Author Topic: Zaphar's story  (Read 1042 times)


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Zaphar's story
« on: August 20, 2003, 12:23:29 pm »
Zaphar crouched contemplating his goal up ahead. A glowing blue vortice hovered in the green shadows of the forest. Soon he would be entering it. The Grey Hills Council had been worried for months concerning these vortices. Enkidukai had been disappearing with startling frequency. Most thought that these were the reason. They sprang up with no warning leaving as quickly as they came. No one could predict where they led, how they got here, or even why. The best Mages of the council had been unsuccessful in unraveling their secrets. Thats why he was here. The council had just enough tolerance for their troubleshooter to keep him around for just such occasions. Zaphar\'s devil may care attitude rubbed many council members the wrong way. No one should make the mistake of thinking he wasn\'t serious though. He was always serious. He just found that a cheery mischievious outlook disarmed the opponent and aided in misdirection.

The Vortice up ahead glowed bluishly and Zaphar turned his attention to the matter at hand. ?I better enter before that thing disappears.? The council was sending Zaphar in the hopes he could scout out where the Vortice led and if possible bring word back. ?Here goes he thought,? and jumped through the blue glow in front of him.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: August 20, 2003, 12:24:10 pm by zaphar »
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2003, 01:05:31 pm »
This sounds interesting Zaphar, I like the character sketch and the story promises to be good. I\'ll keep\'em peeled for the continuation
Wolfmane aka Illyria the White, AO Council member.

A lie can get half-way around the world,
Before the truth get\'s it\'s pants on ...

Winston Churchill


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and the next installment in the story
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2003, 08:30:12 pm »
Zaphar sat with his back against the narrow passage wall and reflected on his current situation only the few rations in his possession, no sign of life anywhere, and no clue where he was. ?Well so far so good?, he thought. ?Now I just have to find an enkidukai.? He trotted off on his way down the tunnel in search of his Kin...

Several Years pass by......

Zaphar stared morosely into his ale in the dimly lit tavern. It seemed ages since his arrival in Yliakum and no sign of any of his Kin. There were enkidukai here alright but none of them were familiar. He saw Black Marsh Enkidukai, Red Star Enkidukai, all kinds of enkidukai, but no sign of the Grey Hills Enkidukai. After all these years he doubted the council still held out hope of his return. This city looked to be a center of commerce and trade. He assumed someone here would hold the key to his mission. He was no closer to locating a way back either. Of course to be honest the city was in a certain amount of chaos. A very large battle had apparently been fought here recently against a Mage, Khazaalf by name. Kada\'s Tavern, the bar he was in at the moment, was still in the stages of being rebuilt. Zaphar had been watching one group of Enkidukai in particular. Ayshe and Moogie seemed to be members of a group of Enkidukai. He had an idea that perhaps they would be the key to his missing Kin. And at the least they might be worth making a permanent connection to what had become his home.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2003, 07:35:12 pm by zaphar »
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2003, 04:05:27 am »
Originally posted by zaphar
Zaphar crouched contemplating his goal up ahead. A glowing blue vortice hovered in the green shadows of the forest. Soon he would be entering it. The Grey Hills Council had been worried for months concerning these vortices. Enkidukai had been disappearing with startling frequency. Most thought that these were the reason. They sprang up with no warning leaving as quickly as they came. No one could predict where they led, how they got here, or even why. The best Mages of the council had been unsuccessful in unraveling their secrets. Thats why he was here. The council had just enough tolerance for their troubleshooter to keep him around for just such occasions. Zaphar\'s devil may care attitude rubbed many council members the wrong way. No one should make the mistake of thinking he wasn\'t serious though. He was always serious. He just found that a cheery mischievious outlook disarmed the opponent and aided in misdirection.

The Vortice up ahead glowed bluishly and Zaphar turned his attention to the matter at hand. ?I better enter before that thing disappears.? The council was sending Zaphar in the hopes he could scout out where the Vortice led and if possible bring word back. ?Here goes he thought,? and jumped through the blue glow in front of him.

To be continued...

