Author Topic: Trials in the Dark  (Read 406 times)


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Trials in the Dark
« on: October 30, 2003, 04:27:29 am »
Okay, here\'s my foray into creative writing.  Hope you enjoy it.


Looking up at the great iron tower, Rhyxali wondered like everyone else how it came to be.  None knew of its construction, and its height rivaled the Iron Temple of Laanx.  \"Windowless and silent, it bears witness to my passing,\" she mused.  The North Gate was only a few paces away, and the coming journey weighed heavily upon her.  She stopped short of the gate and checked herself one last time.  She\'d packed all the provisions and equipment she could carry, even extra weapons.  All seemed in order, so she approached the guards.  They were standing attentively in their chain shirts and tabards, with the city crest emblazoned prominently on their chests.  One of the guards picked up his halberd, walked forward, and addressed her.

\"Leaving the city, aye?  Well, do be careful on the road.  There\'s been talk of bandits to the west.\"

\"I\'ll be heading due north, then northeast to the Bronze Doors,\" Rhyxali replied.  \"About two days\' walk, if I set a good pace.  I intend to enter the Labyrinths.\"

The guard looked shocked.  \"Alone?  All that way, then into the Stone Labyrinths all by yourself?  Barmy you are, lass.  Have you no companions to take with you?\"

\"That\'s my reason for going,\" said Rhyxali.  \"My companions are two weeks overdue from the Labyrinths.  I have no other friends to journey with, and I do not trust the company of strangers.\"

The guard shook his head slowly and sighed, then replied, \"Then at least wear some plate armor instead of that studded leather stuff.  You\'ll be skewered in no time with such little protection.\"

Rhyxali laughed lightly.  \"I\'m no hardened warrior, and would never be able to move while wearing it.  Besides, I\'m equipped enough as it is without being overly burdened.\"

\"You know your business, I suppose.  Off with you, then.\"  Rhyxali started walking.  \"Be careful just the same,\" the guard called after her.  She half-turned and smiled back at him, then refocused on her northerly course.

\"A nice man, if a bit naive,\" she thought to herself.  \'Adventurers\' were a common sight these days.  Always coming or going to the next bit of excitement, beating up monsters, or flooding the market with treasures.  Expecting her friends\' return a fortnight ago, she had begun to worry.  They had gone to the Stone Labyrinths in search of an artifact of legend, some ancient device from a bygone civilization.  They had been camped at Jayose\'s Library for a month dredging through dusty tomes and parchments, looking for any hint of the device.  Obviously, they\'d found something.  They left abruptly, sending word through a messenger to await their return in five days\' time.  Five days went by, and no word.  Six days.  Nine days.  On the tenth day, Rhyxali began preparations to search them out.  It took the next two days to rearrange business deals and tie up loose ends.  

Her heart beat to the rhythm of her footsteps upon the dirt road, her breath coming every two or three steps.  Settling into her pace, she walked onward, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of her missing friends.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 04:24:48 am by _Rhyxali »


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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 10:40:18 pm »
Then the cavern ceiling collapsed, and she died, and her friends were stranded forever in the Labyrinths, slowly starving to death.