Author Topic: Little Experiment?  (Read 4864 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Little Experiment?
« on: November 09, 2004, 03:04:23 pm »
What would you think about a P&P RPG Round on this forum where anyone could join anytime and anyone can be DM. That sounds confusiong, doesn\'t it? So I will explain it further: Someone give a very short begining like with a two posibilities to do, for instance\"It\'s a rainy and you are standing on a road. On the left side it leads into a forest and on the other into a city. which way do you take\" and anyone who likes to writes what he would do. Every day mayority decides which path will be taken, and anybody who feels to could make the next step.

Many things have changed so here the rules:
1. You don\'t have to wait for any majority, just post your addition.
2.  Don\'t write something like (\"You get there, There is someone, do you talk\"), give details to the world, I want to write it into a story after it\'s finished (No fear if that ever happens, a Episode II will come out, and after that Episode III, ......) and will really have problems to do that if there were no details.
3. Please do not post any nonsense.
4. henchmen: Just an story addition, but try to build them in.
At current state there are:
 -> Tinara the meridian healeress (smitten with Jalko, wields two Katars)
 -> Dirion the meridian battlemage (best friend of Jalko, strong elemantarist, often drunk {at least in cities :-)}
 -> Jebeddo (Former it was Boddynock but a certain person had a problem with that name) the lemuran explorer {leads the party towards Hydlaa}

5. The Inventory: Copy it into the bottom of your post. It isn\'t too bad if you forget, but try not to. Please write it into your story addition if you add something into inventory.

recommended Structure of post:

OOC-Part (cursive)

Story addition ( Speeches cursive)

choice (Can be more than two, but shouldn\'t be more than five)


optional Post Scriptum OOC
« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 12:08:50 pm by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2004, 05:24:42 pm »
If I understand you correctly,

You wake up in a grassy (very tall grass) plane with no memories of who you are or what you are doing here. There is some kaked blood on your head and you feel woozy as you stand up. There is someone talking somewhere in the far grass and someone else coming taward you from other side. Do you proceed toward the talking or wait till the other person comes in the clear?


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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2004, 09:00:19 pm »
Well heh im not sure if im suppose to wait for a majority vote tommorow or can i just continue, either way it sounded fun and i wanted to continue it! MY TURN!

   You hesitate to move toward the voice but the foot steps closing in make you unsure of your safety.  The voice begins to lure you in with the soft tone which seems safer then the hard footsteps. So you begin to jog over to the talking as you begin to quicken your pace the footsteps behind you follow up with growing speed. You begin to run at full force hoping to find this person but no matter how far you run towards it, you get no closer. Your beginning to get tired, do you turn around and confront the stalker? or Take the path into the dark forest, hoping to lose whoever is chasing you?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2004, 07:27:41 am »
MMMhh, good idea! So this is MY TURN!

You turn around and put your hand on your sword. But there\'s nothing. Just a cold wind flowing over the plains and the grass waves. Suddenly the voice from behind you is coming towards you! Will you turn around searching for the speaking person, or do look closely searching for source of the footsteps?
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2004, 05:22:22 pm »
Once again you turn around, this time more quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever seems to be playing with you and finally you see something. In the distance you can discern a humanoid creature, running, but you cannot tell if it is heading in your direction or running away from you. As you prepare to take out your sword you notice a small pouch attached to your belt. Do you pull out the sword or open the pouch, hoping to find something interesting?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2004, 05:25:42 pm by TheRedMonk »


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2004, 05:32:58 pm »
Curious to see what lies in the pouch you open it. Green powder falls to the floor from the opened pouch. You feel a warm breath close to your neck and spin around. You see a face withou a mouth or a nose and with six black eyes. You ump bakc and take a good look at the creature. It has a huge muscular human body with an extra pait of arms and is holding two daggers. \"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT IN THE OPEN BROTHER??! THEY HATE OUR KIND IN THEIR TERRITORRY!!\" it asks.
Should you run away or try to talk to it?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2004, 10:18:30 pm »
Startled by this bizarre creature, you stumble back and fall none too gently on the ground. Momentarily dazed, you observe the bizarre creature approaching you. Seeing no other option you scrape a handful of dirt and fling it in the thing\'s face. Caught off-guard, the creature ceases its approach and you clamber to your feet. You set off at a rapid pace towards the sanctuary of the forest. You hear a dull thud behind you but pay it no heed. As you approach the outer reaches of the forest, you turn to see if you are being followed. As you turn, you spy your sword lying in its scabbard on the ground. The sheath has fallen from your belt!
Do you go back for your weapon and risk being caught or continue into the forest?

OT: Please take the utmost care with your posts, try and keep the as legible and grammatically correct as possible, there are few things as annoying as a story with poor grammar.

I like Red Jelly Beans!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2004, 02:36:45 pm »
I\'ll try hard to keep that as grammatically correct as I can, but I\'m an Austrian (Not Australian! NO Kanagaroos!) and I\'m not used to the English tounge. But now its MY TURN.

Sweating of fear you turn around once more and continue running into the forest. After a while, you turn around once more. No sign of that creature. Suddenly you hear a loud noice behind you. You turn around and see a group of elves, with their swords drawn. \"Ahh, another one!\", the leader of the group says and dirrects his men to enchain you. Do you try to run away or try to talk to the elves?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2004, 02:50:16 pm by Merdarion »
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2004, 05:33:19 pm »
Confused and scared you run away into the nearby forest. As you run you hear hundreds of angry elfin cries behind you coming closer and closer. The power is slowly leaking out of your body. You hear an incredible roar shaking the ground itself and turn completely around to see who that was. A blue crystall-like snake reaching into the clouds appears and all the elfes run away terrified. Yet they make not far becouse the snake smashes them all with its tail. All powerleaves your body...

