Author Topic: Dev Q&A January 23rd 2022  (Read 604 times)


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Dev Q&A January 23rd 2022
« on: January 23, 2022, 05:21:26 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: If you have any questions, please line up at the lecterns. If not, I'll give a quick update of what's been going on behind the scenes.
>Anysu Atani listens intently to Uadjet.
Gonger says: And a big welcome to the many new faces!
Uadjet says: First off, Talad released a new version of PSU since the last meeting! This one needs to be downloaded, so send a tell to Talad on Discord if you have 200 or more hours in game and would like the download link.
Uadjet says: So that's version 7.16, for those keeping track.
Uadjet says: A few days after that he released an update that solved some of the new crashing bugs, so please do make sure to run the launcher and get that update.
Damola says: Yeah, I updated to 0.7.17 two days ago.
Uadjet says: PSU now has a new dungeon, and to go along with it are traps, levers to open doors, etc.
Uadjet says: He's also added the first special abilities. In this case it's Detect Secrets, which is gained by having 180 intelligence (iirc). Activate that ability and you'll search whatever you're looking at for things like secret doors.
Uadjet says: There are plenty of bug fixes in there as well, but I suspect it's the new dungeon that'll draw the most interest. :D
Damola says: How is an ability different from a skill? Is it binary, you either have it or you don't instead of gradual with a skill from 0 to 200?
Damola says: I did not find it yet, but did not have much time to look around so… hope to find it in the future.
Gonger says: West of Hydlaa, that is all I know.
Uadjet says: It's gained by having a stat or skill at a certain level, and yes you either have it or you don't. It's possible that improving the stat/skill that grants it will make you better at it, though. I know the traps in the dungeon can be very hard to disarm. Got a little singed.
Gonger says: To our new friends: Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Stand in front of the lecterns to do so.
Uadjet says: West of Hydlaa, and not that far. Closer to Hydlaa than the Emerald Lake, I'm sure.
Uadjet says: Keep your eyes peeled, as only the entrance is visable above ground.
Uadjet says: PSU now also has models for gobbles, tloke, and velnishi. Apparently the old versions didn't play nicely with Unreal. And there's a new coamti texture, which was never used by mistake.
Uadjet says: Krylor?
Krylor says: in psunreal i cannot see the contents of my inventory, what is the status on getting this completed so i can tell more easily what i am moving around in my bag
Uadjet says: Can you open your inventory? Or does it appear empty? Or is the window just blank or something?
Krylor says: i can open my inventory, but all of the images look blurred and the same
Uadjet says: Are you leaving the window open? I see that when I first open the inventory, but the icons usually load quite quickly.
Krylor says: i have not been able to get the icons to load, but i don't have the latest update either, so that might fix it?
Damola says: I recommend to always check for issues with the latest version. However, Inventory always worked for me.
Uadjet says: It's possible that some icons aren't ported over. Have you filed a bug report? And did you include some sample items that don't have the proper icons?
Krylor says: no items have the proper icons, and no i haven't filed a bug report.
Uadjet says: If you give me the names of some of the items in your inventory (like apple, or longsword) I can check to see if those icons load properly for me.
Krylor says: i figured it was something that was currently not completed yet
Krylor says: platinum ore, apple, various books, hammer, rat hide, various ignots.
Uadjet says: I'll take a look next time I'm in PSU, then, to see if they work for me. File a bug report if the problem persists after updating PSU.
Krylor says: alright, thank you.
Teknon says: Hi everyone. So I have not looked into PSU much yet but thought it was still under heavy development. Is it stable now or still under heavy development?
Thosor says: my inventory comes in with all icons blurred just for a couple seconds, then OK.
Uadjet says: Teknon?
Teknon says: Is PS unreal stable enough to play or still in more of a beta?
Uadjet says: We normally call it an alpha. :)
Uadjet says: But it's still very much in the testing phase.
Teknon laughs
Teknon says: Even better
Uadjet says: Significant parts of the game don't work yet, which is why Talad wants people to give it a try and see what bugs they can find.
Damola says: But it is already very nice to run around in Yliakum as in PSUnreal. It looks much, much better than here in Crystal Space based PS.
Teknon says: Gotcha, makes sense.
