Author Topic: offtopic posts  (Read 2996 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2010, 11:55:37 pm »

What timing! The Yule Tide spirit seems to have settled on this thread. Makes me all teary.  ;)

Merry Christmas one and all!


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2010, 11:59:59 pm »
It's not that I consider you no one... just no one whos opinion I can take seriously... there is a difference. And if this is Yuletide spirit, then I guess they were right about commercialism changing things. ;D

Neko, dear... this is the point at which the bickering would usually start in other threads. i.e. once the thread has run its course. Since nobody else has seen fit to say it, I will... this is the point when it's usually good to cut the thread off. ;)


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2010, 12:09:38 am »

Illysia's idea for more use of lock on threads seems a good one; for server resources on searches alone.  :thumbup:

- Nova


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2010, 04:41:05 am »
if you feel a thread should have a closer look taken at it due to a series of posts in it that diverge too far from the topic of the thread, poke a mod or admin and we'll determine the best course of action required.
* LigH points neko to this thread here.

People start bickering. This thread seems to be dying already.

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2010, 07:20:16 am »
My questions was kind of serious though...Is this about only moving complains to the correct board or to do something about off-topic posts like advertising own projects in every thread, littering RP threads or the usual "It's not broken...go and play on IRC" answers to complains also?

if you feel a thread should have a closer look taken at it due to a series of posts in it that diverge too far from the topic of the thread, poke a mod or admin and we'll determine the best course of action required.

Thanks...more or less all I wanted to know.

Illysia's right, usually we start bickering when the thread's dead already. Not what happened in one of the threads, but that was an isolated happening. As far as the "I Need Help" thread is concerned, Catlemur got his response multiplied by 10 in the first 10 minutes. Also, requesting for new Quests should be a kind of wish...

I think that if you input some actual on-topic information, then the post isn't actually off-topic. It just has additional info. Like... Let's say... Advertising the Dark Empire in the middle of this post, which is great since it's an awesome organization.
Plus I believe it's all about moderation as in the "quality of being moderated." Things aren't black and white, they're less or more grey. If someone's abusing (like it did happen in the "I Need Help..." thread, even though it had expired its usefulness), there should be intervention as far as moderating is concerned. If it's just punctual, it's not really a problem. Aiwendil mate, chill.
??? - ???. Ahm...I'm not chilled? Sorry...not native english but the

But yes...I have a question. What happens if the thread goes off topic but not in a complaining way?
and the
My questions was kind of serious though...Is this about only moving complains to the correct board or to do something about off-topic posts like advertising own projects in every thread, littering RP threads or the usual "It's not broken...go and play on IRC" answers to complains also?
didn't appear in any way offensive for me. So if they can be read offensive I am sorry (this time)...wasn't my intention. The thread is called "offtopic posts"..and I just wanted to know if a special kind of off-topic posts are meant or if it's about off-topic in general...not even judge on that. I see that the reply to novacadian wasn't exactly nice...but still think it also wasn't really offensive as all I wanted to say there is that he can't answer my question. So in the end...I could be only not "chilled" if this would mean something to me..what isn't really the case.

if someone states a simple question, go and answer it. but not "here's one sentence answer, but: everything sucks, booohooo, *cry*"(intentionally exaggerated, don't take it personal/serious aiw :P)
Hehe..not taken personal at all.

And, lets all be nice to Sangwa...sure, his posts might still be able to improve a bit but they are already far better than in the past.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 07:24:12 am by Aiwendil »


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2010, 04:10:51 pm »
Aiwendil, I don't think anyone found your post offensive. They've found mine to be such though... And I've got an idea why.

When I believe people are being something, I promptly warn them. When it gets me into trouble, I promptly accept the punishment. I know for a fact I have limitations and I've been learning since day one and since the day I've made that post you've quoted so nicely. It is good that you show an example of how people can evolve. Because there are others who seem that go through stalemate phases, either positive or negative, but who never show progress within each of those. They're either repetitively promoting the same change, or repetitively promoting the lack of it.

I know for a fact that my posts sometimes lack tact. And I admit it's because it's fun to push some people around. They aren't more offensive than some of what others type. They just hit where it's soft. It's not my fault if one can't learn and that some arguments get people all frustrated, though it sure is my fault I enjoy prying that frustration for some more fun.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #36 on: November 20, 2010, 04:22:43 pm »
It is good that you show an example of how people can evolve. Because there are others who seem that go through stalemate phases, either positive or negative, but who never show progress within each of those. They're either repetitively promoting the same change, or repetitively promoting the lack of it.

A. What progress are you talking about?
B. If it's about what I think it is about, then can you really say that promoting a certain change isn't pushing for progress?
C. Are you throwing your own opinion on what the evolution of a player is onto the table?

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #37 on: November 20, 2010, 05:08:10 pm »
A. I've progressed from pointlessly repeating the same proposals for change to pointing towards new alternatives in both behavior and game play. I've also progressed from being frustrated with the game to finding new ways of getting what I want done across.

