Author Topic: Fantasy World Online  (Read 491 times)


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Fantasy World Online
« on: August 27, 2005, 04:34:53 pm »
No this isn\'t advertising for any mmorpg, this is yet another of my writings :P
I think I made enough observations about what was going around Planeshift and other online games to actually start this project. As, well, I decided to write a parody of life in a mmorpg. Wish me luck with getting the best of it, as I wish you fun in reading it.


   Millions of  colours spinning around in a lightning-fast dance of various shapes and ridiculous forms, in one moment surrounded his body, throwing him into the whirlwind of a new, yet to be discovered fate. Confusion, excitement, curiousity and even anxiety - all started storming his mind in one moment, creating a dangerous, explosive mixture, that at any time, might just burst forth and lead to unforeseeable behaviour.
    He moved his hand towards the source of light, which on and on kept glittering cheerfully, as if trying to lure the still shocked visitor. The glowing colours started spinning around his arm, faster and faster, until the view could be no longer put up with. They stopped, sticked to his arm.   Slowly the colours began moving further, taking over new parts of his body. The process was irritating, but also fascinating at the same time. It didn\'t take much time, before his whole consistence formed a perfect unity with the invading colours... A new form was created.
  Just then a pitch darkness covered everything. He could not see, nor feel anything. Finally he found some time for the first reflections. Everything went on so fast, he hardly had any time to carefully plan his actions... It might bring awful results in the future, but the whirlwind was just too tempting... And where is he now? What will happen next? Is the \'next\' going to happen at all? Numerous thoughts gathered in his mind, leaving no space for rational thinking... And finally it happened, a calm, warm voice pierced through the overwhelming darkness.
   \"Sir? Sir?!\" It was a great relief to hear it. Finally he could talk with someone, find out what just happened. From the tone of the voice, he could tell it was a man. But nothing more, it was simply too dark.
 \"H-huh? What just... Where am I?\" The confusion was still in control, but the chaos in his mind slowly withered away. It was time to ask the first questions.
 \"What would be your name, newcomer?\" The voice continued, as if not paying attention to his question. It was weird, but not nearly as weird as the rest of the things he just went through.
   \"Huh? But...\" He still wanted to hear the answer to his question, but his will was too weak at that moment. He decided to just go with the stream. \"Erm, my name is Joe...\" He answered quietly.
    \"Just Joe?\" The voice kept inquiring.
 \"Uhh, right, just your average Joe.\" He didn\'t pay much attention, just hoped all this would end soon.
 Suddenly the pitch darkness vanished, leaving only bright light that quickly made Joe close his, already used to the darkness, eyes.
    \"Well then!\" The voice uttered. \"Joe Average, welcome to the Fantasy World Online!\"

Chapter I

  The weather was fine and the sun was sending its warm rays at his slightly tanned skin. Joe opened his eyes, curious where the recent oddities took him to. The light was still hurting him, but it wasn\'t causing blindness anymore; He could see the details.
  Joe found himself standing on some island, surrounded by clean water and filled with lots of green trees. It wasn\'t big, getting to the nearby bridge was just a matter of seconds. Still, Joe didn\'t want to move on. After all the strange things that happened to him lately, he was happy to be standing in a normal place. Once his eyes accommodated to the light, he looked up to the sky. The clouds were strolling slowly, from time to time hiding the joyfully shining sun.
    \"Sir?\" Suddenly the familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked down into its direction; It was some young, dressed in a black suit man. He had dark, short hair and his face was filled with slightly suspicious enthusiasm. Joe didn\'t like it, but he decided to answer anyway.
  \"Yes? Umm, where am I?\" He asked with a tint of fear in his voice.
    \"Why, you just came to the Fantasy World Online! The biggest, the best, the most completed and the most avaricious online game in the world!\"
    \"We have the most advanced player base you will ever see, due to the fact that anyone can find something interesting for himself in here!\"
  \"Dark caves, high mountains, green forests, beautiful lakes and all that filled with fearful monsters and epic adventures. You\'ll have a great time no matter whether you\'re a hack&slasher or a role-player!\"
  \"No, wait; What was that word?\" Joe finally managed to stop him.
  \"What? The role-player?\" The man glanced at him with curiousity.
  \"Who? No, no,\" Joe shook his head. \"Some other... Umm... The avaricious one.\"
   \"Hmm? Oh, you probably misheard that.\" The man was about to carry on, when he got interrupted once again.
 \"No, seriously, I have it in my log.\" Joe insisted on hearing the answer.
 \"Actually, your logging is currently turned off. If you\'ll want to turn it on, I have some instructions here somewhe--\"
    \"Look, it doesn\'t matter, I know what I heard,\" Joe was more and more annoyed. \"Now what was that about?\"
    \"Hmm... Wait, ah, that!\" The man started laughing. \"I completely forgot, yes, we use that word in introduction. We do it in order to prevent new sueing cases from silly players that were pulled forward against our company. Nothing important, really... Now, about those instructions...\"
   \"Ehh... Yea, right, whatever... I think I\'ll be going now.\" Said that, Joe moved towards the nearby bridge.
    \"By reading our manual you\'ll feel like at home in no time,\" The man started walking after him. \"Starting from the introduction followed by the chapter one - \'known races\' and going all the way to the chapter one hundred seventy six - \'reasons why toilet is your friend\', by the end of the week you\'ll know absolutely everything about our game! And the best part is - it\'s all free!\"
    \"Wait, what did you say?\" Joe\'s eyes wide-opened.

