Author Topic: The Search for Triagnite Part I  (Read 403 times)


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The Search for Triagnite Part I
« on: June 23, 2003, 01:48:48 pm »
PlaneShift: The Metal of The Gods
Part I

She walked into Hydlaa Tavern that fateful day wearing a brown hooded cape, slightly tattered and worn, fastened above her breastplate by a round golden pendant. Below that was a small armored plate with a small cloth the hung below it over her crotch area. She wore a dark, green shirt under her armor that appeared to be several sizes. Her face was beautiful, her soft features accented by her dark hair, which seemed to sway in an almost poetic fashion as she moved about the tavern. Following behind her was larger than average male Enkidukai. He sported short black fur with no distinguishing markings. He wore a long, hooded, dark blue robe accented with golden ornate patterns. In his right hand he carried a plane, wooden staff, not exactly what you?d expect the average mage to carry. They usually sported ornate staffs accented with gold and magic auras and things like that. Apparently he wasn?t that strong a mage, but what could you expect from a Enkidukai anyways?

The woman walked up to the bar and called the bartender. She spoke to him for a while then he pointed in my direction and said something back. She then said something back and moved away from the bar toward my table. I was curious to see what she wanted as she sat at my table and spoke to me.

?Greetings Balvorn my named is Aura and this is my Enkidukai partner Felis.?

?It?s a pleasure to meet you Aura. May I ask what is your business with me? I really do not enjoy idle banter so let?s cut the pleasantries and get to business?

?Very well Balvorn, I need to employ the skills of one of the most talented weapon smiths in Planeshift which happens to be you.?

?Oh, is that so?? I replied. ?Well, my services don?t come very cheap. What did you have in mind? I take it by your wear you?ve traveled a long way to get here. And I doubt you came all this way to see me over a little job.?

?Your very perceptive. Yes, I have traveled a long way to see you. And I will tell you what I want from you in a moment but first, I must fill you in a bit on why I?m here.?

?Very, well? I replied.

?Hmm were do I begin.? She started. ?Well, my travels throughout the world had lead through a land far to the north known as Polaris. If you don?t know, that land is an uninhabitable icy hell. Anyways while trekking through the frozen wasteland, I stumbled across an icy cave that had seemed to have been carved into the ice by intelligent hands. Curious, I entered the cave I explored deep into it?s interior until I stumbled across this.?

She reached down in her satchel and produced a small stone. I was metallic blue in color and warm to the touch as if it generated it?s own heat. Could that stone possibly be?!

?If I wasn?t so certain that it doesn?t exist, I would say that fits the description of triagnite, the metal of the gods.? I said curiously.

?Well it does exist and you?re looking at it. Triagnite the legendary metal of the gods, used to forge the most powerful weapons imaginable. Weapons that never break, are always sharp, and enhance the power of its owner many times. I?m sure and self-respecting blacksmith knows the legend. In the land Dark and Cold burns a world of fire and ice in which ye will find the rock of legend. Follow it?s path and ye with unlock the door and find the treasure of all.?

?Yes, I know the riddle. Men have searched for lifetimes never to find Triagnite. How could it be possible for you to find by simple luck?? I inquired.

?Well, there is only one way to find out isn?t there? You must come with me and see for yourself. Which brings me to my proposal. When we find the Triagnite, I want you to make me a sword and my partner Felis a Triagnite plated staff. In return I?ll give you 1,000 diamonds and you can take as much Triagnite with you as you want. Is it a deal??

I sat there and considered her offer. This could potentially be the most amazing discovery in Planeshift history. But at the same time, it sounded extremely dangerous. But somehow, I knew I could trust this girl. She?s just had that type of sense about her. Finally I looked up at her and gave my answer. ?When do you plan to set out??

She smiled at me and replied ?Whenever your ready.?

The Enkidukai crossed his arms and made a snort sound that seemed to be in annoyance. ?Do we really need to bring this Human along? I don?t think we can really trust him. I say we find something more powerful that this weak little human to accompany us.? He glared at me. I glared back. He bared his teeth and let out a barely audible growl.

?Felis! Stop this right now. If you?ve forgotten, I am also human so watch your tongue when insulting. Also, I have made up my mind. I have certain reasons for asking Balvorn to come along that I haven?t explained to you yet.? Replied Aura.

?Very well, I?ll be near the city gates. When your ready to leave you?ll know where I am.? With that he left the tavern.

?Don?t mind Felis, most Enkidukai are like that to people they don?t know. They are a very untrusting people.?

?Aura. You must have and amazing amount on patience to handle dealing with that guy.? I said.

?Well, actually once you get to know him, he?s quite a nice person. Don?t worry he won?t be like he is now the whole trip.?

?I hope not.?
And that?s how my quest for the legendary Triagnite began?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2003, 06:52:16 pm by Valrog »


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« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2003, 06:44:47 pm »
how depressing. Not only 15 views and 4 of them are my own


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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2003, 11:03:16 pm »
Just keep going, then.  Try to get a bit deeper with the characters as they go for this ore.  

Ice caves?  Hmm....
« Last Edit: July 02, 2003, 11:03:37 pm by Darkmoon »


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« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2003, 09:18:54 am »
To actually form the metal to anything you should need a very speciall Hammer or somthing, good storry tho