Author Topic: Rise to Ruin and Rebirth: Last Chapters  (Read 321 times)


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Rise to Ruin and Rebirth: Last Chapters
« on: May 18, 2005, 06:20:54 am »
I decided to finally post this here, these are the last chapters chronicling the final days of The Holy Searing and rise of Chaotic Warriors from the ashes. Here\'s where the first chapters are located, as written by DepthBlade - Rise to Ruin and Rebirth

Chapter Thirteen : \"Encounters\"
Few years passed since the pilgrimage, out armies were great once more, even greater than in times of Xperto. I stood on a hill, watching as the regiment was securing the area, the marauders stronghold was destroyed, only few remaining bandits were scattered in the area. They would be taken, and brought to justice. I turned and moved towards the tent, it was large and white, with blue flame emblem drawn on it. Inside waited a messenger. I looked at her, she was young and pretty demorian, it was clearly something important, I knew her, the best scout of our army, Olenia Gentalar.

?Lord Thazer, I bring you a report from the eastern army.? - she said, hanging me the paper.

?Thank you, Olenia.? - said I - ?Did you get here alright??

?Yes, my lord. The road was harsh but I got here with no trouble.? - she answered.

?You may go now, Olenia.? - I said.

?Yes, my lord, farewell until we meet again.? - she said.

?Indeed, until we meet again.? - I answered.

I took a look at the report. The news were not good, it seems that the eastern army received heavy attacks during last month. It also said that the attackers were heavily armed, and possessed Red Way magikers. The next bit was as disturbing as the first, the eastern army was cornered in their last stronghold near the river, and was besieged by the mysterious force. They asked for assistance, for they thought not that they could hold forever. I left the tent and called for my Pterosaur, I had to get to meet Mael as soon as possible.


I arrived at the outskirts of Hydlaa, and headed to the Guild Hall, which was a majestic mansion built only a year before. There I met with Mael, the Guild Master.

?I am sure you heard of the situation in the east.? - I said, after a glass of Ale - ?Taking in the account the resources and the force of the assailers, I would say our men can hold for another week or so.?

Mael was sitting in his chair, his face was filled with worry, or was it some other emotion? He drank up and looked at the report once more.

?Yes, the situation is known to me.? - he said, putting the papers on the table.

?So what is known of the attackers, Lord Dosforia?? - i asked.

?No, please, John, don\'t call me so, we have always been on friendly terms, haven\'t we? As for the attackers...we know exactly nothing of them, our spies came up with nothing. No one knows where they came from, or who they are. So far none have been captured to be interrogated.? - answered Mael Dosforia.

I signed, this was getting worse with every word I heard. I drank more of my Ale.

?What I have decided that we shall gather most of our armies and march eastwards to meet this threat, we shall move out tomorrow. I expect us be there in three days. We will not let our men fall, with no retaliation!? - continued Mael, I nodded in the agreement. It shall be so.

Chapter Fourteen : \"Path to Glory\"

And so it was, the next day the north-east army has been assembled and we moved towards the place where it was reported the eastern army was besieged. The plan was to rendezvous with the other armies a league away from the location. I have sent the most trusted and fast messengers, including Olenia to all Ires, yesterday, ordering them to send all non-essential troops.

We have arrived as planned in three days at the destination. Mael ordered to make camp here and wait for the remaining armies to join, meanwhile I sent scouts to investigate current situation. They have returned few hours later with grim news that did not pleased neither me nor Mael. The situation got worse much quicker than we anticipated. From what the scouts reported, it seemed that the main wall has been already breached and that the eastern army was already dead or that the remainder was holding in the great tower in the middle of the stronghold. The other facts, pleased us even less, the scouts said that the army gathered at the stronghold was trice the size of our own, including the forces that have not arrived yet, not only that but the scout also reported that it was very likely that the enemy has already pin-pointed our position, for they were preparing for battle, the scouts said that it was most likely that they would strike tomorrow. Tomorrow! The rest of the armies wouldn\'t be here until at least for a day.

