier post?

So, if the character responsible for what happened to Veralin wants to blend in with where this RP is heading, the opportunity is open.  PM or post if you like and we can work on it. :)

I'll try to be in-game around 0200 UTC the next few nights if anyone wants to gather.

also, if this half in-forum/half in-game somewhat scheduled in advance RP format isn't desirable to anyone else besides me, please let me know...these posts take me about an hour to write, and there is yet to be any i wonder.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 06:37:59 pm by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin