Author Topic: New Octarch, the Vote!  (Read 5994 times)


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« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2005, 10:17:32 pm »
OOC: What is the objection against someone joining for the votes and not the desire to become Octarch even if the motivation was OOC and not IC?

Becuase everyone can say just about anything about the motivation of his character. The point is that if this is allowed  that friends sign up just to exchange votes. There was a seat free would you want me to have filled it by asking a friend and agree to exchange votes??

I think that kind of motivation should not be allowed and ruins the whole point of having clean and honost fun with the elections.

I also feel it\'s not fair toward the other candidates


*not pleased with the other acting as if it was Amhehs point including Amheh he walks towards Amheh with a flickering of anger in his eyes.*

I do not care for what Amheh voted nor do I care why he did so. He has his alignment and I am sure he did what he felt was best. If for Yliakum or his own election I would not know.

*having looked at Amheh still he suddenly turns his head toward Arnigus and fixes him with his gaze.*

But I hate to believe a conspiracy was made to make sure the \"right\" ones were elected. I do not mind the ones elected. My votes speak for themselves but there will not be a blamish on this election and this election SHALL be held fair or this election is nothing but a pretence and I garuntee you the guilty will be punished if suh a conspiracy is uncovered this I swear on the graves of my birthtown Aknara
« Last Edit: May 29, 2005, 10:37:29 pm by Pestilence »


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« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2005, 06:38:49 am »
During the mild ruckus a tall armoured figure had entered the election hall. He now stands in the doorway and lets his eyes wander around the hall, as if to look for a familiar face. Seeing that there is no line before him, he walks to the boxes and leaves his vote.

Turning around to leave, he thinks to himself: \"Wisdom and strength to the one chosen, for these walls have seen treachery before. And the last thing we need is another war in our hands.\"

On his way out, the figure steps on a pool of red wine from a fallen bottle. Those with keen eyes notice how the wine is repelled from Cherppow\'s white plate boots, leaving no stain at all. He exits the hall as quietly as he entered it.


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« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2005, 02:57:09 pm »
Fire walks into the hall with an old voting paper and quickly selects Nilaya, then vanishes into the night


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« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2005, 05:23:46 pm »
humming a cheerful melody, Demarthl skips through the doorways of the hall weaving between citizens in the crowd

as she passes through, showing signs of acknowledgement to friends and other known citizens she smiles, noticing Nilaya giving every ounce of effort to the community.

Demarthl stops skipping and begins to slowly walk, pulling a roll of parchment from one of her satchels she casts a timid fire spell singing the parchment into a fluent pattern of her name surrounded by patterns

Demarthl then places the parchment gently in one of the three boxes, looking at the other two, she whispers to herself.

\"one, still young, she must experience life her own way, she does not need this pressure. The other a steadfast troublemaker out to increase his own power and greed, does not deserve such respect\"

Demarthl smiles gently, takes a step back and stretches, her hands behind her head she walks back towards the doorway humming the same cheerful melody


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« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2005, 06:05:27 pm »
OOC: Let\'s clear this now...I was going to become an Octarch, but obviously in case I wouldn\'t have (which is the case now), I had a back-up plan..of sorts...

You can try, but you shall fail! Seek us not, we shall find you.

Under the moon

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« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2005, 11:06:36 pm »
Ok, folks, the poll is scheduled to close this weekend. If anyone has a problem with this, please tell me and I will see about pushing the date back. Make sure everyone you know has been notified so no one is left out.

Thank you all for voting!

Efflixi Aduro

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« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2005, 10:28:03 pm »
*Efflixi walks around only to see chaos between the two hopefulls and the others who won\'t let go of the fact that they have already lost.*

Well, I just stopped by to hand a letter written to me by one of the people who may have become your new leader.

\"Greetings Efflixi,
I too have major concerns fr voting anyone into a position that may be used to influence me, even though the position of Octarch has no pwer at all.
It is for this reason i have run for Octarch myself for if i am Elected ,(highly improbable, unless the darkened souls of the world unite).
If i am elected nothing shall change. Except our kind will De treated with respect for once, and i will try to turn others away from the \"light\". Which i already do... Evil must try and stick together for our common good..\"

That letter was sent to me by Ahem, oops, I mean Am-Heh. *grins*

Now, do not expect the intentions of either of these two candidates to be pure. Of course one has more pure intentions than the other, but, it is up to you now to decide which. Either way, your lives will contiue hopelessly as they always have. Leaving you no choice but to fight for food and money.

