Author Topic: Octarch Hopefuls...step forth and stand proud.  (Read 8065 times)

Under the moon

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Octarch Hopefuls...step forth and stand proud.
« on: May 04, 2005, 10:15:47 pm »
Read this first, if you do not know what this thread is about.  

*Arnigus Faymore steps up onto the fountain with the help of a few of his loyal Sheeples*

Hear ye, hear ye! I bid you all to attend to my words and the words of those who will follow.

As you all may know, the sudden death of our beloved Octarch came as quite a shock to us all, leaving an empty hollow in our leadership. Though we my weep at the loss, as with all things, we most move on, creating a new future out of the ashes of the old. We must forge on, put aside the rumors of a coming doom, and come together in this time of dark thoughts. I implore you all, do not succumb to the doubts and fears that I know resides in all our hearts. Joy will return as we cast off the shadows of our troubled times. The peace shall be reforged in the heat of our conviction. As one amalgamated people, we will persevere!

With that small speech of encouragement, I am pleased to announce that the running for Hydlaa Octarch is now open. Please, Hopefuls, step to the fountain and make yourselves known. Let us bathe in the light of your coming greatness.

*Arngus steps down, leaving the fountain empty, wondering who has the courage to be the first to come forth?if any. And if they will repeal the ban on sitting.*

This is the first and second cycle of the election (I combined them to make things easier)

Requirements for becoming a Hopeful:

1. Be able to go in-game with an established character (please, only one char per person).
2. Be a respected RPer (not respectable, as I don?t wish to put off evil characters)
3. Be serious about this. I will ask that any lamers be deleted.
4. Must put their name and basic character information in this thread in this setup:

Race M/F:   (this is to avoid RP mistakes)

5.  Must give a short (or long, if you like) IC speech. Your speech must give an indication of your character?s alignment, personality, and views. You may also mention your guild, if you wish.
6. After your speech is made, you will have to quote at least three, short, in-game log excerpts where you have had a conversation about running for Octarch. This is to ensure that at least some of the election goes on in-game. Please, no fake logs. Do not worry if you have no logs yet, sign up now and edit them in later.
*apended*Logs are no longer required, but strongly encouraged, as many people have indicated that they cannot go in-game as much as they would like, myself included. So I cannot see my way to enforce something I cannot do myself.

Not required, but encouraged.

Nominees will also be encouraged to go in-game to RP as they see fit. But remember, to be seen it to be heard. Players will also be encouraged to go in-game to support their favorite nominee(s) or nicely undercut the ones they don?t. RP is highly encouraged here. I expect to hear of a few friendly bar fights over political views. However, killing is off limits. Try to use the ?yield? button before anybody gets hurt too bad. This is a civilized election.

Please keep your logs, as we may wish to put excerpts in the PS Times. Send me any interesting ones you have.

Notice! This thread will stay open until the 14th of next weekend (unless the plan needs to be changed). Then I will ask that it be locked. Do NOT start your own campaign thread. Any campaigning that you do other than your speech MUST BE DONE IN-GAME. I will ask that violations be deleted.

Good luck to you all, and have fun!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 06:49:18 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2005, 09:54:31 am »
Name: Druke Ordo
Race M/F:  Male Xacha
Age:  56
Following: Talad
Ways: Blue way

Hello Hydlaa, I am Druke, primary founder of the Arcane-Order. It has come o my attention that a new leader is in need, this is where I  step up! You have seen my success as a leader in Arcane-Order, now allow me to use my abilites to further aid ALL of Hydlaa, rather then the few wizards. I shall widen the public mental aptitude , allowing even the most shallow Kran to be on a sort of equal intellectual ground as the wisest Xacha, public education is needed, for the furtherment of our own society. Aditionally, the dead are begining to stack up in the great well upon which our dead are cast, it is time to find an alternate solution to dealing with the dead. All these problems and more are more than a trifel task to myself and the subordinates i already have working for me.

Elect me and Further Hydlaa!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2005, 10:50:15 pm by druke »

my how times have changed.....

