Author Topic: Linux Planeshift Client/Installer FAQ  (Read 1977 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Linux Planeshift Client/Installer FAQ
« on: June 24, 2005, 06:58:26 am »
A few Frequently Asked Questions answered here.

Section 1: General questions.

Q: Can I ask a question without reading \"sticky\" threads on this forum?
A: No...>;(

Q: I have a question not listed here, what can I do?
A: If you haven\'t found the answer in these sticky threads then don\'t hesitate to make a new thread on this forum.

Q: I got a comment or suggestion about this FAQ, what can I do?
A: Feel free to PM me via this forum. I don\'t bite...usually. ;)

Section 2 Installer files usage and informations.

Section 2.1 Installation questions.

Q: How do I use the installer?
A: Just do: chmod 755 && sh

Q: How do I use the update?
A: Same as installer: chmod 755 && sh
You have to specify the same directory as you did during installation of full package. Or simply the location that contains your planeshift directory.
So if you have game installed in $HOME/planeshift you choose as update install dir $HOME.
Q: How do I install Planeshift system wide?
A: Currently the only way is specifying /opt as your install dir and manually create symlinks in /usr/bin to Planeshift binaries.

Section 2.2 Installer technical information.

Q: Do I have to run the installer/update as root?
A: No.

Q: Do Linux installer spreads files all over the file system?
A: No, Linux installer keeps all its files in the directory named planeshift in the location you specified during installation.

Q: What are these wrappers scripts?
A: Those are small programs written in C which sets correct enviroment required for Planeshift to start.

Q: Why in C not Bash?
A: Because C here is transparent, smarter and faster.

Section 2.3 Other installer relases and packages.

Q: Can I get packages for my distribution?
A: No.

Q: Will they be available in the future?
A: Yes, if developers make the client to respect system wide file hierarchy which it currenty doesn\'t and which is required to build proper packages for various distributions.

Q: What does that means?
A: It means, that for example, client is looking for its config files only in
$CRYSTAL or current directory and many others issues.

Q: Will Planeshift 3.010 installer support x86_64?
A: No. I am not going to end in insane asylum at the moment...Next version should support it though.

Q: Planeshift static build for Linux?
A: Yep.

Q: Planeshift installer for FBSD?
A: Sure.

Q: When?
A: Soon (tm).

Q: Planeshift Installer for Solaris?
A: Maybe, but I have to be very bored or drunk...

Section 2.4 Downloads and Planeshift distribution network.

Q: I got an older version of Planeshift, do I have to download whole that big 260 MB file?
A: No. There is and always will be an update available for the people who got an older version of Planeshift which is about 50 MB.

Q: Where can I get that update? I can\'t see any links on the main site.
A: Update is available at

Q: I would like to host a mirror or Torrent tracker for the Linux Installer, who I may contact?
A: Send me an email on platyna to with CC to info at

Section 3 Problems.

Q: HELP! I got a problem with the Planeshift client! What to do?
A: For problems I wrote a few separate resources on this forum:
- Known/common problems with the Linux Installer
- How to report problems with the Linux installer

More comes soon.

Zuzanna K. Filutowska
RPG Players Community || Platyna\'s Planeshift Warehouse
\"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.\" -- Edward Burke