Author Topic: Dev Q&A December 27th 2020 (Compendium Discussion)  (Read 496 times)


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Dev Q&A December 27th 2020 (Compendium Discussion)
« on: December 27, 2020, 06:34:31 pm »
Here's the Dev Q&A log for Dec. 27th. In this one we discussed the addition of a Compendium to the game, and some of the options available for that. Player input is desired, so post your opinions here if you missed the meeting!

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Lytoza says: hehe.. so do I!
Migg says: We have no snow, uncannily warm for the time of year
Uadjet says: So today we've got Zwei of the art team standing just behind me...
Uadjet says: Moordan of the settings team just on the other side of the packages...
>Mordaan Dev waves.
Uadjet says: And just behind him is Talad of the doing-everything team!
Uadjet says: Also the project lead/founder.
Uadjet says: And finally me of the GM team!
Uadjet says: So it's a nice full dais today.
Migg says: We can't see Talad actually
Thoraro says: Dovoy Talad
>Anysu Atani salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Migg says: Ah
>Anysu Atani salutes Mordaan Dev with respect.
Talad says: Hi
>Thoraro Vuhilos salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Talad says: hello everyone
Uadjet says: Ah, I hadn't noticed he was invisible.
>Anysu Atani cheers happily at Talad Dev!
Talad says: and Merry Xiosiamas
Migg says: Merry Xiosmas!
>Lytoza Rehon salutes Talad Dev with respect.
Gonger says: Merry Whatever-You-Want to everybody!
Anysu says: Merry Xiosiamas
Migg says: And a Happy New Cycle!
Uadjet says: I wanted to make a tree out of emeralds and lit by a campfire, but holy cow that got laggy fast!
Uadjet says: The snow probably didn't help.
Mordaan says: :)
Migg says: Yes, it's freezing in here
Raoni says: It's a bit laggy for me already, but i run a potato x)
Thosor says: thought it was me, hard to walk
Migg says: If anyone gets laggy from my campfire just shout
Uadjet says: I think it was the emeralds. This engine apparently doesn't handle transparent items well.
Talad says: if anyone has issues with performances, just use the launcher and disable particles
Uadjet says: That's why grass can be a problem, as it uses alpha/transparency maps.
Uadjet says: That's what I'm told, at least.
Talad says: I think we can start
Uadjet says: Well, that's what I remember from what I understand of what I was told. There are occasional wide gaps between the two.
Migg says: Ah, thanks, this will help!
Uadjet says: Okay, that's eggnog and cookies for everyone!
Gonger says: Eggnog? Well, I will make an exception for the special occasion!
Anysu says: Thanks for cookies!
Raoni says: in the launcher, i only get "high" or "medium" as options for particles
Thosor says: slurp! thank you.
Uadjet says: So, if you have any questions, please line up at the lecturns in front of the stage.
Lytoza says: Cheers!
Migg says: Thanks, getting more festive by the minute!
Uadjet says: If not, I'm sure we can get a bit of an update, and I know Talad has something he wants to discuss.
Talad says: I have some questions for you, im working on a new feature for the next version of PlaneShift
Anysu says: Thanks for eggnog as well
Talad says: and there are some aspects of it which may be done in different ways
Talad says: I can describe that, and see if you have a preference on one way or the other
>Anysu Atani listens intently to Talad Dev.
Talad says: basically, we I want to add a new feature which is a "compendium", which is a collector of the knowlege you get in the game
Talad says: it can contain many different items, like minerals you discovered, plants you studied, creatures you encountered, etc...
Talad says: so basically will be a way for you to collect the information in one place
Talad says: and will represent what you character knows
Lytoza says: Great idea
Migg says: people met as well?
Talad says: There are a few decisions to take in the implementation
Migg says: Sounds like a great feature!
Talad says: the two main questions are the following.
Mordaan says: Would that work for crafting as well? Or would that be something separate?
Gonger says: Crafting knowledge is already in the books, no?
Migg says: a crafting book can show you what you can do and what not
Talad says: 1) If the compendium should show the total number of "possibile" piece of information you can discover OR if it should only add a new entry when you actually find the information
Talad says: 2) which information should be in the compendium
Mordaan says: But you have to "equip" books and switch them depending on the task.
