Author Topic: The book of Zebazar  (Read 1463 times)


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[part 11]
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2005, 07:18:43 am »
Today I woke up in an ally not far from Hydlaa Plaza. What had happened? I remember that I went to bed at my room in the Tavern. I had the strangest dream about being taken away by a strange creature. It brought me to the Death Realm. There he put me in a special room. The room was completely white. At the other side of the room was a man dressed in a black suite and a black cape. He had a black hood over his head. I could not even see his eyes.

Strangely enough his voice sounded not that dark. Almost like a woman. ?Welcome back.?, he said. ?This is your second visit to the white room. You are not ready yet to stay at the white part of the Death Realm, though you?re almost near. There are some things that you should finish first. I?m sending you back to Yliakum. Your name and race will be the same. Zebazar of the Dermorian. Come to me and I will guide you back.? Reluctant I walked towards him. I noticed the shining blade of a sword hidden under his cape. There was text written on it. ?Vod?l will protect me?, was written on in beautiful letters. ?Don?t worry,? the caped man said, ?Vod?l will protect you to.?  ?Who is Vod?l??, I asked. The man looked up to the white sealing and said: ?Vod?l is you?re live. Vod?l can make you and brake you. Vod?l are the strange things that happen to you on your journey. But now it is time to send you back.? He placed his hand on my head and began to push. He pushed so hard, like he wanted me to fell through the floor. The pain was immense. I tried to scream but not a sound came out of my mouth.

Then I woke up in an ally not far from Hydlaa Plaza. It was dark the plaza, normally crowded with people, was now almost empty. My pockets where empty, my axes where gone. I had nothing. Still sleepy I heard a familiar voice in my head. It was the voice of the black-caped man. ?Vod?l wants you to go to the sewers and kill some rat,? he said. ?Sell the loot and buy two swords. Then go back to the sewers and kill some Rogue.? This sounded ridiculous I never fought with swords. No way I was able to kill some Rogue. I always avoided them because they where way to strong for me. They could kill me with one blow.


I decided to give it a try. I ran to the sewers and killed some rat. It went easy. The last five rats did not even notice my presence. As if they couldn?t see me. I bought two swords with the loot and returned to the sewers. I stumbled upon a Rogue. Also the rogue did not notice me. I started the fight and the Rogue didn?t react. He just stood there. Was this the work of Vod?l? Is Vod?l controlling al life in Yliakum? After 5 minutes the Rogue gave up and died all of a sudden. There was no loot, but the knowledge I gained is rewarding enough.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: August 24, 2005, 07:19:20 am by Zebazar »


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(No subject)
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2005, 02:04:16 am »
What about the Gobble?
I'm taking a shower.  Don't think of me as dirty, naked will do just fine ;)


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[part 12]
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2005, 06:29:56 am »
For now, live is turning back to normal. The punishment of the gods seems to be forgotten by most of the Yliakum citizens. Even Gorbiak is back. He did not recognised me, but I sure do! I hoped the Gods where kind to him during the wipe, but it looks like they forgot him. He says he?s feeling better, but this illness is still bothering him. I tried to persuade him to take the medicine that I bought for him. But it looks like he is scared for it.

Though, things are not what they where before the great wipe. There are more people walking around. All are new to me. My friends Leafer, Yensens and Norous seem not be around anymore. I wonder what has happened to them. Had they learned enough so they where able to enter the white part of the Death Realm? Have they been sent back to Yliakum but as another species whit another name? I don?t hope they where sent back as creatures with one duty, only to be killed. The thought alone is disturbing me. I could have killed at least one of them today, without knowing.

I ran into a Dermorian called Relliom today. At first he seemed to be a nice fellow, but after some talking he really freaked me out. We started talking about religion and at one point he said that he worked for this religious group called the Faithful Ones. He said it was time for another sacrifice and I was the lucky winner. They where already preparing the ceremony. I got a flashback about these fanatics living in the sewers trying to recruit new members. I did not hesitate a moment and killed him right away. These people should not be bothering us.

The Tefusang is back in the sewers at his old place. As always, easy to kill and with lots of loot. I can easily hunt him without anybody bothering me, because nowadays, there seems to be view people in the sewers. I?m able to make trias quick without too much effort. I need it to brew a potion for Gorbiak. At least I think that he needs something made by me. Because, he is scared of things made by others. I hope I will succeed in time.

To be continued...


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[part 13]
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2005, 05:12:35 am »
I had another lucky day this week. It looked like the monsters in Yliakum where affected by another spell from the Gods. Again they weren?t able to see us hunters. For the first time in my life there was a Trepor in the sewers together with the Tefusang. I could kill both of them easily. The Trepor has very valuable loot. Especialy the Trepor heart is worth a lot of tria.


I found a shovel near the blacksmiths shop. I tried to pick it up but it was stuck in the ground. The next day it wasn?t there anymore. Well I don?t know if it was at any use for me.

Last night the tavern was crowded with people, because of a party! How on earth was I able to take a good night sleep? They put Tefusang skin on the table and on top of that, lots of goodies. Some of them where very valuable.  It didn?t took very long before some visitors began steeling things from the table, including myself. I took a Trepor wiggly feeler with me, as a payment for the sleepless night I was going to have.

To be continued?