Under the moon

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« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2005, 11:59:08 am »
Requirement for logs has been removed. But they are still very strongly encouraged.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 11:59:45 am by Under the moon »


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« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2005, 03:27:01 pm »
Name: John Thazer
Race M/F: Male Ylian
Age: Unknown, appears to be in late 20\'s, yearly 30\'s
Following: Other, undefined
Ways: Red Way

Greetings, citizens of Hydlaa, I am John Thazer leader of the movement known as Chaotic Warriors. I have been honored to be invited to this election and would gladly take on the position of Octarch. Why choose me? My views of the world are simple, there is no place for the Evil in this world, I must protect the it by any means necessary. How best to do this if not by having direct control of Hydlaa? No, don\'t take me wrong, I do not believe in \"end justifies the means\", so you can be asured that I will not make rash decisions.

I shall ensure that the defense of Hydlaa will be strengthed. There shall be more guards on the streets, mainly consisting of members of Chaotic Warriors. The current guards will be trained to the higher standards. Also I shall introduce a governing body to control the macious use of magic in the streets of Hydlaa, called Arcane Watch. These will consist of highly trained wizards of all ways. Arcane Watch will also act as an educational body and will instruct and teach all who have a will to walk the ways of magic.

I can also will turn my attention to Rogue problem on the main road to Ojaveda. On countless occasions I heard of people being waylaid and attacked by Rogues. That has to be stopped! I will send agents to scout the area and find the Rogues\' hideout and then send an emissary to talk to them and try to put a stop to their unlawful activities. If emissary fails, or even be attacked, (although do not worry citizens he or she will be teleported away before any harm could be done to him or her) a military action will be taken and warriors sent out to guard the road from rogues as well as from other monsters that abide in the area.

I have many more issues to address when I become an Octarch. Vote for me and you will have a well protected and educated city!

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


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« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2005, 07:21:22 pm »
Name: Tybalt
Race: Male Diaboli
Age: 29
Following: Other
Ways: Dark

*stands up with a smile and starts clapping his hands

Great speech! Both of you!

*steps forward and turns around to face the audience

My friends! My brothers! My sisters!

If what you seek is an Octarch to move the pile of bodies polluting the well, then you should definetely vote for Druke. He is a wise man, and can surely find another place to throw the bodies of our beloved friends. But remember that, even if relocated, the pile will not cease to grow and our dearest will not cease to be taken away from us.

If what you seek is an Octarch who, with his private army, is to protect you from the rogues, then I guess you should vote for John Thazer. But where is this army he is talking about, and how can we now that they are apt to protect us?

No, people! We cannot expect others to do our dirty job for us. If there is something I have learned from all the years I have spent struggling with my blindness, it is that you should not fully rely on others to guide you in the darkness but should also learn to take care of yourself.

If I become the new Octarch, I will gather the talented fighters roaming our Plaza and make use of their skills in the battle against our enemies. Hopefully, this will make the plazaa a more peaceful place as well.

*points at the fountain behind him

Today, I was given the possiblity to talk to all of you from up on that fountain but chose to stand here, among you, as the common man I have always been.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 07:22:35 pm by TheRedMonk »


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« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2005, 08:15:13 pm »
Robinmagus loudly claps. Bravo! Bravo! But, Is there noone else who will step forth?

(btw common ppl rule! :P)
Talamir - DeT, Dark Empire, etc, etc, etc.

Under the moon

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« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2005, 11:21:18 pm »
*Arnigus wipes a tear from his eye, hope filling him at the words of those willing to speak for, for the people!*

Thank you, thank you. Your words give me hope of a new day without shadow and fear.

[ooc]Rules appendment:  Non-Hopeful players can voice their character\'s opinions/support/dislike for the candidates in this thread.


1. Stay in character! It is your character\'s opinion that should be stated, not yours.
2. Be nice. Voice your opinion without trying to start an argument. If this thread becomes too chaotic, a new \'argument/debate\' thread may need to be created.
3. Please, players, only one post per new candidate. This thread is mostly for the Hopeful\'s speeches.

To those who have already signed up, thank you. That took guts. Also, everyone, feel free to pressure others into signing up. I know I have. :D

Remember, also, for those of you still scared off, after the election is over you will have zero responsibilities or obligations. We are role-playing the election only.