Talad says: let's start to discuss about number 1
Migg says: I would prefer to list only what I have learned
Talad says: For the first question there are these two possibilities, let me describe the impact a bit more
Talad says: having a list of all the "possible" ones, means for example you will get a page with 0/10 minerals to be discovered
Talad says: so you know its 10
Talad says: but you know nothing about their name or location or else
Talad says: same for plants or creatures...
Talad says: the good of this approach is that it trigger the "collector" gamer type (example I am one of them)
Talad says: as you can see the total number and immediately you want to have them all
>Teleported Waesed Waesech to meetingore in instance 345
Talad says: so that 0/10 become a quest in itself
Talad says: and you get interested in getting all 10
Uadjet says: I am a completionist...
Talad says: the downside of this, is that you know how many there are, and so for example if you are at 10/10 you lose interest with minerals
Talad says: because you know there is nothing else to do
Migg says: I would rather I learned there are 10 minerals by talking to others
Talad says: another downside of this is that you know at the start of the game, how many items you will have to find in the whole game
Talad says: so you will see like 0/10 minerals, 0/30 creatures, 0/25 plants, ....
Thosor says: Yes, minimum spoilers, no guides to everything...
Raoni says: and thoses informations will eventually lands on a wiki somewhere, I agree with Migg, but having achievements for all of it would be nice
Lytoza says: Perhaps, but you also know you must have the solution since you found them all which would be less frustrating for crafting or making something.
Migg says: You can have achievements for "making all shields in basic shield making"
Migg says: that way you don't know if there are more shields in a book you haven't found yet
Mordaan says: True, unless you visit a spoiler site, you may always wonder if you know them all. That would gnaw at me. :P
Migg says: keeps interest in the game
Talad says: you may also wonder if the spoiler site is up to date :)
Migg says: and you can skip the spoiler site if you don't want to see spoilers
Talad says: what you think about it?
{Talad is livestreaming his work on the Unreal Engine Conversion: OR }
Gonger says: First, I think it is a great idea to include players more in such decisions. Thank you for that.
Thoraro nods
Migg says: Agreed!
Anysu says: Agree as well
Gonger says: Second, I would prefer to know only what I discovered.
Thosor says: As more players come on to help, guides to every plant, mine, would not be necessary.
Migg says: Second that as well
Migg says: no total counts, no spoilers in game
Anysu says: I would prefer to only know what I discovered. An achievement when you have them all be nice.
Migg says: Achievements need not be based on "You found all plants", they could be "You know 10 plants"
Lytoza says: Personally, I'd like to know the total possibilities.
Migg says: or "all plants to make all recipes in Herbal Remedies"
Kendric says: harvest a total of X number of specific plant
Kendric says: multiple tiers
Turtella says: Hi!
Thosor says: I had most fun 10 yrs ago, just hinting where something was. Or just lead them to the library, for example, pointing out things on the way.
Uadjet says: I was thinking about the exploration achievements and journal entries, too. Currently you can visit all four and get an ahievement, and presumably all four will get entries in the Cities section of the journal. What happens when a fifth city is added? IF the achievemnt is for all cities, everyone who got the achivement before would either lose it or have it despite having earned it. I think for achievements it's best to do as Migg said and say "You found x items", not "You found all items". The journal should maybe be the same way, and not list all of something, just what you know about.
Uadjet says: Wow. That was long and rambling.
Talad says: Anysu the achievement can be "discover 10 items", but cannot be "discover ALL of one category" as the total may change
Mordaan says: I agree with that, Uadjet
Kendric says: Friendsof Dakkru spend over 100 total hours in the death realm XD
Uadjet says: The "long and rambling" big? :D
Uadjet says: The "long and rambling" bit? :D
Mordaan says: Both. :)
Anysu nods at Talad and adds, What Migg says does make sense.
Talad says: Uadjet we will then have a new achievement discover the 6 cities
Migg says: you are going to have Dermorian city, Stonehammer city etc
Migg says: could have an achievement like "You found your race's primary city"
Migg says: or "you found a city for weach of the races"
Uadjet says: Maybe that could show an icon for each city discovered. A bit of architecture that is noticeable. So you'd see that four cities are discovered, and there would be four icons where each city gets listed.
Talad says: achiemvents is another discussion and not part of the current compendium
Uadjet says: Yeah
Talad says: the achivement system will have to be redone and moved from myplane, which is a website, to in game
Uadjet says: I was trying to say that they should be done in a similar way, with regard to listing or not listing the total number of possibilities.