*begins pacing around the room*

But, ofcourse this Octarch deal may be the biggest scam ever commited by a greater government hidden inside this \"democracy\" you people speak of. Do not be surprised if your Octarch is nothing more that a placeholder to make it seem liek you actually control a part of the government. All living beings are corrupt and selfish, expect nothing more from the ones that lead you.
Lol Internet


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« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2005, 09:57:01 pm »
A Kran walks through the door and votes. Looking at each box, the Kran sees that the one box has nearly twice as many votes as the other.
\"Hmmm... this is really one-sided. Is that a good thing?\"
the Kran mutters... \"Maybe yes maybe no...\"

[seriously, the election is one-sided, the ratio is 2:1, not very fair, if it was more even, then we might have a more heated election, but I praise Under the Moon for his work. Now if only other games had people as devoted as the ones here...]
Characters: Wolf Rocner

Under the moon

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« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2005, 11:47:07 pm »
*Arnigus takes up his voice enhancing Glyph and steps to the fountain. His chubby face beams with delight in the light of the Crystal. Delight that the election is finally over, delight that no one has been killed in the process -especially himself. But mostly, delight that there is a new leader to guide the people and protect them. He raises his hands for silence.*

Hear ye, people of Hydlaa! This day, this joyous day, we can put aside the cares and fears of the dark days gone past. This day we look upon the future with hope instead of doubt. This day we are given a new Octarch!

Be glad and rejoice on this day of days. Be free with your happiness! Celebrate and be festive, knowing you are in good hands.

The hands of Nilaya Kaeli! Your new Octarch!

*Arnigus puts away his Glyph and waddles over to where Netrhys leans against a wall. He can\'t decide if her expression is shock or relief -or perhaps a little of both. He puts his hand on her shoulder.*

Good run my Lady. You may have won against any other besides Nilaya, but you knew that, didn\'t you? I commend your courage and fire. When you have the age and wisdom to temper that, you will truly be a force to be reckoned with. Until that day, believe in yourself, for you did not come this far on luck alone.

*With that, Arnigus wanders off into the crowd. He badly needs a nap.*

[ooc]THAT\'S IT! The election is now over. Nilaya has won. Thank you all for participating. It has been lots of fun.
I have made a special thread thanking everyone in GD.

*edit* @Seytra> I didn\'t forget about it, I just didn\'t have Arnigus mention it. I did think about it though. Think of it as a gift...something for you to RP about in the future. It is yours. :D
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 11:06:49 pm by Under the moon »


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« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2005, 12:35:41 pm »
*has been listening to Arningus\' speech with increasing anxiety. She had spied into the boxes, but things could have changed. Maybe she hadn\'t looked careful enough. Thoughts and feelings were tumbing around in her mind.
Then, finally, Nilaya was announced Octarch. Had she still been hoping to be elected? Had she feared to? She had assumed she had regarded the election as being done, so why did she still feel about it?*
{It\'s over...}
*As Arningus comes to speak to her, she pushes back the thoughts and feelings she is trying to order and make sense of, listening to his words. When he finishes, she just nods silently. Only when he has vanished into the crowd she remembers the necklace she is still wearing. Looking around, she cannot see him and then shrugs.* {He said something about it losing it\'s power, anyway...} *grins as she actually looks at it for the first time* {It may have lost it\'s power now, but it does look nice...}
*after examining it for some more moments, she turns her gaze to see where Nilaya is, using a quiet moment to congratulate her. She then turns to leave, grinningly snatching some good helpings of the food on the way off*
« Last Edit: June 05, 2005, 12:38:03 pm by Seytra »

Under the moon

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« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2005, 12:16:11 am »
Um...Nilaya, have you gotten any of my PMs? Just wondering. :)


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« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2005, 01:57:08 am »
(OOC: Yep, sorry, Under the moon. Got every one of them. I\'ve been absolutely swamped between finals at school, and two jobs. Spent whatever time I have left roleplaying with Netrhys in-game.)

Heart racing, Nilaya hops lightly atop the fountain, for one final speech to end the elections. It is rather obvious that she is in a mild state of shock.

Not having one of Arnigus\' fancy voice-enhancement glyphs, she addresses the crowd as best she can.

\"My dear Hydleaans! Thank you...\" She hesitates, seeking words, then continues: \"You\'ve put a great deal of trust in me today...and I have a lot to live up to. So, rather than making an empty promise, even in good faith...I tell you...I will do my very best. You can be sure of that. For I come not simply to rule by my own will, but to serve.\"

\"Speaking of...I have a few announcements.\" She begins to grin broadly. \"I refuse to be alone in this endeavour. As you may know, several of the Vigesimi passed away or departed along with our previous Octarch. So, today, I appoint three new Vigesimi: Ayshe Alchamet of the Feline\'s Lair...Tybalt the Red Monk...and Netrhys Tanhren.\"

\"Please welcome them with me!\" Nilaya applauds, followed by the crowd. \"Also, \" she adds with a sly grin, \"I\'d like to commend Hadarican for his faithful service during these times...should he be available, we\'ll definitely have a position open for him.\" She giggles, sparking some in the crowd to laugh a bit too.

