Author Topic: Kidukai Plane  (Read 698 times)


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Kidukai Plane
« on: September 05, 2003, 07:45:33 pm »
Lerruva Ilkrain clung with his back to the stalactite, making not a sound as he eased into a crenellation in the side of the hanging rock, maintaining his position with his metal-sheathed Enkidukai claws.  His triangular ears swivelled forward like satellites to catch the conversation taking place thirty meters away with crystal clear clarity.

\"Trade with the Nolthrir is going as expected.  Soon, we hope to control eighty percent of seventh and eighth plane* exports.  It depends on Vigesimi Ol\'Karn\'s cooperation.  And with a little pressure,\" the voice paused, and the ominous sound of a knife scraped along rock cascaded through the cavern.

(*Author\'s note:  planes are levels or grades.  See Yliakum)

\"With a little pressure, as I was saying, I\'m sure Vigesimi Ol\'Karn can be convinced to give us access to the exclusive Nolthrir channels.\"

Lerruva\'s pulse quickened as he realized the profits that a monopoly on the Nolthrir trading planes would reap.  He closed his eyes and concentrated on memorizing the conversation, slowing his beating heart.  His breathing slowed to a crawl, and he grew detached from his physical body.  Only his sense of hearing was important.

A new voice broke the Diabolo\'s smug speech with an irritating whine.  The Ynnwn, the Diaboli\'s half-breed cousins, were known for allying with their Diaboli blood rather than their elven heritage.  The speaker had obviously chosen to follow his Diabolo half.

\"But what if the Octarchs find out about this?  They\'d put an end to our monopoly, and likely our lives, rather quickly.\"

Once more the Diabolo\'s voice rang out, slightly annoyed and condescending.  Lerruva realized that the speaker was female, which cut search possibilities in half.  

\"As I said, pressure, properly applied, can work wonders.  Physics is a wonderful thing, Diaboli-get.\"

The hidden Enkidukai could hear the Ynnwn\'s rib cage creak slightly as he drew in a sharp breath at the insult.  He had begun a trance, and was no longer a thinking being.  He was one with the rocks, cavewind, and scuttling creatures around him.  He merely bore witness to and remembered what was being said.

A nasally pitched voice interrupted what might have become a fight.  It sounded human, but not quite.  As if the larynx was placed higher up, or right behind the nasal cavity.  Xacha, Lerruva\'s subconscious mind whispered sleepily.

\"I feel an uneasiness in this section of Yliakum.  Something  can hear us.\"

\"Oh, it\'s just a jek-ra scorpion triggering your mystical senses, oh revered shaman,\" the Diabolo taunted.  Still, she grew silent afterwards.

\"Nevertheless.\"  The Xacha began a low chant that completely contradicted his earlier nasal voice.

Lerruva, somewhere in his mind, worried.  But his was a tiny voice against the harmony of the rock.

A slight pressure formed like a bubble against his mind.  He felt/saw it affecting the scorpions, sleeping pterosaurs, rats, mice and small creatures throughout the cavern.  They awoke and huddled deeper into their crevices.  The very rock itself complained as if it itched.  Except for the Kran, very few of the species within the Yliakum knew that the earth had its own will, a deep inner-conscience.  But the invading mind was not searching for them.

The mind-bubble grew larger, seeking sentience to push itself into and devour.  Lerruva\'s worry trickled outward and joined the earth\'s mild feeling of itchiness.

But where Lerruva was, the Xacha sorceror could see only an oddly shaped rock, and even that smoothed into the stalactite with a second mental check.

Any other carbon-based sentience would have been detected.  No other enkidukai, no Xacha or Ylian could have escaped without at least some trace.

Lerruva left only doubts in the Xacha\'s mind.

\"We\'d best go.  I feel great unease,\" the Xacha intoned, spooked by his seemingly false alarm.

An enkidukai with mental abilities was one in a million.  An enkidukai with inherent mental abilities, which need not be taught at all to be used effectively,  was ten times rarer.  And an enkidukai who had inherent mental abilities, had been half raised by Kran and taught to be one with the rock, was, in the history of Yliakum and the world, a first.

Lerruva Ilkrain was that first.


So what do you think of the beginning of my story?  I haven\'t actually played Planeshift (and I dare to write about it!  I feel like I\'m cheating somehow) so I need to know my mistakes*, such as those having to do with skills, magic, or races.  Actually, I could use a few suggestions for the enkidukai main character\'s name*2.

*(If you bring up any mistakes, I will ignore them, saying the game is still in development and it\'s impossible to say with certainty what the game will really be like.  I guess I just like the setting and the races.)

