Author Topic: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade  (Read 2967 times)


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[OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« on: August 24, 2009, 11:34:10 am »


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Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 09:45:29 am »
Again a big thanks to all players who came to watch the show. I hope it was some fun for you. This event was again a lot of work to setup and a lot of text to write beforehand. The coordination of the involved people was a bit harder this time because Lhaa and Aiwendil had their own parts to play in it. But I think everything worked out fine and all participating players did a great job. So now to the individual people who helped:

  • Dannae - Thanks a lot for all the work you put into this. Dannae not only modeled two dresses, but she also made a sketch for one of the dress designs and wrote two descriptions for dresses. And I would have been lost without her corrections for my bad English.
  • Dakaros/Euli - Thanks for the time you put into this, the modeling emotes you wrote and the funny kiss.
  • Lace - Also a big thanks to you for your time and work. It wasn't very easy to find enough male models so thumbs-up for you taking part in this.

Red Crystal Den Staff and others
  • Anaros - Thanks for helping as guard. Good work there.
  • Dalgin - Great work with the announcements and a big thanks for helping out as a guard.
  • Glundun - A big thanks for helping out as guard at the event. Since we didn't know until two hours before the event how many guards we will have we really appreciated your offer to help out.
  • Haraun - You did a great job behind the bar. And please also let me thank you this way for offering your help always when we need it. I'm really glad to have you around.
  • Havuik - Great work as guard and I hope we will get the chance to work together with the Brigade far more often from now. It's really good to know that there is a decent RP goodie guild around now.
  • Stelanso - Thanks for working as barkeeper again. Good work as always. I was really relieved when I got the first "hello" from you and saw you were able to login.

I also want to thank Siteya for her help with the English language in the dress descriptions. And of course a thanks to Voa who should have been one of the models but couldn't be there for the shortcuts she created for modeling.

And as always nothing of this would have been possible without Lhaa. Lhaa spend weeks with writing the dress descriptions, her announcements of the dresses on stage, making the posters for the parade, finding models, organizing the modeling audition, doing the rehearsals with the models, rewriting and correcting the stuff I wrote, the overall OOC and IC organizing and much, much more. So a big Thank You from me for all this Lhaa.

And here is the mentioned sketch of Dannae for Euli's flower dress:

And of course I made some screenshots, but Aiwendil never really was in a good position for those. So they aren't very nice:

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone...And I'm still cleaning the logs. Will post them a bit later.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 09:51:25 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 12:01:45 pm »
[In case anyone wants to read the logs...]

[In front of the Den]

Aiwendil looks around and the smiles at Lhaa "Seems we will have some audience"
Jnal draws his knife "you have a problem with it?"
Ciemeas says: is it open
>Tucos Jethare stands up.
>Solita Desolo greets Aiwendil Hallacar.
>Solita Desolo greets Lhaa Meeruu.
Eletes says: it isnt open
Lhaa walks out of the Den and takes a moment to eye the crowd. She nods to Aiwendil and smirks softly, then turns to the crowd and raises her voice a little. "Doors're 'bout to open. Please behave inside."
Aiwendil nods to Lhaa's words "Indeed, we won't allow any troubles in the Den". Then she reaches in her pocket and takes out a small key
Mordaan smiles
>Keella Uholous blows a kiss at Tucos Jethare.
>Tucos Jethare blows a kiss at Keella Uholous.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli greets Sulaika Letaza.
Aiwendil sighs "Please step aside so that I can unlock the door"
Jagefad says: Let her through.
Tucos cheers "Thanks"
Talcon says: Step back guys
Aiwendil walks to the door and unlocks it. Then she turns back to the crowd and raises her voice "Welcome to Hydlaa's first fashion parade"
Lhaa casts another soft smirk upon Aiwendil's words, then nods again towards the crowd and heads in. "Enjoy yourselves."

[Inside the Den]

Glundun says: "Welcom to the Red Crystal Den. Please keep your weapons shealthed and enjoy the entertainment in peace"
>Cainea Daemorian greets Haraun.
Ereressel looks for Sulaika
>Haraun greets Jagefad Gacha.
>Haraun greets Jnal Tmas.
>Haraun greets Cainea Daemorian.
Aiwendil smiles at Sarahlala "Greetings"
Haraun smiles "H'llo Cainea"
Jnal says: g'day two beer please *turns to Cainea* you like beer?
>Talcon Tokolin greets Glundun Axiz.
>Eletes Udges dropped a Pie.
>Ciemeas Sauda stands up.
Glundun says: "Welcom to the Red Crystal Den. Please keep your weapons shealthed and enjoy the entertainment in peace"
>Sulaika Letaza takes a seat by Ereressel Edikor.
Jnal says: *smiles*
Haraun nods to Jnal "Sure, just a moment"
Cainea says: Hey Haraun ...
Cainea smiles to Jnal:
Jagefad says: When will the parade start?!
Cainea says: Thank you, I prefer wine.
Ereressel says: patience
Haraun gets the two beer mugs
Jagefad says: Sir you're sitting in my seat.
Haraun puts one back "So one beer and one wine?"
Glundun says: "Hello Sir"
Aiwendil shrugs her shoulders "Gtre yourself some drinks. We will start in a few minutes"
Jnal waves at Haraun "Then just one beer and a glas of wine"
Ciemeas says: mordaan sit up here
Anumesa looks around for a familiar face, and not seeing any, decides to choose a random seat
Talcon whispers to Glundun
Haraun nods to Jnal, then looks around "Uhm, the wine was...." and searches
>Broden Frett greets Aiwendil Hallacar.
Phloxea says: Wow...quite the crowd!
>Hangatyr greets Aiwendil Hallacar.
Atihinen bows at Anumesa.
Broden says: Lady Aiwedil... nice to see you
>Tucos Jethare salutes Hangatyr with respect.
Anumesa nods in greeting
Glundun says: "Welcome to the Red Crystal Den. Please keep your weapons shealthed and enjoy the entertainment in peace"
Jnal laughs "A good bar man you are.."
Mordaan says: Hi Stelanso
Atihinen smiles at Anumesa "Hi there my lady."
Stelanso says: Ho Mordaan. What can i get you?
Aiwendil steps to Lhaa and wraps her arm around the Nolthrir
Mordaan says: I'll have a red.
Solita says: Say, Aiwendil ... do you mind me going ... upstairs?
Lhaa gives Mordaan a quick smile, then turns to Aiwendil. "Need a beer t'get it goin'?" She says, smiling at her gesture.
Xitop says: Lets see some action then!
Alliva places his paws of kaerlis eyes guess who
Haraun gives Jnal the beer and whine "That would be 40 tria please"
Kaerli laughs "Alliva?"
Atihinen makes a small bow at Anumesa "Enjoy the show."
Stelanso passes Mordaan a red Liquar "40 tria please."
Redyn says: This could take a while
Jnal nods and gets out his money
Ereressel says: A spare seat over here
Anumesa grins "Thank you, and you as well"
Mordaan says: Thank you.
Alliva says: we sitting here there pillows up stairs
Phloxea looks for a place to sit down
Jnal says: thank you
Aiwendil turns to Solita and shrugs "Sure, if you find some place there"
Kaerli says: Ah, upstairs will be fine, less crowded.
Stelanso looks round "Who's next?"
Jnal offers the wine to Cainea "I am Jnal by the way"
Aiwendil looks at Stelanso "Yes, a beer would be fine. Got some time for it Stelanso?"
Solita whispers to Aiwendil: "Well, your new staff seems to believe I don't belong there..."
Jnal says: hum...
>Ciemeas Sauda greets everyone.
Jnal gulps down the glass of wine
Stelanso looks at Lhaa and Aiwendil "One for both of you?"
Jagefad says: Has the show started?
Alliva lasy down on the rug and pillows
Atihinen smiles at Lhaa and Aiwendil "Hi there."
>Mordaan dropped a Red Liquor Mug.
Jnal ignores Cainea
Haraun says: Anyone else wants a drink or something to eat?
Alliva says: ah nice and soft
Aiwendil looks at Stelanso and shakes her head "Just for me..Lhaa only gets fruit juice today"
>Stelanso gave Aiwendil a Beer Mug.
Jagefad says: I would like a beer.
Kaerli sits next to Alliva, peering through the gap in the rail.
Lhaa smirks to Aiwendil's remark and shrugs a bit. "Give me whatever you want to." She says, then nods to Atihinen. "Greetings, handsome."
Sulaika looks at Sarahlala "How are you?"
Alliva fiddles with kaerlis hair
Mordaan says: Ooh, lots of plants on the stage...nicely decorated.
Aiwendil takes a sip from her mug and smiles at Atihinen "Greetings"
Kaerli grins to Alliva."
>Eletes Udges dropped a Beer Mug.
>Talcon Tokolin greets Nixe Rathesteel.
Sarahlala looks at Sulaika "kinsa good thanks"
Xitop says: the stage is over dressed, in my opinion
>Cainea Daemorian takes a seat by Small Chair.
Atihinen grins at Lhaa "Well you shouldn't call me handsome. But congratulations for your event. At least there are no people missing."
Alliva smiles a little and makes a meow pretending to be a kitten again
Jagefad says: Hello, lady.
Redyn says: I hope it starts soon
Jagefad says: What's your name?
>Mordaan greets Hangatyr.
Cainea greets the Sir, sitting opposite her ..
>Ciemeas Sauda greets everyone.
Sulaika looks at Sarahlala "Well its kind of pretty full in here, huh."
Sarahlala talks to sulaika "we havent met I a while tho"
Mordaan takes a sip from his mug
>Sulaika Letaza greets Ciemeas Sauda.
Lhaa quirks a playful eyebrow as she replies to Atihinen. "Why, ain't you now?"
Xitop says: wonder if theres any swimwear?
Talcon waves to Phloxea we have a seat open if your looking for a place to sit
Alliva says: you want a drink or something to eat honey
>Talcon Tokolin greets Phloxea Ysgard.
Jagefad says: You have a pretty face.
>Redyn Sourale laughs heartily at Xitop Klitatagok.
Kaerli grins "No thanks."
>Sarahlala Wetzeli stands up.
Alliva says: you sure ?
>Talcon Tokolin greets Phloxea Ysgard.
Atihinen shrugs "Well I guess you heard the news. So comparing to that.." and winks playfully at Lhaa.
Kaerli nods.
Xitop says: wonder if they will use cat-skin
>Sarahlala Wetzeli takes a seat.
Ciemeas says: When is it starting Dannae?
Alliva says: ok ill be back in a mineute
Phloxea says: Well thanks
Cainea blushes: Oh, thank you ...
Aiwendil takes a huge gulp from her mug and give Lhaa a gently squeeze
Redyn says: I have sold many rat skins lately
Lhaa shrugs to Atihinen's reply, then curls up to Aiwendil and smiles up to her.
>Alliva Aiyeve greets everyone.
>Haraun greets Alliva Aiyeve.
Haraun says: H'llo
>Stelanso greets Alliva Aiyeve.
Xitop says: you'll probabley see them again tonight
Alliva says: oh hey haraun been a while
Redyn says: maybe
>Redyn Sourale laughs heartily at Xitop Klitatagok.
Haraun smiles "Indeed, nice to meet again"
>Phloxea Ysgard stands up.
Alliva nods
Atihinen makes a bow at Aiwendil and Lhaa "Well.. I leave you two alone. Enjoy the show." smiles and waves.
Haraun says: May offer some drink or something to eat?
Alliva says: have a beer
Sarahlala wispers to sulaika "I hope you dont mind sharing your seat"
Aiwendil smiles at Atihinen "Not sure if I have much time to enjoy it. But have fun"
Lhaa returns the smile to Atihinen. "You enjoy th'show, we'll make it happen."
Haraun nods to Alliva "Sure" and goes to a barrel
Sulaika looks at Sarahlala "oh no you sit almost on the ground."
Aiwendil empties her mug and sets it on the counter. Then she turns to Lhaa "I guess I should go and dress up"
Broden says: beside you
Jagefad smiles to Cainea.
Talcon yawns 'why must this start so early in the morning?
Alliva says: roltock what in yalikum is that
Sulaika looks again at Sarahlala "I dont mind to share it."
Hangatyr grins
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a nod. "I'll poke Dalgin t'start announcin'."
Haraun returns with a fresh beer that he hands to Alliva "That's be 20 tria, please"
Alliva says: ill have some of that have to see it
Xitop says: this sort of event can get an old man like me very excited!
Phloxea sips her cider
Gedoc says: Search for Earowo
Lhaa leans in and whispers into Aiwendil's ear.
Cainea drinks the mug of beer and becomes sleepy ....
>Ciemeas Sauda takes a seat.
Alliva says: and fried roltok please mate
Aiwendil bends to Lhaa and listens
Redyn says: Lets hope you can keep awake until it starts
Leraider whispers to rarodele "i see that enki who attacked tanner"
Stelanso starts getting the roltok
Xitop says: yea
Talcon does off
Haraun says: Oh, sorry *gives the return to Alliva and looks for the roltok*
Aiwendil grins at Lhaa and nods "I will try. The same for you later on". Then she bends her head forward and kisses Lhaa's lips
Gedoc says: We need EaROWO...
Mordaan turns and whispers to Alliva
Gedoc says: This is a matter of life and death.
Lhaa giggles and returns the kiss.
Jagefad says: Can I get a last second entry?
Cainea starts sleeping ...
Haraun says: Must be here....
Rarodele whispers I do not like that. but leave it for now brother
Aiwendil withdraws her arm from Lhaa and slowly walks to the stage
Alliva lets out a snigger and gives a faint fe words
Lhaa picks up her juice, then steps over to Dalgin.
Lhaa gives Dalgin a short, discret wave, then nods towards the stage.
Dalgin spies Lhaa and nods in return
Alliva says: ok i gotta get back up catch you later and you mordaan
>Ereressel Edikor cheers happily!


