Author Topic: Ideas on weapons and items...  (Read 5803 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Ideas on weapons and items...
« on: September 14, 2002, 04:52:29 pm »
I don\'t think there is a topic about weapons & items people want to have in the game, so I might as well put them here. Also, you can put in \'original\' items, like weapons that are not in any other RPG. You should put in the name of the weapon, description, and perhaps requirements to wield it and how good the weapon is(not damage since I\'m not sure of HP of monsters). I\'ll leave the obvious ones to you all, but I\'ll put in some of my ideas here. Also, this is similar to the monsters idea page, but is different than monsters for obvious reasons.

The following is going to be an example.


This weapon is a cross between a spear and an axe. Usually the wielder of this weapon gets to strike first(if that\'s allowed) as long as the wielder isn\'t taken by surprise. This weapon looks like an axe blade on the side of a spear with the top part completely metal. This weapon requires both hands to wield it. The range is 1-3, depending on how long it is and how skilled the user is with polearms. (If that\'s in the game, I\'m too lazy to check now. :P)

This weapon is pretty good(in damage terms, and look terms on a smaller scale :P ), if you can handle it correctly.

Note: Developers can delete/close this topic if they don\'t like it, but I\'d like it if they send me a message first. They can also snatch ideas off the ideas put here.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2002, 06:27:51 pm by Wormtail_ »
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  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2002, 05:27:39 pm »
Dwarven axe: Passed down between dwarves from father to son. One end is long and pointed like a pickaxe (for conducting at least some basic mining) and the other is sharp and axe shaped (in case somebody doesn;t want you to condict mining). All dwarves start with one and can not be deprived of it. Cannot be, traded, dropped or crafted.

Air plate: A very advanced armour intended for the Klyros. Weighs almost nothing, making it ideal for the fragile nature of the Klyros. Requires a top class crafter who crafts it litteraly out of thin air, although it still strong, despite the material it\'s made from.

Marine crossbow/ harpoon: A crossbow made out of non corrosive materials. Fires very powerfully, making the arrow move with speed even under water. Long loading time, but devastating damage. Requires a fairly good crafter and would probably sell well with the Nolthrir.

Tail spikes. A diaboli only weapon. Attached to the tail to give a lethal weapon. Attacks extremly fast, but single blows are weak. Requires a very good craftsman to make and would also probably be very highly valued because the spikes would be fairly fragile, making regular replacements a neccesity.

Wristshot: A small crossbow placed under the wrist for a surprise attack. Some types load automaticly after each shot, some need to be loaded manualy. Requires extremely high crafting skills because it has to be crafted to react to very precise muscle movement and often also needs a mechanisan up your entire sleeve to fit in up to a 100 bolts.

Wing shoes: Aquire magical energy and then release it to allow you to run at incredible speeds. A wizard can craft them out of any shoes. Not to much wizardry skill is needed to make basic wing shoes, but more skill means better shoes. Load slowly and are unrepairable, so will fall apart with time (this is to stop everybody running around at the speed of sound and to make wing shoes a fairly sought after item.

Long post, huh? I like having ideas! :P


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2002, 07:39:32 pm »
Well, the more items, the better! Great ideas, btw.

Hmm... Might as well put in more ideas.

Insane Double-Bladed Longsword

Orignally created by mad dwarven inventors and insane human mages, this rare weapon has two blades on the same side. One side is completely \'dead\', but the other side is \'alive.\' The \'alive\' side has a mind of it\'s own, which means it will attack in various places. It\'s metal will stretch and turn, attacking in unexpected places and dealing plenty of damage.

Stone Spear

This spear is made out of stone and metal, due to the lack of wood in underground worlds. It is a lot heavier than normal spears, making attack speeds slower, but since stone is harder than wood, surprise attacks with this spear can cause severe concussions, and possibly unconsciousness.

Auto-loading Crossbow(might change name)

An invention by humans and dwarven crossbows, this machine is basically a crossbow that is lake a machine-gun, except for the fact that it\'s a crossbow. Due to it\'s rapid attack, it is often hard to aim accurately, rather it attacks a whole area, making it less effective for single opponents, but more effective against oppenents en masse. Also, the quarrels don\'t do plenty of damage, but the rapid attack makes up for that. This crossbow isn\'t common, but it is between rare and \'not common, yet not rare,\' because few humans have actually made this.
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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2002, 07:48:02 pm »
Hmm, let\'s see, weapons and items...

