Author Topic: to all those in support of open PKing (my first last and only opinion)  (Read 6563 times)


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« Reply #90 on: July 09, 2005, 08:12:24 am »
One word, Perkins: You are genious :)

I suggest to implement the simple system first and, when any developer wants to do it, to implement the more complex one.

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« Reply #91 on: July 10, 2005, 10:48:34 am »
From what I\'ve seen, they\'re planning to add the ability to set traps at some point anyway...
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« Reply #92 on: July 15, 2005, 05:51:28 am »
The idea of non-consensual Pking is what has driven me and my friends away from quite a few mmorpgs. But the only reason it has is because those people can take your equipment. I wouldnt mind a NCPK system as long as we get to keep our stuff. Maybe the winner can be given experience based on the losers level for a prize, to disencourage killing noobs for the fun of it.

And although I would like the 7 day punishment thing, it\'s not really fair to the pkers. I mean, the victim bounces right back, so shouldnt the criminals time be like 7 in game days. Which would take like an hour.(and not completely drive away the criminal)And maybe there could be a really dangerous way to escape. With like, enemies 5 times as strong as Grendels.

 I llike the idea of patrolling Npcs and guilds hiring bodyguards too. Maybe Npc bodyguards could be hired like in Fable, only they are more useful, and cost way more.

All this aside, I still dislike NCPK, but I figure since it\'s inevitable, we may as well make both sides as happy as they can be with the situation.


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« Reply #93 on: July 15, 2005, 10:41:21 am »
Well, given the fact that you don\'t lose all your stuff when you die, (I think it would be interesting if you did, but then I\'m something of a masochist...) I wouldn\'t think that someone who just walked up and killed you would be able to take any of it.

I might suggest adding the ability to wager items to the current duel system.  That might make it more interesting.
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« Reply #94 on: July 15, 2005, 11:27:47 am »
I might suggest adding the ability to wager items to the current duel system. That might make it more interesting.
I think I heard something similar once in the context of contests in the arena.
What is a king without folk? A man with a crown on the head. - Rilar


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« Reply #95 on: July 16, 2005, 09:27:38 am »
There is a simple way to implement bounty. MAKE the bounty Carying bastared SHINE LIKE HELL WITH BIG SHINY ARROWS POINTING AT HIM AND CHURCH BELLS RINGING ALL OVER AND COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF GOOD DRINK SPILLING EVERYWHERE ABD THE BOUNTY $ ON HIS HEAD. URE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD  U SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE THOSE ARROWS POINTING AT THIS ONE GUY! and of course, the poor PKING bastard that died, should be severely weakened as a punishment. and wear a shirt written a Im a evil pker, stay way or ill eat you.


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« Reply #96 on: July 17, 2005, 07:28:32 pm »
I guess PKing is needed. If you intend to play an evil character you have to be able to kill other characters.

But there are certainly people who do not want to take part in it.

So a solution is necessarily to make the player choose wether to PK or not.

One solution is to make a PK guild (and possibly guild wars where guilds could enter into war and members of the enemy guilds could kill each other). There is problem with people changing guilds quickly. But this can be dealt with
a) allowing only several guild changes per day
b) after a guild changes the old guild enemies still can kill you for a while

Another solution is to make some areas non-PK (assumed to be guarded so well that attempting crimes is useless) and some PK. I mean something like dividing the world in two halves. Newbies start in the safe half and whoever wishes to do so may enter the wild half. There could be even AI guards and AI mercenaries, it\'s just none of that makes any place there 100% safe. Of course, if you are killed in the wild area you lose your stuff because many times the killer wants exactly the sword you are wielding. It would be unfair to not give it to him :) Banks (or well guarded guild bases) could make things easier in the case you get killed. Also there should be only one punishment for any serious crime:death.

Yet another possibility is to make PK (im)possible per server. And start another server finally.

