Author Topic: Please increase the movement speed!  (Read 1870 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2004, 05:16:32 pm »
well maybe instead of faster running speed you could have a short period of time for sprinting and evrytime you sprint you get better and longer periods of time for the sprinting but that\'s just an idea it sound better than just plain increasing the running speed. also there could be spells to increae your running speed (for a short period of time) but that has probably been suggested already. also maybe certain types of equipment could increase your running or walking speed but these ideas are probably have been suggested already anyway oh i just got another idea ( but it\'s probably been suggested) what about when you level up your speed can increase if you choose to increase it but anyway thats far to much to talk about see ya in the game
Sincerly Demon

Stanly Lentus

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« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2005, 08:20:31 pm »
I think the walking/running speed is fine for in the city, but outside it would be nice to move faster, so why not have some sort of mass transportation like a horse drawn train? (keeping in mind this game is fantasy) Then you can cross the land quickly by means of vehicle.


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« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2005, 08:41:46 pm »
Originally posted by |Zidewinder|
Originally posted by Theweakend
Ok lets think about this if you make them faster then you have to make the legs faster (althought I\'m not to possitive about this so correct me if I\'m wrong in any way) Which mean the desplay nedds to be showing a bunch of fast moving legs in a city or random trading area so I\'m sorry i would have to agree it would cause more lag but at the same time.... yes it is very annoying... Hay but look on the bright side atleast you can move :)

I\'m no 3D graphics professional, so I *could* be wrong, but I\'m pretty sure that\'s not how it works. It doesn\'t make any difference how fast or slowly something is moving on the screen, what causes (or doesn\'t cause) lag (of the video card variety) is the detail level of the object in terms of number of polygons, texture resolution, presence or absence of bump maps, specular effects, etc. For all the graphics card knows, everything on the screen is moving at 50000 miles per hour, and it\'s going to render it at X frames per second regardless. It redraws things the same number of times per second no matter how fast they\'re moving.

Again, I *could* be wrong, but I\'m fairly sure of this.

Now, faster movement might put a little bit more strain on the CPU, but I really don\'t think it would be noticable. :)

actually it does matter, speed increases frame rate.

Stanly Lentus

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« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2005, 09:18:12 pm »
umm, i think you mean decrease, cuz increasing is good


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« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2005, 10:01:32 pm »
no, i work with minor graphics and when you put more frames in you have to load stuff faster, a walking animation might have up to 50 frames (sometimes more) so you are loading basicly a cycle of 50 pictures put in one file. but 3-d also has all directions so it increases size of the file. a higher frame rate will normally take longer to load a lower frame rate just gives the illusion of lag

Stanly Lentus

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« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2005, 10:03:33 pm »
oh im sorry, when you said framerate i thought you were talking about something else, thanks for the correction


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« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2005, 10:08:57 pm »
its ok, did you think of latency? i don\'t know mutch about that other than in games online it makes the lag decrease sometimes

Stanly Lentus

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« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2005, 10:20:49 pm »
i was thinking FPS, a good game runs at about 60 FPS where this game runs at about 23. If it runs at higher then the animation is smoother and results in better game play.


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« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2005, 10:22:14 pm »
Originally posted by Black_rose
no, i work with minor graphics and when you put more frames in you have to load stuff faster, a walking animation might have up to 50 frames (sometimes more) so you are loading basicly a cycle of 50 pictures put in one file. but 3-d also has all directions so it increases size of the file. a higher frame rate will normally take longer to load a lower frame rate just gives the illusion of lag

Changing the walking speed wont change the walk/run animation though, it will just make it go faster. Adding a sprinting animation would take more though.


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« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2005, 12:16:20 am »
Three source of lag: Network, CPU and GPU.

With moden graphics card these days that are generally needed to play many popular games today which exploits the FX features (shaders) and large areas (millions of triangles, textures, etc) while maintaining high framerates. From what I seen on my friend\'s PC, PS does not make use of these heavy graphical intensive calculation features such as shaders, thus the frame rate should be very high which results in no tearing of the image.

With a very stastic world (few character models, objects, etc), the only real dynamic data would mostly be positional data and collision detection, thus the CPU of the client should not be hard pressed to update the dynamic data. On my friends PC while running PS, MSN,  etc the CPU is utilized less than 25%. Thus the CPU and GPU is not the lag inducing component here, yet the view is still jerky.

I am receiving a ping delay of 1s on average (even on DSL) to the PS server, which is very high for any online game (use to 10 ms to 20 ms for various servers). It is the network speed that is causing the jerkiness. Increase in the movement speed only increases the network traffic slightly (most of the time insignificant) as most of the traffic consists of changing positions to clients and commands to server. Increasing the speed a little won\'t really make a difference when the network lag is large (greater than 500ms).

Thus a little increase (like 20% will help) in speed should not make a major change to the jerky view.

I been reading about 3D graphics, renderers, modern GPUs, etc for interest and what influences performance.


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« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2005, 04:20:14 am »
All Chars will be equip with jet boots, don\'t worry! you will be able to explore the whole of Ylakium in a matter of seconds. Traveling with friends, battling against foes to get to ancent places, wondering what is over the horizon and any type of city trading wil be void........

There is no problem with the walking speed....

\"For You, Death Is But A Minor Invonvenience\"


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« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2005, 12:01:50 pm »
I personally feel there is nothing wrong with the walking speed as the towns must seem far apart, why would someone put 2 towns within 10 min running time of each other? even in a game? Obviously later in the game development there will be faster forms of travel so this issue will be solved as the world gets bigger.

As for graphic issues, think about it this way, no matter how much each model moves between frames, for every frame everything is recalculated.  Making models run faster would only involve making them move their legs farther inbetween frames and it gives the showing of moving faster, which is what our eyes want to see.  To make it move faster would not cause it to think more and make those same 50 (just as an example) frames of motion in the animation play faster, but to play them over the same framerate and thus make the models move farther in between frames, unless ofcourse the graphics engine doesnt handle this efficently.  But I am assuming CS works like any other graphics engine and thus does not try to play the animation faster by increasing how many have to play per second, but calcualting it out and making sure it ran at the same framerate but had the effect of looking like it was going faster.  For in every frame even if a model is not moving, everything must be recalculated just as much as if it was moving.