  The bell above the doors jingled as Joe opened the doors and entered the tavern. He slowly walked a bit further, holding a big stack of books and without enthusiasm reading one of them.
   \"Elves are one of the rarest races, they usually stay in their woodlands, making sure that no intruders find them. Physically they\'re tall and slender. The biggest difference between the genders is that male elves wear more make up than the female ones... This is all crap...\" He dropped all the books and took a look around the tavern. Quickly he noticed a muffin lying on the bar. He picked it up and turned to the crowd.
    \"Hey! Anyone wants to help a noob?!\" Hearing the question, everyone turned in Joe\'s direction. There was a visible anger on their faces. \"Chill! I will pay for it, you know!\" Said that he took a bite of the muffin and moved forward.
 There was a lot of people in the tavern. Joe could notice all sorts of races, from short halflings to the tall elves. Most of them were drinking various alcohol drinks and showing off with their deeds and their strength. Suddenly an elven woman approached him.
    \"Hiya, so you must be new here?\" She asked with a wide smile.
 \"Yea, about that muffin - I really will pay for it, I just don\'t have any money ye--\"
  \"Oh, don\'t worry about it,\" She giggled. \"I just want to help you.\"
  \"Oh,\" Joe sighed with relief. \"So can you give me money to pay for the muffin?\"
 \"Err, I meant more like giving few hints, but sure, why not.\" She handed him a heap of coins.
 \"Now about those hints,\" Joe hid the money into his pocket. \"What did you want to tell me?\"
 \"Uhm...\" The woman glanced at his pocket \"Aren\'t you going to return the money to the barkeep?\"
  \"Sure I\'m going to,\" Joe smiled slightly. \"If he\'ll ask for it. There\'s no point in wasting money if he didn\'t notice that I took it, right?\"
   \"Right...\" The woman cocked an eyebrow and soon after glanced above the newcomer\'s head. \"Joe Average? Now that\'s a funny name...\"
    \"What? How do you know my name...\" Joe stepped back. \"You witch!\"
   \"Calm down, will you?\" She sighed \"You have it written above your head.\"
    \"Huh?\" He looked up. \"I don\'t see it...\"
 \"You have to activate it, but don\'t worry - I\'ll tell you how to do it.\" She smiled. \"Anyway, let\'s sit at some table, shall we?\"
  \"Sure... Hmm... those guys over there seem like a nice bunch to sit by...\" He pointed in a direction of a loud group.
 \"Joe...\" She sighed. \"Those people speak in numbers...\"
 \"Yeah, cool, isn\'t it? I wanna learn that!\" He started approaching them, but soon after the elven woman pulled him backwards.
 \"No! We\'ll sit in a quiet and peaceful place, Joe.\" She pulled him by the collar, making the newcomer choke for a moment.
  \"Christ, lady... What did your parents feed you with? You almost strangled me there...\" Suddenly Joe got thrown onto a chair.
 \"There...\" The woman clenched her fists, restraining herself from bursting out in anger. \"This seems... like a good place to sit... doesn\'t it?\"
 \"Is that a vein on your forehead?\" He moved closer to her face. \"I think it is. You know, you should see a doctor, it seems to be pulsing stronger and stronger...\"
 It didn\'t take long before the fist of the enraged woman smashed face of the curious newcomer. Joe fell over the chair and landed on the floor. Everything spinned for a while, before utter darkness covered his mind.