I guess it is better if you can get into both styles of game with single character and do not need to create a new one when you decide trading is too boring and you want some excitement. Although you would have to train some combat abilities it is better to keep a character you like than to create a new one.
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« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2005, 11:42:07 am »
So a solution is necessarily to make the player choose wether to PK or not.
I think we had that...
guild wars where guilds could enter into war and members of the enemy guilds could kill each other)
Is implemented yet.
There is problem with people changing guilds quickly
I dont think so. A good guild wont take someone without checking the background... And quick guildchanges are more obvious than you think...
assumed to be guarded so well that attempting crimes is useless
I mean something like dividing the world in two halves.
Have you read the whole thread? This suggestion was already discussed before...
It would be unfair to not give it to him
 ??? OMG...  :rolleyes:  
Also there should be only one punishment for any serious crime:death.
Uhm... You know that death is not the hardest punishment in game?
I guess it is better if you can get into both styles of game with single character
Another good argument against your suggestion to have separate servers...
What is a king without folk? A man with a crown on the head. - Rilar


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« Reply #98 on: July 18, 2005, 12:26:52 pm »
The PK flag on the characters has been used in other games.  Most of them do one of two things.

a)  You decide when you create the character whether it will be a PK character or not.  

b)  You can set and unset the PK flag on your character.  The simple way to avoid abuse is to make it so that the flag can only be changed in a particular location (maybe the temple?  That would be best for roleplay, but any small area could work theoretically.) and it costs some small amount of cash to do so.

Methinks the second option might be best as it would allow players to try out the PK side of things, and go back to being peaceful if they don\'t like it.  The \"dangerous frontier/half of the world\" idea is also a good one.  It would let people pick and choose the kind of challenges they want, which would probably help draw in more people.
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« Reply #99 on: July 18, 2005, 02:31:58 pm »
Not again... We had that discussion before!
The simple way to avoid abuse is to make it so that the flag can only be changed in a particular location
A simple way to avoid abuse is also not to implement pvp or simply keep the system as it is now implemented...
That would be best for roleplay
Do you have overthought that? I believe there is a reasonable lack of ingame-logic in such a system.
It would allow players to try out the PK side of things
THAT is possible with the resulting system from our last discussion, too.
It would let people pick and choose the kind of challenges they want
And you believe that is not possible with another system as well?
What is a king without folk? A man with a crown on the head. - Rilar


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« Reply #100 on: July 18, 2005, 05:27:29 pm »
The \"abuse\" to which I was refering was those inevitable cases where someone PKs someone, and then changes their flag to avoid retaliation.  If they had to go to a particular place, and perhaps pay a fee when they got there, that would all but eliminate it.

There is a certain roleplay logic to going to the temple to change certain character attributes.  It could just as easily be a player-killer\'s hall, or some random stretch of empty desert, but the temple makes sense on many philosophical levels.

Yes, all this would be possible with a different system.  Just sitting here and giving it some tiny amount of thought I can devise many, many different possible ways to implement and regulate player killing.  Each one has different effects on the gameplay mechanics and roleplay atmosphere.  My purpose here is to discuss the different aspects and see if there is a hybrid system that would be acceptable to people.

Now, unless I\'m misinterpreting what I\'m reading, many of the people who are putting forth ideas are suggesting some variation of a system where it is possible to commit crimes, but relatively difficult to get away with them without some hideous punishment.  That could definitely work.

The other possibility I\'m seeing bouncing around is that we somehow differentiate between PKers and nonPKers.  There are three basic methods for doing this.  Separate servers, more PK areas on the maps so players can fight, or some kind of option for whether people are PKers or not.  Any of these three could definitely work.  Separate servers would require another server and would prevent any interaction between the groups.  In my opinion, that is inferior to the other two which allow the two groups to talk and trade back and forth, but that could be argued either way.

Overall I would be more in favour of the crime and punishment idea, just because I like that kind of game more, and if it\'s done right, it would be acceptable to both PKers and nonPKers.  However, having done some AI programming myself, I am well aware that doing it right will take a lot of time and a fairly sturdy server.  If the programmers don\'t want to do that much work, (I wouldn\'t blame them), or can\'t make it run fast enough,  then either the separate areas, or the PK flag would give almost the same result.  The mechanics would be a little different, but the nonPK players would be just as safe, and the PK players could have 99% as much fun, without stressing the programmers or the system.
bIlujlaHbe\'chugh bIQaplaHbe\'
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« Reply #101 on: September 07, 2005, 12:46:50 am »
Ignore, please.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 12:53:16 am by Karii_Winterwalker »