Double Shot- (ok, a crappy name) A crossbow which has an unusual ability.  Two bolts are fired at once, giving twice the damage in a shorter amount of time, but draining your missile stock at twice the speed.  Fairly high crafting requirements.

Cloak of Camouflage- Reduces the character to a slight blur on the screen.  The character is revealed when (s)he moves or acts.  The cloak\'s defense is similar to that of a normal cloak.  Their is a penalty to any other attacker\'s chance to hit while the wearer is camoflauged.  Fairly rare.

Cloak of Invisibility- Completely hides character unless (s)he moves or acts.  While moving, the character becomes a slight blur.  The cloak\'s defense is similar to that of a normal cloak.  Their is a penalty to any other attacker\'s chance to hit while the wearer is hidden or camouflaged, the penalty is much much higher when they are hidden.  Very rare.

Poison-Tipped Tail Spikes- Like Aztec_Brave\'s idea, but inflicts some additional poison damage each hit.  Very expensive.  Poison lasts just as long as the spikes do.

Maybe they need to be tweaked a bit, but that\'s all I can think of for now.

P.S.-  Maybe Hammerwielder Dwarves should have hammers that are similar to the axe.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2002, 07:09:45 am »
Cool ideas guys. I\'ll just add a few more of my own:

Neutralizing armour: Usefull for speices who are harmed by a type of weapon (Eg the Diaboli against holy stuff). This armour neutralisis the effect. Naturally will be fairly hard to craft to prevent everybody getting around their natural deficiencies. Also fairly weak as an armour to prevent diaboli and similar species being invincible with it.

Brainpick: I nicked this from ultima. A weapon that permanently takes away 1 intelligence (or any other brainy point, not aquainted with the attribs much). Made by enchanting any weapon. Very hard to make, we don\'t want wierdos running around threatening to take down our intelligence if we don\'t give him a chip.

Battle bread: Boomerang bisciuts, drop scones, lethal guerilla muffins. Those of you who have read the discworld novels will no what I\'m talking about. For most species it\'s an average weapon, for dwarves it\'s the weapon of choice. Fairly hard to make for a dwarf, and extremely hard to make for anyone else. Takes a very long time to make, maybe even several days (In the discworld novels it takes months) but is indestructible.



  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2002, 12:56:36 pm »
Boomerang Biscuits sound cool  :D

Ah, that gives me an idea.  Boomerangs!  Boomerangs could be used by mostly everyone, and fit in along the other throwing weapons like javelins, slings, throwing knives, shuriken (throwing stars), throwing axes, darts, blowguns, bows, crossbows, and maybe even guns.

Guns would be neat.  Maybe Lemurs would be the creators/users of guns, since they are supposed to be the most clever of all races.  By guns I don\'t mean machine guns, rocket launchers, and sniper rifles, I just mean handheld pistols (like what\'s in Final Fantasy Tactics, if anyone here has heard of it)

The guns would probably be uncommon though, and only fairly strong Lemurs could get it.  Maybe some other races could wield them, but only Lemurs should be able to make them.

Take note of all the projectile weapons I listed, I\'m hoping all of them will be in the game.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2002, 09:55:52 pm »
I am wondering whether or not staves will be a weapon in the game.  They are often the weapon of mages, seeing as they often require very little strength, but instead rely on agility and relfexes to wield effectively.  There should also be some magical staves that exemplify the magical abilities of the mage that uses it.

I also came up with a cool idea for crafting staves.  Seeing as many mages as in touch with the auras of life and such, that there is a certain skill (perhaps of the earth way?) that can be cast upon a tree, and it will likely take several seconds to complete the cast, but it will in essence have the tree give up a nicely shaped branch for the caster.  The mage can then take it back to a workshop of sorts where they can inscribe symbols/glyphs onto the stave, and perform incantations that will bestow magical powers into the staff.

I just thought that sounded like a neat idea  :)

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2002, 10:02:06 am »
Yeah, staves would be cool, for mage-type character.

Also there should be scepters or rods, or something.  That are one handed, but are like staves.  They could have a magical effect on the user, or they could fire a ray of lighting at the enemies, or something.  Also, for rods that fire magic, they should be rechargable, and have about the same attack power as a decent bow and have the same amount of charges as a supply stock of arrows.


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« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2002, 10:33:04 am »
mmh let me see ....