Teknon glances at Damola
Teknon says: Yes I believe it
Uadjet says: Amdeneir is gorgeous, for one. And it's actually complete! Well, other than the ptero training area and the aquifer.
Damola says: Not all parts are similarily improved as some textures are still the same, but running around in nature outside of the cities, awesome.
Damola says: And well then Amdeneir!
Damola says: Completely different with all the added areas.
Teknon says: Are player accounts reset or still have everything from here?
Damola says: Even Ojaveda should have the missing area, but I did not find how to access it yet.
Thosor says: Drunken plane map in my linux machine is still unusable, ok in W10.
Uadjet says: Emerald Lake is huge. It has no water just yet, but when it does...
Gonger says: Characters will be ported.
Gonger says: Most likely with some minor modifications due to the new engine
Gonger says: But in principle you will keep items, stats, and skills.
Uadjet nods. "Characters will be ported as is."
Thosor claps
Teknon says: Excellent!
Uadjet says: Heck, Talad is even keeping achievements that can't be obtained anymore, so he's not tossing anything out.
Thosor says: Yes, so keep busy in legacy, it will come with you.
Teknon says: Last question: Are there any plans to advertise/promote PSU in Social Media or elsewhere after development is further along?
Uadjet says: Right now every time Talad does a new PSU release, he ports over the accounts as they are at that time. So what you do in PSU isn't kept yet. That's probably good, all things considered. It is an alpha, after all.
Teknon says: Obviously that would take cash so... yeah :)
Gonger says: We do advertise. I do, at least :)
Uadjet says: There are plans, yes, but any big push is waiting for PSU to be a bit more... polished. Completed. At the very least Working.
Gonger says: The semi-official-one-dwarf-pr-team
Uadjet says: A One Stonehammer Army.
Thosor says: In what xxxxbook?
Gonger says: I post reviews, set things straight that other reviews got wrong, I MENTION PlaneShift
Gonger says: Last year I was somewhat limited by a huge workload.
Anysu cheers for Gonger
Gonger says: This year things are better, and I am getting some of my energy back...
Gonger says: So I will have more time and energy for this.
Gonger says: I also discussed some ideas with Uadjet
Teknon says: I'd love to see an official wiki or site with some documentation, even more so than what's on also. There's so much info that's impossible to find or just plain wrong out there.
Gonger says: We will do more when the Unreal version is out.
Teknon says: I guess that promotes asking around in-game eh?
Gonger says: There is an official wiki.
Uadjet says: Google pswiki and you'll find it. Top result.
Thosor says: isn't .org the outdated spoiler site?
Teknon says: Ok, I'll check it out. I looked through the first 2 pages of results but the sites I looked at were not very complete.
Teknon says: maybe i missed it
Uadjet covers its earholes. "LA LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you discussing spoiler sites!"
Thosor says: Just join aa certain guild, is promoted.
Uadjet says: It's:
Gonger says: That reminds me of Miracle Max in The Princess Bride.
Uadjet says: Now THAT is a wonderful compliment!
Uadjet says: So, other than that Talad's been doing work on guildhouses and action locations. The AL are needed to reach and leave guildhouses, so that makes sense.
Uadjet says: I'm trying to mark the locations of guild entrances and where you should get sent when you leave, so if you find any errors there it's entirely my fault.
Uadjet says: There is also a new model for a Dermorian hut!
Damola says: do guild houses work yet? I did not manage to open door.
Anysu says: Good question Damola
Uadjet says: A few action locations have been done, but not guidhalls. Those are a bit trickier, as the guildhouses have to be somewhere that nobody can reach except by the doors. Can't have people getting in who aren't supposed to. I've got coordinates for all but the Hydlaa guildhalls alreayd, and I'll get the rest done tonight or tomorrow.
Damola says: ah cause all in one map?
Uadjet says: I think it is, but guildhouses can simply be placed so far apart that they're impossible to get to. That's easy enough.
Uadjet says: So the last thing I should mention is the Planeshift Unreal Open Tasks.
Uadjet says: Some people have expressed interest in helping in some way, but maybe don't have the technical skills to port systems or fix bugs.
Uadjet says: Talad has created a list of ways for people to contribute.
Uadjet says: It's on Discord in announcements, and I'll see if I can get him to post it on the forum too.
Gonger says: Some points of the list are already taken.
Gonger whistles innocently.
