Author Topic: The Octarch Council Room.  (Read 4521 times)


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« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2005, 01:29:12 pm »
*Has been warily observing the happenings and listened to Amhehs compliments, noticing Nilayas welcome and Tybalts whispers, at all times maintaining her blank face and empty smile. As she is forced to speak up, she rises*
{It\'s time! I must not forget anything... I should just say they should vote for someone else... noone would take me serious anymore... I wish this was over... Come on!} *She speaks with a calm, pleasant voice that is as blank as her face. Everyone who knows her can tell that this is far from her usual self.*

I have thought about this, and everyone in here has stated good points. Whoever gets elected should do something about them.

Giving everyone some basic education is good. This also includes basic fighting skills, and even some basic knowledge of magic. That way, the guards will still be able to handle troublemakers, but nobody would be completely defenseless. Safety in Hydlaa is alright, but outside it\'s not, so at least the main trade routes and other cities should be protected just as well. However, there should not be a separate magical guard; rather the normal guards will need some magical experience, and just as good fighters and archers, there sould be mages within the guard, all used only to deal with tough situations, not normal guard duty.

*pauses for another deep breath*

Regular meetings to get to know what the most pressing problems are are also a good idea. These should be done in every city or area, and the results sent to the Octarch. Different place, maybe different problems.
Things must be controlled, but too many laws just make things difficult. So all laws should be checked if they actually help. Also, the Octarch must be impartial, dependence is a weakness.

*pauses and breathes deeply several times before continuing*

I also stand with my goal to remove slavery, any sort of slavery. Even with payment one can be a slave, prostitution is the most common example of this.

*sits down again, putting her hands under the table*


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« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2005, 02:04:19 pm »
*John turns to Netrhys, who he is sitting next to.*

\"Please, my lady, would you please tell me if I missed anything from this conversation, that has been going before my arrival.\"

*Netrhys seem only glad to tell John about all that has been going on and all that have been said, well at least in some detail.*

\"Thank you again, my lady.\"

*John sat there for a moment refleting on all that have been said.*

\"Now Ladies and Gentlemen, this seems to be the last time that any misunderstandings about me can be cleared.\" *Glances towards Meriner* \"I have no intentions to rule with an iron hand, like you suggested I would. I am set to make Hydlaa and its surroundings safe, by introducing the measured I have already mentioned in the plazza. If the people will not like my policies and wish me to stand down, so it shall be. I do not wish to govern people who do not wished to be governed by me. Of course I would not give in into some deranged mob that been rosed by the likes of...\" *Breaks the sentence.* \"By people who simply does like me because they don\'t. Don\'t like me hold the election again!\"

*The wearyness on John face has growned.*

\"I...I can only hope that you choose the ones that are worthy of this title. I make a vow now, whoever gets chosen to be an Octarch, I shall not oppose to in any way.\"

*John stops for a moment, takes a blank piece of sheet, takes out his pen, and scribles two names on it.*

\"I have made my decision long time ago, it still holds now. I cast my vote.\" *Hands over the sheet of paper to Arnigus. John takes his place near Netrhys and takes another juicy red apple.*
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 02:04:41 pm by John_Thazer »

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


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« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2005, 04:11:41 pm »
With a flourish of a quill, Nilaya signs the names of two candidates on her slip of paper. Smiling, she looks up. \"I too, have made my decision...\" With that, she stands, pads over to the box, and deposits it. On her way back to her chair, she gives a barely noticable pat on the back to Tybalt.

\"Thank you.\"
Kayden - WTB Developer / Engine Team
Nilaya and Kalyan Kaeli - The Explorers Guild


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« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2005, 04:41:43 pm »
\"Well no need to wait then. I think all have had the time to speak their mind if they wanted to.\" Meriner says as he takes out a piece of parchement and writed two names on them

May the best person win.

*Hands the parchement to Arginus.*


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« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2005, 04:51:08 pm »
Pulling one of the identical sheets of paper from the center of the table.
 Amheh take a cheese knife & pricks his finger...
A warm,dark red blood pools on the end of his finger and he proceeds to use it as ink..

Looking at the other faces in the crowd...

A game of hangman anyone? or naughts and crosses?...

 Looking at the vacant unshifting stares, he flicks the droplet of blood from his finger, crumples up the piece of paper, throwing it over his shoulder. Fine then lets get down to business.

 Grabbing a new sheet of paper, and waiting for Nilaya to finish with the ink and quill,  Amheh marks two names on his sheet of paper,. Folding it like the others , placing it in the box..then giving the total a shake and placing the box back on the table from where it came.

I think one of these two would be a good subtitute as Octarch, if i was unable to hold the postion..Only substitutes mind you...

Under the moon

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« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2005, 04:57:42 pm »
*Arnigus sees Had nod slightly to Tybalt as the Monk whispers privately to several of the other members. Had makes a few hand signs.*

The Monk knows of the person on the roof.

*Arnigus\'s eys widen slightly. There was someone on the roof? His fingers drum on the table, giving back a message to Had.*

Why did you not tell me earlier?

*Had\'s fingers flick out quick word against his staff.*

It seemed of little import. The wards around these walls allow nothing to pass through. If the person does any more than sit up there, I will stop them. Besides, there is another watching the watcher.

*Arnigus frowns. He did not like all these unknown people lurking about, and several of the Council look a little agitated. But who was this other watcher who watched the person on the roof? He taps out the question to Had, while addressing the Council out loud.*

Well said everyone. I am ever so glad the way this meeting has been going...