Dalgin strides up the stage
Alliva says: good to see yah again mate
Sulaika whispers to Sarahlala smiling "I need to tell you something later."
Talcon startles awake as it begins
Dalgin turns to the audience and flashes a smile. "Welcome to the Red Crystal Den's First Hydlaa Fashion Parade! This mouthful of an event is brought to you by the Octarchal Society for Progress!"
Solita says: Sir... A priest of Talad, if I see right?
Alliva sits down aith a beer and some fried fish
Lhaa leans her back gently on the wall and watches Dalgin with a brief smirk on her lips.
>Alliva Aiyeve takes a seat.
Dalgin shouts: Tonight, we will be presenting a whole new line of fashionable wear, sewn by our own Lhaa Meeruu. In a few weeks, she's sewn TWELVE outfits.
>Kaerli Stronwylle stands up.
Dalgin shouts: To show off Lhaa's designs, we have several men and women to model for your viewing. Should you choose to purchase any style, please remember that the model is not included.
>Sulaika Letaza claps.
>Kaerli Stronwylle takes a seat.
>Ciemeas Sauda claps.
>Ereressel Edikor claps.
Sulaika giggles
>Sarahlala Wetzeli laughs heartily at Stage.
Ereressel laughs
Alliva sheepishly takes the first bite out of the fish
Solita says: Please deliver best regards from our Queen Lolitra. The offering has to start soon...
Mordaan chuckles
>Solita Desolo greets Julietas Kanazah.
Dalgin motions his hand toward the bar. "And finally, please visit the Den's bar for refreshments and get a drink. However, we would like to voice caution against spilling on the outfits, be it food, drink, spittle, or vomit."
Ereressel says: Vomit?
Dalgin shouts: Now, please enjoy the Red Crystal Den's Hydlaa Fasion Parade!
>Ereressel Edikor cheers happily!
Lhaa smirks and mutters under her breath."Wouldn't be th'first time."
Ciemeas whistles happily
>Sulaika Letaza claps.
Alliva says: hey this is good ever had an of this fried roltock
Dalgin walks offstage, pleased with himself
>Talcon Tokolin claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
>Farlan Dryssa takes a seat.
>Talcon Tokolin claps.
>Sulaika Letaza greets Farlan Dryssa.
Kaerli grins "No, I'll try a bite though."
Mordaan applauds

[Nelece - Casual wear]

Lhaa takes a deep breath, then swigs some of her fruit juice before walking up the stage and settling behind the bookstand.
Alliva passes kaerli the fork
Kaerli takes a large bite and passes the fork back to Alliva.
Sulaika says: Please have a seat opposite of us Farlan at the cheir.
Nelece steps onto the stage in a non-dyed silken blouse, it remains in its natural beige color. On her legs she has some dark blue silk trousers and high leather boots.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Stage.
>Ereressel Edikor claps.
Lhaa sends a short encouraging wink at Nelece and slowly turns to the audience. "Our first piece's carefully designed t'fit tightly 'round th'torso. Sleeves snug s'well between shoulder an' elbow before they slowly widen, formin' a bell-shaped end. Th'broad cuff's a corded sleeve pull sewn in at th'wrist for th'wearer t'leave open or close tightly. Th'first of th'three small, dark blue, wooden buttons s'placed at mid-breast height closin' a generously low neckline an' makin' sure t'catch the eye of th'viewer even at th'gal's work."
Alliva laughs and stands up to look over proping his drink and food on the banaster
Farlan says: Is that better?
Ereressel says: Ooh nice
>Solita Desolo claps for Nelece Rekeque.
Sulaika giggles at Farlan "You should look to the stage, otherwise you will see nothing."
Farlan says: oh...
>Ereressel Edikor lets out a hearty laugh!
Nelece smiles confidently, and struts to the center of the stage, swinging her arms to the side to show off the bell-like sleaves. She then turns around once, to show off the whole blouse, stopping to face the audience again. Her hands rest on her hips now, to show off the low neckline of the blouse, and the colored buttons.
Farlan scratches his head
Kaerli laughs a bit "Not my kind of blouse, that's for sure."
Sulaika says: Hmmm nice.
Kaerli says: It's nice on her, eye-catching and all...fitting for a Lemur maiden.
Lhaa gives Nelece a warm smile before raising her voice and addressing the spectators again. "Th'trousers, dyed in dark sea blue, mirror the sleeves' same shape pattern, tight 'round th'butt an' thighs, widenin' as they reach th'knee an' endin' in th'same bell-like shape. Th'cord's present s'well in both mid-calf length leggings, designed specifically for high boots."
Alliva says: me laughs i think they aint combat were more a social ware
Farlan says: how about now?
Alliva says: you like the fish alliva continues to eat happily
Kaerli says: Yes...they're designed for wearing to the local tavern
Kaerli says: By the way, the fish is great.
Sulaika looks at Ferlan "Yeah thats better."
Alliva nods
Kaerli says: ...not for wearing into a fight with an Ulber.
Alliva says: never had it before
Alliva shakes his head nope
Farlan whistles
Nelece turns to the side and walks around the stage, showing off the trousers. Her arms fall to her sides again, swinging to the side as she walks. She stops just off the center of the stage and smiles warmly to the audience shifting her weight to her left side, and resting her right leg to the right, again to show off the trousers, and boots.
Alliva says: but you ever know may come in handy for a laz day for yah or an event like this
Sulaika lays her hand at Ereressels shoulder
Kaerli laughs slightly.
Lhaa grants Nelece a satisfied nod after the lemur's gesture, then goes on. "In addition to th'front, mandatory buttons, two columns of buttons run down the entire length of th'left leg, allowin' for easy removal when in haste for whatever reason. They still retain enough double folded width t'prevent wind enterin' through the slit an' refreshin' that what's never t'catch a cold."
Alliva give kaerli a hug
Ereressel rests his hand on Sulaika's and smiles
Kaerli pats Alliva on the back and grins to him.
Nelece turns to the left to show the buttons on the leg. She looks over at Lhaa and grins.
Lhaa returns a broad grin while watching Nelece before going on. "T'complete the outfit, some mid-calf height leather boots dyed t'match th'blouse's beige tone, sport exceptionally long corded lacin', dyed in dark blue. You've got t'pity every man who got annoyin' enough t'learn that boots can s'well be used for other things other than walkin'."
>Dalgin Xawanda laughs heartily at Nelece Rekeque.
Nelece makes one last circle around the stage, showing off the outfit, before stepping off the stage.
>Dalgin Xawanda claps for Nelece Rekeque.
Sulaika smiles "Thats pretty nice."
Haraun watches the stage
>Ereressel Edikor claps.
>Solita Desolo claps for Nelece Rekeque.

[Lace - Bard suit]

Lace walks on the stage wearing lavender dyed trousers made of velvet and a pastel green linen string shirt. Wrapped around his neck and knotted by the chest. a lavender long hoodles cloack falls casually down his back. the whole outfit only loosely fits lace, making it lookin comfortable but also hard to get an impression off his well shaped figure.
>Solita Desolo claps for Lace Shadowone.
Talcon smirks
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Lace Shadowone.
Lhaa gives Lace an amused wink as he steps on the stage, waiting until he faces the audience. She then turns to the spectators as well and raises her voice. "Our next ensemble's meant for those who enjoy combinin' a cozy feelin' with a still elegant appearance. May s'well be th'prefect choice for bards on their travels or th'man who can spend some spare time playin' with his kids. Th'shirt can be tied down to th'breastbone but also left open on warmer days, much to th'ladies' delight."
Atihinen shouts: GO DOR IT LACE!
Lace turns around so his suit is seen well also at backside then make a handstand grinnin and winkin eye flippin then sideways at air landin his feet smiling charmly.
Dalgin sighs
Sulaika says: Whooo....
Sulaika says: Wow
Mordaan chuckles
Lhaa grins slightly at Lace's movements before looking back to the crowd and continuing. "Aside of th'two lines of brass buttons runnin' down from th'collar over th'whole front side of th'shirt, the emeralds goin' around the end of th'sleeves're the only decoration of the otherwise plain shirt. Th'long, loose sleeves completely cover the arms, but can s'well be easily rolled up the elbows, either wether 'tis too warm or 'cause th'sleeves impede th'wearer's actions, like jus' for instance playin' a harp."
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Lace Shadowone.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Stage.
Alliva says: hmmm not bad
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Lace Shadowone.
Alliva says: no armour but i could prssibly ware it what yah think ?
>Dalgin Xawanda claps for Lace Shadowone.
Mordaan applauds
Lace smiles placin his right at his waist and takes a dancing steps stumblin bit and fall his buttons then grinnin boyishly then stands up elegantly .
Kaerli says: Well,'s not a bad looking outfit, I say.
>Lace Shadowone takes a seat.
>Lace Shadowone stands up.
Lhaa covers her eyes and watches the reactions of the audience for a moment under her hand, then sighs and continues, raising her voice a bit. "Th'trousers're wide an' comfortable, allowin' th'bloke t'walk long distances without excoriatin' his most precious body parts. They're held in place by a broad belt. Have a closer look at the ornate buckle shaped like a tree, which's skillfully engraved with tiny leaves an' th'bark's roughness."
Dalgin cringes slightly
Ereressel winces, "Ouch"
Sulaika whispers to Sarahlala "Where is this friend that you wanted to introduce to me?"
Sarahlala wispers to sulaika "I dont know he is always here" makes a brake "normally"
Kaerli grins and laughs in return.
Lace turn his back at audience his right hand athis hips posin elegantly restin his left relaxed his other side his head turned bacway lookin audience corner of his eye fatedfully smiling charmfully.
Lhaa raises her arm, graciously motioning towards the cloak. She smiles relievedly seeing Lace's movements calm down. "T'round off the outfit we've added this lavender cloak. Its edges're bordered with some velvet in th'same shirt's color. 'Case dirty weather should happen, 'tis meant t'give th'wearer an' his possessions some protection, but it also grants him a mystic aura. Some people, especially bards, seem t'like that."
Alliva says: i do nee a new cape
Lace make elegant bow bendin his right knee,sametime make his cloak whirlin a bit in air then walks off the stage.
Alliva says: i lost me old one on me travels
>Sulaika Letaza greets Elolla Validor.
Dalgin chuckles to himself. "He IS a charmer...."
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Lace Shadowone.
>Dalgin Xawanda claps for Lace Shadowone.