\"Many thanks to Arnigus, who saw this ship through some rather rocky times. He\'s done a wonderful job with these elections. I do not believe in holding the Octarch position for life, lest power corrupt even the purest of hearts. So, there will be a new election in no later than five years.\"

Soon her face falls. \"On a more personal note, I realize I must leave the Explorers... In my stead, Karyuu Muattaleel shall lead the Explorers. The very spirit of the guild is within her...I could ask for none better to carry the baton. Karyuu, you have my full confidence!\" Tears begin to fall from her eyes, and she becomes a bit shaky.

\"Again...thank you all. I\'m incredibly honored, and humbled by this day. May our level ever prosper!\" With that, Nilaya hops down from the fountain, to monumental applause. (Ahem.) ;)


\"K...kary...\" a spotted figure trembles, lying on the ground of a secluded part of Hydlaa forest, positively cold. \"I...oh...\" She sits up, and looks around, dazed. \"I...I\' octarch?!\"

\"No,\" a gruff male voice replies simply. Startled, Nilaya jerks her head in the direction of the voice, spying a figure covered fully in a long black robe. She stares at him, speechless. \"But...but he died...and there was an election...and I...\"

\"Died?\" the man interrupts. \"Are you feeling well? There was a touch of plague, sure, but he was quickly healed. Been back in action for weeks.\"

Nilaya cocks her head slightly, tiredly. \"...but...\"

\"Nilaya. I\'ve been watching over you the whole time. Nothing happened.\" Nilaya frowns. \"Yet you\'ve been out cold for hours. I\'ve been worried.\" the voice says, slightly softer.

\"...who are you?\" Nilaya finally manages, awakening more fully. The man chuckles: \"You\'ll find out soon enough. But for now, rest.\" With that, he hops to a higher rock, drawing twin shortswords which glint in the morning sun. \"An octarch, eh? What a nightmare. Not even your father would\'ve been that crazy. But don\'t worry. You\'re\'re free.\"

Nilaya stares off into the forest, a relieved smile slowly crossing her face: \"I\'m...still free...\"


OOC: I don\'t know about the rest of you, but I had a blast! Thanks all! :)
Kayden - WTB Developer / Engine Team
Nilaya and Kalyan Kaeli - The Explorers Guild

Under the moon

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« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2005, 02:07:39 am »
He he...excellent wrap up. Couldn\'t have done better myself. Hadarican a leader? Wow, never saw that coming, as he was black-listed by an Octarch from another level for a poem he wrote about the man\'s unsightly wife.

I will surely be using this \'dream\' in \'Chain of Souls III\'. You have given me the perfect opportunity. ;)


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« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2005, 11:55:18 pm »
Standing towards the back of the crowd, Ayshe cheered and clapped with the rest of the citizens packed into the plaza. Such a wonderful day for Nilaya and the city! The cheering continued unabated as Arnigus made his way across the plaza.

Ayshe turned to Keder and hugged her tightly, not noticing the uncomfortable look that momentarily flickered across her guildmates face. Keder couldn\'t help but grin, swept up in the raw enthusiasm of both the crowd and Ayshe.

A hush fell over the crowd. Ayshe turned to see Nilaya standing atop the fountain, arms raised to address the people.

\"My dear Hydleaans! Thank you...\" called out Nilaya, to a spurious roar and more clapping. Ayshe could barely hear what Nilaya was saying, but could see it was being recieved most excellently. She grinned at her scowling brother Jityshe, whose eyes could not hide his obvious joy at Nilayas appointment.

A momentary lull in the hubbub allowed Ayshe to hear one particular sentance.

\"...I appoint three new Vigesimi! ... Ayshe Alchamet of the Feline\'s Lair...\"

Head whipping back towards the fountain, Ayshe said \"Wha...!?\", eyes wide. She stood there, mouth agape and ears flat as she was patted and backslapped. Someone took her by the paw and vigorously shook it. Stunned to her core, Ayshe stood and stared at Nilaya forming words she couldn\'t hear across the plaza, blocked by the pounding of blood in her ears. Her mind repeated the words over and over again. A Vigesimi! One of the score of civil servants under the office of Octarch and a position of authority and dignity.

\"Oh no...\" muttered Ayshe. \"I\'m gonna have to start being respectable\"

Smirking, Jityshe walked over and straightened Ayshe\'s shirt, picking at imaginary dust on the silk. He bowed gently. \"M\'lady\"

Ayshe whimpered.

Suddenly she woke, with a startled yelp. She looked out her window to the bright midday sun beaming down on the street outside, suspiciously absent of banners proclaiming a new Octarch.

Rubbing her head, she muttered to herself \"Going to have to cut down on those late night tavern crawls...\"
The Felines Lair


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« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2005, 12:43:52 am »
Fire  walks up to Nilaya and pats her on the back, well done my friend
As the sun goes down Fire walks off into the orange glow and vanishes