Author Topic: Little Experiment?  (Read 4859 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2004, 02:47:56 am »
(ooc adeli we had the money and the tusk before the story started, It was just when they added the inventory that it was noticable.)

You decide to go along willingly knowing you have done nothing wrong and later ask them about how to get to Anath\'Crven. The Captin Informs of a raid into the elves territory.

Do you raid the elves teritory, go to Anath\' Cyren or go see your friend
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  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2004, 08:39:33 am »
Ahh LondonWalker, height of maturity there.
There was no need to be rude. You know the saying: nothing nice to say, say nothing?
Oh and if you \"don\'t mean\" to say something, don\'t.

Find a book, constructed in this manner.
I would wager a large some of money that if you read it, it would annoy you greatly, it is unlikely you would ever finish it.
Take out the OOC, and the inventory notices, copy each post and paste it into a single story. You\'ll see what I mean.

You may not find it annoying, but I am sure I am not the only one, perhaps you never read? Or limit yourself to childrens\' books, I have no idea.

I saved everyone the trouble and did it myself. I left a line between each person\'s post, though some posts had gaps anyway. I will post it somewhere as soon as I can.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2004, 08:58:14 am by Adeli »

I like Red Jelly Beans!


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« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2004, 01:02:18 pm »
to get back to the story

Because Anath\' Cyren wo\'nt walk away and you are in a desperate need for answers you decide to go to your friend. You tell the captain you need to do some things first and you have no time for him.
When you arrive at your friends house you see the woman too. You also notice that your friend isn\'t drunk anymore.
They offer you something to eat and then you realise you are very hungry. You didn\'t noticed it before in all the commotion.

Do you eat first or do you ask your questions first?

(I think we should name the woman but I can\'t think of a good name)
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2004, 01:37:00 pm »
Partially I think you\'re right Adeli. It really should be mentioned if you get something, I was very confused when there stood Creature\'s tusk. But this shouldn\'t be story in first instance, but a P&P Roleplaying-round, so the inventory and OOC Conversation is needed. AFter It\'s finsihed I will write a remake.
-->You may not find it annoying, but I am sure I am not the only one, perhaps you never read? Or limit yourself to childrens\' books, I have no idea. <--
That one really hurt :( . I read the whole LOTR, The Hobbit, The SIlmarillion (in my Mother-Language German), and the Journey to center of the earth and Harry Potter 5 (in english) and I\'m really offended by that, because I really like reading.
And because of the clothing and the money --> Jalko had a live before he awoke in the plains. I personally prefered an axe for him, but a sword has been taken so I took the sword. Where the bow comes from is a Riddle for me!

London Walker, talk like civilized people! Adeli just tries to give more or less constructive critics.

And Please don\'t make some \"You get there, There is that guy, what do you do?\" things, I will pack it into a story after that, and (just for n00bs) read trough it all.

I will start with Adelis one, because I didn\'t get the point of Cyberchu\'s.

Knowing that you did nothing wrong, you go with them. They leas you into the town hall. It\'s marvelos. You where there once before during the fight, but you were to concentrated on it to see the beauty of this place. Cristals, which are shining in the colors of the rainbow, are decorating the walls of light blue and dark red stone. The black floor acts is so polished that it is like a mirror. Decent music is playing in the background and in the middle of the hall is a fountain out of mamor. After entering that marvelous place, The guards vanish behind a door, and the meridian that gave you the map and showed you the path to the Meridian\'s city comes towards you.
Hello friend. I, Jesko, am grateful to welcome you in Utopia the City of the Meridians. Once our race spread over the whole cave system, creating great wonders even before the first Lemur arrived in Yliakum. I really wonder about your great work while the Elves attack. You slayed a Quetzal with a normal sword. A Quetzal! A creature that could survive a fight with twenty brave men! It\'s tusk is worth more than thousands of golden Circles. A good craftsman could shape a armor, which is harder then the hardest Steel, and as light as normal clothing. But the only ones who could do that are the dwarves. *he laughs* My Daugther, Tinara, has a crush on you. If the prophecy is right you could be the chosen one. And even if not you could do wonders with Vod?l\'s claw. But enough of this. First of all you should visit my old friend Brin Thir, he is a dwarven mastersmith. You\'ll have to get trough the elven territory. For a fighter like you that shouldn\'t be a problem. Take your friend, Dirion, with you. If he isn\'t drunk he is a awesome Battlemage. Also my daughter wish to come with you. She is a trained healer and can handle her Katars. * He whistles *, a small meridian runs towards you and give you a large two handed curved sword, made of red transparent crystal. This one shall do it\'s job. Also you\'ll prefer leather armor, instead of Steel, The way trough the swamps is dificult, even without heavy armor. The boy hands over a suit of leather armor. It\'s best to leave at once, so you can reach hydlaa, before the winter. When you arrive there look for a tavern called \"Kran and Sand\".
The elves in hydlaa are decent and won\'t attack you.