[Aiwendil - Ball gown]

Aiwendil carefully climbs the stage, wearing a long, classy dress made of dyed silks which emanates an endearing lavenders' scent. The dye, apparently mixed with a slightly shiny material, perhaps well ground ruby dust, exudes bright glints of red pigment. A pair of long red gloves and a carefully folded pashmina wrap complete the gown.
>Sulaika Letaza claps.
Lhaa sends Aiwendil an amused wink and watches her stepping to the middle of the stage before facing the visitors again and raising her voice. "What I really love of our next gown's th'model inside." She states, then covers her mouth to muffle a giggle and continues. "Comes with th'back uncovered, from th'small of th'back up to where thin straps run over th'shoulders an' form a closely fit, U-shaped, high front neckline."
Ereressel raises one of his eyebrows and sits back
Sulaika stares at Aiwendil "This is so beautiful."
Aiwendil raises her hand, letting her fingers play with the waist straps while doing a slow turn. Walking to the front of the stage, she smiles warmly at the audience and gestures a polite curtsy
>Sarahlala Wetzeli stands up.
Lhaa turns to watch Aiwendil and sniggers softly at the diaboli's moves. "Stemmin' from each sides of th'Horny's belly, we've added two similar, but reinforced, wide silken straps that reach 'round lacin' across an' up the exposed back to th'shoulders. They finally descend into long spike-ends fallin' loose, makin' sure wether she's had a pie feast can be fixed: the unfixed straps allow her t'tighten th'tie similar to a corset."
Haraun looks to Jagefad "Hmm, and no drink... maybe want one?"
Aiwendil puts her hands on her hips at Lhaa's words and slowly turns around, giving the audience a good view of the just described backside. Wiggling her tail, the diaboli swaggers sensually to the backside of the stage before doing a quick turn and facing the spectators again.
Mordaan grins
Lhaa bites her bottom lip as she watches Aiwendil move, then addresses the observers again. "Th'skirt's long an' relatively loose, enhancin' th'legs' shape while still allowin' free movement. She wouldn't need the enhancin', but we stubborn tailors jus' can't help tryin' anyway. The ankle height front hem elongates t'form a train off th'back."
Ereressel lauighs at Jagefad
>Sarahlala Wetzeli takes a seat.
>Sulaika Letaza smiles at Aiwendil Hallacar
Aiwendil gives Lhaa a short wink at the last words and then walks elegantly along the edge of the stage. She blows a kiss to the Nolthrir when passing her, then steps back to the middle of the stage.
Alliva nudges kaerli
Lhaa grins broadly at the diaboli and returns the blown kiss before shifting her attention back to the crowd. "Both, gloves an' pashmina're dyed in a similar red tone, fairly darker than th'main dress yet jus' as shiny. Th'gloves're classy, designed t'wrap tightly to above th'diaboli's mid-forearm. Th'small, flat emerald gem encrusted on th'back of th'glove's been surrounded by graceful vine-like paintings that spike from it t'complete th'gloves' design."
Kaerli looks over to Alliva "Well, that'd make a good formal outfit, but I'd have concerns about my mobility in it, with the train and all..."
Aiwendil does a swift turn, making the ends of the pashmina graciously twirl in the air. When facing towards the audience again, she sends Lhaa a seductive smile while slowly taking a few steps backwards.
Alliva says: im not saying ware it all the time hun but it dosent look like it stops odility
Kaerli says: That, and I'd be showing off my scars, something that formal guests aren't interested in I'd figure...
Alliva says: anyway ide not let you ware it training
Lhaa gives a satisfied smile. "Th'thin pashmina wrap's long enough t'wrap more than thrice 'round th'neck, an' wide enough t'cover Aiwendil's shoulders an' back in cold weather. Its four sides're trimmed with paintings of th'same pattern as those adornin' th'dress. Th'swirlin' vines pattern painted in lavender purple adorns along th'waist straps, an' continues past th'strap ends t'finish in a V-shape by th'tummy. 'Tis also, evidently, th'source of the emanatin' flowers' scent." Lowering her voice, she whispers amusedly. "Ain't like she needs extra scents t'get my attention."
Kaerli grins "Well, true...and of course not..."
Alliva laughs pluss i dont think theyd be looking at you scares alliva motions at around head hieght
Aiwendil leans her head back and takes her right hand to her chin, running it slowly down her neck to present the gloves to the viewers. After blowing a kiss towards the audience, she giggles gently and turns around, slowly walking off of the stage.
Dalgin claps, shaking his head in wonder
Kaerli grins "Well..."
>Mordaan claps for Aiwendil Hallacar.
>Kaerli Stronwylle claps for Aiwendil Hallacar.
>Llyn Xines claps.
>Ereressel Edikor cheers happily at Aiwendil Hallacar!

[Dannae - Ceremonial dress]

Dannae glides onto the stage wearing a long, loose ceremonial dress composed of almost-totally transparent linen reflecting light shades of greenish hues. Finely detailed dark green undergarments are clearly visible, and atop her head rests a wreath with a large attached veil gently covering the Nolthrir's face. She moves gracefully, priestessly even, invoking a wonderment for nature's splendor, as she swoops around the entire stage before stopping to face the audience center stage.
Kaerli says: We'll have to see what else is about.
Alliva nods
>Llyn Xines stares at Dannae Reinor with interest.
>Llyn Xines winks at Dannae Reinor playfully.
Lhaa's mouth opens bemusedly as she watches Dannae walk up the stage. Looks at her for a long moment, then finally, reluctantly, manages to switch her gaze back to the attendants. "Ah... this design's somethin' we made for the Unodin's Festival some time ago, but 'tis sure worth bein' shown again." She says, then gathers herself and draws a warm smile as she continues. "S'meant t'give th'priestess total freedom of move an' feelin', hence th'massive openin' at th'front site that sharply spikes down below th'navel an' th'back's one reachin' below th'shoulder blades."
Dannae spins several turns with arms held perpendicular, again revealing the dress' attributes. Her hair adorned in numerous thin braids, flows and slides across her shoulders and back in response to every movement.
>Llyn Xines glances hungrily at Dannae Reinor.
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Dannae Reinor.
Lhaa gestures gracefully towards the details she speaks of. "Th'tight sleeves're what really hold th'dress to th'beauty's body by the arms, broadenin' in th'bell shape you see below the elbow for th'wavy cuffs're reinforced with a thicker linens layer. Th'same reinforced, though doubled, trim an' water-inspired shapes at th'skirt's bottom end enhance th'priestesses grace an' mobility while dancin' or simply walkin'."
Haraun nods to the people closer to the entrance
Ereressel whistles at Dannae
Sulaika smiles "This is nice."
Kaerli says: Hmmm...this actually seems like something I could move around in...unlike the last dress.
Sulaika pokes Ereressel in his side
Dannae slow dances a small pattern all the while spreading a trail of flower petals in her wake,
Llyn is spellbound
Kaerli grins a bit to Alliva.
Ereressel smiles and pokes Sulaika back
Haraun waves to Grai
Lhaa watches Dannae and giggles softly behind her hand. Removes it as she turns back to the audience, still smiling broadly when she goes on. "We've chosen th'vivid violet lavenders' tone for th'paintings this time an' made th'paint out of 'em so that anybody gettin' close can feel their scent in the air." She stops a moment, then takes a deep breath, never stopping to smile. "Thorns an' leaves circle th'sleeves' trims while vines that jump from one to the other trim add to th'two, spicin' th'skirt's bottom end."
Alliva says: you like that honey
Llyn claps appreciativelty for Dannae
Haraun smiles back
Kaerli says: This actually seems like something that might be workable.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Dannae Reinor.
>Kaerli Stronwylle claps for Dannae Reinor.
Dannae stops the dancing moving close to front stage and eyes the audience through the veil. Then raising both arms high above her head in a reaching gesture and looking skyward mouths the words "Always strive for kindness, avoid cruelty to all things, Hail Xiosia!"
Alliva smiles
>Llyn Xines concentrates in a prayer for Dannae Reinor.
Lhaa holds on to watch Dannae with a soft, genuinely warm smirk on her lips. Mutters a barely hearable "Hail" at the nolthrir's words, then turns back to the tables and continues. "The underwear here's a relevant part of th'dress an' meant t'be shown, thus we've worked it in silk an' puttin' extreme attention t'detail. Th'thin dark green bra's tied only by her back an' th'strap imitates th'wavy shapes of vines. Th'cups accurately resemble th'shape of a leaf pointin' in for both 'em tips intersect between th'breasts. Th'panties're featurin' th'same thin undulate straps that tie both ends of th'green silk by th'hips an' circle th'whole piece."
Dalgin raises an eyebrow, but claps anyways
>Llyn Xines stares at Dannae Reinor with interest.
Alliva says: can perhaps ask f it can be modified for yah
>Ereressel Edikor blushes at Leuthihi Yrradaphol.
Dannae pirouettes slowly in place, arms still reaching and eyes focused upward.
Kaerli says: Yes, just a little bit...I'd be showing lots of scars in that, but I reckon they could become conversation pieces all their own, no?
Kaerli laughs to Alliva quietly.
Alliva laughs
Lhaa gestures up to the veil and, while Dannae moves, she goes ahead with a broad, amused smile. "We've recovered th'whole crown with a leafed layer of fiber-made white yarrows intertwined to each other by th'stems. Th'long veil hangin' from th'front side of th'wreath, made with th'same transparent linens we used for th'dress, lands below th'chest's height t'tickle th'priestesses tummy. Somebody'd t'make sure they'd smile while performin', ain't it now?"
Alliva says: i got fur to cover the few scares i got
>Roled Rolak greets Stage.
Kaerli says: I don't get many these days, but I got quite a few during my younger years training...
Llyn smiles broadly, his eyes fixed on Dannae as she pirouettes.
Roled moves closer to the stage for a better view of...everything.
Alliva says: i trained with my father a lot of the time in chainmail
Dannae stops turning, lifts her veil to blow a kiss and bow to the audience, flashes a sultry smile to Lhaa, then sashays off stage.
>Llyn Xines blows a kiss at Dannae Reinor.
Alliva says: so i never got many slashes
>Roled Rolak stands up.
Lhaa shoots Dannae a quick wink in return.
Roled leaps to his feet, claply wildl.
Dalgin claps

« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:04:21 pm by Aiwendil »


  • Guest
Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 12:02:46 pm »
[Euli - Flower dress]

Euli carefully steps on to the stage in a white sleeveless dress made out of petal-shaped satin. Fitting around body and waist, arms and legs are free of cloth for her to move easily.
>Roled Rolak takes a seat by Stage.
Llyn claps vigorously. "All right Dannae!"
Kaerli says: I was in chain part of the time...but there were other parts of my training that left me with more scars...
Lhaa watches Euli walking up the stage with a calming smile, her eyes locked on the fenki's. Once she ponders her confident, turns around to the crowd and presents the dress. "Th'next outfit's th'perfect dress for a weddin' flower gal. Her face, neckline an' torso're framed in a large flower petal rose pattern. We've kept the upper body an' waist tight to th'model's body an' let th'skirt bloom out t'jus' above th'knee in a second giant rose petal layered skirt."
Euli curtsies cutely and begins to skip around the stage, arms swinging back and forth at her sides.
Haraun chuckles a bit, then pulls on different places on his uniform until being enough comfortable again
Alliva grins a little that ones a bit of for us i think
Lhaa smirks at the fenki's gesture and stops for a second while she moves. "S'you can see, th'large head sized petal shapes've been dyed in light pink an' flecks of crimson were spread 'round th'somewhat transparent material. Th'petals' overlappin's in charge t'create th'rest of th'tones, from light pink t'deep magentas that sparkle with th'reflective crimson bits. T'complete each of th'petals, we've trimmed 'em in a thin, solid pink outline."
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Euli Velehi.
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Euli Velehi.
Euli ends her skipping in the middle of the stage, twirling on the spot to show off the flow of the petal fabrics. Facing the audience again, she stretches her arms out at her sides, raised a little over shoulder length and smiles at everyone.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Euli Velehi.
Roled says: I likes me the pink and crimson..
Dalgin murmers "It's beautiful...."
Roled says: good job, young fenki!
Lhaa glances at Euli's moves as she graciously sets her hair behind her pointy ears. Nods to the kid, then turns back to the audience and smiles warmly to continue. "'Round her shoulders, a one petal shaped strap wraps tightly to each upper arm t'leave th'top bare. More of th'same, smaller petal shapes form th'convoluted neckline above th'breast an' extend above th'shoulder height in th'back t'frame her neck."
Euli does a slow, full turn before resuming her slow skip around the stage.
Sulaika smiles "That one is beautiful too."
Lhaa gives Euli a soft nod upon her move, then goes ahead. "The overall hourglass shape of the outfit's been achieved tyin' th'wide dark green wrap high above th'waist. Also covered this one with green reflective sparklin' bits an' leaf adornments that branch out of it. It possibly ain't what you'd have your daughter go out t'play in, but she'll make you a proud parent in any event you wish t'bring her to."
Roled says: Very nice!
>Llyn Xines takes a seat.
Ereressel says: Ooh aah
>Roled Rolak stands up.
Euli waves to everyone as she walks off stage.
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Euli Velehi.
>Mordaan claps for Euli Velehi.

