Author Topic: Dev Q&A July 11, 2021  (Read 473 times)


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Dev Q&A July 11, 2021
« on: July 25, 2021, 04:59:59 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: Dentritus?
Dentritus says: Wydj sold a quest item earlier today the wooden sword
Dentritus says: I guess there is a flag not set correctly
Gonger says: He said he made a petition.
Uadjet says: I replaced it.
Gonger says: Is this indeed a flag missing, or is it in general possible to sell Quest Items?
Gonger says: I have not tried it on purpose...
Dentritus says: I know only of the apprentice wands
Uadjet says: The item is not in the correct category, I think.
Dentritus says: but except for the azure or dark you can get these multiple times
Mishka says: Hey, not a question, but may I have some help putting up some signs after this please?
Uadjet says: It's in Weapons - Shortswords, not Quest Items.
Uadjet says: Merchants buy by category, so as there's no merchant players can access that buys quest items, selling them should be impossible.
Swee grunts at all those who recently entered...
Gonger says: Wrong category, I think that is what Dentritus meant.
Uadjet nods.
Uadjet says: I'll pass that along. As the only use for the item is in a quest, it probably should be in that category.
Gonger says: Thank you.
Dentritus says: On the other hand a way to mark items as blocked so one can't sell them accidentally would be nice too
Uadjet says: That would work, though creating another flag is probably more work.
Uadjet says: There are other items that can be sold but shouldn't be, of course.
Uadjet says: So a flag would be the better solution.
Uadjet says: Yes?
Uadjet says: Oh.
Uadjet facepalms.
Uadjet says: Right.
Fayrene chuckles
Uadjet says: Okay, as nobody else is at the lecterns I'll give you a little update.
Uadjet says: Talad released the new alpha - we're at 7.11 now - which includes a long list of fixes and updates.
Damela says: And we did first event in it yesterday! :)
Uadjet says: Quite right!
Fayrene says: it went well then?
Damela says: Exploring Delver. Catching a thief.
Damela says: Well except for I think 3-4 server crashes, yes.
Damela says: :)
Fayrene laughs
Uadjet says: We tested things out and other than a crash possibly caused by a group teleport everything went well.
Anysu says: Awe neat. Too bad about the crash though.
Uadjet says: Talad's trying to track down the examine crash, but hasn't been able to reproduce it again.
Dentritus says: The movement in PSU takes some getting used to
Gonger says: Ah, during next event, then... :)
Fayrene says: maybe its the group? how much were there?
Gonger says: My impression is that most movement types are not implemented yet.
Mishka says: Paladin showing up again
Damela says: Yeah, those crashes do not happen when you run around in PSUnreal. It did this for more than a hour without a crash
Damela says: So it appeared to be something to have to do with event stuff.
Uadjet says: Movement does take a bit of getting used to, that's true. It's just a bit different.
Uadjet says: Everyone tested out the mantling system at the event.
Mishka says: I still don't like that fenkis have hunched shoulders
Uadjet says: Getting onto that roof is not easy.
Dentritus says: I crashed a lot when fighting
Dentritus says: And the rolling animation killed me a few times when I jumped down on the ledge in the death realm - rolled right of the way
Fayrene says: rolled? O_O
Uadjet says: Ah, yes. You do a little roll when you fall down a certain distance.
Uadjet says: It's always fun falling a kilometer and doing a little roll to absorb the impact. :D
Fayrene says: oh, interesting
Anysu says: Do you take less damage then when roll?
Gonger says: Some stairs need real climbing, at least for me.
Uadjet says: I have no idea, as I don't take falling damage.
Uadjet says: Like in the Plaza, Gonger?
Dentritus says: no falling damage yet
Gonger says: Yes
Gonger says: Before the Smithy
Uadjet says: I noticed that myself, and I don't think it was just there.
Fayrene says: maybe its better to have a ramp?
Damela says: I did not take any damage in PSUnreal so far, maybe did not yet jump down from high enough.
Dentritus says: I tried and there is no falling damage :)
Anysu says: Good to know.