Do you mention the amulet or do look for Dirion and Tinara and set off?

Henchmen: On the journey to Hydlaa, you can let Henchmen join Jelko. A thief, and some kind of expolrer would be awesome
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2004, 07:19:59 pm »
Thankyou Merdarion, allow me to apologise. That was not meant for you, and not meant to offend anyone. It was intended for LondonWalker. I am sincerely sorry for offending you. I am impressed that despite German being your first language, you read Order of the Phoenix  in Enlgish, by no means a small or easy book.
This is the sort of continuation I was hoping for, thankyou.

You take out the strange amulet and show it to Jesko, hoping he may have some clue as to its cause. You explain that it was among the raiding elves\' belongings.
Upon viewing the engraving, he gasps and quickly pushes the amulet back inside your tunic.
\"The Scryers!\" He cries, then looks around carefully, he appears to be quite shaken.
You place a hand on his left shoulder to comfort him, he slowly regains his composure and continues.
\"You should not have this, it is an ill omen. This amulet would mean death for you if you showed this to anyone other than myself.\"
\"Why? \" You ask.
\"It is the symbol of a cult, a most vile cult that relish in sacrifice. Possession of this marks you as a member, and membership marks you as a fiend in these lands. Do not show this amulet until you know it\'s safe, keep it hidden.\"
Jesko seems visibly shaken by the amulet, could it truly be this dangerous?

Do you continue to the swamps or inform Jesko of the letter and the contact in Anath\' Cyren?

I like Red Jelly Beans!


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« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2004, 12:08:54 am »
(ooc) Umm...

I\'m really sorry Adeli, I was just having a bad day and was pretty stupid in that post. I agree with a lot of what you say and by the way your a pretty good writer. I think a medallion and an amulet in the same scene is a bit over the top though. And also Jalko and then Jesko?
No hard feelings though ok? Oh and I do read thank you very much. Dune, Lotr, Raymond Feist and Harry Potter series aren\'t childrens books. Back to the story. (ooc)

You think it would be wiser to inform Jesko of Anath\' Cyren and then continue on to the swamps as there is no hurry.

You read out the letter to Jesko.

He gasps and falls slowly back into a chair.

\"So they\'re back... This is not a good sign. The scryers of time were an ancient organisation of highly trained elfin assassins, who had the ability to see the future and past. They also had the power to fire highly propelled poison darts through time at their opponents.
That the scryers havereformed is not good news...
I suggest you continue immediately to the swamps. We will need the strongest armed forces possible and that dwarf can help you be part of that force.\"

Do you go to the swamps or stock up on supplies?

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


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« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2004, 12:13:25 am »
(ooc) After posting before I realized it steared away from the previous post and overrode it. Sorry Adeli! Next post can continue on from my post or Adelis. (ooc)

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2004, 01:13:26 pm »
I went along with names other people chose. Oh and London, I am confused, your post follows perfectly from mine. Where\'s the problem? You read Feist, you do have good taste in books. I wasn\'t serious about the childrens book thing (by children\'s books, I meant something along the lines of See Spot Run!). I never brought in either the amulet or the medallion, so I can\'t be blamed there.

I like Red Jelly Beans!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2004, 02:17:07 pm »
[OOC] Sorry for being so easily touched by your post, later I understood that you were not offending, but I\'m jsut fourteen and had a bad day (very bad!) and I didn\'t want to be rude so..., but well no need to apologise.

Some Infos to Newcomers: You\'re free to post on this thread, but give as many Details as possible look at Adeli or LondonWalker and Don\'t make some stupid and not fitting things like
\"There is a woman, you go up to her and start **************** her\" This will not mentioned, and I will ask moogie or gronomist to remove  that trash.
And read trough all of it.
And don\'t use bad language.
Last but not least do only use Short Language (like u, AFAIK, etc.) in your OutOfCharacter Messages.
Just make your story addition and make some choices (can be more than 2)

Title of this Story: What could it be?
The Meridian: What is this race like?
Arts: If someone is gifted and wants to draw something about the story: Weapons, Rooms, Plans of Buildings, Monuments, Buildings and Monsters (for instance the QUETZAL).
Names: The Names aren\'t all the best (At least the ones from me), so if you have any better idea say it.

Bestiary: (little explanation about the monsters used in the story)
Quetzal: A Quetzal is a snake-like beast. It has very large eyes which can cycle around 180? (Looking straight back), and a bit over them something like finns(They swim very swift), they do breathe under water.
{IF you have any addition post it in your OOC part}

I was the one who brought in the amulet (In the part with the elves sneaking of.)