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« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2005, 05:18:59 am »
Name: Amheh
Race: Male Diaboli
Age: 23
Following: Other

\"Pushing his way through the muddled mass,  an emotionless expression on his face.
  Amheh arrives closer to the frount, and \"accidently\" knocks over, an over excited, and very quickly recognised windbag called robinmagus, straight into a pile of filth, consisting of trodded up mud, livestock urine and spoiled produce, which now cakes the busy squares, rough coble stones.
 Paying no further attention to the little grub. He passes his shield to one of the\"trolls\" closly following him, making a swift motion  the shield is held flat and Amheh standing firm, is then lifted above the crowd\".

Silence! the crowds goes quite even if it was only for a few brief seconds

I had not decide to run for this position for i thought there might have been a more dedicated and willing contender to hold the unfortunatlly now vacant position of  Octarch.But this is obviously not the case.
\"glances over at the last few hopefulls and bears his teeth\"

I will not make empty promises before all of thee about making the city a safer place, nor remove any of the dead or fallen that now mix with the towns water supply.
 They create a superb fertalizer for our drones crops and fields. The sick and elderly will be dealt with kindly and help our brothers in the well with the crops.

Councils may be formed to collect heavy taxs, that may need to be inforced, to lavash upon the newly elected Octarch.
 The beautifull women and men of the realm that have no prior engagments, will be hired to provide constant all year round amusements in the main square of the city to boost commerce and maybe the population.
\"feeling the shield starting to tremble beneath him quickly looks around at the daft vacant stares\"  

Not that a population of this sort should be encourage to grow but the fields do need fertalizer.

I will be roaming the plaza for the following weeks making my self accesable to anyone wishing to question me on any of my polocies stated today or that i have chosen to ignore at this present time.

\"Jumping down from his shield. To the relieved expression of his trolls, he lands \"accidently\" on the unfortunate Robinmagus, who is this time pushed face down into the muck from which he just pulled himself...again not noticing. Amheh strolls off to take a seat near the makeshift bar that has be set up by one of the merchant from his guild exploiting the non regulator alcohol  industry in the realm.

*edited some typos missed plenty    
« Last Edit: May 07, 2005, 09:11:16 am by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2005, 08:03:44 am »
*walks over to the plaza drawn by the noise of a large crowd, passing by an overconfident looking Amheh, and asks some people what \'s been going on*

Hmm so we have promises of better education and improved processing of the dead, the latter seems more like a hollow promise though I am curious how he would accomplish an improved education.

*some bystanders mumble in agreement*

Then another candidate who wants to increase military activity in and around Hydlaa ... sounds like it could be a trick to make this level into a military state. He promises more troops to protect the people but before you know it we are oppressed by this army.

*John Thazer recieves a few suspicious glances from the people around Zan*

And then one who actually promisses nothing much .. but hopes on the sympathy of the voters and attempts to walk among us. Now his intentions may be coming from his heart but a true leader needs to lift him/herself up from the crowds to watch over them. Maybe a bit na?ve ... don\'tcha think.

*one older man nods at Zan*

And lastly .. well Amheh here might not be the smartest manipulator but he is probably the most honest candidate. All he promises us is decay and poverty through games and probably a substantial deal of illegal activities.
Zan Drithor, Member of the Vaalnor Council
Tyrnal Relhorn, Captain of the Vaalguard
Thromdir Shoake, Merchant
Giorn Kleaver, Miner.

Grayne Dholm, Follower of Dakkru


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« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2005, 08:51:09 pm »
Name: Netrhys Tanhren
Race M/F: Klyros, female
Age: her actual age is 16, but she doesn\'t know exactly and pretends to be 20
Following: none
Ways: azure and blue

Edit: visual char description found here.

