Author Topic: PKing is essential.  (Read 3274 times)


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PKing is essential.
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
You need pking in a game. A RPG without pking is just not fun. I mean, think about it, walking through a forest where the creatures are high level and all you have to worry about are the creatures itself.

Now imagine that, the fact you see players all the time doesnt worry you as you know if they want to hurt you they can\'t, so basically all you do is ignore them or join forces with them fighting monsters.

Now if you were going through this forest with the fact that players could do anything to you, wouldnt that make the game more exciting? If you see a guy summon something or cast a spell on you you start getting a rush and quickly have to decide whether you run or fight.

And for newbs you dont want them trying to level and everytime getting screwed over by high level players who get amusement out of killing all the low lvl players as soon as they come into sight. Thats why you would have a section where you could not pk other players, an area where newbs could train without worry about getting attacked. And once they conquer that area they can move out more into the higher lvl areas and most likely team up with other players but also experiencing the players who like to pk.

I think the system World of Warcraft uses is awesome.


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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 08:22:41 am »
Another thing that is \"essential\" and \"awesome\" is the search button


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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 10:09:11 am »
locky locky this posty
i actually play planeshift


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« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2005, 11:33:21 am »
pk and thieving are the most important things for a thief, an  assassin, a spy (this happens in the real world so it need to happen in planeshift)
And for newbs a neutral area like Mummas said.
this is !!!!ESSENTIAL!!!!


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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 03:07:40 pm »
Yes the idea of not giving a lippy git a slap fills me with distaste, seriously, its a cool idea.  in a game im a long turn member of we had a secret dueling field, where we battled over honour or money .  we fought to \'yield\'. it was rearly fun
What... is free speech only for the non-stupid!!!


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« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2005, 01:56:37 pm »
forced pk\'ing causes nothing but grief and troubles

it can be to easily abused, once a few players reach a higher level, they can control a server with abuse, and  thats not something anyone wants in a agme but trouble makers

pk\'ing can be fun and part of a game, if implemented right and still allowing those who donot want to risk this type of gameplay the ability to not take part
unstable client? piss poor gameplay?

a weak staff?

planeshift has it all


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« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2005, 12:48:49 am »
the arena should allow you to attack any player inside or something, so then someone who wants to pk just just go there, and then that would add to a more exiting PvP environment
« Last Edit: July 21, 2005, 10:21:13 pm by Jimmeh »

At the end of the Gulf war, Kuwaitis celebrated by firing guns in to the air.... 20 died from falling bullets


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« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2005, 01:22:22 pm »
I agree, PK should not be forced on players. this can be very frustrating for those new players who can barely wield a sword. Takes me back to a MUD(text rpg) I used to play, went something like this:

*An Orc* has arrived from the East.
*An Orc* hits your head.
*An Orc* kills you.
You are dead.

I do not want to see this type of gameplay in PlaneShift, it brings nothing but competitive behaviour and so-called \"leetness\" among the power players.


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« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2005, 12:33:52 am »
What\'s wrong with a little competition?


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« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2005, 01:03:38 am »
apparently, killing computer controlled opponents is about all  the challenge anyone here is interested in.

shame really.


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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2005, 07:05:29 pm »
Hmm, if everyone is so scared of getting \"owned\" and \"pwned\".. then why not make it so that the first few levels theres an area you can train at that you cant get killed. After that, you can make it so you can only kill people close to your lvl to make it fair and challenging. Not so its just fun to pick on the lower lvls or to keep a killing spot all to yourself.
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.   :P  Xantherus Icer  :P


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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2005, 02:12:36 pm »
ummm... i would have to strongly disagree.  pking, yes itis fun but noits not essential.  if you just want to pk then you might as well play an action game rather than an rpg....