P.S.: If you have any addition to gameplay add it in OOC Part

You pick up your things, get Dirion and Tinara and set off. You leave the city trough on a little boat trough a river. Sunlight. It\'s nearly burning out your eyes. You csme out in a forest. You hear birds singing, and leaves falling, it is Autumn. It is beautiful, after being in a dark place like the meridians city, which also was beautiful in an other way. Your just under a brige when a person falls off that brige and lands in your boat. Your sword drawn you see that it\'s not an elf it\'s a Lemur.
Damm elves! Not like the ones in Hydlaa. Oh sorry I didn\'t want to interrupt you. I just have had problems with the elves.
First you ask him where he comes from and then what he does here.
[/I]Oh I\'m Jebeddo. I come from Hydlaa, a beautiful city. I do a little of this and a little of that, ya know.\"

Do you ask him to lead you to Hydlaa, or do you land your boat and urge him to leave?

sorry glenduil. You must have posted while I did. Hope you don\'t mind
« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 12:05:47 pm by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2004, 04:23:55 pm »
Because you don\'t know the way you decide to let boddynock stay. He tells you he is an explorer and he was currently busy with a job. An alchemist wanted him to go and get him some strange flowers for a potion.
Just before you met him he had found them and he doesnt mind travelling with you back to Hydlaa.
After a couple of hours the landscape changes. The trees are growing closer to eachother, blocking most of the sunlight. Also the river ends in a vast area of dark and shallow water. You have arrived in the swamp.
When you go deeper in the swamp it gets darker, then boddynock tels you to get out of the boat. According to him the swamp is a dangerous place with unknown monsters in the water. He says he will lead you over the little bits of dry land out of the swamp. because you are unfamiliar with the area you decide to follow his advice.
It gets late and you decide to rest for the night.
But then you get the feeling someone or something is watching you. You don\'t want to scare the others but they can tell there is something wrong by watching you.
It is cold and everyone would like a fire so they can eat an hot meal. Thinking of food you realise you are starving. But the shining of the flames will blind you so you won\'t be able to see anything unless it is close by. What is your choise?

I don\'t mind, your story was better anyway Merdarion
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.


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« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2004, 03:39:38 am »
(ooc) If anyone had the skill I think it would be excellent if somebody perhaps made this story into a game? I would but I don\'t know how to program.

I have no idea what to write after that post i\'ll write again after somebody else. (ooc)

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2004, 08:54:23 am »
Remebering that you are in a swamp, you enlighten a fire. After some meat, you and your Party sits around the campfire, telling stories. Jebeddo just wants to tell you about the goverment in hydlaa, when you hear a noice from behind. Jumping on your feets, you see a large group of elves heading towards you.

Do you try to flee in the swamp, knowing that you aren\'t really fit for a fight, or do fight the elves, knowing that decending into the swamps without knowing the path, would lead lead you into a deathtrap?

444 trias
cured crystal sword
Quiver with 23 arrows
Decent clothes
Creatures tusk
Leather armor
Strange Amuet
« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 12:03:58 pm by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2004, 03:53:56 am »
You know you have only a change when you fight them. Otherwise you will get lost in the swamp and probably drown.
You draw your sword and start defending yourself. In this fight you get the opportunity to see how the others fight as well. Especially Dirion shows what he can do when he isn\'t drunk. He freezes the water the elves are standing in, making them an easy target for you and the others. The few elves that aren\'t stuck get discouraged and flee.
Do you go after the fleeing elves to be sure they won\'t come back or do you let them go?
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.


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« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2004, 09:12:53 am »
Knowing that it would be suicide to follow them and that they probably get stuck, you let them go.
Jebeddo comes up to you
Well fought. I haven\'t seen someone bash these damm elves as fast as you.
During the rest of the night, nothing happens. You get up early in the morning. Anyone elese\'s sleeping. You just want to make breakfast, when you hear a whistling noice.

Do look what it is, or do stay here knowing that you might get stuck in the swamps

444 trias
cured crystal sword
Quiver with 23 arrows
Decent clothes
Creatures tusk
Leather armor
Strange Amuet
« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 12:03:20 pm by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2004, 02:03:49 pm »
Originally posted by LondonWalker
(ooc) If anyone had the skill I think it would be excellent if somebody perhaps made this story into a game? I would but I don\'t know how to program.

I have no idea what to write after that post i\'ll write again after somebody else. (ooc)

Well, maybe we should wait a bit. Nobody knows what comes out.
I\'m learning C programming, and know that I\'m not good enough for that, as long as it is different from a text adventure (which even I can make). If we had an average programmer we would need at least half a year for a 2D game, and far more than five years for a 3D game.
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.