Uadjet says: There are quite a few things on it, and most of those items could use more than once person.
Uadjet says: Example tasts are things like adding npcs/quests to new locations like Homestead and Delver...
Uadjet says: Creating 3D art or icons for items that are missing them.
Tucas says: Is there for PS somthing like the OPENMW CS tool ?
Uadjet says: Creating new items, too. If you have an idea, run it past Talad.
Uadjet says: Voice work, adding new sounds, GM flight...
Gonger says: GM flight?
Uadjet says: Yeah, I like the sound of that. We can turn gravity off for ourselves, but not fly.
Uadjet says: Anything that looks like {Redacted for wrongness} would be awesome! :D
Teknon says: I need to bug out ya'll.
Uadjet says: Bye!
Teknon looks at Uadjet
Teknon says: Thanks for everything you guys are doing!
Uadjet says: I'm working on infravision/nightvision myself, and I'm going to see about underwater vision next.
Thosor says: and you!
Uadjet says: There's also a task for creating a lockpicking minigame.
Uadjet says: I started work on a lock 3D model ages ago, and it might be useful for that.
Anysu smiles at idea of lockpicking.
Uadjet says: If so, it's like the Elder Scrolls Online lockpicking game, but the lock won't be upside-down.
Uadjet says: And yes, I don't understand why people aren't as annoyed by the fact that their lock is upside-down as I am.
Thosor thinks a game is less useful than say picking a lock on a gov't house...
Uadjet says: There is info on how quests in PS are writeen on the forum, and it's really not as hard as I no doubt made it seem. ;)
Damola ponders "I never thought about the complexity of managing guild house maps. In CS PS they are different maps, so you can't have a window and look outside, cause there would be nothing there."
Uadjet says: Oh, and a task for adding lore about creatures. I should mention that, as to get the animal glyph I had people write a little blurb about a type of creature. Some of those were pretty nice.
Damola says: In PSUnreal it is all on one map so I thought you can just place the indoor parts of the house at exactly the location the house is. However, that doesn't work cause the house come in different shapes and sizes, but in a city almost all have the same indoor map.
Uadjet says: Well, they're the same maps, just different instances. If you go to instance -1, you see everything on that map in every instance. Do that in a guildhall and you'll see the contents of every copy of that map. And you'll get a version of the guildhouse bug that could take on the Hulk.
Uadjet says: And if you place them too close to where players can go they might be able to map glitch their way in.
Damola says: so in classic PS you can see the contents of all the interiour of all the guild house at once?
Damola imagines this would be *complete* chaos.
Uadjet says: Yeah, but it's such a ... Yeah, precisely that.
Anysu says: Sounds complicated
Damola says: I'd like to see that… just for the fun of it.
Damola says: Yeah, Anysu, I never thought about the complexities of this.
Damola says: Of course, you could tailor the indoor of every house to every house, but then you do not have one map per city, but need to exactly fit the indoor area to the size and shape of the house at exactly this location.
Damola wonders how God created our real world "Sounds like an awesome achievement."
Damola says: But yeah, in our real world an architect plans each house.
Damola says: Anyway, we are over the hour.
Damola says: Any Q left?
Uadjet says: If you have a question, run up to the lecterns and I'll wait. Otherwise...
Damola says: That youtube video link you posted gives "video unavailable" copied directly from chat file
Damola says: That "Anything that looks like…"
Uadjet says: Then I think we can bring the meeting to a close! Thank you all for coming and we'll see you again in three weeks! I'll post the fixed link in a moment...
Thosor says: 3 weeks?
Damola says: Good that in PSUnreal cut and paste should work, as I heard.
Uadjet says:
Uadjet says: Should have put on my glasses...
Damola says: Thanks. This one works.
Damola says: Hah, fly like that Damola want.
Uadjet says: Oh, and there's a tracks on the ground or in water in my unreal library. It may take too much processing power to add to PSU, though.
Damola says: Still need to test out swimming in the lake in delving
Damola says: Thanks for Dev Q&A. See you!
Thosor says: Thanks
Gonger says: Thanks a lot, be seeing you!

Edit: 12 minutes later...

[Channel] [1: gossip] Uadjet: Oh! Achievements! Talad's started on Achievements! Knew I'd forgotten something.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 05:26:52 pm by Uadjet »