Kendric says: I apologize I came in a bit late and everyone was talking about achevements so i assumed that was the topic
Talad says: Kendric the question is about the new compendium feature we want to add to the game
Talad says: which is basically a book of lore, which contains the things your character learns
Talad says: like minerals, plants, creatures, books, ...
Kendric says: That would be the plaers knowledge base where entries are unlocked as things are discovered ?
Talad says: the choice is between knowing the total amount of "discoverable" items upfront
Talad says: so like in the compendium you get plants 0/25, creatures 0/30, ...
Talad says: or not
Talad says: it seems the room is likely more the option where you dont know the total, and you just see the new entries as you discover the items
Kendric says: Ah I would say knowing because it gives goals to work towards perhaps hints about the next item in a list can be fond in the previous entries as kind of a study guide for completionists
Raoni says: maybe be able to update this book with a npc based on your knowledge and adding "pages" would be nice
Talad says: ok, the second question is what should the compendium contain
Uadjet says: I'm going to abandon any semblance of dignity for a moment and yelll: BEASTIARY!!!
Talad says: I give you the list of ALL ones I could think of, but doesnt mean I want them all, its just the list of all possibilities
Anysu follows Uadjet "Yes that."
Kendric says: Ususally I would say its the database of flavor text and lore
Talad says: Quests (I think those should stay in their own window)
Uadjet nods.
Talad says: Training/Help (I think should stay in the help window)
Migg says: agreed
Kendric says: but It would also be nice to dig a bit into the mathematics for items spells etc right now there is alot of unknowns in terms of the combat and magic system where speells dont clearly define what they do
Talad says: Main plot/main missions, high level
Talad says: factions/organizations
Uadjet says: Quests have notes and a changing description, so they're best left in the own area, so to speak.
Kendric says: for magic the higher your way ranking the more info you have about specific spells
Talad says: art gallery (pre-made or screenshots from player)
Talad says: Creatures
Talad says: Plants
Talad says: Minerals
Talad says: Playables races
Talad says: Pets (maybe inside creatures)
Migg says: why just playable?
Talad says: Items (weapon/armor/equipment/.,,..)
Talad says: rare items
Talad says: crafting and jobs (associated to the NPC you discovered doing that job)
Kendric says: wouldn't any non playable or semi int race be under creature
Talad says: NPCs (sentients mostly)
Talad says: Magic/Glyphs
Migg says: Diaboli should be in races
Talad says: Regions /Locations / Landmarks / Cities / Governments
Talad says: Religion (gods/priests)
Talad says: History (careful not to be too boring)
Talad says: books and songs
Kendric says: Ah yes definatly want to see more background lore on the gods and religion
Talad says: notes/documents (careful not be become irrelevant
Talad says: END OF THE LIST
Migg says: Agree on all of these
Anysu says: agree as well to that list
Talad says: Of that list which ones you think should be in the book or not
Talad says: *compendium
Uadjet says: If people had more ready access to the lore they might know what I'm babbling about more often. :D
Mordaan says: How would it be recorded that you have knowledge of races or people/NPCs? Just greeting them?
Gonger says: Everything you can discover! :)
Kendric says: I would say Magic knowledge
Talad says: yes, the point is that some of that will require "active" discovery
Kendric says: is one of the more important ones
Migg says: well, all would be nice, but how easy is it to implement?
Talad says: for example for NPC you will have to speak with them once,. and ask them about themself
Thoraro says: Magic for one
Talad says: this will trigger the entry in the compendium
Mordaan says: ok
Gonger says: This little extra work should not deter a player.
Migg says: What about a fish for example?
Uadjet says: Do a quest, or the "/tellnpc about you"?
Migg says: if I catch one I still don't know what fish it is
Talad says: If we want to be very roleplay oriented, then the people with low intelligence or wisdom will have some entries deleted randomly as they forget, same if you drink too much beer ;)
Talad says: j/k not going to do that
Gonger says: What is "too much beer"?
Kendric says: actually that makes sense
Mordaan says: :D
Raoni says: maybe add coffee to reverse the effects of the beer :>
Kendric says: instead of deleting them just have a required int score to unlock
Uadjet says: Yeah, that's not a concept Stonehammers will be able to comprehend...
