Author Topic: BPM limit of songs  (Read 378 times)


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BPM limit of songs
« on: December 28, 2012, 05:14:25 pm »
I've just noticed that even if you're a child of Exceptional Musician parents, and have dabbled in music in your childhood activities, most skill you can start with is something around 13.

My musicianship skill is 15 now, and if I stick to quarter notes, I'm limited to 73 bpm. Isn't it a bit TOO low? Even without any actual training, I myself could play melodies with quarter notes at more than 140 bpm when I was young, and with relative ease.  Wouldn't it be better if it is a bit higher?

Or maybe a system simulating learning a song. For example, you set the song's bpm to 140, but when you play it, it first starts at, lets say, 80 bpm. Then as you play it over and over, your character learns how to play that song, and gradually improves his/her speed to match 140 bpm, the first set tempo. Doesn't it sound more realistic?

Edit: I've managed to acquire level 16 upon character creation, yet that is not much either :D
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 07:23:50 pm by mistnmc »


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Re: BPM limit of songs
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 11:46:53 am »
I remember that Talad said in a Dev Q&A meeting that the extreme slowdown of music was not what he wanted.

But I don't remember how many months ago he said that...

Regarding the little use of having music as hobby, the zero income it creates, and the really extreme amount of practice time it requires per level (doom loop: the slower the music plays, the slower the practice advances), it appears to be very hard to find a balancing which would give players even the slightest incentive to master it.

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Re: BPM limit of songs
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 03:37:25 pm »
Regarding the little use of having music as hobby, the zero income it creates, and the really extreme amount of practice time it requires per level (doom loop: the slower the music plays, the slower the practice advances), it appears to be very hard to find a balancing which would give players even the slightest incentive to master it.

Just like real life  ;D

But I agree it should be sped up.  I like the idea of a "set BPM" and a "starting BPM" for a song and each time you play it you get closer and closer to the set BPM.  But if this is too complicated then I'm sure raising the BPM limits would work too.

As a side note, you can make a song twice as fast if you use 16th notes in place of 8th notes and 8th notes in place of quater notes.  Assuming your original song didn't have 16th notes to begin with.
You can't teach a pig to sing.  It'll never work, and you'll annoy the pig.


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Re: BPM limit of songs
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2013, 09:25:07 am »
As a side note, you can make a song twice as fast if you use 16th notes in place of 8th notes and 8th notes in place of quater notes.  Assuming your original song didn't have 16th notes to begin with.

That's odd, I was really sure that I've posted a reply to this topic. Anyway, that does not work. Let's assume you are limited to play songs of 70 bpm. When you add 8th notes, game pulls that limit down to 35, and if you add a 16th, voila, your limit is now 18 bpm. :(

At least, that is what happens to me.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 09:22:40 pm by mistnmc »


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Re: BPM limit of songs
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 06:38:33 am »
Done some more examination around. In order to play this song: you need to be able to play songs up to 240 bpm (because of the 8th notes the song have) and if I calculated correctly, you will neet a musical instruments skill of 185 in order to play songs that fast. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

While this one is probably impossible to play because of the three 16th note it has.

Someone really needs to take a look at music skills. These songs are not THAT hard to play. I'll RP my music scenes instead of actually playing it, until it gets fixed.