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« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2005, 12:05:49 am »
Originally posted by dying_inside
ummm... i would have to strongly disagree.  pking, yes itis fun but noits not essential.  if you just want to pk then you might as well play an action game rather than an rpg....
Perhaps you\'re right, if the \"role\" that you are playing is that of a person living in a world that defies the laws of nature (not physics; that is another thing entirely, and obviously, this is fantasy). How can one be an assassin if the best one can accomplish is to walk about asking targets \"Will you let me try to kill you?\" It is, quite simply, laughable. Currently, there is no dauntingly powerful town guard to apprehend criminals who are caught, so obviously this may pose something of a problem, and more obviously, players would whine to no end if they could be killed by a player they had not decided to duel, and could do nothing about it. To say that PKing is not a valid part of an RPG, however, is as devoid of common sense as saying the same of powerleveling. The essence is in the roleplaying, and so long as that requirement is met, everything else becomes not only acceptable, but appropriate, indeed an \"essential\" part of the game world, as those roles do indeed naturally exist, whether discouraged, tolerated, or encouraged.

I would actually be rather put out if I never needed to deal with an unsought attack or other unexpcted danger or situation, and it became clear that it was never intended that I would. What role is so sheltered that one does and has done to them only exactly what they choose, and who would honestly enjoy playing such a role? To be blunt, that would be pathetically boring, and I would be inclined to spend a large ammount of my time in Yliakum using it as a chat room, as I do now (and also as a testing grounds for the project, and it is currently exactly that). That is the current situation, but hardly a goal worthy of Talad\'s vision.

The game as it is, as has been stated many a time, is still in the very early stages of developement, and many things one might expect of a finished game are nowhere to be seen, and most of these are rather distant prospects. There is no organized society in Planeshift, no vast cities, no living politics, no wars and treaties, no NPC-run guilds with their own agendas, no schools, no houses, no live and shifting economy, no black market, no thieves, no assassins, no law enforcement, no short, none of the thrilling sense of a real, other world that is implied by the goals set for Planeshift as it has been described. It is a tech demo, and cannot yet support such things; but to say that they should never be included is...*shakes her head* I haven\'t the word for it. Depressingly cynical and bland, perhaps.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 12:09:02 am by Karii_Winterwalker »


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« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2005, 01:07:29 am »
First and foremost, an online game is entertainment. Just as I stated in the thread \"Earning the Right to PvP\", this puts it in a different category than a single person game. You can go to a movie, read a book in a library, got to a sports event-whatever-but in none of those entertainment venues do you ever have the right to interfere with someone elses enjoyment. If you do, you will get your rights curtailed.

YOU might enjoy it but it certainly isn\'t neccessary. I\'d like to see quests, AI and  game mechanics so \"organic\" and branched that they create a level of RP-ability as yet unacheived by any game. But clearly none of that is essential to market an MMORPG either.

\"Historical\" is a two-edged and unacheivable goal for an MMORPG however, even in Medieval times, the percentage of \"succesful\" murderers or thieves (free lance ones I mean, not  offically sanctioned ones) was extremely low. Most vile and evil things were not done by individuals but by institutions who coveted and protected that \"privelege\".

So, when I hear people say they MUST have non-consentual PvP, I wonder why they never ask for robust and relentless law-enforcement authorities as well. That would be historically and RP accurate. I\'ve never heard an open PVP advocate ever asks for prison, trials, endentured servitude, amputation or execution for \"law breakers\". I also never see anyone asking for random, hugely high level monsters, which was a part of PnP RP, and is just as \"valid\" as non-consentual PvP in creating \"realism\".

Yes, there were some long-lived theives or murders. They usually spent long stretches in prison, in the stocks or in exile. Dueling is another matter, one of honor not impetuousness, conducted under strict rules. That\'s why there is an arena.

The only justification for non-consentual PvP I can accept, is outlined in   \"Earning the Right to PvP\". I wouldn\'t mind being killed by someone so committed that they earned the privelege in a manner such as I outlined. It would be extremely refreshing and useful, particulary for a game that has 99.99% ruled it out already,  if the next time anyone posted about the \"essential-ness\" of non-consentual PvP that they also outlined the risks and punishments  they would be willing to accept to have it.

Otherwise, just start politicing for a PvP server because I think that\'s the only way you will possibly get what you want out of PS.