[Dakaros - Wedding suit]

Lhaa watches Euli walk off of the stage with a still certainly amused expression, then eyes down to the bookstand and takes a moment to re-order the parchments on it. Heaves a sigh and heads off towards the dressing room.
>Dalgin Xawanda claps.
Aiwendil steps out of the dressing room after Euli left and climbs the stage again. She grins broadly at Lhaa, walking towards the Nolthrir. When she is close enough to Lhaa she winks at her and lowers her voice "You will be great Darling."
Sulaika smiles
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
>Alliva Aiyeve greets Roled Rolak.
Lhaa gives Aiwendil an insecure glance and casts a shy smirk. "That I hope..." She murmurs as she stops by her, casually running her hand over the diaboli's tummy.
Jagefad says: I could use another mug of beer.
Alliva brakes his thought for a mment
Alliva says: hey roled
>Roled Rolak greets Kaerli Stronwylle.
Aiwendil gives Lhaa a confident smile and reaches for the Nolthrir's hand to give it a gentle squeeze before walking behind the bookstand. "If I'm able to do it you will be for sure too."
Roled bows to both.
Haraun nods to Jagefad and says quietly "Just a moment"
Lhaa takes a deep breath and her smile grows a little wider, then finally nods. "You are." She replies simply, then resumes walking towards the dressing room.
Alliva gives kaerli a squeze ey hun have you meet roled before
Dakaros releases a slow breath and puts on a smile, stepping on to the stage in an earth-tone brown wedding suit consisting of silken trousers and jacket that cover most of the white linen shirt beneath it when buttoned.
Kaerli says: No...
Ereressel says: wedding suit?
Haraun returns with a fresh beer to Jagefad and almost whispers "20 tria, please"
Alliva says: well meet roled
Aiwendil looks up from some notes in her hand and watches Dakaros walking on the stage with a broad grin on her face before raising her voice. "Our next suit is meant for the poor guy who finally got caught by a woman. Please put your attention to the nature design, intensified by the earth brown color and the leaf green collar, which extends to the two borders in the jacket's front side. As you see, the silken trousers are also dyed in the jacket's same earth brown though, at both sides, a thin stripe of dark green silk extends from top to bottom."
Dalgin smiles. "Ahh....
Roled whipsers "Lady this an honor to meet ye."
Alliva says: roled meet the beutifull and deadly kaerli
Sulaika smiles "Wow."
Jagefad whispers"Thank you."
Kaerli says: Well met Roled.
Mordaan says: Wow, interesting.
Roled bows deeply then turns his eyes to the stage. "Deadly?" He turns back to look at Kaerli again.
Dakaros makes his way to the front of the stage where he slowly turns around once to show off the suit and its detail.
Haraun smiles at Grai and Leuthihi "H'llo"
Ereressel thinks, "I think I could wear that"
Aiwendil gives a broad grin watching Dakaros before continuing. "Also note the tight fitting of the suit. The jacket slowly tapers at the hips and widens out below. The sleeves give the groom more freedom, ending in wide wristbands which are adorned with two buttons each on the inside, both made of dark wood and shaped in a way that faintly resembles a leaf. The same kind of buttons, just a little larger, were also used on the front-site for the button facing, starting from a tad above the middle downwards thus leaving a V-shaped aperture."
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Dakaros Rigarel.
>Llyn Xines claps for Small Potted Plant.
Roled bows again. "Then I must be upon me best behaviour Sir A, if I am to make it out alive@!"
Alliva says: jukkie siutes
Haraun smiles and speaks quietly "Indeed, very nice to meet again"
Alliva says: nah shes a pussy cat really
Dakaros unbuttons the jacket, slipping his arms out of it and hanging it over a shoulder, presenting the white linen shirt beneath. Giving the crowd a wink and smile.
Alliva says: roled studying to be a sword master
Aiwendil glances down to the paper in her hand then focuses her gaze on Dakaros' pants for a moment. She lowers her head to hide a broad smile as she goes on. "And for the bride's joy, the trousers fit tight at the top to give her a vivid impression of those more interesting parts of the man she's going to tie... well, not literally one would hope." She says, then giggles softly and continues. "The trousers loosen downwards to below the knee height, ending at mid-calves so that they can be wrapped in tall boots."
Haraun leans a bit over the counter to Grai and Leuthihi "Want anything to drink or eat?"
Jagefad drinks a whole mug of beer in a moment.
Kaerli says: Ah...
Kaerli grins to Roled.
Sulaika smiles
Roled shakes his head "Nae Sir A- I be studying sword fer I be hopeless at it! Really me intent is to be a Crystal Mage and healer... tis a long study..."
Atihinen smiles at Stelanso "One beer please."
Stelanso looks at Atihinen "Can i get something for you Sir."
Ereressel laughs
Dalgin tries to hold back a laugh, and fails
>Llyn Xines raises a drink to Stage before gulping it down. Cheers!
Dakaros begins to walk the stage, pausing once at the middle and doing a full turn, giving the audience a warm smile.
Alliva smiles your doing ok with swrod
>Sulaika Letaza smiles at Dakaros Rigarel
Roled says: Wonder if I could e'er wear such a grand garment fer a wedding!
Kaerli says: Yes...the study of the Ways is quite the tedious one.
Aiwendil sets her forefinger's tip on her lips pensively then, once Dakaros did his move she goes on, smiling warmly to the attendants. "Should also note the intricate golden paintings that trace the jacket's borders and decorate the back; those have been much more visibly worked on. For the trousers we made some golden paintings crawling up the right leggings front and reaching slightly above the knee. The theme are vines and spiderworts. The latter represent, for many, a signal of true love and its prosperity."
Atihinen looks Stelanso "How much was it?"
Alliva laughs i couldnt
Stelanso passes Atihinen a beer Mug "That will be 20 tria please."
Alliva says: i think if i ever get married i will be in armour
Dakaros makes a one-handed bow, jacket still slung over his shoulder. He watches as Lhaa climbs onto the stage, taking a step back.
Stelanso says: Cheers Sir
>Mordaan claps for Dakaros Rigarel.
Kaerli grins "Yes, I'd probably be in the same."

[Lhaa - Wedding dress]

Lhaa graciously walks on the stage in a tight seagreen gown adorned with green leaves that visibly stand out. Mid-sized fiber leaves sketch a gently inclined fake belt set high above the hips. Up by the navel they gradually grow until reaching the breasts, the two bigger leaves serving as a loose bra to cup them. She stops before walking forth, seeming to unsurely re-assure her legs.
>Dalgin Xawanda claps for Dakaros Rigarel.
Roled says: Aye LAdy Kaerli, but I have learned me some new skills and spells these last days that have become useful fer sure...
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Dakaros Rigarel.
Atihinen nods and raises his mug at Stelanso "Thank you."
Solita grins. "Lady Kaerli ... uh oh!"
Sulaika smiles at Ereressel and winks
Haraun nods to Grai and turns towards the barrels, then scratches his cheek "Was somewhere..."
Roled keeps his voice llow and watches the model onstage
Dalgin looks confused.
Alliva sniggers a little
Aiwendil watches Lhaa walk on the stage with a bemused grin on her lips then, after a bit, nods briefly to the nolthrir and turns to the crowd to introduce the dress. "And now to the reason why someone like me, who can't sew at all stands here. Of course we couldn't miss the bride, but you have to be blind to miss her at all in such dress." The diaboli takes a quick peek at her notes and then raises her voice "Her gown was made to reflect the beauty of both bride and nature itself. Smaller intertwined leaves run up from the breast to the left shoulder and finish decorating her top, letting the strap made of small leaves dangle by the forearm until reaching the wrist and wrapping there forming a classy bracelet."
Atihinen leans back at the bamvoo table.
Ereressel raises his eyes brow at Lhaa
Stelanso looks after Haraun "Tea and milk are in the Crates."
Alliva says: quite te complimentary one is roled
Haraun says: Aah, here.
Llyn studies Lhaa with great interest.
Sulaika says: Aah wow thats amazing
Haraun returns with the milk to Grai and Leuthihi "Just the milk?"
Lhaa finally, even though she hesitates, steps to the center of the stage with a nervous smirk on her lips. She turns slightly to her right side and gracefully waves with the left arm, making the thin trail of tiny leaves dangle in the air.
Dalgin chuckles to himself. "A cute couple..."
Kaerli looks over to Solita "What is it?"
Sulaika looks interested at Lhaa's dress
Ereressel says: There is the bride
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Aiwendil watches the motion and gives Lhaa a warm smile before she continues, directing it to the audience then. "The boldly uncovered back of the dress is to show the bride's beautiful azure skin tone, but we've made sure nothing pops out, should she get into dancing or other emphasized activities after the ceremony." She says, letting out a short giggle before she adds. "Only a small thin silk strap's been made to hold the dress by its right side thus making for a wide collar and front view of the nolthrir's beautiful skin." Grinning impishly she lowers her voice and adds "The dress still hides far too much skin for my taste, but I wasn't the tailor."
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
>Atihinen Saraks claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Solita says: Usually you don't enjoy that really much.
>Solita Desolo claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
>Llyn Xines claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Haraun gives the milk to Leuthihi already
>Llyn Xines winks at Lhaa Meeruu playfully.
>Ereressel Edikor claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
>Dalgin Xawanda claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Kaerli says: True...I'm just seeing what's out there, really.
Lhaa does a half turn to show the forementioned back, then turns to walk facing Aiwendil, evidently more confident now. She grins brightly at the diaboli's last comment and does another half turn, again showing the bare back, to swagger towards the back of the stage as she shoots Dakaros a mischievous smile. Turns only her head when she reaches it, sending the audience a charming wink.
Roled says: Lhaa as a blushing bride- now that's a stretch...
Alliva sniggers again i think kaerli just in a happier mood these days
Haraun smiles and nods friendly
Aiwendil grins happily at Lhaa and slightly purses her lips, nearly unnoticeably blowing Lhaa a kiss. "The skirt, tight around the thighs and divided into front and bottom sides by long upways cuts, allows free movement to the wearer. Contrasting with the seagreen tone of the dress, we've used the same vines and spiderworts theme for the refined golden paintings. They trim the oval shape at the back and contour a triangle downways to enhance the bride's femenine shapes. Not that this would be needed for me to notice." She explains, then turns to Lhaa giving her a discreet turn-around motion with her hand.
Roled says: Perhaps we are about to see a wedding on the stage of the Red Crystal Den??
Atihinen drinks more beer.
Alliva squezzes kaerli again
Sulaika looks surprised
Haraun nods to Grai "Several.. maybe want to have a look at the menu here while Haraun gets the fish"
Kaerli grins to Alliva.
Haraun says: Was somewhere here.....
>Solita Desolo greets Leuthihi Yrradaphol.
Lhaa giggles at Aiwendil's remark as she runs her hands down her thighs and parts the skirt, folding her left leg slightly as it rests on her toes' tips. Leans her foot on the stage already taking a step forth to walk to the center of the stage, casually setting her hair behind the shoulders again with a feeble, gracious gesture of her head.
Roled watches his teacher Alliva and the Ynnwn with interst.
Stelanso looks at Solita "Can i offer you something miss."
>Llyn Xines pouts at Lhaa Meeruu. How unfair!
Solita says: Oh - yes. A cider please.
Alliva says: yes roled ?
Aiwendil shoots Lhaa a broad playful grin and shrugs her shoulders a bit before peeking at her notes again. Then she looks up and continues presenting the dress. "Notice the rest of the paintings are mirrored in back and front of the dresses skirt. At the bottom of both left corners we've depicted a detailed spiderwort from which several vines spawn and sneak along both borders until fading way into thin trims and finally disappear." She motions towards Lhaa's calves where the paintings are, looking at them far longer than needed before she turns to the attendants and grows a broad, anticipating grin.
Sulaika looks at Ereressel and smiles
Haraun returns with the milk to Grai "Would be 80 tria for both - decided about the fish already?"
Roled looks embarrassed. "Naught, sir. Nothing. Sorry.."
Alliva says: speak mate
Stelanso passes Solita the drink "That will be 20 tria please."
Lhaa smirks knowingly and walks to the edge of the stage, flashing the spectators a warm smile then. She inclines her left foot on the very edge, making the paintings in the skirt's corner protrude to be shown.
Ereressel looks back at Sulaika and smiles
Alliva stiffles a giggle
Roled says: Are ye two, be ye... companions, Sir? Lady?
Solita says: Thank you, Sir.
Kaerli nods a bit to Roled.
Roled smiles.
>Sarahlala Wetzeli claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Aiwendil holds her words for a moment to take another short look at her notes, then lets them go merrily. "We've also made some matching underwear for this and other dresses of our collection, but that's nothing we're going to show you here. In case you want to see them find your own wife and get her in a wedding gown. This beauty is not up for it, everyone who wants to marry her has to get past me first." She says amusedly, then lets out a short giggle as she turns to the nolthrir.
Solita says: Greetings, young miss. I hope you enjoy this town.
Roled says: Congratulations good Sir, fine LAdy!
Stelanso nods to Solita "Please enjoy your stay."
Alliva says: yeah one of us was finaly brave enough
>Atihinen Saraks cheers happily at Aiwendil Hallacar!
Haraun says: Haraun can offer fish delight, for example
Lhaa laughs out at Aiwendil's remark, then shoots the diaboli a playful shrug and walks to the center of the stage. Locks her gaze on Dakaros' eyes and motions him to come closer, a wide smile set on her lips.
Roled hugs Kaerli and slaps Alliva on the back. "Perhaps ye should be paying attention to this wedding emsemble shown on the stage then, sir!"
>Llyn Xines raises a drink to Lhaa Meeruu before gulping it down. Cheers!
Dalgin cringes slightly
Dakaros cocks his head to one side, walking over towards Lhaa at center stage.
>Haraun greets Solita Desolo.
Alliva says: nope not really
Aiwendil gives both a slightly suspicious glance and mutters softly "So much about going past me". She rolls her eyes and says in a ceremonial tone "And now kiss the bride."
Kaerli grins to Roled "We'd probably get married in armor anyway."
Jagefad says: Sit here, next to me.
Lhaa gently takes Dakaros' left hand in hers and pulls herself closer to him, smiling warmly as she moves closer to him.
Roled starts to hum a traditiional Dermorina folk wedding tune.
Dalgin raises an eyebrow
Solita says: Then take a seat and rest your feet on another chair, or a box.
Dakaros's cheeks and ears turn a rosy color, eyes darting to Aiwendil then back to Lhaa confusedly.
Ereressel says: Ooh hoo hoo!
Alliva says: yeah ide have new armour made for it
Llyn snickers
Lhaa's smile quickly becomes a grin as she gives Dakaros a soft nod and narrows her eyes. She slowly bends in, trying to peck the dermorian's lips.
Haraun chuckles a bit "No hurry"
>Ereressel Edikor laughs heartily at Lhaa Meeruu.
Aiwendil brightens up after she sees Dakaros' reaction and watches both obviously amused.
Stelanso whistles
Alliva says: most likely decoratetive stuff that functional stuff
Dakaros's eyes widen as Lhaa gives him a peck. Whimpering weakly, he faints, collapsing to the stage's floor.
Mordaan chuckles
>Dakaros Rigarel takes a seat.
Roled grins at Alliva. "New chain fer the ceremony? Or protectiong from yer 'deadly' Lady?"
Mordaan laughs
Stelanso laughs
Dalgin ducks around the corner to laugh hystarically into his sleeve
Jagefad giggles.
Lhaa can't avoid giggling before hasting to watch after Dakaros, crouching beside him. She waits a second, then sets her icy left hand on his forehead, trying to wake him up. "C'mon handsome... you weren't -that- bad." She mutters to him, flashing the audience an embarrassed glance.
>Atihinen Saraks lets out a hearty laugh!
Alliva laughs
Aiwendil shakes her head amusedly and mutters "I know someone who won't flee from a kiss of the beautiful bride."
Sulaika laughs
Alliva says: kaerli might be deadly but not to me
Ereressel laughs and get back into his chair
Dakaros shudders at the icy touch. Eyes fluttering open, he groans, "I'm fine..jacket broke my fall."
Alliva says: then again ive yet tp see her angry
Aiwendil giggles softly, still watching both "So, ready for a second try?"
Lhaa scowls softly and gives the suit a quick glance, then takes Dakaros' hands and tries to pull him up.
Dakaros takes the offered hand to pull himself up, nearly falling back down again at hearing Aiwendil's words. "What?"
>Dakaros Rigarel stands up.
Ereressel says: Forcefull isn't she
Jagefad says: Hmm, not so good...
Mordaan grins
>Mordaan stands up.
Lhaa smirks and gives Aiwendil a quick glare. "Think this was enough for tonight." She mutters through her teeth, then turns to Dakaros and mumbles into his direction as She tries to pull him along towards the dressing room. "S'pose I shouldn't've eaten that carp before th'parade..."
Llyn grins at the show.
Sulaika says: Yes
Dakaros allows himself to be pulled off stage.
>Ereressel Edikor quivers with a visible fear at Aiwendil Hallacar.
Aiwendil shrugs her shoulders and whispers softly to herself "As if you have any control about what you eat at the moment." She bites her lips and follows both to the dressing room.
>Solita Desolo claps.
Jagefad claps.
Solita says: I think I missed something funny.
>Ereressel Edikor claps.
Jagefad says: Was this part of the show?
Alliva says: you see roled ive known kaerli many years and weve spared together a lot
Roled claps.
Haraun says: Then some cheese after the sweet things - should help with the teeth, just not with the breath...


