Author Topic: Hinokee And Zivons Story  (Read 417 times)


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Hinokee And Zivons Story
« on: January 11, 2004, 11:19:05 am »
I finally finished chapter one. We are just now starting on chapter 2.

Chapter 1
?Dwarf Stalking?

 Hinokee held her breath as she crept closer and closer down the alley; Zivon was only a few paces behind her. The pair were very quiet as to not make any sounds.  Zivon did however whisper to Hinokee about how their victim looked like a hairy dog. The victim heard something behind him and stopped to look. As he turned around, he saw nothing but other people chatting and running around. The art of stalking was well known to Zivon and Hinokee; it was one of their favorite pastimes.  Creping up on the unsuspecting dwarf was all too easy. As the dwarf stood in the moonlight in the middle of the small alley way his features could me made out.  Shorter then most dwarfs he was dressed in silver armor that would sell for a large some. His jet black eyes that were hidden under bushy eye brows darted around the alley way searching for any potential threat. Hinokees eyes glinted in the moon light and she and Zivon swiftly darted into another passage of the alley way. Zivon jumped up onto a roof staying a quiet as she could to keep an eye on their victim. Hinokee stayed where she was at, she did not notice that Zivon had jumped onto a roof. Her eyes were locked on their target. The dwarf came to a dead end. He griped his axe, scared that something was behind him. Zivons eyes began to glow as a signal to Hinokee that it was just about time to attack the dwarf. Hinokee started to rush at the dwarf at a lightning pace; the dwarf had her clear in his sight.  Zivon meanwhile ran at the same pace up on the roof. While the dwarf was concentrating on Hinokee, Zivon with the grace only that of a female Enkidukai leapt from the roof crushing the dwarf under her weight. The dwarf was struggling under Zivon?s weight while flailing his axe around that was griped in his fat palm attached to his stubby arm. Hinokee picked up a stone and tossed it up into the air and caught it again. She looked over at the dwarf and smiled. Zivon, who still had the dwarf trapped, gave an evil laugh. Hinokee threw the stone at his head, knocking him out. Hinokee quickly grabbed all his jewels and items. Zivon got off of the dwarf and Hinokee gave Zivon half of the share. They looked back at the dwarf and ran off to their home.

   Valuable items of all kinds were sprawled out on a small oak table. The axe was among Hinokees favorite as she twirled it around while Zivon examined some of the jewels. Zivon noticed a small dull brown package tied with twine in the items.  She sliced through the twine with her razor like claws and undid the wrapping. \"Catch\" Zivon casually said as she smirked at Hinokee.  Hinokee gazed upon a beautiful diamond in her paws.  \"Where ever did you get this?\" Hinokee questioned as she stared at Zivon. \"I just found it in a brown package after we stocked the dwarf.\" she looked at Hinokee in a puzzled way. Hinokee walked over to a chair and sat down. She examined the diamond and looked at Zivon quickly. \"Did you find anymore of these?\" Zivon shook her head. \"That was the only one. Why? What is it?\" she asked looking at the diamond in Hinokees hand. Hinokee stared blankly at Zivon \"It\'s a diamond; you mean to tell me that you have never seen one before?\" Hinokee strode over to the table where Zivon was sitting \"It\'s very rare;\" Hinokee stated with a little laugh.  \"Foolish dwarf; he should had been more careful.\" Zivon snatched it out of Hinokees hand and looked at it. The reflection of the diamond gleamed in her eyes. Zivon looked over at Hinokee \"What do we do with it?\" Hinokee grabbed it back \"We enjoy ourselves with luxuries when we sell it of course.\" Zivon growled at Hinokee, and then stopped. \"Ok then, I think we should go to the tavern first.\" She placed all but the diamond into the bag.  \"I think I\'ll keep hold of this to ensure its safety\" Hinokee said as she slid it into a velvet hand bag that was tied to her waist. \"Wait a minute!\" Zivon stood up. \"I was the one who found it! Let me hold it.\" Hinokee glared Zivon down \"You didn\'t even know what it was until but a few moments ago.\"  She strode over to the door and glanced back at Zivon, \"Come now let us go to the tavern.\"
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 04:31:47 pm by randomlycrazy »


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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2004, 11:25:15 am »
well im not much of a writer so our story kinda stinks. Aidan is good at it so most of the good parts are by her. oh yes im Shelby and the other girl is Aidan. We are writing this story together.