I do see a few threads have been resurrected where some sort of consequences for PvP are discussed. I\'ll give um a read.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 01:15:39 am by Ivniciix »


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« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2005, 01:59:59 am »
Originally posted by Ivniciix
First and foremost, an online game is entertainment. Just as I stated in the thread \"Earning the Right to PvP\", this puts it in a different category than a single person game. You can go to a movie, read a book in a library, got to a sports event-whatever-but in none of those entertainment venues do you ever have the right to interfere with someone elses enjoyment. If you do, you will get your rights curtailed.
First and foremost, a single-player game is entertainment. A \"massively multiplayer online role playing game\" is roleplaying with massive numbers of other players, and that is the entertainment. If one does not find that entertaining, one can simply play an ordinary RPG. The the idea that the structure of the game should eliminate perfectly reasonable possibilities to protect players\' right to use a public server without roleplaying with other players is childish, naive, and entirely unreasonable. If my character became a victim because the system allowed for it (provided that the game was more complete, and the progression system more well-refined to set realistic limits, which I find to be a higher priority than advancing the game environment), I would not consider myself a victim, and would not give grief for it.
YOU might enjoy it but it certainly isn\'t neccessary. I\'d like to see quests, AI and  game mechanics so \"organic\" and branched that they create a level of RP-ability as yet unacheived by any game. But clearly none of that is essential to market an MMORPG either.
It may not be \"necessary,\" in the literal sense, but it is certainly essential (food for thought: that comes from \"essence,\" and does not mean what most people seem to take it to mean, i.e. \"necessary\"). What you cite here is also essential to the concept, and I heartily approve. In response, however, I will say that \"what it takes to market\" a product is rarely what is best for the product or the consumer.
\"Historical\" is a two-edged and unacheivable goal for an MMORPG however, even in Medieval times, the percentage of \"succesful\" murderers or thieves (free lance ones I mean, not  offically sanctioned ones) was extremely low. Most vile and evil things were not done by individuals but by institutions who coveted and protected that \"privelege\".
Granted, though this is hardly because the practitioners were somehow protected by the institutions of which they were a part. No, they were professionals, and simply did not get caught. There were plenty of mysterious deaths that most likely were unsolved murders. If one is not so skilled, however, one is unlikely to last long, due to the likelihood of being killed on sight by not only the town guard, but the more zealous townspeople. If getting caught means death and confiscation of all possessions, it is unlikely to become a widespread problem within the game. Only the most deadly and feared of the known criminals would survive for long, and they are unlikely to be bothered with going on a random and unprovoked killing spree. Considering that silencing ones victims would be impossible, there would be no unknown criminals. Here, I\'m afraid, dead men do tell tales (when they return from the Death Realm, that is).
So, when I hear people say they MUST have non-consentual PvP, I wonder why they never ask for robust and relentless law-enforcement authorities as well. ...I also never see anyone asking for random, hugely high level monsters, which was a part of PnP RP, and is just as \"valid\" as non-consentual PvP in creating \"realism\".
Read my post. I just did.
Yes, there were some long-lived theives or murders. They usually spent long stretches in prison, in the stocks or in exile. Dueling is another matter, one of honor not impetuousness, conducted under strict rules. That\'s why there is an arena.
That is RP-centric, and belongs in breakable in-game laws with consequences for breaking them, not in the structure of the game itself.
The only justification for non-consentual PvP I can accept, is outlined in   \"Earning the Right to PvP\". I wouldn\'t mind being killed by someone so committed that they earned the privelege in a manner such as I outlined. It would be extremely refreshing and useful, particulary for a game that has 99.99% ruled it out already,  if the next time anyone posted about the \"essential-ness\" of non-consentual PvP that they also outlined the risks and punishments  they would be willing to accept to have it.
This is the only sort that would survive for long, if what I propose were to be implimented. However, making it otherwise literally impossible is ridiculous.
Otherwise, just start politicing for a PvP server because I think that\'s the only way you will possibly get what you want out of PS.
Who is this aimed at? Certainly not me, as I mostly agree with you, some slight deviations notwithstanding. Other posters here? *shrugs*
« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 02:05:34 am by Karii_Winterwalker »