Author Topic: Books  (Read 1065 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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I like that idea, but...
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2002, 07:17:42 pm »
...what about the ideas involving spellbooks, cookbooks and other stuff like that in a library?

Hey, that gives me an idea.  Maybe like, \"skillbooks\" which teach you some kind of swordsman techniques, or show you how to craft a certain item.


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spell books
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2002, 01:46:39 am »
well spell books would be in a mage guild library not a general library where the cook books and skills books are. Though myself i think a char should look for his spells an almost never ending quest too look for spell formula which they could write in their spell book to make new spells or improve old spells i found most rpg games wich have spells in them you end up with multiutes of spells and have to sift through them for a better spelleach time you rise in ranks.
  do rememebr a game that had hand signs for  spells and when you added more hand signs to a spell it increased in power. I played a shamn in EQ and in the end i hated it when i got to  lvl 50 because of the amount of spells i had to sift through in my spell book
 I liked how Ares magica did spells basically only a formla it was the char who decided how to make a spell work and i\'m in the middle of treaties of magic for a world i designed for the table top rpg i run which kinda  if the  developers want to have a look at it post me and i will send it to you basically my game works on 5 elements  air, fire, earth, water, plant plus karma magic or chi and  toying with the idea of chaos magic.

 Thanks for the welcome Aelya
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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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(No subject)
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2002, 08:00:46 am »
Actually, as Venge said, all those ideas were previously discussed. While I may have not been able to see their 6 months ago discussion, I sugested some weeks ago about the players being able to write their own book, and thn after the devs reading it, sell those. I think we can discard the idea of the player getting any money for the books (mainly because many people would just PUBLISH the books for free in a geocities webpage and I hate this with all my heart), but we can expect anything else...but again, not for MB.


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(No subject)
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2002, 03:35:40 am »
Originally posted by Gronomist
This book thing could turn out to be something nice.. I mean, it opens up a class which I have NEVER seen, in any other game. A \"Book Scribe thingy...\" :D Could be fun to be an adventurer, traveling everywhere, and writing down your progress, rumors you hear, things you find and other fun stuff.

Simply allow players to keep journals. Allow them to incorporate images from a gallery (but only of what they\'ve seen, if they haven\'t met a monster they shouldn\'t be able to write about it.

Similar system for scribing maps (while you\'re in an area you can stop and scribe a map of where you\'ve been but if you leave a sector you forget).

Also, at the beginning don\'t make monster information known. Include a history for the world but also allow characters to act as scholar/adventurers, boldly seeking out new places and monsters to write notes about them (and sell them).

Maybe even have a few places where scholars examine and try to work out what happened or maybe find some old artifact to lead them on a quest (eg. a clay tablet that refers to a lost city, leading the scholar to search for that city).

Geocities sites, well, we can\'t stop them but we can make it harder.
no copy/pasting from the book entries.
no screenshots when reading books.

Should slow them down.

Spell management, allow the players to choose which ones to display and which ones not to, perhaps give them the ability to categorise them or organise them in some other way. That way, too many spells isn\'t a problem.