Dalgin walks toward center stage, clapping and laughing loudly. He then turns to the audience. "A beautiful moment that can only be compared to the beauty of their outfits."
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Dalgin chuckles slightly, then continues. "Now, the Red Crystal Den is a place to relax and find entertainment. We are here to make you comfortable. So, for those of you squirming in your seats, or looking at the bar, we've decided to have a short intermission."
Solita says: I was told apples keep teeth sharp and clean... but Enki may have different opinions.
Haraun chuckles and nods to Grai "That's a great idea"
Roled whistles and claps some more.
Alliva says: i think ive seen all her tricks
>Jagefad Gacha stands up.
Dalgin raises his arms. "So, you're dismissed. Don't go to far!"
>Solita Desolo claps for Dalgin Xawanda.
>Sulaika Letaza claps for Dalgin Xawanda.
Roled turns to Alliva and Kaerli direcly. "Well let me please congratualate ye two! When may I plan fer the wedding?
Grai nods "That's right, you will. Mine are also second teeth."
Kaerli grins to Roled "Thank you."
Haraun smiles to Aiwendil
Alliva laughs again not fr a while
Roled says: Cold menki paws already Sir A?
Aiwendil smiles at Haraun and Stelanso "So, who is going to give me a lquor now?"
Grai waves to Aiwendil "Hello Aiwendil! Good to see you!"
Stelanso smiles at Aiwendil "Thirsty after all this talking?"
Alliva says: nope but weve both been inguaged before
Sulaika looks at Ereressel "Is it over?"
Solita says: What did I just overhear?
Leuthihi says: He said that I will lose all teeth. I hope I don't lose them all at once!
Euli hops up to look over the bar counter, "Hiya mister." She smiles at Stelanso.
Ereressel nods at Sulaika
Torias says: so you must be Eletes... glad to finally meet you
Haraun nods to Aiwendil "Haraun will quickly get one" and turns to the barrel
>Sacho Awotoha stands up.
Aiwendil looks surpsied at Grai and smile broadly "Hello Grai. Very nice to see you here"
Alliva says: both to other fighters ad know how it can go
>Sarahlala Wetzeli stands up.
Stelanso looks at Aiwendil "What already. Have you finished for today."
Roled bows deeply again. "I be very happy fer ye two. LAdy tis an honor and pleasure indeed to meet ye!"
Grai beckons to Euli "Have some milk on me, Euli!"
Stelanso laughs and turns round to get the drink.
Eletes says: ah torias nice to meet you too .how are you?
Euli looks around, spotting Grai, "Oh! Thanks" She goes to hug her.
Lace smiles "whew i think i need a drink cold beer sounds good "
Sulaika looks again at Ereressel "Okay I was not sure. Let us get a drink."
Aiwendil laughs and shakes her head, lookinbg at Stelanso "No, I still have one dress to wear in the second part"
Grai looks happily from one to another and hugs Euli
Roled says: Now I must get me back to work... those tria don't get in me pocket by themselves!
Haraun says: Oh, got one already, Stelanso?
Leuthihi eyes Euli curiously, smiling with glee
Solita says: Could it be that another pot finds its matching lid?
Aiwendil takes the mug from Haraun "Thank you"
Phloxea sips her cider
>Stelanso gave Aiwendil a Red Liquor Mug.
Roled waves to all
>Roled Rolak greets everyone.
Alliva says: ok safe travels rolled
Ereressel laughs and nods, "Well I already have mine, here"
Leuthihi says: Hello!
Ereressel says: Sana sina. Take this.
Euli peeks around Grai to Leuthihi, "Hiya!"
Stelanso gives Aiwendil her drink.
>Solita Desolo greets Roled Rolak.
Solita waves goodbye.
Leuthihi says: That was so great!
>Haraun gave Aiwendil a Red Liquor Mug.
Sulaika looks at Sarahlala "You want one too?"
Euli giggles, "Thank you! I'm Euli."
Leuthihi says: What you did.
Alliva says: oh hey again solita
Kaerli says: Farewell Roled.
>Llyn Xines stares at Dannae Reinor with interest.
Torias says: fine, fine. it'a a nice event tonight
Kaerli says: and greetings again Solita.
Leuthihi smiles "I am Leuthihi from Ojaveda"
Grai grins "Euli, meet Leuthihi, Leuthihi, this is Euli, as she said."
Haraun says: Someone else want something to drink or eat?
Aiwendil takes the second mug too and giggles "Thank you both. I guess that should be enough to get me back on stage again"
Stelanso looks at Euli "You wanted something miss?"
Eletes says: yeah thats my way of thinking
Haraun chuckles to Aiwendil and Stelanso
Euli waves at Leuthihi rather energetically. Then nods to Stelanso, "Milk, pwease?"
Solita says: Ensure that I don't miss your invitation!
Sulaika giggles and stares at Ereressel "Well I did not noticed."
>Sulaika Letaza cheers happily at Stage!
Stelanso says: Sure thing
Phloxea takes another mouthful of her cider
Grai nods to Haraun "Yes, Haraun, I'd like one more milk, and three carps, please."
>Sulaika Letaza cheers happily at Ereressel Edikor!
Alliva takes seet
Torias laughs "how can you know? you just arrived"
Leuthihi giggles a bit and shows her own milk "U have milk too!"
Sarahlala turns to sulaika "its so crowded in here Ill catch some breath"
>Alliva Aiyeve takes a seat.
Ereressel smiles and tilts his head, "I had it in my lap"
Kaerli says: That's not a worry.
Haraun smiles to Grai "Sure, will have in a moment" and turns to the crates "Hmmm..."
Stelanso passes Euli her milk "Enjoy miss."
Solita smiles and nods.
Eletes says: i was here a half hour ago
Euli giggles, taking the bottle of milk, "Thank you!"
Aiwendil takes a sip from one of her mugs and looks around
Sulaika looks at Sarahlala "Oh okay."
Kaerli grins to Alliva "I think she wants to attend our eventual wedding...
Eletes says: or a hour. i dont know
Euli pokes her tongue into the bottle, lapping up some milk. "Yummy." She giggles.
Stelanso looks round the bar "Whos next?"
Torias says: oh...
Alliva says: who said its eventual i might get bored of you
Ereressel says: Do you have any plans tonight?
Solita says: There would finally be a reason to try and wear some of the dresses in our closet.
Alliva stick tounge out
Lhaa walks towards the bar, still looking down embarrassed.
Kaerli grins "That's true..."
Grai gives Leuthihi a mug "Here, this is easier..."
Leuthihi giggles and nods
Leuthihi says: I like milk very much.
Ereressel says: I have some axe training to do
Kaerli then laughs to Solita "For me, I'd be getting a couple of new sets of armor..."
Sulaika looks with fond view in his eyes "No, not really."
Euli says: I do too!
Euli smiles at Leuthihi.
Leuthihi says: But there's seldom any to have in Ojaveda.
Aiwendil turns to Lhaa and smiles warmly "You were great". She bends her head to the Nolthrir and whispers, before kissing her cheek "I love you"
Leuthihi says: And I like fish too!
Sulaika says: Oh okay
Lace smiles lhaa and aiwendil "breath takin modellin my ladies "
Haraun returns to Grai "Sorry, only two carps... took another common fish instead of the carp if ok?"
Dalgin smiles at Stelanso. "If noone is ahead of me, I'd like a red wine, please."
Solita says: Oh, you are a fearsome couple.
Solita giggles.
Aiwendil winks at Lace
Alliva lays back on the pillows
Stelanso nods to Dalgin
Grai smiles and nods "Sure, Haraun"
Ereressel looks softly into Sulaika's eyes and kisses her lightly
Sulaika smiles "Well I think I should train also."
Euli nods a thanks, sipping from the mug of milk.
Sulaika responds to Ereressels kiss gently
Grai takes her purse "WHat do I owe you?"
Haraun smiles "Will be 64 tria"
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a doubting smile. "Ah... sure I was." She says, then shrugs a bit and replies in a whisper. "Love you too, darlin'." She bends in and kisses the diaboli's cheek gently.
Ereressel says: Alright then, we shall train together
>Solita Desolo greets Aiwendil Hallacar.
Sulaika says: I liked the weddingdress
>Solita Desolo greets Lhaa Meeruu.
Phloxea sips her cider
Stelanso says: One wine comeing up
Lhaa turns over to Lace and sends him a brighter smile. "Why, thank you. You weren't too bad." She says playfully.
Solita says: Great show, ladies.
Grai nods "It's fine, Haraun"
Leuthihi says: I think a dress of velvet must be very comfortable and soft and gently to my fur and I am sure it's also cuddly and warm and soft!
Sulaika takes a sip of her beer
Ereressel says: Yes they were something
Haraun smiles to Grai "Thanks"
Euli looks up at Grai, "I gonna go upstairs to the comfy spot!"
Leuthihi drinks from her milk again
>Dannae Reinor greets Llyn Xines.
Lace smiles charmingly and bow elegantly "thank you lhaa "
Alliva puts his mug down and puts his paws behind his head
Phloxea quickly straightens her long dress
Dalgin nods to Stelanso. "Many thanks." He takes a sip.
Leuthihi looks up to Grai "Can we go too?"
Solita says: I wonder if Keldrena designed one of those too.
Lhaa turns to Solita and gives her a soft smirk. "Thank you. Ain't over yet."
Grai gives Euli and Leuthihi one carp each
Sulaika smiles at Ereressel "Well then lets go train."
Jagefad says: Hello, are you hiring?
Sulaika says: Or wait
Euli gasps, "Fish!" Giggling as she hurries up the stairs with her milk and fish.
Alliva says: honey why not have a seet there haveing a breake now
Leuthihi giggles and takes the carp "Thank you"
Grai giggles
Lhaa shrugs her shoulders. "I don't s'pose she did." She says to Solita. "Haven't heard of her for th'last weeks."
Kaerli sits back a bit "Alright"
Leuthihi tries to hold the carp and the milk both with one arm somehow
Solita says: What a shame. I wonder what kept her.
Alliva says: im sure you find something you like
Grai nods to Leuthihi "Sure, let's go!"
Alliva places his arm around kaerlis waist
Haraun chuckles watching Euli, then pulls on his uniform again on several places in a row
Euli plops herself down on the mass of pillow and carpet, biting into her fish.
>Euli Velehi takes a seat.
Haraun smiles to Grai and Leuthihi "Wish a nice evening"
Anaros eyes Euli curiously
Leuthihi says: Thank you Mister Menki!
Leuthihi waves
Stelanso looks at Dannae "Can i offer you something miss."
Haraun looks to Jagefad "Mean if the den is hiring?"
Grai says: Oh, Leuthihi, this is Haraun, by the way, Haraun, this is Leuthihi from Akkaio."
Euli sips from her milk mug before setting it down. Nibbling at her fish greatfully.
Grai smiles and nods to Haraun "See you later, hopefully."
Alliva says: are you ok honey
Leuthihi says: Yes, I am.
Kaerli nods and smiles "I'm certain too."
Dannae smiles at Stelanso, "Free drinks for the models?"
Haraun says: Ah, nice to meet, Leuthihi *waves* A nice evening
Dakaros sits on the step, running ahand through his hair.
>Dakaros Rigarel takes a seat.
Aiwendil empties one of the mugs and places it on the counter. Then she wraps her arm around Lhaa and smiles warmly at her "And it wasn't so bad, or?"
Stelanso nods to Dannae "Yes indeed."
Grai says: Now, where did Euli go?
Dannae says: Then a beer please
Ulloriaq quietly walks over to the counter
Sulaika looks around for Lhaa
Leuthihi points to the stairs "There"
Lace says: ah euli ? she went upstairs
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a humourless eye-roll. "What wasn't, th'bloke droppin' unconscious?" She says somewhat sarcastically, then looks over to the stage and sighs.
Grai says: Ah...
Grai says: Oh, hello Lace!
Lace smiles "hello grai "
Stelanso gives Dannae her drink "Here you fo. Enjoy."
Ulloriaq takes a look across the room " Man, it's pretty full tonight."
Grai waves and smiles
>Solita Desolo greets Euli Velehi.
>Euli Velehi waves at Solita Desolo
Dannae takes a sip, "Thanks Stelanso"
Solita says: Greetings, dear.
>Ereressel Edikor makes a bow to Sarahlala Wetzeli.
Dalgin takes another drink of the wine, looks at it, then decides to take it with him up to the stage
Aiwendil laughs "That's your incredible charm Darling". Then she glances shortly at the stage and continues "But guess I should go and dress up again"
>Ereressel Edikor makes a bow to Sulaika Letaza.
Euli smiles up at Solita, "Hiya."
Solita says: I believe you enjoyed the show?
Grai pushes Leuthihi softly "Now, lead the way..."
Euli nods quickly, "It's fun!"
Sulaika laughs "You scared me Sarahlala."
Leuthihi says: I don't know exactly
Alliva puls kaerli on top of him slightly and gives her a kis
Lhaa gives Aiwendil a nod. "Do that. Can't wait t'see you in your next dress."
Lace nods to aiwendil words and heads back to stage
Leuthihi looks unsure "Up there"
Kaerli returns the kiss and winks to Alliva.
Leuthihi says: She went
Solita says: Quite a pretty dress. Do you think you can keep it?
>Sarahlala Wetzeli laughs heartily at Sulaika Letaza.
Stelanso looks at Ulloriaq "Can i offer you something miss."
Aiwendil giggles at Lhaa's words and walks back to the stage
Ulloriaq says: Uhm, no thanks
Grai nods "Let's go and look for her"
Ulloriaq walks away
Lhaa shoots Dannae a broad smile and winks, nodding slightly towards the stage. "Up for a li'l more of showin' us your beauty, sweetlips?"
Dannae hurriedly gulps at her beer knowing she hads to get changed again soon
Alliva laughs your not thinking of a weeding already are yah hun
Lace smiles dannae "you doing grear charmflower of xioshia "
>Torias Reethu greets Haraun.
Dannae says: Yes Lhaa, just quenching my thirst a bit first
Kaerli says: No, not quite yet.
Lhaa giggles. "Please do so."
Torias says: i'll take a beer please
Alliva smiles ok hun
Grai smiles at Solita as she passes
Grai says: (and glares shortly at Anaros's back)
Dannae says: Thanks Lace, I appreciate that
Leuthihi smiles widely "There you are"
Grai looks at Euli "There you are... may we join?"
Alliva smiles it be ok if you were just wondering
Leuthihi says: It's really nice here with all those pillows and such!
Dalgin steps to up to the stage once again. He then adresses the crowd. "Ok, I think that you've all gotten a chance to strech. Plop yourselves back into those seats because we are ready for the second half of the parade."
Leuthihi says: Aww, why?
Grai raises her eyebrows "Why so?"
Grai says: Aaaah!
Leuthihi says: Aww.
Grai smiles "Oh, we have a good spot here, Leuthihi, and she'll be back I am sure."
Leuthihi says: But can we sit here and watch? My feet hurt.
Alliva smiles at kaerli and give her a kiss before standing up to watch the secnd part
>Alliva Aiyeve stands up.
Torias takes the mugs "thank you"