*Leaning against a wall near the plaza, she hears the commotion*
{Yeah, the Octarch guy... he died, who cares? There\'ll be a new one in no time, anyway.} *sighs* {Some people are just lucky.} *closes her eyes to continue to daydream, when the announcement of an actual election finally penetrates her mind.* {They are elected? Funny, who\'d have thought...?} *remembers a snippet of a conversation she once had* {\"And if I ever become Octarch, I\'ll be sure you wouldn\'t tell, would you?\"}, *she had said, grinning. It had mostly been a joke by then.* {Should I..? This might be the chance!} *stands up and walks towards the fountain, arriving just in time to see Arnigus step down. She had seen him before and grins.* {How come this guy announces an official election?} *Curiously walking closer, she listens to the speeches, with mixed, but mostly indifferent feelings.
Amheh\'s speech changed that, at first puzzling her, then disgusting and finally infuriating her. Before she is aware of what she\'s doing, she has climbed the fountain and taken the empty spot, arriving there in time to witness Amheh\'s jump off the shield onto the guy on the floor whom she doesn\'t recognise*

HEY! YES, you there, with the shield! How dare you advocate this, this... *trembles from anger* disgusting slavery? How dare you force anyone to, to prostitute themselves for your and other\'s \"amusement\", and ruthlessly murder others?
*looks over the crowd, wings spread to almost full size and crest standing on end in fury*
You cannot even consider electing someone like that, someone who needlessly steps on someone else! *points at robinmagus* He\'ll just as ruthlessly step on everyone! *curses* He even admitted it himself!
Elect anyone but his likes! Heck, you should elect someone who will make sure that this guy\'s *points at Amheh* vision does not come true!
Don\'t let this level fall prey to HIS FOUL AND DISGUSTING plans! Heck, before you elect him, elect ME! *has been screaming the last sentences after Amheh, now staring at him, panting, slowly becoming aware of what she just has said*

{Oh, crap! What have I gotten myself into?} *looks around, cursing herself at the sight of several faces looking up at her* {Not only that I won\'t stand even the slightest chance, this outbreak was outright stupid!}*finally sighs and climbs off the fountain, shivering slightly* {I really should know better than that, but that fool...} *becomes angry again, but forces herself to turn away and instead splash cool water from the fountain into her face*
« Last Edit: May 07, 2005, 10:34:55 pm by Seytra »

Under the moon

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« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2005, 09:19:36 pm »
*Arnigus, shaking in fear at Am-Heh\'s words, nearly wetting himself, in fact, breaths a sigh of relief at the young woman\'s words. Even though he can tell by the look on her face that they were spoken out of anger, he senses that there may be a strength to her. May more than even she realizes. He waddles over an speaks low enough that only she can hear.*

Do not fear the words that you have spoken in passion. That is were your true feelings come forth. You can do well, though I can see in your face that you already doubt your words and yourself.

I only wish I had your passion and heart. I would run myself, instead of merely holding the election. In fact, the only reason I do this now, is that the old Octarch...was my father. I have not spoken to him in twenty years, and do this to try to make up for that in some small way. It heartens me to see that others care for this world the way he did...before the madness took him.

You would do well. Just believe in yourself.

*he walks back into the crowd, hoping that his words are true. Wondering if this election would even his debt to his father*


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« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2005, 09:53:30 pm »
*Now an amused and slightly intrigued look spreading its way across his face, he then starts roaring with laughter. Many in the crowd follow suit but are cut short and fall silent after Amheh casts a a stare in their direction.

Seytra, my dear little Klyros. You have proven your lack of suitabilty to lead our many misdirected citazins.
 As Octarch you cannot afford to indulge in unfounded and misconcepted outbreaks ,running your mouth without taking into account anothers, as you put it \"visions\" for our humble community.This will surly lead to foolish decision making and a poorly structured society.
 I wish to lay your mind at rest, if you had lisened a little closer without being clouded by unfounded rage you would have heard that i said.

The beautifull women and men of the realm that have no prior engagments, will be hired to provide constant all year round amusements in the main square of the city to boost commerce and maybe the population.

They idol citizens will be given the opportunity to be\"hired\" or \"enlisted\" to boost our economy, if they wish to partake in any population boosting that would be of their own accord.. But if citazins do wish to exercise their right to prostition, it will be entirly up to them.knowing that any money made by such transactions would  \"maybe\" be subject to tax, and as the new Octarch i would expect to be given a substantial. disscount at any such establishment.

