Author Topic: Encourage Groups in PS  (Read 1801 times)


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Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2016, 04:14:32 am »
The roles' idea is great given a previous agreement to the roles to be taken by the various members of the party.
Aniroho being a Blue Way mage can be both an healer, a ranged damage dealer and also give some support reducing the attacking ability and movements of some monsters, his main problem is the fact that the DoT spells make him vulnerable to counterattacks if he takes the aggro thus making him need for protection or running.
It's my opinion that Brown Way user could be a great supporter boosting the defence of the melee fighters.
If the new combat system will provide it the tank should be able to inflict the "silence" debuff (i.e. incapacitating the casting of spells by the target).
Aniroho Aimirrel (Researcher in Knowledge Seekers)
Terelen Honoro (Captain of the Iron Claw)


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Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2016, 09:43:16 am »
Any progress with this or is it dead in the water (under consideration)?

It's one of the reasons I play MMO's. Join a group on a quest to save the village from a terrible beast, rescue a villager from the evil "insert baddie name".

One of the limitations in most is that everyone needs to be within a few levels of each other. Here we could have a higher player take the brunt of the enemies attack (could me a mage, paladin, thief, whatever) while the rest do dd, dots and heal as needed. There could be no limitations in who you play with, a high player would get appropriate xp while a lower player could as well and the loot is split by lottery or choosing to pass on it.

This would allow a maximum amount of characters (main and alt) to play together. Isn't this what these games are about really? Social interaction between players? While it is nice and not common to be able to play solo for the majority if not all of the games content why not having group play built in really confuses me.

Another benefit of group play is that several low new players could join and get loot from higher level mobs than could be done individually again bringing players together in a social situation.
It seems to me the base already exist. What would need to be added is a away to select a player thru the group window or hot key to heal said character or apply a buff which would be visible by the characters name to see when it drops.

I have no idea what is involved code wise so I don't mean to imply it is an easy thing to add but there has been so much made in this game I am positive it can be done. I also truly believe this added feature combined with what is available in the game now sets it apart from all the other MMORPG's out there.


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Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2016, 10:03:54 am »
Any progress with this or is it dead in the water (under consideration)?
Encourage more group action is something we have always wanted. Lately a prospect joined the team to help developing a particular aspect of the game that will help group activities.

One of the limitations in most is that everyone needs to be within a few levels of each other. Here we could have a higher player take the brunt of the enemies attack (could me a mage, paladin, thief, whatever) while the rest do dd, dots and heal as needed.
characters with various degree of skill ranks should already be able to help each other fight a bigger threat. Of course not everyone will be able to stand Xalpalock's attacks therefore we are going ot introduce a broader range of "bosses" that allow a broader range of characters to cooperate and work together.


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Re: Encourage Groups in PS
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2016, 12:37:55 pm »
Thank you sounds great!