B. Promoting the same thing endlessly in the same way is redundant and annoying. It's not pushing for effort if you've been told what people don't like about your proposal 10 times and at the 10th time you still repeat what you just said because you blame it's lack of accomplishment on someone else. I change my modus operandi often because I feel it's usually my fault when I can't explain to people what I think. Or I give up when I find out I'm wrong.

C. I didn't mention anything about what my opinion of the evolution of a player was. I was merely explaining the part of mine which I thought relevant for this issue.

Anyways, I believe discussions like this one that just took place are off-topic. To me, part of the reason they persist is because not everyone is working for the same goal. The purpose of this Forum is to discuss PlaneShift related stuff, in order to improve the game. And there are some people here who aren't here for the game, but instead they stick around to prove some point of view which has been analyzed and found wanting... creating unnecessary noise between themselves, some developers and some other lurkers.

I certainly add to the noise by not moving on from asking these people to move on. But moderation had been giving us some space lately and I felt that if there was going to be noise, at least I'd have fun with it. Alas, I learned once more: It makes sense to have things clean and in their rightful place and there's a report button for something.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2010, 06:16:08 pm »
You have to understand that when something is being constantly changed, there will be constant arguing. Some people are more consistent with their arguments than others, and some are more flexible with what is being done to the game than others. Some stick around to complain more than others, some lurk more often than others. Some protect the game they love playing more than others. Some quit the team and others do not. With all of these somes, how can there not be arguing on the forum? 

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2010, 06:56:35 pm »
My feeling is that the greatest emotion seems to evolve around issues; which require input from those that can make things happen to the software; brought forward most times by those which do not have the skills required to resolve the issue.

There is little doubt in my mind that someone like Aiwendil could get the basic Open Source pieces of PS compiled and installed on a server. Hosting for early development system resources could probably be found at about $10US/month. If such a fork of the Open Source pieces put out the word that they intended to keep everything in their development under the GNU license; then you should see code monkeys and young graphics artists coming from far and wide. So there should be no beef here; although the frustration is understandable.

If that effort cannot be made to go the distance it would take to launch a fork, then one should show nothing but respect for those which give of their own time to make the sand castles of this play ground we call PlaneShift.

- Nova

[Edit : spelling ]
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 07:03:37 pm by novacadian »


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2010, 07:06:13 pm »
Sorry Neko... I tried...

There is always argument everywhere due in fact to the phenomena that having more than one person around can cause friction and thus arguments. The problem is not arguments or even repetitive arguments (as no one forces you to read a thing here). Also keep in mind that people who complain about repetitive arguments and fuss about them also start repetitive arguments, since no complaint is really that new here, and thus prove why there are repetitive arguments (because the problem didn't go away. ;) ) and also prove that they aren't that sensitive to repetitive arguments... only ones they didn't get invited into. ;D

The actual problem is the bickering and back biting. Some people (not necessarily talking about the PS team) here are too weak to tolerate any disagreement as they can't stand for a point unless they have full support behind them, and they certainly can't back up their position with anything better than an "I feel ... therefore you have to shut up now" statement. If they would stop striking out in childish ways every time time the argument doesn't go their way then there would actually be a decrease in the amount of useless bickering. The arugment would be able to just stay and argument. Not all debate is a bad thing.

neko kyouran

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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #41 on: November 20, 2010, 09:12:04 pm »
just follow a simple rule i use when i make posts,    debate the issue, not the person.

and if you've stated your view point, and  they still don't agree, posting it over and over again won't help, so don't.

as far as moderation goes,  i'm a pretty hands off type of person.  i'd rather like it if threads just worked out themselves.  unfortunately, as i originally said in the op, i'll be having to be a bit more hands on.



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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2010, 09:27:07 pm »
and if you've stated your view point, and  they still don't agree, posting it over and over again won't help, so don't.

The point is rarely to get the other side to agree... if that could be done then it is highly unlikely there would be two sides on the issue. Best case scenario, the objective is just to get the other side to acknowledge the opposite side's stance without being dismissed. Otherwise, people would just state their point and neither side would start up with reasons why they have the viewpoint they have.

It think it is better just to be able to accept that the other side views the matter differently. Especially since around here there are people that will argue points, that they may or may not actually believe in, just because they like to argue. 'Tis the nature of a forum that there will be more than just a statement on a topic regardless of reception of said statement.


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Re: offtopic posts
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2010, 03:35:49 am »
I believe there are only about 7 persons who make the forum an increasingly useless place.
Some of them are only there to troll, some originally wanted to help, but are now effectively hardly better than those who only troll. And often they (and the rest of the maybe 7) have nothing better to do than trying to convince everyone of their rightness with replying to another over and again.

* Sen is not interested in reading personal "No, Im right"-wars
If you don't add a point that is worth reading for everyone, learn to stop posting and send a personal message.

.....also a saddle that won't pinch the tail. One day!