You wake up in a bed underground in a beutifull cave full of sparkling minerals. The cave is decorated and is full of crystall furniture. There is a note lying on a table next to the bed you are place in. Do you read the note or get up and explore this magnificent place?


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2004, 08:57:19 pm »
You groggily roll over onto your side to examine the note, as you do you see a pile of clothes on the floor beside the bed along with a pair of boots.
You pick up a pair of black leggings and pull them on, they are of a soft material and fit nicely. Next you pull a grey tunic over your head. You are pleasantly surprised at the warmth of this thin garment. Finally you pull the black boots onto your feet. They are a little tight at first, but once your feet are inside them they fit perfectly.
As if they were made for you.
Reaching across, you pull the note towards you to get a better look at it. As it unfolds, a small pouch falls to the ground. You briefly put down the note to retrieve the pouch. It clinks as you pick it up, and you assume that it contains coins of some description. Upon untieing the pouch, you see it does indeed contain coins, a large amount of trias. you turn your attention back to the note.
The writing is barely discernible... the scribe has an unusual scrawl. Putting all of your concentration into the note, the message becomes clearer.
\"Wait here, I shall return at nightfall. The order do not know of you yet, this is a good thing.
You will be safe here, none but I know of your location. Please, help yourself to whatever you wish.
I have left a pouch containing 250 tria, it should help you.
Your eternal friend,
Valyx Gheen
Friend? Who can this be? Is it a trick?
You rack your brains, trying to find some hint of recognition, but nothing.

Do you wait for him? Or do you try and leave.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2004, 12:33:27 am by Adeli »

I like Red Jelly Beans!


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2004, 08:59:55 am »
Thinking that the best choice would be staying, you make yourself comfortable. When you sit up you look into a mirror and see that you\'re looking like the creature on the plain. Horryfied you lay back down. Suddenly the door crushes open and a guy simmilar to you steps in.

Do you ask him who he is? Or wait \'till he says something
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2004, 11:54:49 pm »
As the creature closes the door and begins making his way towards you, unable to contain your curiousity you begin to question..

  Who are you? What are you? Where am I?

 With a calm but deep voice the creature responds..
You my friend are nothing more then a \"Meridian\", as am I. Do not look so ashamed of yourself, we once were lords of these lands until those elves you saw decided to expand into our regions. He turns around groaning as if the words he has spoken still bear pain to wounds within his heart. The heart that has longed to regain control of what pride their people once had.

  You still have not given me your name, or have told me where I am? Perhaps even explaining what happened in that forest..

  My name is Valyx Gheen and right now I cannot tell you anymore then I already have, for I must depart immediately. He turns around facing our character and pulls out the sword that was once lost. This my friend is yours, hold onto it and next time use it on those elves...for they deserve much more then death, but for now death shall do. Valyx begins walking out the door but suddenly remembers something important to tell our character. I almost forgot, there is a map on my dresser of the country side and the hidden path to our city..I suggest going there, perhaps we will shall meet again there. He leaves.

 Still in a state of confusion you debate whether to take the advice of traveling to the city or follow Valyx Gheen to see what is so important.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2004, 12:31:53 pm »
Thinking that following him could make him angry, you choose tho follow his advice. After picking up the map and your sword, you go trough that secret passage. The cave\'s dark and slippy. AFter some time you step out into the Meridian\'s City. Taking a deep breath, you\'re going in maybe the most marvelous place you\'ve ever seen.

Do you do some Shopping? Or do you look for a Tavern?

-> Note: At this point I think some kind of Inventory should be added. (Just copy it into your reply and change it if it\'s needed to)

250 Trias
Steel short sword
decent clothing
I want to be a flame, to crumble to ash, but never ever burnt.

I want to rise higher, rise up to the heavens, but sink, just sink down deeper and deeper into nothing,

I want to be an angel, a chosen, a devil, but I am just a creature that ever wants what it wont get.


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« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2004, 04:18:45 pm »
You head towards a large building with a sign depicting an elfin head with an arrow through it, obviously a tavern or pub. You\'re about to step through the door when A short stubby Meridian leaps out from behind the tavern door.

\"How ya been? I hav\'nt senn yoo in yonks\" He says in a very drunken manner.

\"Do I know you?\" You say, beginning to feel embarassed and uncomfterble.

\"Me? I\'m your buddy!! How could you forget me?\"

Do you continue into the tavern or chat with this possible lost acquintance?

250 Trias
Steel short sword
decent clothing

\"When I was a little boy, I really wanted a catchers mitt. But my dad wouldn\'t get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and hit my head on the coffee table. Doctor said I might have brain damage\"

\"Dad, what\'s the point of this story?\"

\"I like stories...\"


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« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2004, 08:53:55 pm »
\"Who are you?\"  You respond

Why Jalko what has gotten into you? Did you take a fall to the head?\"

\"I dont know anything. I awoke in a field, and everything since has been a blur.\" You respond

\"Whats gotten into you, comon i\'ll buy you a drink.\" He says.

Do you follow him into the tavern or excuse him and continue to explore the city?

« Last Edit: November 28, 2004, 12:41:00 am by Talonder »
Ever wanted to make a game, but you didn?t have the experience? We are making a 2d RPG and need scripters, artists, writers and world builders! Send an application, prior experience is not necessary!

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