  • Guest
Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 12:03:33 pm »
[Nelece - Party Gown]

Nelece slowly walks on the stage in a classy bright green gown made of kormi fibers and a large hat of the same tone. It features a tight body and a wide, large skirt that wavers gracefully as she moves. Her arms are free of cloth besides the long gloves she wears, the top half of her back as well.
Kaerli stands up as well.
>Kaerli Stronwylle stands up.
>Torias Reethu takes a seat.
>Leuthihi Yrradaphol greets everyone.
>Kaerli Stronwylle greets Grai.
Kaerli says: Greetings Grai.
Grai nods "Of course. You are a good cub, no complaining all the way..." She winks
Lhaa watches Nelece gracefully walking up the stage and gives a smile to her right before turning to the audience and speaking aloud. "Our next dress s'for th'wealthy woman who won't mind enhancin' her beauty with an expensive gown, or that has a husband she can force into spendin' th'last savings for it. Designed for lemurs but easily adaptable to other races, will make th'high society ladies jealous of our lucky customer no matter th'husband."
Leuthihi grins a bit
Grai pulls Leuthihi back "No, not on the railing please..."
Nelece grins broadly, walking over to the middle of the stage. The dress fits Nelece's pale complection nicely.
Leuthihi says: Not on.. but I need to be close to it.
Lhaa stops a moment to let Nelece do her moves, then continues, smiling brightly to the attendants. "Despite th'whole gown's dyed in bright green, we've kept th'contrasts with different tones usin' shadows. Th'long skirt, that gently grazes th'model's feet, features ten high bloated frills, undulatin' th'whole skirt t'give it a magestic air when she walks."
Alliva says: you know these kaerli ?
Grai nods to Kaerli "Hello, Kaerli!"
Leuthihi says: Can I put my legs through here and sit so?
Kaerli says: Grai, yes...
Leuthihi motions putting her feet through the railing
Nelece walks around the stage, showing how the dress moves when she walks. She stops inbetween the walk, to turn and show the dress' style, before continuing.
Grai ponders a while "Oh, why not... if it bothers anyone, they'll say so... "
Lhaa grins up to Nelece and discreetly motions her to turn around before she does so herself, addressing the crowd. "From th'lemur's tummy emanate two thick, wide straps that tie at th'back formin' a massive lace. Should you get closer t'her from th'back please be polite an' keep your eyes on th'lace! In that area, we've embroidered small figures depictin' groffels an' yulbars on th'fibers for th'pet lovers an' children to enjoy."
Alliva says: witch ones grai ?
Kaerli says: The dark-furred one.
Grai frowns slightly "Oh well, I am, tabei."
Leuthihi says: [ so that the legs can dangle ]
>Mordaan takes a seat.
Nelece grins back to Lhaa, and turns around to show the back of the dress. She turns her head to the side, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she does so, and smiles.
Grai nods to the Menki
Alliva says: yes but i see 2 fenkis not one
Alliva says: hello grai nice to meet ya
Lhaa watches Nelece's moves for a moment, then grows a mischievous smirk. "Should be th'husband who ain't proud of his woman, he can s'well use th'veil we've attached to th'hat. Its large brim bears a simple device that allows th'bearer, or th'forementioned husband, t'remove th'veil. Another small lace's been drawn 'round th'hat's crown featurin' th'same embroidements th'back's lace does. Hands an' forearms're well protected an' politely covered by th'set of long gloves, each of 'em with a short cut at th'backside for an' eventual easy removal."
Alliva says: im alliva alyeve
Nelece walks over to the edge of the stage and makes a half-bow half-curtsie to the audience with a large smile, before turning and pacing off the stage.
Leuthihi says: Or maybe I could sit on your lap?
Mordaan claps
Grai nods again, smiling politely "NIce to meet you, Alliva... " And turns back to the show and Leuthihi

[Lace - Classy Suit]