Mishka says: I jumped off the WT and nothing
Mishka says: But I'm a cat, maybe I landed on my feet
Fayrene says: maybe *chuckles*
Anysu grins at Mishka's comment
Thosor says: We jumped off the eagle head and were teleported back.
Dentritus says: I am a stone and neither me nor the floor took damage
Uadjet says: Okay, so falling damage is still off for everyone.
Mishka says: They'll toggle it overnight and set up a camera to laugh at us
Fayrene laughs
Uadjet says: I would.
Thosor says: I wish turning wouldn't stop when mouse pointer hits edge of screen.
Thosor says: extra wear and tear on fingers.
Uadjet says: But as for the last update to Unreal, a lot of small fixes were done. You can do pterosaur travel now, which will make things a lot easier.
Thosor says: pterasaur looks like a squashed pigeon.
Uadjet says: The long running times from place to place are being considered. As I've said before it's a 21 minute sprint from Amdeneir to Hydlaa alone, and I don't know how long players will be able to sprint in PSU.
Fayrene grins
Dentritus says: really, was the first thing I tried and didn't manage it :(
Uadjet says: Sprinting is double running speed, so without sprinting it would be over 40 minutes to run between Amdeneir and Hydlaa.
Fayrene says: and on a rivnak?
Anysu says: Long time.
Thosor says: how fast for mounting when implemented?
Uadjet says: I haven't been able to test mount speed. I'll try morphing instead, and see if turning into a rivnak gives me their speed. It does in Legacy, so maybe...
Damela says: I still did not manage to mount a mount though or to actually sit in PSUnreal
Fayrene says: still much to do then
Thosor says: I can sit ok. no mounting though.
Gonger says: Where is the road Hydlaa - Amdeneir?
Gonger says: And what about riding our mounts? I could not /target mine to mount it
Fayrene says: btw... about sitting.... will it be able to sit on a chair?
Thosor says: sit is long press to ground. sit on chair is short press.
Damela says: Gonger, the outdoor areas have changed a lot
Uadjet says: To sit on a surface other than the ground it should be in front of you, I think. It can be tricky, but iirc I was able to sit on the benches on the elevated section between the Plaza and East Hydlaa.
Fayrene says: ah okay
Uadjet says: I think there is a road from Hydlaa to Amdeneir, but there are a lot of roads on that section of the map and I don't know the route.
Thosor says: I am sitting on the anvil now, I think at the smithy.
Uadjet says: I tend to aim myself in vaguely the right direction, slide myself up half a kilometer, and slide myself forward while falling.
Thosor says: oh, I am sitting with Aleena.
Thosor says: use magic gps spell.
Uadjet says: So the first Unreal event went well, and I've got antother one planned where you'll get to see the new Bronze Doors and what's on the other side.
Fayrene says: wow
Anysu says: Surreal knowing you are one place in the world in PSU and in another place in the word in Legacy.
Sudarew says: I have a question: When downloading the unreal game do you need to unzip the file?
Sudarew says: I'm using a windows.
Uadjet says: You do. It's a zip file, iirc.
Anysu says: Neat idea to get to see on other side of the Bronze door.
Sudarew says: Should I unzip it into its current folder, or do I need to zip it into something else?
Uadjet says: There's no install file in there, so just unzip it into wherever you want the game to be.
Sudarew says: Thanks
Gonger says: Yes, zip file, absolutely no problem with that.
Gonger says: But do not try to update from 0.7.8... Download 0.7.10, then use the upgrade function from the launcher.
Uadjet says: So Talad's been working on terraforming the map. He's trying to maximize the playable area and makes things look natural.
Thosor says: Yeah,I don't think it messes with the registry or anything.
Uadjet says: No, you can just unzip and play.
Uadjet says: It installs files to AppData, but does that when you launch the game.
Uadjet says: Talad's also been creating little secret area for things like shrines, remote cabins, random events, etc.
Uadjet says: He didn't livestream that one, of course!
Fayrene chuckles
Fayrene says: good for a hide and seek event then
Uadjet says: Oh, don't encourage me to do events where I hide things for you all to find. I sometimes hide things too well.