Kendric says: or make it so each entry hasadditional info that unlocks as you rank up wis or int
Kendric says: thats a really good idea
Talad says: I think im all about discovery, and less about automatic unlock based on rank or stats
Uadjet says: Or simpler versions of the entries for people with an intelligence below a certain amount.
Kendric says: you misunderstand me
Kendric says: the entry is unlocked by a trigger
Talad says: I was thinking also to layers of info, but I think we are overdoing it with that, and we will not be able to make it
Uadjet says: Fair enough. :)
Kendric says: but the level of detail in the entry changes with int scor
Talad says: like you get 1 liner for basic knowledge, and 2 lines for more, etc... on the same item
Migg says: You should get entries of things you learn, I find a flower and Aleena tells me it's a blue shan, then I know blue shan flower
Migg says: alternative is when you find it you know it's a blue shan
Migg says: or there is a book with images of plants, and you know it if you have the book and the plant
Talad says: I think we can have two ways, NPC which can identify for you, or yourself studying the item
Migg says: could we have identify like for magic items?
Talad says: I dont think players can identify for you unless is a specific skill
Migg says: an NPC can identify a plant if they have the skill, then you know it
Migg says: a player can idfentify a plant if they already know it
Kendric says: well yes and no there should be a mechanism for players to share compendium entries
Migg says: like dweomer detection
Kendric says: essentially allowing one player to teach another
Kendric says: which would encourage roleplay
Kendric says: mkin player interaction a good source of info
Migg says: yes
Talad says: the issue can be burning steps too quick
Thoraro says: Aye it is Kendric
Talad says: like you go to a top level player and you get all your entries done in 10 minutes
Mordaan says: The problem will be item names.
Uadjet says: That would be interesting. I know in Everquest 1 you could teach languages to other players by speaking to them in that language. It would be complex, but if certain combinations of words could add journal entries... Kinda easy to abuse, though, with shortcuts.
Migg says: I show you a fish, if you know it you can identify it for me
Kendric says: the problem I see here is that personally I find it infinatley more immersion breaking when artificial and arbitrary limitations are put into place when realistically one player teaching another a skill would be more immersive
Migg says: you can't teach me things unless I get you the items
Raoni says: with a herbologist npc that would be better
Kendric says: I know I have had some issues with quests not triggering because of a "missed step" that did not exist last time i played
Talad says: MIgg is the same that player can also give you the item
Migg says: yes, it is
Talad says: I mean can be exploited easily
Uadjet says: Hmm. Try to trade an item to an NPC that would know about the item, and get the info in return?
Kendric says: so you want to be careful about makin sure restrictions and unlocking makes sence and does not have excessive prerequisites
Migg says: but then that is how things work in real life
Anysu nods at Uadjet
Talad says: yes, I mentioned NPC identify for you or you studying it yourself. with my preference to the second
Migg says: I am guessing the question is: should players be able to teach players?
Talad says: I think we can have both
Talad says: player to teach players I need to think about it
Migg says: that can be exploited as you said
Talad says: I can be in favor of that if the quantity is low
Raoni says: maybe triggering the info with harvesting & holding the item rather than just having the item in the inventory given by someone else
Uadjet says: I think only if we can easily limit the rate at which new entries can be unlocked.
Kendric says: Well think about it this way. Either the game supports players teaching players or you end up with player info being considered a meta
Migg says: Harvesting an item adds it to the compendium with no description
Kendric says: which hurts the game
Migg says: then you can ask someone to describe it for you
Migg says: NPC or player
Raoni says: maybe dropping your compendium to a npc, and having to wait for the npc to write that book, don't know 1hour or 24hour depending on the complexity of the thing ?
Kendric says: the issue seems to be the triggers
Raoni says: book or page
Kendric says: more than wether or not players should be able to teach each othe
Gonger says: Yes, your own experience is more... precise and more precious
Kendric says: the idea is good on paper but it seems to be a question of implementation
Migg says: If you catch a fish you know a few things about it, but not if it's edible or poisonous
Talad says: about active study I'm thinking to require a number of "samples" to unlock the entry and the knowledge
Talad says: example you need to find 5 mushrooms of the same type and study them
Talad says: or kill/study 5 different trepor to get the trepor entry
Migg says: you should eat a mushroom to know if it's poisonous or not
Talad says: its like a mini-quest
Talad says: I guess there are not many alive who discovered the poisonous ones :)
Migg says: no other way to find out
Kendric says: Speaking of samples any chance of fleshing out hunting be adding a skill to butcher/disect/harvest creature corpses
Waesed says: Many have few or none to loot
Talad says: in the list above there are some which I'm questioning if relevant to the compendium
Talad says: example items
Kendric says: disect would provide things like blood organs butcher would give you meat and food items skin would give hiddes
Talad says: like having an entry for "axe" telling you "this is an axe used to cut wood", is not really relevant, or adding anything to you
Talad says: I feel it like spam
Uadjet says: Galkards are unique to PS.