We talked over our options with the Mael and the Ires, it seemed we had little choice, it was either to retreat and join with the rest of the armies, but then the enemy might notice our movement and strike from behind, or to prepare for battle and try to hold until the rest of armies will join us, yet in the open terrain that seemed unlikely. We had to move to the bastion ruins and try and join whatever left of the eastern army. To achieve that we had to distract the enemy and make them think we are not where we are. This was up to our wizards, they have created a large illusion of us moving westwards, yet making us invisible. We feared the enemy magikers would notice that, but no sign of that was present.

The army was moved into the ruins of our former bastion, there was no sign of the eastern army, there were no one left, only scorched bodies of our once proud warriors. We have set up defences and prepared for battle, it wouldn\'t be long before the enemy would notice us.

And so it was that the enemy army was ranked up and ready for battle. One warrior left his ranks, and he shouted this - ?Surrender and you will die mercifully, fight and you will end up like ones before you!? This was clearly the commander of the army, gold on his shoulder pads clearly signified that. Mael moved to the higher most bit of the bastion and roared - ?Surrender!? Hear me now, fool! What you have done will not go unpunished, for I am DepthBlade, and The Holy Searing fears no one!? The commander gave Mael a cold stare, his eyes widened as if he remembered something. And then then the sign was given, trumpets sounded and the battle has begun.

They moved through the narrow gap in the wall, our archers drew their arrows and let them fly at the enemy. But the arrows stopped in the mid-air as if they hit a wall. Instantly I knew it was a protection spell, I sensed it and I sensed the magiker who was maintaining it. I roared a power word and it was answered by an agonising scream from the middle of the group of enemy warriors. That foolish wizard, he was shielded physically yet he left his mind unprotected. Our archers drew for the arrows once more, and let them fly. The result was more pleasing, dozen of warriors fell, and more will surely. I ordered our warriors to move in and defend the gap, and advise our mages to lookout for these kind of magical walls. I drew my sword and run to meet the enemy.


It was sunset and we were still in the heat of the battle. We have suffered substantial losses but I believed we would hold until our reinforcement would hammer the enemy from behind. I saw Mael, we was fight fiercely, slicing enemies one after another. Then what I saw surprised me, a semi-circle was formed around Mael, the the commander appeared, he was armed with an axe and a shield. This was a duel! That DepthBlade, he could get himself killed! I rushed to place of duel, but when Mael noticed me he gave me a sign to stop. The duel started but the fighting around has not seized but none would approach either the commander nor DepthBlade. The two fought fiercely and both matched each other\'s every move. I could not waste any time on this, I had an army to command. I spat out orders to bring reinforcement to the western gap. Then I got a glimpse of the duel, they were still fighting but the commander spoke, he laughed and he spoke again. Whatever the commander said, made Mael stop attacking, he was only defending now, he struck no more blows and even his defending was weak. Something was terribly wrong, Mael was struck down and fell on the ground, the commander laughed, his laughter was great. He spoke once more, and he laughed again. I was DepthBlade\'s face changed, it was filled with rage, he stood and attacked the commander once more, he struck the blows so hard that the commander\'s shield broke in two, the next blow was the end of the commander. At this moment I heard the trumpets sound again, it was not one not two but dozen of them. It were our armies, they came at last and as planned they were behind the enemy. The Hammer struck on the Anvil.


The battle was over by the morning, there were countless bodies all around the area. Me and Mael left the battlefield and returned to Hydlaa. All heard now of this victorious victory, we were praised by the people of Hydlaa and greeted by the Octarch when we arrived. All knew now of our deeds, and all knew for certain that the glory of Xperto has returned.  
« Last Edit: May 18, 2005, 06:43:48 am by John_Thazer »

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 06:22:30 am »
Chapter Fifteen : \"Doubt \"

It was few months after the Glorious Battle, Mael summed me. He was in a tent, sitting in a big chair, I saw few empty bottle of ale on the table.

\"You called?\" - I said , sitting myself down in a chair near by.

