Author Topic: the gift  (Read 608 times)


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the gift
« on: November 27, 2003, 08:23:25 am »
this is just at try to explain the background of my character.i guess i am not all too good in writing but i will try for you to enjoy:)

morgrob is sitting by the tavern fire,relaxing from his long journey.
a stranger sitting next to him invited him for an ale.
he tries to start a conversation but morgrob is barely listening,staring at the fire.the fire,it brings back the memories of the time before the travel began,before he realised he was different........the past,how long since..

morgrob.MORGROB!!!! wake up you lazy fool.
you are here to work not to waste time.get your worthless limbs moving!!
(sighs) i am coming,i was only just standing here for....
for what?!stop using that foul mouth for lies.get to work.
regan is waiting outside with the firewood.

morgrob takes a look around,not quiet himself yet.everyday the same picture.the old stables with their halfrotten roof,green from moist and plants.withered by age.the farmers house just beside always appeared to him as a bad seemed someone had just thrown rocks at a place,calling the holes in between rooms.
he should be grateful for it,since this was his home after his parents house had caught wasnt his fault though,he didnt want to set afire anything,the flame just ...appeared.he didnt mean to be angry,nor hurt anyone.....


regan seeing morgrob deep in thoughts had thrown the first piece of wood in his direction.will wake him up for sure hehe

morgrob only felt the pain for a second,then his eyes turned from his own blood,pouring down from but a scratch on his head.
no serious injury but that laugh,regans laugh,no he couldnt bear it any longer,he...


the flame seemed to summon like a demon right out of the outerplanes.
it wrapped around regans arm,his dirty farmerclothes burning like dry wood.
morgrob was paralysed.he saw but couldnt help.
he,he didnt want to do that.
the screams made him move.regan,his mother from the doorstep of that ruin he called home.
everything so unreal now,have to go,run,run.......

thats where his journey began.the ?gift?was a curse by then.avoiding any other intelligent beeing he travelled the land,desperately clinging to his hope that one day he would find answers to his questions.he wouldn?t for long though....

when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2003, 12:15:32 pm »
Originally posted by mucera
this is just at try to explain the background of my character.i guess i am not all too good in writing but i will try for you to enjoy:)

 You write quite well (in my opinion) :D Good story!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2003, 12:16:08 pm by Natrina »

"I had a dream of a Golden Darkness."
Guild Leader of The Imperial Trades.
Hail the Dark Empire


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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2003, 07:49:25 pm »

i will keep the story going once i figured it out for myself*g*most probably over the weekend.
when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.


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« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2003, 01:04:42 pm »
The weather wasn?t the of the kind that helps to cheer you up.

It was raining all day already,when morgrob took a last step to climb a little hill,only to discover that there was a little cabin only a few steps away.

An old man clothed in a simple gray cloak sat on the porch under the roof,smoking a pipe.

While morgrob was still arguing with himself if he should approach,the old man took notice of him and turned his head.
Morgrob must have been a pityful sight.
His wet hair hanging into his face,covering the half of it.

The shoes dirtstained and one with the front part already saying goodbye to the rest of the boot.

The original colour of his clothes could only be guessed as now it was only dirt with an occasional stain from eating found berries to hastily.

His face was slim,pale and the cheekbones stood out too far for morgrob to appear close to healthy.

The man stood up.

Hail stranger.i wouldn?t have expected visitors today.
not that i ever get any,but today less.
The weather is not for picknicks or walks.
Come on in and have a seat by the fire.

With that he stood up and entered the cabin.
Morgrob only struggled for a second.the thought of a warm fire and maybe something to eat was just to appealing to reject.

The man was already placing a pot over the fire.with his free hand he pointed towards a chair.

Sit down.if u like you can hang up your,ehm,rags over the rope there and dry yourself at the fire.

Morgrob was hungry but not hungry enough to loose his care.
He preffered catching a flu,then keep on travelling halfnaked if anything happened.

You don?t seem to be of the talkative kind.well,it?s good to me.people spend too much time talking nonsense.dinner will be ready in a minute.
I can?t offer you all too much as i myself do not need a lot,but it will warm you and give back some strength.

Morgrob took alook around.
It was a one room cabin,with the fireplace just across the room from the entrance.
There seemed to be no bed,but what caught his attention a lot more was the vast amount of books.

Apart from the chair he sat in and another one beside,a table in the middle of the room and a few cupboards at the walls,there were only books and notes.
The last thing you expect in a cabin in the middle of nowhere is a literate man studying...well what?

Sit down at the table.but before let us introduce ourselves for i do not eat with complete strangers.
My name is aurego.

My name is....morgrob.i thank you for your kindness. really hungry good man.

Oh yes of you go.a cornsoup with some meat sorry.

The soup was more than basic but it smelled like heaven.
He ate fast,with his mouth right over the plate,practically without the help of the spoon.
after he finished he could feel the warmth in his belly spreading throughout his body.

Ahhhh,that was great.i thank you also much.i have travelled far and there is little to eat in th plains if you cannot hunt.

Yes,that is true.which brings up the question why you travelled them in the first place obviously not beeing prepared for it.

Morgrob thought of lying,telling hin he got robbed or whatever.but he was tired of running.
The man was a stranger,why not tell him.
He could care less.

After half an hour and a few drags of the pipe the man had offered him,morgrob had finished telling his story.
Strange,he felt a lot better now.

Hmmmm,interesting,very interesting indeed.
You seem to have a gift only few people receive.

A gift ????hah,take it and keep it,it?s a curse.