*2(If you make a suggestion for the name I will really listen.  Really.)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 10:26:56 pm by Draklyne »


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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 10:14:03 pm »
A deep, throbbing drumbeat shook the walls of the tavern.  A group of enkidukai performers shouted lyrics in time to the heavy percussion as Lerruva entered the building.  He was immediately pressed up against a wall of bodyheat, and wrinkled his nose.  Ylians huddled close together like rats, unlike any respectable enkidukai.  They made a different, more pungent reek than Ylians alone.

In this case, the Ylians had gathered in one corner of the tavern, and were loudly urging on competitors in a drinking competition.  Lerruva ignored them disdainfully and turned towards the back of the bar, where Trellur Vyarlis, head of the Shadowfoot Enkidukai, watched with veiled eyes.

\"Vyarlis tanthin,\" Lerruva spoke, adding the reverent \"tanthin\" title to his name and inclining his head.

Vyarlis bowed his head as well, and simply looked at Lerruva calmly for a few seconds.  Then, \"What did you find?\"

Internally, Lerruva bristled at the lack of title when being addressed.  Externally, Lerruva lifted his head without a sign of affrontery and reported the conversation that had taken place.  He left out the methods he had used to evade notice.  Vyarlis knew anyway.  They all knew.

\"You understand then, jenthin, what must be done.\"  Lerruva trilled mentally as Vyarlis accorded him the title jenthin and respected him enough to think he\'d come up with the next logical step.

\"Yes tanthin.  We must make the deal with the Vigesimi first.\"
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 10:14:51 pm by Draklyne »


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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2003, 10:40:02 pm »
Vyarlis nodded, his eyes drifting to the right.  Lerruva knew what he was looking at.

\"The Ylians are quite rowdy,\" Lerruva commented, using the enkidukai pun which mean rowdy and smelly.

Vyarlis smiled slightly, adding, \"They may be rowdy, but they attract trade of all kind.  It will be necessary to have contacts within the Ylian once we Shadowfoot gain our own plane.  And to gain our own plane, we must move swiftly and silently. Which means that you must strike a deal with Vigesimi Ol\'Karn tonight.\"

Lerruva bowed his head, already composing a list of equipment he would need to trek the seventy clockwise degrees and two upward planes to Vigesimi Ol\'Karn\'s mansion.  He had long ago memorized the location of every Vigesimi in office.

\"This Xacha sorceror you spoke of seems to have been suspicious of your whereabouts.  You must move as if he has decided to dispatch a team to Ol\'Karn\'s household early.  Now go, Lerruva, and may shadows hide your footsteps.\"

Lerruva exited the tavern, ejected out of the den of heat and stagnation into the rich Yliakum air.  He allowed himself a thin, cat grin, and leapt off towards his abode, and the equipment stored within.


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The story marches onward!
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2003, 11:41:05 pm »
Lerruva swarmed up the cable to the third plane.  The Azure Sun shone dimly behind him, a subterranean night.  With ground-eating lopes, he slipped into the third plane\'s city, headed unerringly for the Vigesimi\'s dwelling.

Once in sight of the mansion, he tested the wind, cupping it in either ear.  It was flowing slightly counter-clockwise.  Positioning himself downwind, he identified five guards by smell.  Three were enkidukai mercenaries, while the other two were Ylians.

Lerruva took a sharp right into a restrictive alley.  Spreading his arms and legs and bracing against either side, he climbed his way to the rooftops, then creapt on all fours to get an aerial view of the mansion.

A tower sprung from the middle of the mansion, where one enkidukai was stationed.  Two ylians were standing by torchlight in the front of the mansion.  The other two enkidukai were positioned by the gates of the mansion to his left.

Lerruva\'s muscles tensed as he geared up to swarm down the building and disappear into Ol\'Karn\'s mansion.  He began to count down from five.  His eyes narrowed and examined all the shadows and calculated the camouflage of each.  By the count of \"four\" he had discovered a route to remain undetected visually and had begun to think of distractions to pull if he was heard.  By \"three,\" he had thought of a distraction and was moving on to a ruse to act out if he was found.  At the count of \"two,\" he was considering how to eliminate a guard if he needed to, and by \"one\" he had planned a way to eliminate all guards soundlessly.

Lerruva jerked forward at zero, but stopped and fell prone as he heard a voice at the gate.  It was a high, nasally voice.  It was the Xacha.

\"I have a message to deliver to Vigesimi Ol\'Karn,\" the voice said.  The enkidukai gate captain asked a series of questions, to which the Xacha replied testily, \"I don\'t have time for this game, mercenary enkidukai scum!  Move, or you force me to hasty decisions!\"  The enkidukai guard captain muttered vague assent, and the Xacha continued to the doors, where he was questioned by the ylian guards.  By then he had become quite irritated.

