Author Topic: Epic makes Paragon assests free to use in UnrealEngine4 projects  (Read 563 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Epic has announced it is making $12,000,000 of Paragon assets available for free to UnrealEngine4 developers through the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Assets include characters as well as environment components. Ars has an article covering the news here.

I am not familiar with the details of what access to the Unreal Engine Marketplace entails, but I have a feeling this could help boost the port of PlaneShift to UE, at least to some extent, since it would certainly provide a starting point for developers and animators to test new content with a set of professional quality assets, and improve their knowledge of the platform and design principles of its assets and their use. Even if the assets can not be directly used in PS, they can hopefully accelerate some parts of its progression towards using the new engine.