Author Topic: Player Enforcement  (Read 1475 times)


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Re: Player Enforcement
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2009, 01:37:58 pm »
@ Sarva -  If the disguised player is serious about RP they will not terminate it prematurely by using a perfect disguise. By saying "not leaving clues" I did not mean to imply a perfect disguise - rather the disguised player should make a strong attempt to leave no clues behind.  There is nothing wrong with this, its just playing good and carefully. If you come back to them later and point out something that they overlooked and they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge it then I would agree that they are being a godmode.

We all know from watching CSI that no matter how well you cover up ... there will always be some minute trace of something that can be picked up on .. usually a small black curly hair in the case of CSI ;)  In all seriousness, you can always go back to the player and ask for a hint in a tell. If they are serious about RP they might jump at the opportunity to continue the RP with you and give you some sort of hint.

As an example, there was one RP where Vayl led my blind helpless Sillamon somewhere and beat the tar out of him. During the struggle Sillamon managed to grasp a fist full of hair - which she cut off in order to get free. Days later I was bored and realized that there was a clue that Sillamon could have picked up on. I asked her in an ooc tell if she felt that it was fair game and she agreed. The RP continued as a result. Sillamon ended up telling someone about the chunk of hair that was chopped off and the other clue that he managed to pick up on. He learned who she was as a result.  I could have had SIllmon report her to the guards but I did not because that too might have ended the RP prematurely. Sillamon now has a chance at getting back at Vayl somehow ... I look forward to holding it over her head  :devil:  No telling what she might do in response...

I agree with you too on the limitations that disguises can introduce. For those allow their character to be a victim in such a circumstance consider the next time you are held up or whatever.. how you might exploit the disguise.

* If its a robe consider burning it with a torch - or pulling it
* If its full plate armor and a veiled helm then consider scratching it distinctively.. or denting it with a hammer
* If they have a sack or ski mask over their head try and pull it off during the struggle
* If you are close enough try to scratch them or damage their hair. Hair takes forever to grow back.
* If the aggressor leaves and you are alive then follow him and see if he uncloaks somewhere. Listen to what he says and who he talks to.
* If you see someone cloaked, follow and spy on them. Surely you'll find something interesting if you loom long enough
* If they noobflee(tm)  then send them a tell next time they log on requesting that they continue from where the RP left off.

A scared, skittish bad-guy might need some ooc reassurance that you not going to be too rough with them. A little hand holding if you will  ;D


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Re: Player Enforcement
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2009, 08:57:48 pm »
I do believe Kull's been seen wandering around covered head to toe in a disguise.... at least, he didn't add much to the description when you asked to RP with Vakachehk, in your OOC request to jump him you made it clear you'd be completely unrecogniseable....

I didn't say I haven't  godmodded myself, even I write up descriptions and forget to add clues and hints. Nowadays I don't even use disguises anymore.


I really don't want this to turn into another disguises discussion.  ;)