Fayrene says: oh oh XD
Anysu says: A scavenger hunt evenr
Anysu says: *event*
Uadjet says: Let's see... Oh, terraforming includes a little farm area near Hydlaa.
Thosor says: radio foxhunt
Uadjet says: That will be nice to have.
Uadjet says: People won't have to wonder where all the food comes from.
Gonger says: That reminds me of Jabberwocky (movie), the Hiding Tournament...
Fayrene says: hu? we can plant our vegetables then?
Thosor says: and feed our pets to them.
Gonger says: With them, Thosor. With them :)
Fayrene says: beast-eating plant *chuckles*
Thosor says: hehe 'feed me'
Anysu says: It is just a location.. we can't actually plant there/
Gonger says: The Little Shop of Thosor.
Anysu says: lol Gonger
Anysu says: It is just a location.. we can't actually plant there?
Uadjet says: We have those. They're called Gorweals.
Uadjet says: I think the farms are just locations for now.
Sudarew says: Can Gorweals grant wishes?
Uadjet says: Planting would be fun, but that involves creating a whole new system.
Dentritus says: Depends on your wish
Uadjet says: @Sudarew: Try stuffing one into a lamp and find out.
Thosor says: for vegetarians, you have to plant your kikiries at least 1 meter apart.
Gonger says: Speaking of system... Any news about an improved crafting system? Interface?
Thosor says: magic 3d printer.
Uadjet says: He hasnt' worked on that in a while. He's worked on the crafting book display, getting it so that selecting an item will show the steps and materials needed to make it.
Uadjet says: It'll be a lot clearer than it is now.
Thosor says: It is fun going through the present books in mind backwards to figure out.
Thosor says: some still drive on the incorrect side of the road.
Mishka says: Welp, I gotta go, good times were had
Sudarew says: o/
Thosor says: where?
Damela says: Time for me as well
Swee vanishes...
Uadjet says: Oh, and the plan is for every race to have a city in the current 2 sectors.
Anysu says: Nice
Uadjet says: So nobody will have to wait for entirely new sections of the map.
Anysu says: Bye to those leaving
Uadjet says: I must admit, the Stonehammer city sounds amazing.
Damela says: Nice.
Anysu says: Stonehammers I think will be happy to have a city.
Dentritus says: Will there be an almost deserted diaboli town?
Thosor says: rivers of beer
Fayrene says: and will dakkru have a nice new body?
Uadjet says: Diaboli will be coming back, so they will have the twon of Homestead I think.
Uadjet says: I'm pitching places for the Stonehammer city that are near the outer edge, so it can be dug as deep as the wiki article says.
Anysu says: Wow. It will be neat to see the Diaboli back
Thosor says: Diabolical
Dentritus says: Back from the death realm or the new arrivals
Fayrene says: now.... chelsair and attier would be happy to have that place!
Anysu says: Really liked having them in recent event.
Anysu nods at Fayrene
Damela says: Yeah, that was nice.
Damela says: See you all!
Uadjet says: Maybe both? It would require a change of lore, so perhaps they'll all be recent arrivals.
Fayrene says: see you damela
Uadjet says: Well, relatively recent.
Uadjet says: Onces that arrived after the other Diaboli left for the Death Realm.
Dentritus says: But the homeworld was destroyed not too long ago, so there might be an increase in new arrivals
Uadjet says: I'm assuming the portals have a bit of temporal slippage, so people who leave a month apart may arrive here decades apart.
Uadjet says: That or time on the Dryken Plane is really wonky.
Uadjet says: But the hour is up. Any more questions? Or questions I missed?
Fayrene says: maybe there is a mage who can control rifts....
Fayrene says: no, i have no questions
Uadjet says: You can see the list of updates on the main page of
Leeza says: Thanks, Uadjet
Anysu says: Thanks for th update!
Dentritus says: Thanks for the update
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Thosor says: thanks
Fayrene says: thank you uadjet for the information ^^
Uadjet says: So I think we're done for the day. I'll see you at the next meeting in two weeks! Have fun!
Fayrene says: you too!