But, by then, Lerruva had already slipped into the mansion, using the Xacha as a distraction.


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« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2003, 12:00:03 am »
Lerruva padded silently through the mansion, wandering towards the center, and the master bedchamber.

He stopped suddenly, aware of another scent.  Enkidukai scent.  The wind that blew outside had no effect inside the estate, and thus had not carried the other enkidukai\'s scent to his nose.

The other enkidukai had been trailing him.

He heard the attack and comprehended it before acting.  Lerruva spun and slammed the heel of his palm into the opponents wrist, causing the other enkidukai to drop his outstretched dagger.  The mercenary enkidukai spun smartly with the blow, using the spin to draw a knife and begin to throw it in one smooth motion.  A kick to his abdomen convinced him otherwise and threw him off-balance.  Lerruva clubbed the enemy in the temple with his knuckles, then slashed the enkidukai\'s throat with metal-sheathed claws.

Quickly grabbing the body before it fell, Lerruva dragged it into a corner and took some time to draw furniture over it and isolate the blood.  Then, swearing, he hid as well.  Soon, the Xacha passed by, apparently freed of the annoying guards.  The battle and clean up had taken too long - Lerruva was going to have to let the Xacha reach Ol\'Karn first.  He shadowed the Xacha.


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« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2003, 12:20:58 am »
As the Xacha opened a door to the master bedchambers, Lerruva slipped into an open door.  A quick smell and glance showed that the auxiliary bedroom was empty, and possibly had been for months.  There he waited and listened.

\"Excuse me, what is your purpose in being here?\"  The voice obviously did not belong to the Xacha.  With the tone of arrogance, Lerruva guessed it to be the voice of the Vigesimi Ol\'Karn.  As did the Xacha.

\"Vigesimi Ol\'Karn, what a pleasure to meet you.  I can\'t say it\'s all pleasure, though.  I need a favor of you, a business favor for my cohorts and I.\"

\"What?  What type of madman are you?\"

\"Listen, and listen well Ol\'Karn, you fat dwarf,\" the Xacha growled.  The doorway was filled with malevolent red colors and swirling greens.  His voice seemed to amplify.  \"Three nights from now you will issue passes for the Dax Nolthrir Trade Company.  These passes will give us exclusive access to the Nolthrir trade channels, understand?\"

The dwarf\'s quivering voice rose defiantly.  \"What have you got to make me do so, eh, besides some flashing colors, sorceror?\"

\"You would dare to test my powers?  Just know that all of your guards are dead.  They may not look it in the morning, but they are.  They will slowly rot while remaining animate.  And they will obey only me.  Oh, and this was done with the full consent of one of your superiors.  I can kill you anywhere, at any time, with a thought, but I\'d much prefer to see your own guards shamble to kill you as you scream and attempt to escape.  Entertainment is lacking these days, you understand.\"

\"You have three days to prepare the passes.\"  And with that, the Xacha slid about and began to walk back down the hallway.

Lerruva\'s fist slammed into the sorceror\'s stomache, and the Xacha doubled over with a bug-eyed expression on his face.  Lerruva lead his wrist upward, breaking the sorceror\'s jaw, and snapped the sorceror\'s thyroid bone into the meat of the neck with the heel of his fist.  Just to make sure he was dead, Lerruva snapped a fist into the Xacha\'s nose, fragmenting it into his brain.

The dead body fell to the floor of the master bedchamber, blank eyes gazing at the Vigesimi.  The dwarf gave a small squeak, then fainted.

Lerruva stepped into the room, and upon sighting Ol\'Karn, wondered what the Xacha had done to the Vigesimi.


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« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 08:50:29 pm »
\"Vigesimi Ol\'Karn,\" Lerruva prompted after waking the shaken dwarf.  \"I am not here to deliver you from the agreement the Xacha, but instead to redirect the deal towards the Shadowfoot Enkidukai clan.\"

Lerruva folded his hands, extending his claws dangerously.

\"This is no plea.  This is a command.  Please understand that nothing you can do will keep you alive if you fail to meet our expectations.  And if you try to go for help, the Octarchs will become notified of a few of your, shall we say, indiscretions in the past.\"

With that, Ilkrain turned and left the building.

Within three hours, Lerruva reported back to Vyarlis and told him the terms of the deal.  They were to meet with Ol\'Karn\'s servants in a remote section of the Labyrinth to recieve the passes.


Three Xacha on the opposite side of Yliakum shuddered as they felt their comrade\'s throat cave in.  The three of them transfused pure magical energy into his body to keep him alive, though not for any sentimental reasons.  They were using his ears to monitor the newfound enemy.

Shadowfoot clan, they whispered in each others\' minds.  Labyrinth...