Author Topic: Is there any endgame content for this game?  (Read 2455 times)


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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2016, 11:22:22 am »
Also a new boss is will be added on the next mini update, according to the last DEV meeting, and that's something they want to  do here  shortly to fix some crafting bugs as well.
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2016, 08:56:59 am »
Thanks for the huge amount of replies :D

I was mainly interesed in group interaction, like grouping up to take down bosses and all.  PvP seems interesting too but from what ive seen most people who play PvP have been training for years and are all mostly maxed out, so being on par with their level will take ages.

If i want to find a group to take on bosses and such, where should i look for?


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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2016, 10:09:18 am »
With the low player count the best way may be to ask in gossip.

Vaneal Serozen

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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2016, 01:22:45 pm »
Thanks for the huge amount of replies :D

PvP seems interesting too but from what ive seen most people who play PvP have been training for years and are all mostly maxed out, so being on par with their level will take ages.

Hello again,
I think you greatly overestimate the time it takes to get a character into PvP shape.  The most important part of PvP in PS is understanding the game mechanics.  Second most important is what skills to train and how high to train them so that your time and effort is having maximum effect.  The problem is they are not documented very well even though for a long time there have been groups of people who really like to engage in friendly and often downright deceptive/hostile PvP.  As you can imagine secrets are heavily guarded.  The way I see it is that this level of secrecy is about pointless when there is next to none pvping anymore.

From what I've seen in PS is that there tends to be two different kinds of PvPers as far as their methods go.  Those who prefer using a small subset of skills and claiming it takes more skill and is therefor superior to other methods and those who will use anything and everything so long as it works.  You tend to see this attitude reflected in some npc too.  But when you look at the strongest of characters, like those in Bronze Doors Fortress for example, they embrace more diverse skill sets.  The biggest and most noticeable skill is magic.  I'll not go into the amount of name calling that has come from niche fighters who will only use weapons to such an extreme degree that they don't even understand magic mechanics well enough to counter a mage and then complain about over powered magic and spells.  I've used magic primarily in pvp for as long as I have pvped in PS and I can tell you that I have (almost) never killed anyone who was actually on their toes enough to have a plan in case they were attacked ( Edit: there are a few exceptions that come to mind. Lets just say those spells were kinda new in the game and not expected so..... yeah).  Time permitting I plan on writing some guides as to what skills to focus on depending on a players particular focus and talking about some game mechanics as I think this would greatly help new players and answer a lot of questions.  Maybe even get new players to realize the complexity of the game so they realize there is more to it that what it looks like at first glance.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 01:34:44 pm by Vaneal Serozen »


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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2016, 01:53:28 pm »
Hello again,
I think you ...Blah blah blah blah... that what it looks like at first glance.

Did you ever try PvP ? it's strange I've never see you fighting any of us...

There is 2 school of PvPing as following:
- Timing, those who has a clock in mind at anytime and know exactly when they gonna hit.
- Chasing, the art of moving and chasing your opponent, more chance to get him if you are alway close enouth to hit even if your timing isnt perfect.
OH and there is third one,  the LUCK.   ;D

If you're interested in learning PVP there are actualy some good ones, here are the names you should look for ingame:
- Farriro
- Jhe
- Bonifarzia
- Dalos
- Deryna
- Tazaun
- Wouli
- Ewek

I may have forgot some but here are a link of one of the last PVP event.


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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2016, 02:46:22 pm »

OH and there is third one,  the LUCK.   ;D

Oh my gosh I swore that's all it was for the longest time!! I spent many times practicing with Djugu, Farirro, Tozaun, Deryna, Kramillia few others but most consistently them. Djugu and Far kept telling me it's all in the timing blah blah blah....finally one night somehow it just clicked and I was able to figure it out-- I think it was  Djugu's patience with me that might have helped.

So now I know timing does have something to do with it....but I still think it's mostly luck.  :whistling:

Also any of the guys mentioned above are really great at teaching and practicing with you even if your stats are not maxed out, they really encouraged me to join in and teach me what they could. They have  methods to help teach timing and such and you can still practice with them.

Vaneal Serozen

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Re: Is there any endgame content for this game?
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2016, 04:07:07 pm »
Hello again,
I think you ...Blah blah blah blah... that what it looks like at first glance.

Did you ever try PvP ? it's strange I've never see you fighting any of us...

There is 2 school of PvPing as following:
- Timing, those who has a clock in mind at anytime and know exactly when they gonna hit.
- Chasing, the art of moving and chasing your opponent, more chance to get him if you are alway close enouth to hit even if your timing isnt perfect.
OH and there is third one,  the LUCK.   ;D

If you're interested in learning PVP there are actualy some good ones, here are the names you should look for ingame:
- Farriro
- Jhe
- Bonifarzia
- Dalos
- Deryna
- Tazaun
- Wouli
- Ewek

I may have forgot some but here are a link of one of the last PVP event.

Ok, First of all I would not recommend learning anything from Jhe as that player has been banned for harassment and using bots more times than I can keep track of.  I know for a fact that at least two of the remaining characters are played by the same player.

Bonifarzia, the player who won the grand prize, is someone who I count myself as a friend of and I hope she counts me as one too and I am certain she could teach my volumes of ps mechanics alone.  I am good friends with and also guild mates with Farirro and have discussed pvp in depth with him. We both have our respective preferences him being a dueler and me being primarily a mage.  We NEVER fight about who or what is better.

I'm not trying to argue with you on the best way of fighting but when some, not saying you, players argue with Eonwind, a planeshift developer, about armor being to much to cut through and he tells you its not one really does have to wonder what is being missed.  I am simply trying to give some incite to a new player.  I know that the dueling community is very outspoken and so I did not bother explaining anything about that because there are more than half a dozen other people that can do that as you already pointed out.   

Unfortunately, what you refer to as luck is more often and much more easily referred to as frames per second and the server lag.  These things will ALWAYS create uncertain variables in the equation.  Being a dueler is to embrace these variables and let yourself be subject to them.  Being a mage is to work through more a certain but much slower method.  **Dueling does not equate pvp but rather a part of it.**  That event that you provided a link to was STRICTLY FOR DUELING ONLY.  You were not allowed to use an enchanted weapon and were not allowed to have anything magic at all in your entire inventory.

When I began pvping in ps I had about 1200 ping.  No player, no mater how good can duel with that ping.  Magic was my only choice.  I had no time to learn to duel for the event because I was in the middle of my final semester of college.  Farriro is my witness to that.  I was plenty stressed at that time and due to some confusion and a great deal of foolishness on my part I got very upset about that event and created this post.

Now, this post remains because I don't believe in hiding my mistakes or past.  I would have thought you would have used this for ammo instead. That was then, I let it go as I have let many other things go for the sake of my own health and for the health of the game.  I do not know or where this bitterness came from as it existed before I began playing PS but I think it is high time it ends.  Some players told me to organize my own mages event but what they did not and probably still do not realize is that magic is so imbalanced right now that a good mage without any enchanted gear can easily out heal an opponent of equal strength resulting in an indefinite fight.  I've never encountered so much hate and poor sportsmanship in all of my PvP gaming than I have in PS.  What gives?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 07:16:37 am by Vaneal Serozen »