Vampire sword

A nice red sword who have the ability to drain some of a damage of ennemy to increase your own life bar. fairly rare and usuable only by low charisme caracteres.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2002, 12:39:58 pm »
Hmm cool post...let me rip some ideas here =D


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« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2002, 12:44:07 pm »
Kran\'s Claws

Putting on this gloves changes your hand to those of a kran, but without increase in weight, which give you the ability to hand out rock-hard punches.

Hehe it just popped into my head.  8)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2002, 12:44:31 pm by ParaSite »
<Worf> These are the moments when my ego gets put back on the ground. I use linux for quite some time, and am soon 2 years maintainer of a linux distribution. I started to think I would be good at it. But then I tried to get planeshift running.


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« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2002, 02:28:17 pm »
Hey! That just gave me an idea!

Kran Plate: A type of armour crafted from dead Kran. Basicly a heavy but effective armour made from living stone. Can\'t be used by Klyros, Lemurs, Nolthrir and for logical resons Kran (how would you feel if you were wearing skin?!). Only crafted by good crafters who will need skills in both blacksmithy (Well, you moght not be smelting ore, but the smith still needs to employ knowledge about armour shape etc), masonry (to craft the armout) and possible anatomy (usefull to know what your making it out of). Every repair makes it weaker, so it won\'t last forever (you can only repair it with cement).

Cage Sword: A magical weapon that \'cages\' in something of the last person struck. So if you strike a Klyros the sword might strike with exreme speed, or might turn into an excelent throwing weapon. If you strike a Kran you get a heavy, slow and powerfull weapon etc. Can be emtied out when you feel like changing the nature of it. Only repairable when empty.Requires the combined skill of a smith and a mage to create.

Aerial sword: A light sword deseigned to be used for comat on a flying creature. Can easily be handled with one arm, leaving the other one to steer. Is very sharp to prevent it getting jammed in the enemy and is very flexible to allow for slow reflexes (when you would miss with a real sword you\'d hit with this one because it would bend back). Fairly useless on the ground due to its clumsiness in short speed. Requires a good crafter and extremely high quality materials.

Ok. I\'ll post more later. Hope somebodies actually reading this.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2002, 06:26:20 pm »
Excellent ideas, although I pity those poor krans who are being killed for their items. :P

I might as well throw in more of my \'not so original\' ideas.

Throwing Axe

This weapon is a ranged weapon, with not much range. I could be used as either a hand-to-hand melee weapon or ranged. The stronger a person is, or skilled with axes, the longer he/she can throw it.

Long Morning Star/Flail

This weapon is basically a mace ball attached to a rope/chain. This weapon has 2 range due to the fact that it is attached to a rope/chain. The longer the opponent is, the more effective this weapon is. The closer, the less effective. It is this way because the mace is on the end, and the rope makes up the handle.

Note:This weapon is longer than ordinary morning stars or flails.


Same as the halberd, but less effective. Range is one, due to how long it is.

Note: You\'re allowed to put in spells if you\'d like.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2002, 08:22:45 pm by Wormtail_ »
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« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2002, 06:57:19 pm »
Do you mean a morning star, with the rope mace?

Dragon eye soul sword.
Maybe when you kill a dragon, you can take it\'s eye, then have someone craft a weapon with the eye in the hilt. Gives the user short bursts of flight, and fire. (also applicable to other serious boss monsters that may appear.)

The abios
A sword that takes the soul/essence of anyone you kill. Then later, you can hire (or if you are one) a mage with elemental magic to insert the souls into your own personal golem. Would be rare, and the golems would take several souls to operate.

Darkened Blade
takes away all the light around you, and lets you see in the dark. Helps for hiding from enemies.

Lesser abios.
Like the cage sword idea, but when you kill an oppenent you get near 1/4th of his skills.

Ballista Minor
A ballista you can carry on your back, but when you need to fire it you have to set it up on a stand.

Uhh...I just like 8-bit theatre.

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« Last Edit: September 16, 2002, 06:58:40 pm by Barak »


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2002, 09:39:09 am »
Well, I suppose I\'ll just change the name to Morning Star. Now that I\'m here, anyways, I might as well put in some more of my ideas.


Rocks and stones are used as ranged weapons, either with a sling or with your bare hands. They are extremely common, and are a good way to practice using ranged weapons. However, rocks and stones don\'t cause too much damage, though.

Stone Shield

This is what the name says. A stone shield. Stone shields are moderately common, although it is very heavy and therefore isn\'t a very good shield. However, it is better than nothing!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2002, 06:37:27 pm by Wormtail_ »
You pay the same price for doing something halfway as for doing it completely. So you might as well do it completely.
-Richard Nixon

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