  \"Joe? Joe?\"
   \"Huh? What happened?\" He made an attempt to stand up. \"Ouch, my head.\"
  \"Um, you fell from a chair,\" She giggled \"Silly you; But don\'t worry, I fully healed you.\"
   \"You can do that?\" Joe finally managed to stand up.
   \"Of course I can. I\'m a healer,\" The woman made a wide smile. \"Now let me teach you a few things, all right?\"
AKA Skald


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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 05:39:21 pm »
Chapter II

 \"I told thee, thou should use the axe\" muttered Laurenor as he and his companion entered the tavern.
  \"Well then tell me, my dear\'st friend, what kind o\' elf would use an axe as \'is prefer\'d weapon whilst fighting a mighty beast?\" Answered Falandar while closing the doors.
   \"Fal, admit it, what thou have done was just plain stupid. We had the Asbestine Double War-Axe Of Hellish Fire-Ridden Piercing Strikes + 7 and what thou used? A Dagger Of Bread Slaying + 1!\" Laurenor sighed. \"We could have killed it, that monster was stronger than anything we ever sent to the realm of the dead... Oh how I wish I could sing an epic ballad of a hero that killed a Rabies Hamster, but no, thou had to use the darn knife!\"
   \"Dagger.\" Falandar interrupted him.
   \"Whatever, the point is - instead of Rabies Hamster, we have the old, boring stories. Not to mention we lost both axe and knife.\"
    \"I know!\"
    \"Our ol\' stories be\'th not that bad... I still like to list to them...\" Falandar shrugged and sat down on one of the chairs.
    \"Oh really? Well then,\" Laurenor prepared for singing. \"In the horrid times of yore, filled with beasts, blood and gore; As the steel clashed with steel, something smelly he did feel; Falandar looked down to his feet, unprepared for what would meet; By the gods - he then speaks, socks unchanged for two weeks.\"
 \"All right, thou may stop now,\" Muttered Falandar as the tavern patrons started to laugh. \"Worry not, we shall get that Rabies Hamster someday...\"
  \"Maybe yes and maybe n--\" Laurenor stopped as he noticed an elven girl sitting by the bar. \"Hey, look at that elven chick over there. I bet she shall be mine in no time.\" Said that, he moved towards his victim. \"Well met, m\'lady,\" He started. \"I have not seen thee here before, but thy beauty inspires me to write a song... Song that shall become the greatest creation of whole Valorland... If only thou could spend some time with me... Thy beauty would become immortal by the touch of my words...\"
   The girl looked at him and with deep, manly voice answered: \"I\'m a guy.\"

   \"So how did it go?\" Falandar asked his companion as he returned.
  \"She is already taken...\" Answered Laurenor and sat quietly on the chair.

