Author Topic: Town guard  (Read 473 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Town guard
« on: July 22, 2004, 11:09:36 am »
Maybe it\'s a good idea when guilds defend the area they control and have npc guard\'s in the area\'s where there is no guild who defends the land. In this?way you can have area\'s where guilds are in power and protect the people traveling in there territory. If you have a let\'s say \"evil\" (or bad) guild then people would avoid that area and that guild will get poor and die out. This way they have to defend the people that are in there territory and they can keep law and order. If you combine this with the ability of building castle\'s and other buildings then you get an realy interesting dynamic game that is ever changing.

Note: Town guards should be able to attack people who aren\'t in a guild war with you if he doesn\'t pay tax or is pick pocketing people etc.
Note: I can imagine that this idea isn\'t optimal as long as the planshift world is as big as it currently is.

:Edit So in area\'s guilds control, the guilds have to have there own people guard the area instead of npc characters (in trade for taxes)
:Edit maybe people who won\'t play shouldn\'t be killable but I do beleave that people who thieve (assasin steal etc should get a marker above there head when they thieved (lasts 5 minutes or something), like a red arrow pointing at them). It could also be and good idea to put a marker on people if they are killable for some kind of reason so that human \"guards\" are able to perform there role and to give a ingame message (or sound) to the player him self so they know that hey aren\'s save there.
P.S. I don\'t know when people are killable. That\'s another discussion.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 11:26:50 am by kronon »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2004, 03:13:46 pm »
it gets too complicated and with thats system all the guilds would have to be good and thats not what all ppl want, sry^^

It is easier to hate than it is to love.


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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2004, 08:25:46 am »
How do you mean complicated?
And I clearly stated that not all guild have to be good, but when they aren\'t,  then people would leave there occupied city and they would have nothing to rule. The guild would go away and there would be npc guards again.
Maybe I should post an examle.

Example 1:
Let\'s say you have a city logoth. There are 101 people living there. It\'s controled by a fraction for 3 weeks. These people must clearly be happy with the controling fraction.
Example 2:
Some people start ruling the city, they have a tax rate of 70% and start killing people at random. People will fleed of to more stable city\'s and go on over there. The ruling fraction here goes broke and dies out.
Example 3:
A city is unther attack defending troops of fraction \"A\" defend succesfully against fraction \"B\". If fraction \"A\" had failed to defend the city you can get example 1 or 2.