\"Yes, I did, didn\'t I\", - a moment of silence followed, my face remained unchanged but my hand moved slowly to the hilt of my sword, a sign of worry. - \"Call of the armies.\"

I looked Mael in the eyes, staring into them for a moment, then my ever calm expression droped, a great deal of concern and worry could be seen on my face, I stood up. - \"What armies? What\'s wrong, Mael? I...\"

\"ALL OF \'EM!\" - cut in DepthBlade, he picked a bottle of ale from the table and drank the whole lot in matter of seconds. - \"This is over, go home John.\"

\"You are drunk, Depth. I know this was hard on you, but listen if only we strike here\", - I pointed on the map - \"we can...\"

Depth snatcheed the map and with one power word it burned into nothing in his hands - \"I said it\'s over, The Holy Searing is no more, I am the leader and YOU no longer anyone, I dismiss you John Thazer from the post of Arm of Strength, the commander of our armies, your last task is to make sure that all our people return safely...\"

\"This is madness, what has got into you Depth? Is it an evil spirit or some other influence, tell me and I will make sure it will pay for whatever it is doing or did! I want to help you, Depth but how can I do it if you not telling what\'s the problem is.\" - Depth turned away, when I tried to touch him but he turned and pushed me on the ground.

\"LEAVE ME ALONE! Do that for me, go, GO! I gave you an order, NOW obey!\" - roared Depth, I stood up and slowly left.

Never I saw Mael so. What has got into him? This was madness, yet whatever I thought I carried out his order, I sent messengers to all the Ires, ordering to return home. I returned to the Guild Hall later that day, to find that Mael ?DepthBlade? Dosforia was gone. He said no one where he went, but it was clear he wouldn\'t be back.  

Chapter Sixteen : \"Searching for Ghosts\"
Seasons passed. I sat at Kada-El\'s Tavern, drunk as hell. I glanced at the door, there stood RyuKhan, Dralgo and Avokk Thrall, the former members of The Holy Searing. They moved towards the table.

?See, I told ye, we would find him here.? - said RyuKhan.

I remembered no more for I think I passed out. When I awoke it was night time, I sttod up, my head waned. This was our former Guild Hall. I stood up and dressed, then I headed for the main hall. There awaited RyuKhan, Dralgo, Avokk Thrall and even some of our former Ires.

?Ahh, finally he is awake, greetings, Lord Thazer.? - said Avokk extending his hand to me, I shook it and sat at the table, pouring a glass of water.

?What\'s all this about?? - I asked - ?I hope this is important, I was quite enjoying my stay at Kada-El\'s.?

?This is important, John. DepthBlade has been gone for...? - started RuyKhan.

?And let him be, it was his decision.? - I interrupted him.

?John, we have to find him, we cannot stay leaderless forever. Already some Ires are demanding a new leader.? - continued RuyKhan.

?What? Did I not, did he not ordered all of you to go home!?? - roared.

?Did you expect us to follow that order? The world is full with Evil, shall we just go home and let it rampage all over the world?? - asked Dralgo.

?Evil.? - said I calmly - ?You talk about it as if you know the meaning of that word.?

I sat there in total silence while, the rest watched me. Then finally I said - ?I\'ll find him. But I\'ll do it alone by my own means. Follow me not, I shall return with him or at least his words.?

I left the Guild Hall the next day to seek out Ken Shinobi. He found me first.

?I heard your words, well at least I was reported your words. I have initiated the search yesterday and already I know where Mael is.? - said Ken, moving out the shadows from behind.

?Shadow Dancers? You sure been busy, I thought they were all down south.? - I said, turning to Ken.

?They are, these were my new recruits.? - said Ken.

?New? What...? - I tried to say.

?We\'ll talk of this later, here is where Mael will camp tonight, I am sure you\'ll make there in time, but beware you won\'t be the only one there.? - said Ken, disappearing again into the shadows. I wasted no time.


This was a remote location, a rocky place close to the mountains. There I saw DepthBlade, he was not alone. I recognized Sangwa, the Shadowmaster of the Dark Empire there. I moved closer to this gathering, I saw DepthBlade greet me, none others did.