    \"Hey, who are those two weirdos over there?\" Joe turned to his elven company.
 \"Oh, that\'s Falandar and Laurenor.\" She answered. \"They\'re among the best role-players in this game. Sometimes you could think that Falandar actually believes he lives in this world... In any case they always wander together, searching for epic adventures and in the end dying.\"
    \"Are they... you know...\" Joe inquired.
   \"What? Oh, no! At least I hope not...\" She sighed and glanced at the elven knight. \"Oh look, they noticed us!\"
  \"Quick! Drop to the ground and pretend that you\'re dead.\" Joe fell to the floor. \"Maybe they\'ll leave us alone.\"
  \"What? What on earth are you talking about?\"
 \"You said they\'re role-players, right?\" He whispered.
  \"Well. My brother once told me role-players are weird people that scream at you and even bite whenever they see you\'re having fun.\"
    \"That\'s ridiculous!\" She was in a deep shock.
  \"No, that\'s true, quickly, hide!\"
  \"Well met, lady Alane!\" Falandar uttered. \"I see that thy beauty shines as always!\" He glanced at Joe hiding under the table. \"And who would that be?\"
    \"Oh no...\" the voice came from below the table and soon got followed by a loud knock. \"Ouch, my head...\" Finally Joe stood up and faced the knight. \"Please don\'t bite me...\".
 \"Bite thee?\" Falandar burst with laughter. \"I shan\'t bite thee, m\'friend. But I believe we had not meet before. Allow me to introduce myself. People here know me by the name o\' Falandar Pinesword. An\' what would be thy name?\"
   \"Excuse me?\" Joe couldn\'t understand what the elf was talking about.
   \"He asks what is your name, Joe.\" Alane smiled to him.
    \"You noob!\" Without anyone expecting it, Joe bursted out with anger. \"All you have to do is to change the options! You didn\'t read the manual? Noob. I already knew what was your name. Hello? It\'s floating above your dumb head!\"
   \"I have no idea what thou jabber\'st about, but \'tsounds like a madman talk.\" Falandar didn\'t lose pride on his face.
 \"Quit it with this nonsense! No one understands or even cares what you\'re talking about! Noob!\"
    \"Silence, thou fool!\" The knight uttered \"If th--\"
  \"Please, don\'t bite me...\" Joe hid back under the table. Falandar stood there glaring at him, unsure of what he should do. Suddenly from the direction of doors came a voice.
  \"Hey, everyone! I\'ve been reading this manual,\" Suddenly all tavern patrons got quiet and turned with disbelief to the newcomer. \"Err... right, anyway, I finished reading it, but I\'m still unsure about one thing. The chapter one hundred thirty two says I can cook while being attacked if I have enough of toilet paper wrapped around me for protection. Now the question is... how much is this \'enough\'?\" Everyone were still in shock. \"Oh, nevermind, found it.\"
   The tavern was still dead-silent. Alane slowly approached him, not sure what to say.
    \"Oh, hello Alane\" Said the newcomer.
  \"Hi, Felix.. Did you just say you... Did you read the whole manual?\"
  \"Of course, you didn\'t?\" He glanced at her with curiousity
 \"Well yeah, I mean no, I mean just the parts of it... No one went through all of it before...\"
    \"That\'s odd, you can find really valuable things in here...\" The newcomer shrugged.
    \"Everyone!\" Suddenly a mauled halfling stormed into the tavern. \"The dark lord... He\'s attacking!\"
« Last Edit: August 27, 2005, 05:44:15 pm by Draklar »
AKA Skald

Under the moon

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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2005, 08:35:53 pm »
Heh heh. Captured the essence of MMORPGs there, ya did. Great stuff.  :D


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« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 10:44:27 pm »
That was great!!

/me does the drak is back dance.

Again..I think...I hope...
Talamir - DeT, Dark Empire, etc, etc, etc.


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« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 02:24:57 pm »
Chapter III

    \"Who? Theodora?\" Alane turned to the halfling. \"You know he\'s harmless.\"
 \"He?\" Felix cocked an eyebrow.
    \"Yes, our harmless dark lord.\" Alane answered the curious newcomer.
   \"Some guy named himself \'Theodora\'?\" Felix still couldn\'t believe it.
    \"Well yea...\" Alane shrugged. \"We already got used to it.\"
  \"No, no!\" The halfling shook his head. \"I mean the new one! Mordrin! Mordin is attacking!\"
  \"Oh no...\" Alane sighed. \"It had to come to this...\"
    Falandar stepped forward. \"We must prepare the defense! As e\'eryone else lacks the needed competence, I shall proclaim m\'self as the general and lead the necessary preparations!\"
  \"Oh yes,\" Laurenor muttered. \"Everyone unsheathe their knives of doom!\"
 Falandar sent him a short glare. \"Right,\" He turned back to the messenger. \"Tell me, my dear halfling--\"
   \"Ralf! My name is Ralf! You asked for my name four times already, Falandar!\"
  \"No, I mean to ask, how far away and how strong be\'th the minions of darkness.\"
    \"How should I know?\" The halfling shrugged. \"I just heard it from some bard in the nearby city. The news themselves were like one month old...\"
 \"But...\" The knight glanced at Ralf\'s wounds. \"Who mauled thee then?\"
    \"Rabies Hamster.\" The halfling answered.
   \"Maybe we should visit him ourselves...\" Laurenor joined the group. \"Form a party and show Mordin that we shan\'t give up.\"
   \"Excellent idea, my friend!\" Falandar turned to the crowd. \"Everyone! Prepare for the casting!\"