Lace walks on the stage in an elegant suit made of silk consisting of obvious three pieces,a vivid red shirt, some black trousers and black gloves.
Lhaa gives a pull to her fruit juice goblet while watching Lace, then turns to the spectators. "An' now we've got somethin' for th'fashion conscious man. I know, those're rare or already married, but there's still a chance you can find one." She lets out a soft giggle and goes on. "Th'red shirt's sleeves of this ensemble're adorned with golden thread embroideries that resemble both thorned vines an' jade plant's leaves, th'latter meanin' prosperity an' wealth. They run from both sleeve cuffs up th'backside an' fade at the elbow."
Grai nods and smiles, opening her arms and tapping on her lap "Even better... come here, Leuthihi"
Leuthihi smiles "And more comfy too."
Lace make a turn his right side smiling and blowin a kisses to ladies, then turning his left side blowing a kisses to ladies second time, lastly blow big slow kiss with loud smooch sound to ladies smiling charmingly.
Grai nods "And you see better, too."
Leuthihi sits down on Grai's lap, nodding
Mordaan chuckles
Lhaa gives a soft chuckle while watching Lace, then slowly withdraws her gaze and resumes her speech, eyeing the audience. "Hopefully th'ladies among us like the tight fittin' body of th'shirt. Th'loose an' wide sleeve're a nice contrast t'the overall design. The embroideries encirclin' th'shirt's neck only add t'the elegant outfit. They fall over on th'chest, fadin' to a single vine before disappearin'. The wooden buttons on th'front side're covered with golden paint, helpin'em catch the viewers' eye."
Leuthihi giggles a bit and drinks from her milk looking down
Lace wink eye stickin his tongue playfully out and start make whirling sideway flips around the stage.
Mordaan rolls his eyes
Lhaa shoots Lace an amused wink and turns back to the attendants to continue. "Th'black dyed silken gloves're thin enough to allow th'man t'manage any dexterous task. 'Least given he was able t'do 'em already before. Th'black trousers feature th'same golden-painted wooden buttons as th'shirt an' are tailored t'fit the wearers' hips an' thighs tightly 'til growin' wider by th'calves, endin' in a bell-shape. Th'same golden embroideries th'shirt features also trim the end of both leggings."
Grai puts her arms around Leuthihi, allowing her space to drink and eat, and puts her chin on Leuthihis shoulder, watching the show
Leuthihi giggles
Grai inquires "Is my head too heavy?"
Leuthihi leans back against Grai and shakes her head "not yet"
Lace looks passionatelly and deeply all ladies at their eyes smiling charmly makin an elegant bow bendin his right knee and bringin his hand to his heart then head of the stage.
Mordaan mutters "wow, laying it on thick."

[Aiwendil - Short Dress]

Aiwendil climbs the stage in a amethyst colored short dress made of fine weaved linen. Despite the plunging neckline the gown covers the Diaboli's shoulders completely and the sleeves extend the whole way down to the wrists. The skirt ends only a few centimeters below the hips, barely covering Aiwendil's thighs at all. She wears some almost transparent stockings that reach up above the knees and are dyed in the same color as the dress.
Grai chuckles quietly
Leuthihi says: My head is quite hard.
Lhaa grows a mischievous smile as Aiwendil walks on the stage and then, after watching the Diaboli for a moment, finally raises her voice. "An' here we have somethin' for th'huntin' woman. This one can only hope she's lookin' for some fish tonight. Th'dress s'for those who like it a li'l more colorful as well. Have a look at th'golden drawings decoratin' th'left side of th'dress. The abstract paintings're meant t'distantly resemble flames, givin' the observer a hint of th'wearer's temperament."
Grai mumbles "Now, that is a short dress..."but nice..."
Aiwendil curtsies towards the attendants once she reached the middle of the stage. Returning the smile to Lhaa, the diaboli then takes her hand to her hips, slowly walking a circle on the stage to give the audience a good view from every side. Stopping again at the front of the stage, Aiwendil does a full turn, smiling broadly at the crowd afterwards."
Leuthihi asks Grai "And you can catch fish with it?"
Lhaa eyes the audience with a soft smirk on her lips, giving them enough time to have a look at the dress before continuing. "Th'tight fittin' dress is also meant t'give a good impression of th'bearer's shape, hidin' only th'necessary t'keep it interestin'. With such short, loosely fallin' skirt, th'gal ain't goin' t'have any problems with dancin' or any other activities she might get into. Th'decorative thin black belt 'round th'hips only adds to th'presentation of th'woman's shinin' beauty."
Aiwendil slightly rolls her eyes at Lhaa's words and raises both hands, holding them as if she dances with some imaginary man and does a few, slow turns in this position. Facing the audience again she stops and bows deeply. After raising again she sends Lhaa a playful wink.
Grai giggles "No, not really, she made a joke..."
Leuthihi looks questioning "Oh."
Lhaa watches Aiwendil with an amusedly crooked grin, then returns the wink before turning back to the attendants. "For th'diaboli beauty's tail, a small hole in th'back was added. S'easy t'notice that th'red tone of th'small rubies embedded in the edge of th'skirt matches greatly the overall design of th'dress."
Grai giggles at Aiwendil
Aiwendil turns to the side squirming her tail a few times and smiles seductively at the audience. Then she walks another circle on the stage, wiggling her hips slightly. In the middle of the stage the diaboli once again faces the spectators, granting them a warm smile before turning around and heading off of the stage.
Grai nods to Leuthihi "Well, it's meant in the way, that.. well..."
>Mordaan claps for Aiwendil Hallacar.

[Euli - Yulbar Suit]

Euli hops on to the stage in a colorful gown. The simple, lightweight, bright outfit is clearly designed with summertime comfort in mind. She stops on the middle of the stage and gives a cheerful, two-handed wave with a giggle.
Leuthihi whispers "But she said for hunting fish. And I like fish."
Leuthihi leans more forward
Lhaa can't help a soft giggle as she watches Euli getting on the stage. She flashes the girl a wink and turns to the attendants. "An' now we've got somethin' for our beloved li'l ones an' their next visit t'the Octarchal festival. Th'top's dyed in a very bright blue an' the entire front's taken up with a dyed-in image of a very cute, but funny lookin' yulbar, donnin' a wide open mouthed smile with its large red tongue hangin' out. Th'back features the yulbar's backside an' wagglin' tail."
Grai also leans forward to see Euli
Euli plants her paws on her hips, presenting the yulbar on the front of the outfit. Twirling around as Lhaa continues, she shows off the back of the yulbar print as well, her own tail wagging.
Haraun moves and pulls around on the trousers about where his knees are and at the legs, then on his shirt again
Leuthihi giggles "That one is nice too but not for catching fish."
Grai shakes her head, grinning "So, you liked the fishy dress?"
Lhaa watches Euli with a thoroughly amused, yet benevolent smile on her lips before she speaks again to the crowd. "Th'loose fittin' breezy top's held up with thin straps an' stretchy form fittin' bands. We've wrapped one 'round under shoulders an' across th'chest in front, the other closes th'loose material at a high waist height, leavin' th'belly exposed. For th'child's joy an' th'parents' who chase 'em chagrin, th'gown's tailored in way t'narrow th'wearer's movements 'least s'possible."
Euli bunnyhops to the front of the stage and strikes a pose, throwing an arm up above her head with the other perched on her hip. After a pause, she walks a circle on the stage, a skip in her step.
Grai giggles quietly
Lhaa keeps track of Euli's movements, smiling warmly to her. After a while, she seems to remind the audience and winces visibly, then looks back to them. "Thee outfit's bottom piece's a simple pair of form fittin' but comfortable feelin' shorts in matching bright blue. An' ah... a note for th'parents: when choosin' th'fibers we made sure they're easy t'clean again. Worry not, should there be some mud, dirt or chocolate puddles near."
Euli stops in the middle once more, smiling to everyone again before skipping off stage.
>Phloxea Ysgard claps.
Grai claps for Lhaa and Euli
Leuthihi claps her paws too

[Dannae - Evening Gown]

Dannae pirouettes slowly across circling towards center stage revealing all sides of a silken backless dress dyed in vivid crimson. Exposed flesh is evident through the open back, bare arms and circular tummy-navel front opening. The mid-calf length skirt twist swirls in reflective shininess flowing just behind her body movement. She abruptly comes to a stop striking a pose with a hand to each hip and her left thigh raised through the skirt slit held by her downward arching leg contacting the stage only by the ball of her foot. She flashes the audience a sultry eyed, closed mouth smile.
Lhaa mutters a couple of barely hearable nolthrir words as she watches Dannae walk on the stage. She turns to the crowd and sets a soft smirk on her lips. "Our last classy dress can't top th'model's beauty but it will drive any man crazy s'long as th'lady's shaved her moustache in th'mornin'. This ball gown's meant t'make you, fine lady, th'hotspot of any party. An' lookin' at th'gal's enough t'tell that on th'right body it sure achieves its goal."
Leuthihi smiles and nods "Yes, I like it if you can catch fish with it."
Haraun takes some cloth to clean the counter again quickly
Dannae hastily hiding a blush and spreading grin strolls to one side of the stage, then across to the other stopping at each end to do a slow turn all the while keeping her head up and eyes straight ahead avoiding looking directly at the audience.
Leuthihi says: But I think it's not good for doing errands.
Lhaa can't avoid giggling at the blushing, then gives Dannae a confident smile and turns back to the crowd. "Th'two thin straps that hold th'dress by th'shoulders're ain't the only part of th'dress that fits th'wearer's body. Despite th'gown's wide open back an' th'generous cleavage we've managed t'keep th'whole top tight to th'body." She looks back to Dannae and mutters, almost only for her to hear. "Not that it took me much work given such voluptuous curves."
Leuthihi says: Even if they're very little.
Grai chuckles again at Lhaa's words, then answers Leuthihi "Well, it would be longer for you..."
Dannae pirouettes slowly once again back to center stage, attempting to not lose composure by giggling about Lhaa's cleavage comment.
Lhaa gracefully gestures up to Dannae's tummy as she speaks about it. "You all know how easy's t'get too warm for us nolthrir's in th'Dome so we've made sure th'gal gets some ventilation. Th'circular openin' at th'front-site's to accomplish that purpose, 'course it ain't jus' an excuse t'show th'beauty's tummy an' navel at all." She says amusedly, then turns to Dannae to shoot her a grin.
Dannae holding the same exposed thigh pose as before tilts her head forward and pointedly directs her gaze upward to meet Lhaa's, feigning disapproval for the provocative remarks.
Lhaa sticks her tongue out and turns back to the viewers. "Due to th'same reasons we've decided th'long skirt shouldn't reach th'feet an' cut it below midst of th'calves. Also, nobody'd wish t'force a lady t'walk in small steps so a large slit's been added to th'left side, from th'top of her thigh to th'bottom end so that th'wind can cool down those firm legs."
Dannae acknowledges the audience with a wide flash of teeth and meeting the eyes of several onlookers before bowing and exiting the stage.
>Phloxea Ysgard claps.
>Mordaan claps for Dannae Reinor.
Mordaan finishes his drink