Uadjet says: They might warrant an entry.
Kendric says: useless entries are useless
Talad says: in fact there is separate category for "rare items"
Talad says: which I think can be fine
Talad says: the Galkard is a good example of an item which can go there
Talad says: because it has some background and speciality
Migg says: OK, you can use an axe to chop wood, but do you know how to use it?
Talad says: having entries for an apple or a piece of bread sounds kind of useless
Migg says: what if you can't harvest wood with an axe untill it is in your compendium?
Talad says: "how to use it" is not related to the compendium, how to use it is the rank you have in axe skill
Kendric says: Apples are a very rare and valuable magic item used to satiate harnquistes stomach and complete his epic quest
Migg says: Do we have an axe skill?
Kendric says: yes but i think it only applies to combat
Uadjet says: Yeah, it's a combat skill.
Kendric says: harvesting is for wood cutting
Talad says: first entry in Combat skills
Migg says: I see harvesting, OK, you could put that under that
Uadjet says: For cutting wood, it's harvesting.
Waesed says: harvest9ng
Migg says: I can harvest plants with a shovel
Kendric says: think of it this way you harvest a tree for wood and when a monster attacks you you axe it nicely to die
Migg says: anyway if this becomes too complicated it will be hard to implement, so day to day tools should probably be skipped
Talad says: My theory behind the compendium is that the entries in it should be interesting enough for you to go and read them after some time if you forgot about it
Talad says: and should add enough lore and in game knowledge
Talad says: in summary "meaningful" to the player
Talad says: like it tells me why the Korogan pass is called Korogan
Kendric says: For someone like me the compendium should really flesh out the lore bible in terms of history setting background etx
Mordaan says: Ah, will you be able to add your own notes?
Talad says: why not
Kendric says: something I can spend hours reading when bored to learn more about the game
Migg says: Well then it would be nice to have info on NPCs as you learn it, say Allelia is the bartender of Kada'El's
Migg says: Who is an archaeologist, who is a baker
Talad says: for NPC i'm thinking to group them by location and job
Raoni says: the compendium will be a big book :)
Talad says: so you navigate like : Ojaveda->Blacksmith->Trasok
Mordaan says: "Where is that darn strength trainer?" :)
Anysu says: Lore is also in the library is it not? Read it there?
Migg says: Where was that NPC I could buy a lute from?
Talad says: yes also trainers
Migg says: Will the compendium replace crafting books?
Talad says: ok, those were the two main questions, there is a thrid one related to books
Talad says: crafting books stays, and we already improved them in PSUnreal
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Talad says: for the books, do we want the compendium to contain the books you find
Talad says: so you can read them from the compendium?
Talad says: RP-wise this is problematic
Kendric says: Not a huge fan of crafting books
Talad says: like you are bringing with you 200 books
Talad says: ?
Migg says: perhaps just list them?
Thoraro says: Not a fan of the books either
Migg says: along with the NPC that gave them to you
Talad says: or have a service from Jayose to copy a book for you?
Kendric says: If you can make crafting more GUI oriented so the books dont have to be actually in your ming slot
Anysu says: List ones you find or ones you write.
Mordaan says: I would say "not" for that one. Just because you read a book doesn't mean you memorized every line.
Kendric says: I actually found a way to dump library books to txt
Anysu says: Books or music that is.
Kendric says: I have been making coppies the hard way ...
Mordaan says: That would give us all perfect recall.
Talad says: We have some special cases like the creatures books, those will create creatures entries in the Compendium, but I'm not speaking of those books, but all the others
Thoraro says: I had to rewrite the beer books
Talad says: test the new crafting books in PSUnreal before thinking too much on those
Kendric says: the original scribe was taste testing the beer while writing so it is slurred and illegibly ?
Talad says: im really 50/50 on the books copied to compendium
Migg says: If the mind slot is still there then it makes sense to keep them as separate books
Talad says: one way could be to allow guildhouses to own libraries and fill them with books copied
Anysu says: Books or music players write or find could be in there.