?So you have found me too, John.? - said DepthBlade - ?I thought you would and I know the reason you came, I cannot come back not now at least.?

I heard soft laugh it was Sangwa - ?You see Depthblade, all your ideals were misleading. Not even you can stay true to them. I had seen this falling, good thing you spared some of us the trouble of having to finish you.

Run away to less pretentious goals and let this be a lesson to all who wish to eradicate evil. Or good for that matter. Those who fight against balance start by losing it themselves, falling to the ground.

I\'m sure you\'ll succeed in whatever you decide to do from now on, you\'re a capable ynnwn. Good luck, it won\'t be the same without your pointless threats.?

DepthBlade slowly turned to Sangwa and said - ?My time may have past...but my \"Will\" lives on!! You all thought it was just me, there came a time where I almost thought the same...From this day now you see, now I SEE!? These people are ready for what I have once established, what I have reckoned with! Now I have unleashed a set of ideals that will be not be silenced...My fate has been sealed but theirs has just begun...?

He patted me on the back and continued - ?Don\'t stop until your ready to pass the torch, give them hell and send them back to it!?

Then it was it, DepthBlade turned his head to Sangwa and said his last words - ?Must you forget...I am not dead yet. Now you have a loose lion to watch out for and the reminents of my old ranks and the special treat Thazer has waiting.?

With this DepthBlade started to walk away into the darkness, none followed him, and nor did I.

My eyes watched Depth go further and further into the shadow until they could see now more. I turned slowly to all that gathered here, all those pitiful fools that already were celebrating their \"victory\".

\"So it begins anew,\" - I said, slowly drawing my hand to my sword - \"Feresali ir Liefer\" - The Blade of Chaos - \"you sit here boasting on our \"end\", yet it is only a beginning. It is only a beginning. You not know what awaits you, for I am Lord of Chaos, Bringer of Change. And the Change I bring is not always what I would choose.\"

I drew my sword and put it before the coming light, and it lit with power of the Light, and then I put it before the coming darkness, and it lit with the dark glow of the Shadow. And I watched as the two fought on my sword. It changed its Glow now and then, darkness then light, light then darkness, never staying long enough as one. Then two became one, the ever changing Flame of Chaos - \"Elar ir Liefer\".

\"Come, rise! Break the chains that the Shadow put upon you!\" - I roared, as I embraced the \"Elar ir Liefer\", \"We are as this flame, in ever changing struggle, and as in this flame there is no hiding place for both of us, for the Light and the Shadow are so close that even those that are Good may be Evil and those that are Evil may be Good. Come, rise! Rise against ones that are foolish enough to think they can rule the world through their dark ways, those that think they are the all-powerful. We have a heart, we have the Light and we have A WILL TO OPPOSE! Even though I am of Chaos, ever consumed by its Flames, I shall lead you to Good, for such I chose aeons ago, for such I shall keep true until all Light dims in the worlds! And now I will depart, for I have a great deal to do. Farewell. And farewell, my friend, and I hope you\'ll be back one day. Farewell, Depth\"

A bright flash followed, and so I departed, to there where we shall begin anew.  

Chapter Seventeen : \"A New Beginning\"

I brought the news to the rest. The Blue Flame has been diminished. I was surprised to see many go, maybe I was not as good leader as was Depth. That day I decided that we shall start over. We would start again, from nothing and we shall grow as strong as before.

I have met Ken again, and we talked of the future, I was surprised to find that he already taken steps towards it. It seemed that he knew what was to come. He gathered all the Gelt Nielta\'ra, Sha Relk\'a and Keisan Aranar\'a that were spread through the Yliakum. This was the day, the day for the Chaotic Warriors to come out from the shadows.

The DepthBlade\'s dream shall live on!

Well there it is, the last chapters are here, sketchy as they are but then they are supposed to be like that, hm...I might put on the \"Of Coming of Chaotic Warriors\" too later on, although I only done chapter 1 out least 5 or 8...Hope you enjoyed this...
« Last Edit: May 18, 2005, 06:40:24 am by John_Thazer »

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.