Dalgin strides to the stage, clapping loudly. He then speaks with great energy. "You've seen it! Twelve fantastic designs of Lhaa Meeruu, for every special occasion. Of course, we wouldn't object if you wore the wedding gown to the mines."
Lhaa takes a large pull of juice to empty the goblet, then leans her back gently against the improvised wall, heaving a satisfied sigh.
Mordaan stands and cheers
Stelanso claps
Dalgin pulls his hand next to his face to feign a whisper. "Just don't let Lhaa know." He winks.
Haraun smiles looking at the stage
Grai claps eagerly for Lhaa
Dalgin shouts: Now it is time for us to show our thanks for the people who made this all possible. Firstly, the models, in order.
Leuthihi claps too
>Torias Reethu claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Haraun also claps as all are at the stage
Jagefad claps loudly while whistling and cheering.
>Phloxea Ysgard cheers happily!
Grai claps her paws more at the model line-up
Leketoo says: ah to be a bard
Mordaan continues to clap
>Stelanso cheers happily!
Leketoo says: i wish i was one
Phloxea claps enthusiastically
Leketoo says: if there were a guild i woud join...
Dalgin shouts: Nelece Rekeque
Nelece steps forward abd bows to the audience
Dalgin shouts: Euli Velehi
Grai still claps and asks "So, Leuthihi, that was it... did you like it?"
Euli steps forth and does waves to everyone.
Dalgin shouts: Dakaros Rigarel
Mordaan continues to clap
Grai claps fiercely and cheers for Euli
>Phloxea Ysgard claps.
Leketoo claps
Dakaros bows.
Stelanso claps
Jagefad claps.
Dalgin shouts: Lace Shadowone
Haraun applauds constantly, having a broad smile
Lace shouts: me bow elegantly to aurdience and smiles warmly
Leuthihi nods with eager "Yes, very much" and claps loudly too
Dalgin shouts: Aiwendil Hallacar
>Mordaan claps for Aiwendil Hallacar.
>Phloxea Ysgard claps.
Torias applaudes
Grai cheers for Aiwendil
Lhaa grins broadly and gives Aiwendil a quick nod.
Aiwendil steps forward and curties
>Jagefad Gacha blows a kiss at Dannae Reinor.
Aiwendil winks at Lhaa and gets back in the line
Dalgin shouts: Special thanks to Dannae Reinor, who not only modeled for us, but also designed two of the outfits!
Dakaros claps for Dannae.
Lhaa shoots Dannae a warm smile and another soft nod.
Dannae grins at the audience and bows
Jagefad claps loudly
>Stelanso claps.
Mordaan claps
>Phloxea Ysgard claps.
Grai claps her paws, smiling "Maybe she designed the fishing dress..."
Dalgin shouts: Also, we would like to give special thanks to a new part of the Red Crystal Organization: Haviuk and his Brigade have volunteered to act as security tonight. Perhaps I will never have to scoop up the vomit of a drunkard with a shovel again.
Mordaan laughs
Lhaa chuckles under her breath.
Jagefad laughs.
Phloxea snickers
Grai giggles "Eeew."
Dalgin points toward the back
Lace grins
Aiwendil takes a step forward towards Dalgin and gently pokes his side before raising her voice to interrupt him "But we shouldn't forget the most important person today". She lowers her head to hide a broad smile and mutter softly "And the most important person for me always". Looking up again, she resumes speaking louder "This all today wouldn't have been possible without the work a beautiful Nolthrir put into it."
Leuthihi giggles and nods
Jagefad whistles.
>Mordaan claps for Dark Wood Shelves.
>Leketoo Hammerwise lets out a wheezing cough.
Lhaa winces slightly when she hears Aiwendil's words, then looks down on the bookstand shyly with an embarrassed smirk on her lips.
Leuthihi says: Maybe it has long arms so that the arms get less wet when fishing?
>Mordaan claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Leketoo says: hello young order keeper...
Aiwendil turns towards Lhaa and slowly walks to the Nolthrir. She reaches with both hands for Lhaa's and pulls her from behind the bookstand.
>Stelanso cheers happily at Lhaa Meeruu!
Leketoo says: good good good...
Lhaa lets Aiwendil take her hands and, somewhat reluctantly, steps out of the bookstand as she directs the smirk to the diaboli affectionately.
Grai giggles "We should go and ask... "
Leketoo says: have you been following what i said my apprentice?
Aiwendil smiles happily and bends her head forward to kiss Lhaa's lips gently, then walks together with the Nolthrir to the front of the stage.
Jagefad says: What?!
Lhaa returns the kiss, then flashes the crowd an awkward glance, following Aiwendil without resistance. "I ain't forgettin' this one, darlin'." She mutters playfully to the diaboli as she squeezes her hands.
Jagefad says: That is just foul!
Grai frowns down
Aiwendil winks at Lhaa while releasing her hands and looks back to the crowd, raising her voice "So a big applause for Lhaa and the masterpieces she presented today. She spent weeks sewing them all for this parade, but I think it was worth all the effort."
Mordaan cheers
Stelanso claps
>Phloxea Ysgard claps for Jagefad Gacha.
>Leketoo Hammerwise lets out a wheezing cough.
>Jagefad Gacha claps for Lhaa Meeruu.
Grai claps her paws wildly and cheers to Lhaa and Aiwendil
>Torias Reethu stands up.
Leuthihi says: What's going on?
>Phloxea Ysgard cheers happily!
Lhaa heaves a soft sigh, then turns to the audience and curtsies politely, granting them her most charming smile. Holds on for a moment, then curtsies again and strolls back to her former spot behind the bookstand.
Leketoo says: do you accept old dwarves who still keep the order alive?
Grai says: We cheer for Lhaa, she is the tailor who made those dresses
Aiwendil steps backwards to the other models again and applauds too while watching Lhaa with a obvious proud smile on her face. Then she turns her head to Dalgin and gives him a short nod.
Dannae sighs in relief
Grai points "The one who spoke on stage."
Dalgin gives Aiwendil a smirk and nods in return. Then he addresses the audience. "Well, that is all we have for tonight. Please feel free to stay and chat, have a drink, or ask Lhaa about the outfits. If not, then we hope to see you during our hours, or our next event. Thanks for coming!"
Lace smiles warmly eyes closed
Leketoo says: dwarves....
Leuthihi says: Ah
>Dalgin Xawanda waves.
Leketoo says: your brigade.
Mordaan shouts: Well done!
Jagefad says: Exellent work tonight.
Grai let's her arms sink, then takes her fish and bites the head off with a crunch
Dakaros steps back from the line, making his way off stage.
Leketoo says: yes
Leketoo says: i always have
Phloxea says: Nice job, ne!
Leketoo says: before you were in this world young man...
Leuthihi giggles as she hears the crunch and bites into her own fish too
>Dakaros Rigarel greets Havuik Keleiw.
Leketoo whistles
Lhaa sighs relievedly, then looks down to her goblet, noticing with a frown that it is already empty.
Dakaros grins sheepishly towards Havuik, "Didn't think I'd faint on stage.."
Jagefad says: Are you hiring?
Aiwendil walks to Lhaa and smiles broadly at the Nolthrir "Want some more juice?"
Dakaros looks upstairs, walking off.
Lace smiles euli and pat her head "you did well euli "
Lhaa walks down the stage after giving Aiwendil a quick nod. "Whatever I can get." She says, then smirks and adresses Jagefad as she moves towards the counter. "Hirin' for?"
Stelanso looks round the counter "Anyone here for refreshments?"
Grai pushes Leuthihi gently "Leuth, let me get up..."
Leuthihi says: Hmm? Why?
Glundun says: "Welcome to the Red Crystal Den. Please keep your weapons sheathed and enjoy the entertainment in peace"
Grai says: I'll beckon to Euli...
Leuthihi lifts herself up
Haraun stretches with a smile, then starts another series of pulling around on his clothes until he looks comfortably again
Grai looks down and hollers "Euli, care to come up?"
Euli looks up to Grai, "Okay!"
>Jagefad Gacha smiles at Dannae Reinor
Jagefad says: You were great...
Euli giggles, rubbing her eyes, "All done!"
Grai smiles "Nicely walked, Euli!"
>Leuthihi Yrradaphol takes a seat.
Leuthihi says: It was very nice!
Lhaa sets the empty goblet on the counter and drapes around Aiwendil. "Got somethin' for a thirsty gal?" She asks playfully, turning to Stelanso.
Euli says: Thank you.
Euli smiles.
Dannae grins back at Jagefad
Leuthihi says: And with the Yulbar it was very nice too
Grai looks at all the pillows trying to choose an extra comfy one
Leuthihi says: but I am also curious about the dress to catch fish with.
Dannae says: Thank you
Euli says: Ooh, fishy dress?
Stelanso grins at Lhaa "Sure thing. Wine or something stronger?"
Leuthihi says: She said it can be used to catch fish.
Aiwendil cuddles up to Lhaa and nods "Please something for two thirsty girls"
Aiwendil quickly shakes her head "Fruit juice for Lhaa and beer for me"
Dannae says: The whole thing got me a bit nervous though
Jagefad says: Tonight was a one time only event...
Lhaa gives Stelanso a smirk. "I wish. Make it juice or somethin' borin' of th'likes."
Leuthihi smiles
Grai smiles "Ah well, Leuthihi... that was meant in a different way."
Euli rubs behind her ear, "Am a bit sleepy.." She mutters, looking around at the pillows.
Lace smiles "cold beer sounds nice can i have one ? "
Grai bites another bit of her fish
Stelanso shakes his head "Fruit juice? Since when do we stock that?"
Haraun says: Will bring the beer, Lace
>Leraider Tuper stands up.
Haraun reaches the mug to Lace
Stelanso fatches a beer for Aiwendil
Lace says: thank yuo haraun i was little nervous at stage
Leuthihi nods: My feet still hurt from the walking.
Leuthihi says: A bit.
Haraun says: Wasn't noticable for Haraun

  • Removed tells, guild chat and group chat
  • Removed timestamps
  • Removed a lot of sit down / stand up emotes
  • Removed OOC lines in main
  • Removed all lines in main that contained a "lol", "lmao" or any smilies
  • Removed all lines of a person we decided to ignore during the event.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:10:52 pm by Aiwendil »


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Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 01:41:30 pm »
First of all a big thank you to all attendants, specially those who stood until the end, you know who you are. ;)
This was the hardest event we've ever run and even though I'm sure it can be improved if something similar is to happen again, I'm pretty happy with how did it turn up. 99,9% of you did great and helped create the right atmosphere.
It's a shame some people (one) won't learn how to behave but as they say, perfection is just an illusion. ;)
So now for the individual mentions...

The Models:

  • Danne: Big thankyou for all you did for the event despite being pretty busy. Couldn't have done without your English corrections, let alone the two designs you created and Euli's sketch. That dress was hard to picture without it. Great job. \o/
  • Euli/Dakaros: Thanks a lot for the time spent in the rehearsing and testing everything, remaking Dakaros to be able to play both chars and the great and funny performance.
  • Lace: Always ready to help when we need somebody. Once again, great job Lace, even if we suffered for your I-net connection last night. XD
  • Nelece: Thank you very much for... wait, wasn't this an alt? Then thanks to Aiwendil for playing it and setting it up in the last minute... okay, not the last minute or she wouldn't have been able to /shout. ;)
All of you, great work with the presenting, writing shortcuts, pace, and making it easier for me to deal with the +/- 100 shortcuts I had. ^_^'

Red Crystal Organization staff and helpers:

  • Anaros: Seems like you came back IG right in time to save us, thanks for the work last night.
  • Dalgin: Great announcing once again, and a big thanks for also assisting the guards when they needed it. \o/
  • Glundun: I'm really grateful for your help offer when we already thought we don't have guards to even run the event. Rocked!
  • Haraun: The man we rely on lately. \o/ Great job behind the counter and keeping the Den alive for the last month(s). *bow*
  • Havuik: Thumbs up for the help and hope the event worked for you to see how one of these big messes works. Thanks and best of luck with your project. ^_^
  • Stelanso: Must have made it to most events and always a great help behind the bar, thanks for the work you put into it, and the relief that meant for us. ;)
Hope this was at least a bit of fun for all of you, my respect!

Now, a few more people I don't want to leave unmentioned:

  • Siteya: She wasn't able to make it for this event but we used many many of her English corrections and ideas for the designs of some of the outfits.
  • Telnavi: Who started the serious talk about this event in our forums and gave the first ideas, despite she couldn't make it last night.
  • Voa: The model we missed. :( Sorry about your 'puter, hope it gets fixed soon.
  • Zephan/Calluna: For letting me use their wedding gowns in the parade and take some work off of my shoulders. Sorry you couldn't make it to model them, but they're intact... I er... *coughs* promise! XD
Looking forward to have you take part on some other of our (or others') events together. \o/

And now I get serious... last but not least, my biggest THANK YOU goes to Aiwendil. I'd have been totally unable to run such an event without somebody like her at my side, I've known few on PS that will put so much time and work into something like this. Not only did the organizing, found us models, read my meaningless walls of text in our forums for planning, kept the guards warm when things got hairy, performed with the main char, created and performed with an alt to replace the missing model, helped greatly in the rehearsals, took -hours- to sort and post the logs and screenshots... She also wrote half of the outfit's shortcuts and designed another bunch of them, which I can't be grateful enough to pay for. So a big hug for you, Aiwendil. \o/


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Re: [OSP] The Hydlaa's First Fashion Parade
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 04:06:44 am »
 Heh! Strange thing happened to me. I had an out of body experience from my death bed at the Stonehead Tavern. Luckily I had my exposure box with me.

[Here is a link with several screen Shots of the Fashion Parade. You can look through them or download them from here if you like.]

[Tested: The order is presently in reverse. I'll try to fix that when I can. We are having some issues with our galleries atm. I had to tap this event unto the Summer Festival to get them uploaded. The initial Loading time may take a few minutes, after that it should work fine. When we get that addressed I'll split them up for easier viewing]

Great Job! You all put a lot of work into this an it showed.