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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2004, 12:25:23 pm »
if anyone has any suggestions, please just post. oh and if you want your character in the story, just post.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 03:18:32 pm by randomlycrazy »

?. Aidan .?

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« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2004, 04:22:41 pm »
This isn\'t a story where anyone can join in and add to the story.  It\'s just a fun little character story me and Shelby are writing.

I guess Shelby *glares at Shelby* just thought it would be fun to see what people think of it.  We just started it yesterday.

So if you have any positive comments or constructive criticism then say so.  Shelby really wants to hear a comment from someone.
My character name in p.s. is Hinokee so if you see me around give me a wave!



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Chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2004, 04:40:27 pm »
Chapter 2

    The rich smell of alcohol stung the pairs noses\' as they walked into the tavern.  Laughter and shouts rang through their ears as Hinokee and Zivon pushed their way to the back of the room; it was always noisy and crowded. They sat down at a table, looking at all of the people had great jewels and items. Zivon looked over at a familiar dwarf. \"Hinokee, isn?t that the dwarf we stalked last night?\" she mumbled to Hinokee. Hinokee shifted her weight in her chair to get a good look at the dwarf without being to obvious.  \"You are mistaken Zivon.\"

 As Hinokee and Zivon sat at the cozy table for two at the back of the bar many male Enkidukais stole glances at the pair. Hinokee and Zivon never really took time to pamper themselves, but to give credit where credit is due, they were rather stunning. Hinokee had graceful curves with soft features. Her smooth creamy coat shown like liquid gold in the light. Her light blue eyes were stunning, entrancing really and matched her garments that she wore. Zivon\'s coat was as black as the midnight and offset by her pale blue eyes. Zivons slender neck had a necklace with a glowing black jewel on it. Behind the necklace was a black chocker with a dragon printed around it.

A thin looking man walked up to Hinokee and Zivon\'s table.  He chocked on his words but eventually he asked the two \"What will it be?\" \"One beer.\" Zivon said to the man. \"Best of the house\" Hinokee said as she slightly opened the velvet bag revealing a part of the diamond to the waiter. The man glanced at the diamond and gasped. \"Uh... yes. Your orders will be here in a few minutes.\" The waiter turned around and pushed his way back to the front of the tavern. Hinokee looked over at Zivon \"Now that\'s how you order a beer;\" she gave a slight laugh. After quite a while had past, Hinokee and Zivon\'s drinks had not yet come.  Hinokee had started to drum her fingers on the table; while Zivon looked around the tavern. \"Hinokee, I think that man suspects something.\" she turned around and looked back at the front of the tavern. Hinokee nodded slightly as her eyes darted toward the door.  She stood up and took held of Zivon\'s arm as she started walking with a quick pace to the front of the tavern. \"Where are we going?\" Zivon asked while she tripped over her own feet. A scuff looking human suddenly blocked Hinokee\'s path \"Well aren\'t you a pretty kitty?  Come eer\' lemme just pet cha\'\"  \"Out of my way drunk\" Hinokee stated coldly as she shoved the man aside. Hearing Hinokee\'s voice the waiter surrounded by a group of men clad in armor and wielding swords shouted \"There they are!\" as he pointed to Hinokee and Zivon. Zivon and Hinokee exited the tavern as they ran as fast as they could back to their home. Hinokee and Zivon could here the shouts from the group of sword wielding men who were trying to keep pace with them.  \"Look; there!\" Zivon shouted to Hinokee as she pointed toward a large cracked tower.  Hinokee knew what Zivon meant the moment the words left her mouth.  Hinokee and Zivon leapt at the building extending their claws and to the amazement of the mob behind them they started to scale the wall using their razor claws. Once they reached the top of the tower they jumped to an adjacent roof top trying to loose the mob. The mob looked up into the night sky at the two figures, darting across the roof tops. Zivon tripped when jumping to another roof and landed on the side. She clung to the wall, while the mob came towards her. Hinokee heard Zivon\'s strained cries for help as she barley clung on the side of the roof top.  She twirled around and darted toward Zivon and took hold of her wrists, starting to pull her up onto the roof top.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 06:17:22 pm by randomlycrazy »