Ah yes.someone gives you a torch and you dont know what it is,grabbing it on the wrong side,you will get burned.
But if you know how to use it,the fire of the torch can be a blessing.
Sometimes good and evil are not that far apart from each other.

What do you intend to tell me?what do you know about it?

Some things require learning,some apart from that require talent.and for a few you have to be gifted.
For example for the art of the arcane.

Are you saying that i do magic?

Lets just say that you unintentionally alter reality,forming something into existence that is not there.
Magic it would be if you could control it.

So i will have to live my life beeing afraid of turning people into living torches?you cannot be serious.there is something that i must be able to do about it.

I did not say you could not learn to control it.i did not have a scholar for a long time.but let us talk about that tomorrow.


I know,i want answers and all that.but there is time enough tomorrow.
If you want to start learning now,practice  yourself in patience.
I don?t have a bed so you will have to sleep in the chair by the fire.


Good night.

*story to be continued
when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2003, 05:39:43 am »
Very good, Morgrob, I\'m looking forward to read the remainder of the story. What does this Aurego has in reserve for us ? hehe, there is something of a Yoda to him  ;)


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« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2003, 07:14:44 am »
yes no that you say it....:)
i will write the next part tomorrow most probably.
thanks you like it.
when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.


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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 10:27:59 am »
Morgrob would have a bet a goldcoin,if he had one,that he would not be able to close an eye after the talk he had with aurego.

But for the first time in weeks,hurling up in his chair by the warm glooming fire,he found dreamless rest.

When he wole up aurego was already outside,chopping some small woodpieces for the fire.
Morgrob rubbed his eyes.

*Good morning aurelo.wait i will be outside in a moment to help you.

*Nah ,no need for that.i am not an old man slept like a bear in winter.seemed to have needed it.
After braekfast we will talk.

So aurelo came in,lighting the fire again while morgrob set up the table with a loaf of bread and some honey.

They sat down opposite to each other.

*So want to know what you can do about your to control want to know about magic?

*Yes.can you give me answers?

Aurelo pointed at a stash of scrolls and books in the corner of the room.

*They will.when you have read them all,your mind will be full with riddles.but to get an answer you first have to know the them,then ask.

It took morgrob weeks to read the books,for he had never had the necesitty to read.his skills improved with time though.
After two weeks aurelo told him he would leave for a week,and asked morgrob to stay and look after the house.
When he came back he came with a little wagon,pulled by a donkey,with corn and two porks on it.

*I am not alone anymore and you are a farmer,so i thought it was time to raise the standards.

They both smiled and morgrob began the same day to set up a little stable and a field for the crops.

When he had finished the last book,he walked up to aurelo who was sitting on his porch again and sat down on the floor beside him.

*I have finished reading.i have learned a lot about the different schools of magic.but i still dont know how to control them.

*Your destiny seemed to have forseen the red way for you.mine is the wy of the azure,which in a way is not so different in the start.
For both you need a strong will,in order to control the power within you.

*Can i learn the way of the azure too?

*First you have to learn to control the fire burning within you.Then,maybe,you can learn other schools too.

*Will you be able to show me the red way?

*Yes and no,i can teach you to handle it but now how to become a master of it.that is beyond my possibilities.

*That would be more then enough.

*But then,why bother?
Maybe you are just a useless farmer boy after all.
You have done what i needed you have set up the fields and the stable.
You have helped me for a while,now i have no more use for you.
I will stop waisting my time with you.i have shared the knowledge of the books,is that not enough?

*But can ou say that?why?I am not useless.
You hear me?

*Just as i though.calm are not able to control yourselve over a mean do you want to control powers beyond your comprehension?
Ahh,i see we have a long road ahead of us.

*You mean you were just trying me?

*Hehe,well not for too long though.i like it warm,but i prefer to watch the fire from a safe distance,hehe.

During the next weeks aurelo taught morgrob how to control himself.and after that he told him how to control the powers he had within.
Although morgrob seemed to be more interested in the azure way,which didn?t bother aurelo at all.

They stayed in the cabin for about a year.Aurelo taught morgrob a lot,but not all he knew it seemed.
Sometimes he would stop in the middle of a sentence,as if he was afraid of revealing something secret.
Then,one day when they got up in the morning...

*It is a fine day outside morgrob.the grass is green,the sun is shining.
Very nice day for a walk,a long walk i?d say.
I will miss our conversations.

*Are you gone for another travel?

*No,not me,you.
I have taught you all you need to know for now.
Life will teach you what is important now.
Maybe one day when you found yourselve a place,when you know your meaning in life,you will be able to pick up your studies again.

*But there is so much more,why don?t you teach me all you know?

*If you fill a cup with water and you pour to much in it,in will flow over the edge.
Your mind is still a small cup.
Time and experience will make it grow,so one day you can start pouring in again.
I am not for long goodbyes,and you always meet twice in life,so lets make it quick.
I will check the stables,pack your stuff and begone,before i get miserable.

Morgrob looked at the old seemed the friendliest face he had seen in life,he did not want to leave but knew aurelo had made up his mind.

*Go to hydlaa,there you will be best off.

With that he turned around and went out.
Morgrob stood in the middle of the room for another minute,thinking of a way to stay.
But there was none.time had come to leave.
He packed his belongings,which didn?t take him all too much time and headed out the door.

*For hydlaa it will be then.let?s hope it is a nice place.......
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 10:33:19 am by mucera »
when the wise man points at the moon,the ignorant looks at his finger.