Now hear this ,\" looking in Zans direction\" Those of you that fear Decay and Poverty i can promise to you that who ever you elect will never be able to banish these to Needed facts of life within our realm. Without decay the bodys bloated by the sun, blooded and stenching would forever lay to rest in our streets and wells. Instead of giving much needed vitailty to our baren soil.
 Without poverty what incentive would their be to become rich and  to build an strong economy, who would work for the low sums of money that we pay our drones and workers.

Raising his voice above the increasing volume of banter amonst the rable..Again Here this all of you!
The oratch is a position for a leader that will not lose their ambition for his/her people, and that will not make irrational promises or accusations, that will be detrimentle to our realm i will expect you all to see reason and mark my name on the ballot papers next week....\"letting slip an evil grin\".. wont you!!


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« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2005, 04:15:16 am »
*watches the incident between Amheh and Nethrys with interest and waits for both of them to finish their speeches*

Well whaddaya know the Diaboli isn\'t just brutally honest .. he even shows signs of intelligence. Not that much if he still thinks he can pursuade people into a society where \"decay and poverty\" reign but at least he realizes they will always be there.

*walks over to Nethrys and Arnigus while smiling at a glaring Amheh. Zan waits until Arnigus is done and then addresses Nehtrys himself*

Now that was a refreshing display of emotional outbursts. I think you, my lady, have just promised to be more common than Tybalt and more driven than any other man who rose to the occasion today. On top of that you seem to be the only female candidate which could give you a large sympathy vote from the female half of our population.
I agree with what my aristocratic friend, Arnigus said. However Amheh also has a point, though you have the spirit to fight you still seem to lack the self discipline and I don\'t think you quite realize what you are getting yourself into here. However what many fail to realize is that while an octarch might be the leader of these people, he doesn\'t have to lead them all by him/herself. Now if you could only find yourself some loyal, levelheaded advisors to aid you in the political and technical aspects I believe you could get far with your passion.

*smiles and bows humbly*
Zan Drithor, Member of the Vaalnor Council
Tyrnal Relhorn, Captain of the Vaalguard
Thromdir Shoake, Merchant
Giorn Kleaver, Miner.

Grayne Dholm, Follower of Dakkru


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« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2005, 06:25:43 am »
*smiles in amusement after hearing Am-Heh\'s speech but quickly becomes quiet as he hears what seems to be a young Klyros step up on the fountain. Her words seem to be filled with anger, and while they shown signs of inexperience, they also speak of bravery. As the Klyros steps down from the fountain, Tybalt walks up to her with a smile on his face and pats her on the back.

Good job...

*listens to Zan\'s speech and gets shocked as he hears how he manages to turn this in the favor of the young Klyros. Tybalt feels he has to interfere, but still remains calm.

Zan, this girl was very brave, let nobody take that away from her, but surely you cannot see her as the new Octarch. I am sure that a lot of people have been angered my Am-Heh\'s speech, but that does mean that any of them would fit to become an Octarch.
You seem to be a wise man, and I would have believed you to know better than to elect somebody simply by sympathy...

*points at Am-Heh

And there is really no reason to be mad at Am-Heh, for if his will ever comes true...

*drags his hand over the crows is you who elected him, who are the ones to blame

« Last Edit: May 08, 2005, 06:28:47 am by TheRedMonk »


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« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2005, 07:20:25 am »
*turns to Tybalt*

Thank you for thinking of me as wise, I still have much to learn though. However I do listen to my instincts and I feel confident about this young Klyros here. She has something unique, something I haven\'t seen with many politicians at all .. her innocence is actually a good point as she isn\'t influenced as much as older, more experienced candidates.

You are right though, I don\'t see an Octarch in her .. yet. But with some proper guidance that could change soon. I can only dream of the day when a passionate young Octarch arises instead of the calmer, almost burned out politicians one usually sees. True, it can be a gamble but then again it always is.
Zan Drithor, Member of the Vaalnor Council
Tyrnal Relhorn, Captain of the Vaalguard
Thromdir Shoake, Merchant
Giorn Kleaver, Miner.

Grayne Dholm, Follower of Dakkru