Had he seen a movement in the greenish darkness, motion of a dark shape he thought had been rocks? The light of the Vortice was not to be trusted, things did vanish, some of the Grey were insulted all to quickly.
Zaphar stood motionless a brief moment, thinking fast. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the light and saw a faint blue glint in the same instant he remembered a soft but sharp sound. He crouched again, reached for the shining fragment.
A pebble, magically reflecting, no, absorbing and radiating some of the Vortice Power. The air was silent, cool, and still. As if nothing moved here as of yet. As his eyes got fully adjusted to the light that shone behind him more and more pebbles adapted some of the light, and some of his Vitality or something as well. But just a little, and he could rest later, when he was dead or in the Void. He picked up two handfull of them and disappeared in the shadows. Little specks of blue trailed his steps. He might bring word back after all, and stories to tell, perhaps.


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« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2003, 08:18:18 am »
Hey! your stealing my story!

I left his arrival and subsequent travels blank for a reason. So this is not official nicely written though.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2003, 11:39:53 am »
Originally posted by zaphar
Hey! your stealing my story!

I left his arrival and subsequent travels blank for a reason. So this is not official nicely written though.

sorry m8, didnt intend to steal, just thought i\'d add some magical pebbles to help you find your way. Want me to redo it in anther perspective/protoganist? Or just leave it alone?


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« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2003, 02:07:15 pm »
I\'d prefer it be left alone actually

I have a set storyling I\'m working through and extra writing will get in the way
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2003, 08:39:50 pm »
It was time to make his move. Zaphar had been watching the Feline\'s Kin guild for some time. They were a well organized group with an efficient spy network. Zaphar had narrowly missed getting caught a number of times while observing Moogie\'s spies going about their duties. He would approach Ayshe and Moogie tonight. But first some preparations had to be made. He made it a habit never to go into a meeting without having several way\'s out. He would scout out his meeting place this afternoon and meet them that evening. Hopefully they would provide him with a  way of tracking down the source of those Vortices and finding the missing kin from his clan. Zaphar headed for the Hydlaa plaza library to make his preparations.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2003, 07:59:40 pm »
Ayshe was going through the old manuscripts at the library looking for any information about her past. She had been performing this search quite frequently in her continuing quest for clues to her clan and origin. She had made two rather interesting finds already and hoped for more. Now though it was time to take a break. Her head was pounding from poring over the manuscripts and the dust in the archives was starting to coat her fur and irritate her nose. She looked up and pondered the latest news from her guilds spy network. Someone had been observing the Guild as of late but no one knew who. It was more that feeling you got when someone was watching you but you couldn\'t quite put your finger on who. Several in the network had reported sensing themselves being observed but had never been able to locate the culprit. The question was who was behind it. An enemy guild? Or someone new. The Kin had no real enemies but someone had definitely taken an interest in them. Hopefully they would find out who before it became a problem.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2003, 07:57:31 pm »
Zaphar pretended to look through some dusty volumes on the joys of mixing mortar pastes for kran recipes. He was watching the door into the historical archive storage area. Ayshe had gone in several hours ago and he was waiting for her to exit before introducing himself. He had been waiting for so long though he was beginning to wonder whether he had missed a hidden exit from the archive wing. He was considering going in to the archive despite the divergence from his plan...
That is... He was until he felt the dagger point in his back.

To be continued.....
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2003, 06:09:13 pm »
\"Well well what do we have here?\" a sexy voice purred into his ear.  \"I was wondering when I would finally get one up on our mysterious observer.\"

Moogie obviously, thought Zaphar. He had miscalculated and waited to long in indecision to instigate his meeting with the Felines Lair guild.  He really hated not having the upper hand in these things. If he was joining a guild he preferred to do it on his terms.  Ahh well might as well make the best of it and move on to plan B...

In other words wing it.