Raoni says: it's a magic book, kindle like :>
Raoni says: powered by magic
Kendric says: I dont see a need to copy books to the compendium as long as you just tweak the book reading UI to allow players to scribe copies to a blank book
Migg says: Well it doesn't make sense to have all library books on your person to me
Migg says: crafting books on the other hand are knowledge
Migg says: after crafting for some time you learn the steps
Kendric says: here is my opinion Book is Book Pen is pen Ink is ink
Kendric says: there is nothing special about a crafting book or library book that would prevent someone from copying it
Talad says: I think making it a guild service (or in future personal house service) to own a library, it can make sense
Kendric says: or keep them in storage and reference when needed
Kendric says: noone expects someone to carry around hundreds of books
Uadjet says: I've tried that.
Kendric says: the difference is a book in storage can be accessed from any city vs the library
Uadjet says: Game couldn't display my inventory properly.
Kendric says: yeah inventory is restricted by carry weight but needs more slots
Kendric says: worst is that additiona inventory is saved to a buffer and you can only get the item by storing it in list view
Kendric says: Wait did you say personal houses will be a thing ?
Anysu says: All craft areas should have access to a storage. So need not go far for craft books.
Talad says: personal houses have some technical issues, as they come in large volumes
Talad says: I need to think about it
Kendric says: What we need to do is just make the number of player inventory slots scalable so additinal rows can be added and removed as needed up to the max capacity
Migg says: So Talad, have you decided about crafting books?
Kendric says: giving all crafting areas storage acces could be a bit OP
Raoni says: why not making only one house and putting all the players in it virtually but using like transparent tags for items and players ?
Talad says: Migg, those are already changed and reimplemented in PSUnreal
Kendric says: One thing could be crafting books only need to be inside the player inventory so youcould keep them all in a large sack that takes up one inv slot but still access them when crafting
Migg says: About adding them to the compendium I mean
Talad says: easy said Raoni :)
Talad says: Migg this means those will be in two places, your inventory and compendium, so what is the benefit?
Migg says: I am not for adding them to compendium, just listing their names there, along with the name of the NPC who gave them
Kendric says: agreed crafting books are their own thing
Talad says: I try to balance time and benefit, that is really a nice to have, low priority
Migg says: Agreed, you are right
Kendric says: yeah in general the compendium should be the last thiong done after all the quests settings and lore stuff is in place
Kendric says: esp if things are going to be subject to change
Thoraro nods in agreement
Raoni says: there is no ways to share thoses tags between clients ?
Raoni says: without going trough the server ?
Kendric says: well second to last achievements are arguable pointless
Kendric says: and take the last place in the priority
Talad says: kendric you mean the crafting books in the compendium or the whole compendium ?
Kendric says: having a 1-1 copy of the crafting book as a compendium entry
Kendric says: as its redundant
Waesed says: yup
Mordaan thinks there should be a foot of snow in here by now
Migg says: Uadjet melts it with his lazer staff
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: Never doubt the power of the crashy-stick!
Uadjet says: Okay, there's more chatter going on in the stream than in here, at the moment.
Kendric says: its fake snow the invisible janitor ghosts just sweep it up and put it back into the snow machine
Talad says: ok, these were the three things I wanted to ask
Talad says: I got your suggestions on it, will take that into account
Mordaan says: It was a good conversation.
Migg says: Thanks for sharing, and asking players about it!
Talad says: you're welcome
Uadjet says: Yeah, I'll post the log in the forum for those who missed it.
Waesed says: thank you you all
Gonger says: Thank you. This was very interesting.
Thoraro says: Thank you
Raoni says: there is no option to take a png instead ?
Anysu says: Thank you gm and devs for all you do!!
Migg says: nogui
Mordaan says: Thanks for attending!
Mordaan says: Have a great New Year!
Uadjet says: Try '/screenshot nogui lossless'
Thoraro says: Happy new year all
Migg says: didn't know the lossless part
Uadjet says: The game will sometimes crash if you don't use it, for some reason.
Migg says: never used it, and I never crashed the game with a screenshot
Uadjet says: It may have been a system-specific problem.
Talad says: see you, have fun
Migg says: Thank you all, and a Happy New Year!

« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 06:59:41 pm by Uadjet »