Is he one of ours? Roth or Toth?

...You all give me pride in your actions and words. The Level is surely in good hands...

*Had* No. I do not know who is on the roof. But the other...  *Had\'s face turns to a slight frown* I feel a kinship to him. Like that all Kran feel towards each other and the Lemurs. But it is different somehow.

...Now that we are all gathered, and the voting has started, our future is set...

*Arnigus* Have you seen him? Is he a danger?

...I know some of you may have concerns for your safety. But know that you are better protected in this room than anywhere else in the realm...

*Had* I can feel him, but he eludes me so far.

*Arnigus coughs to cover his surprise. Had never missed anything. If this \'other\' had escaped his detection...*

Excuse me, harlberry down the wrong pipe.

*Arnigus* Should we evacuate?

*Had* No. A moving target is to hard to protect. I do not think he means us ill. Somehow, I can feel it. Best stay here.

So I assure everyone, you can rest easy and enjoy yourselves until you are ready to cast your votes.

*Arnigus sits back and fingers one more message to Had* Tell Tybalt it is taken care of.

*Had nods and begins tapping his staff lightly on the floor in Monks Code. Someday, Arnigus was going to have to learn that code, though only monks were supposed to know it. A thought occurs to him. How did Had know it?*


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« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2005, 05:03:37 pm »
*listens as the others speak and stands up soon after John has taken his seat.

It seems most of you have made up your mind already, but I will speak anyway, and you can trust that it is in all sincerity.

The further we have come in this process, the more I have seen the flaws in all of us, and the more I have realised that ruling our level can never be a one-man, or woman, job.

*smiles while nodding at Nilaya and Nerthrys.

I have nothing to boast about. My past is marked by sin, and there are no traces of noble blood flowing through my veins. I have had no education in politics and have never lead a larger group of people. Yet, even though aware of the great responsibilities that come with being an Octarch, I am not the least frightened, for I know that what I have become is the only thing that matters.

I once swore a vow of poverty, which disallows me to keep any richess. So you have not worry about greed ever becoming my master.
Fame and power, I might have gotten if I had proclaimed myself the supreme leader of Ashes, but I chose not to. As an Octarch, just like a guild member of Ashes, I seek to lead the people while remaining one of them. And I will listen to, and represent the voice of the people until the day it ceases speak to me...

*bows cautiously and sits down. Tybalt is about to write down two names on a paper before him, when he hears Had tap his staff against the ground, following a special rhythm.

I have not heard the code in many years

Turns to Had and nods, before going back to writing down the names.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 05:08:47 pm by TheRedMonk »


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« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2005, 05:18:45 pm »
I believe that leaves you Netrhys

*Meriner smiles to the Klyros.*

Have you made your decicion yet? Or would you like to hear from someone first?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 05:19:18 pm by Pestilence »


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« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2005, 05:22:20 pm »
Claps at Tybalts speech, a wicking grin spreading across his face. He thinks back at Tybalt, taking for granted the fact that weapons have been banned, and him actully think Amheh would go anywhere without a weapon of some sort...
 By god he even took his dagger to the bath house.

 The daylight out side loosing its brillance, indicating that the day was passing much quicker than anticipated...At least there was good food..And  more importantly, some good company on its way..

Still grinning Amheh flashes a reassuring smile towards the others in the room.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 05:33:03 pm by Am-Heh »


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« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2005, 06:07:15 am »
*John pauses and looks around.*

\"Hm...what is this I feel?\" *Something else passes through his mind, and he goes back to eating his apple.* \"Those are good!\" *John says out loud.*

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« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2005, 10:44:03 am »
*had been given a summary of what has been going on before John entered, which she had more or less verbally cited to him upon his request. Despite knowing that this is the very final chance, she can\'t think of anything to ask anyone. Everything seems to have been said, when she remembers the note she was given.* {I must know what it says, maybe it\'s important...}
*shaking her head, she pulls the little note from her bag and starts to read it, taking a rather long time considering it\'s small size, then, finally, she puts it back in the bag and looks up, taking a deep breath. She didn\'t want extra attention, but she also knew it was the final opportunity. Thoughts racing in her mind* {Give a real choice... I must live with it... the future of all... } *is still maintaining her expression and voice*

Not if nobody wants to add anything to what has been said...


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« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2005, 04:59:50 pm »
*turns back to Netrhys as she speaks. Wondering who would survive how long as Octarch with all the assasins who seem to be walking around, but manages to give Nethrys a sincere smile.*

I think most have been said indeed and perhaps even more then need be for the decicion, but better to much then to little I guess.

Well lets see if we have to have a second voting round or not.

*turns toward Arnigus.*

Time to count the votes.

Under the moon

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« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2005, 06:37:21 pm »
[ooc] I have not recieved votes from you or Seytra yet. As soon as I do, we can pass to the next step. Make sure you PM them to me. :) [/ooc]

Ok, that leaves Seytra. Votes are real close. ;)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2005, 10:26:22 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2005, 08:08:08 pm »
ooc: woops missend, well send it again :) Hope I don\'t send it to another candidate instead :S

*pokes Seytra.* hehe ;)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2005, 05:45:32 am by Pestilence »


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« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2005, 02:15:49 pm »
*Nods, takes a piece of paper and borrows a quill, then proceeds to awkwardly scribble two names onto the paper. Without a word she folds it and places it in the slot* {It is done.}

OOC: I can hardly imply a question and not give time to answer. ;)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2005, 02:16:23 pm by Seytra »