\"Why the delightful Moogie, isn\'t it?\" Zaphar said while turning with a cheerful grin on his face.  \"What pray tell have I done to warrant your highly sought after attentions?\"

\"I believe perhaps your careful spy campaign may have something to do with it.\" She said while still holding the knife at his throat. \"Now why don\'t we pay a little visit to Ayshe in the next room. \"

Zaphar grinned even wider. \"Why Moogie. Two very attractive women alone in the library with me? What will people say? Libraries are considered quite the romantic spot you know.\" He then turned and started toward the archives door while Moogie looking slightly bemused at this stranger and his constant grin followed behind. Was she perhaps mistaken. He didn\'t seem too upset over his discovery, although as good as their observer was She could hardly expect less. She hoped she wasn\'t going to owe this fellow an apology later.
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2003, 05:42:20 pm »
Ayshe looked up as the she hear the door swing open behind her.  Now who could that be she wondered. Hardly anyone ever entered the archive and she was usually alone in her research.

Her eyes widened a bit in suprise as a tall dark furred Enkidukai entered followed by moogie with her belt knife drawn. She didn\'t recognize the stranger but was sure Moogie had a good reason for her drawn weapon.

Moogie opened her mouth to tell Ayshe what she expected but snapped it shut when the stranger beat her to it.

\"I must say Ayshe, Your spymaster is very good at her job. I didn\'t think anyone had caught on. Next thing I know there\'s a dagger in my back and her admittedly delightful voice in my ear. It set my plans off a bit but I guess I can manage.\"

\"What.....\" said Ayshe.

Moogie found her voice again and began to explain. \"I\'ve been working on identifying our mysterious observer. I believe this fellow is him. I began following him a week ago after realizing I recognized him a little too well. He has been around a little too much and I figured he was our best lead yet.\"

\"Uhmmm hmmm...\" Ayshe nodded. \"I see. We have known we had an observer for several months. The only question now remains are you him? and if so who hired you.\"

\"Yes and no one are the answers. I have been observing you for my own purposes alone\" Zaphar said with his steady grin. That grin was beginning to annoy Moogie a little. Didn\'t he have any fear or worry? He had pretty much admitted to being the observer but still seemed completely unruffled. Who was this guy?

still to come the stunning conclusion........
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post


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« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2003, 06:47:50 pm »
I am your father luke!! :P :P:P hahah sorry i cudnt resist :D


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« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2003, 12:36:08 am »
I can\'t wait for the conclusion! :D Keep it up, Zaphie!


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The conclusion to the story
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 12:09:15 pm »
Zaphar was frantically trying to figure a way out of this that would still gain him friends in FL and not result in his death or a blackmark on his name in the guilds records. He kept his grin steady though and continued to ooze charm hoping this would keep Ayshe and Moogs off-balance and communicate his intention of friendship.

\"Well I freely admit to approaching this all wrong. I had hoped to meet you on my own terms, Ayshe. Your Guild is of much interest to me. I have been around Yliakum for quite a few years. I was going to ask for membership in your guild but I wanted to learn a little more about you first. The years have taught caution to me. For reasons I can-not reveal my loyalties are to the enkidukai here in these areas. I was hoping for a mutual relationship. I misjudged however and now seem to be on your blacklist.\"

\"That remains to be seen......\"

\"Zaphar. Zaphar Shadowsong\" Zaphar quickly interrupted Ayshe.

\"I can assure you I meant no harm in my observance. I guess old habits die hard. I should have perhaps trusted you a little more. I really should have approached you earlier but I wished to be absolutely sure you were worthy of joining. So I put it off longer than I intended. Your spymaster as I said is very good at her job.\"

Ayshe nodded and thought for a while. \"You know of course that we can\'t be certain of what you say? How do we know this isn\'t just you doing some fast talking? You look the type. If you will submit to questioning and a period of observation and then probationary membership we will consider taking you on. I have a good feeling about you but I will not brook betrayal. Be aware that my spymaster will be keeping an eye on you.\"

Ayshe hoped she was making the right decision. Something about this Enki felt right. She couldn\'t be sure of what though. He said he had been around Yliakum for a long time. but how long? and why did he claim a loyalty to enkidukai in yliakum? It seemed there was a particular purpose to his presence in the area but she couldn\'t be sure yet what it was. At the least the old adage \"keep your friends close and your enemies closer\" could be applied here. Either way it seemed it was best to keep him where she could keep an eye on him. - The End.

and thats where I leave it. Other stories will of course expand on this foundation but for now you know the basic background of my character :-)
*Zaphar grins roguishly as he exits the post