 \"Hmm... Interesting. So could\'st thou tell me more about thyself? What be thy skills? Thine abilities?\" The knight asked first willing.
    \"Fal... Thou know me already!\" Answered Laurenor. \"I am a bard! I have no useful skills or abilities and thou know that darn well!\"
 \"Ah, a bard! We shall need one. Thou art in. Next!\"
   \"Yo.\" A large half-orc grunted.
   \"Uhh...\" Falandar glanced above the orc\'s head. \"By the gods, no...\"
 \"Im Loot King lol\"
   \"What are thou doing?\" Laurenor approached his friend. \"That guy is one of the highest leveled people in the land!\"
 \"We shall do well without him.\" Answered knight. \"Question not my competence.\"
  \"Right, I shall go for the daggers of bread slaying...\"
   \"I said next!\"
    \"Alane and Joe.\" Said Alane. \"You\'ll need a healer and I take him with me.\"
  \"I shan\'t accept the madman.\" Muttered Falandar.
   \"Well it\'s either both or neither of us...\" Alane crossed her arms and smirked slightly.
   \"We shall call ye. Next!\"
 \"Falandar!\" Shouted Alane.
    \"Fine, accept\'d.\" He muttered. \"Who be\'th next?!\"
 After a while a small halfling approached the knight. Without saying anything, he started staring at him.
   \"Uhm...\" Falandar cocked an eyebrow. \"Name?\"
    \"Je suis nouveau ici.\" The small halfling answered.
    \"Oh right,\" Alane turned to the elf. \"He doesn\'t speak english.\"
 \"On dit que tu vends des sous vetements.\" The halfling continued.
 \"So...\" The knight stared at him for a while.
 \"Deux paires s\'il vous plait.\"
   \"Hail!\" Uttered a black-armoured knight. \"I hear you walk the path of glory; Let us then merge our forces! The days shall be anew, free from the infidels roaming our proud lands. The dark realm of corruption, waste and chaos shall be pierced with the lightning of glory, fame and courage! Let us move on with our heads raised high and pierce all that stand against us. The clash of steel, once again, it shall be heard throughout the whole land!\"
  \"In.\" Answered Falandar.
  \"What?\" Whispered Alane. \"Doesn\'t his black armour worry you? He looks rather evil to me...\"
 \"Nonsense!\" The elf shook his head. \"E\'er since Theodora got assault\'d by the Paladins Guild on \'is way to the market place, no evil character wears black armour anymore.\"
 Falandar nodded. \"Next!\" He glanced at the new willing. \"Felix?\"
    \"Yea.\" Answered newcomer. \"While you got on with this casting nonsense, I wandered around to gain some fighting skills. I found out that Fluffy Turtles are pretty weak against magic, but still they give nice experience and often leave good loot. So I found a good spawning point and camped for a while. Got enough money to buy some nice armour. Oh and they left a Mithril Shovel of Bug Slaying + 5. Want it? I have Adamantium Dagger of Kidney Piercing + 10 anyway.\"
  \"We take it!\" Shouted Laurenor.

   \"So why did we come here, again?\" Joe took a look around the weapon shop. All sorts of weapons could be found there; From wooden sticks to mighty warhammers.
 \"You have to equip yourself.\" Answered Felix. \"First you need to buy yourself a weapon. What can you afford?\"
   Joe took the money out of his pocket. \"The best thing I can buy is the Pointy Stick.\"
 \"Hmm... Not worth to.\" Felix shook his head. \"Here, take this money and buy yourself a Pointy Stick of Utter Woodness + 1.\"
 \"Wow, thanks!\" Joe took the money.
    \"No problem. You\'ll return me twice as much once you get the money.\"
   \"Huh?\" Joe cocked an eyebrow.
 \"Now hurry up. It is time to join the adventure. Insane ammounts of experience await us!\"
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 02:32:30 pm by Draklar »
AKA Skald


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« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2005, 07:30:24 pm »
Whew! Finally got around to reading it. Priceless! You\'ve an excellent handle over dialogue, Draklar :)
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 08:50:02 pm »
Ha ha, that\'s some good stuff. Looking forward to more.


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« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2005, 02:38:55 am »
encore encore. i\'m jealous of such marverlous work ;). i\'m going to have to do the storyboard for Battle Tribes soon :P.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2005, 02:39:49 am by verideon »
yes... i\'m addicted to smilies :P:):D;), get me mental help peoples....


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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 08:02:09 am »
Started off slow, but I am enjoying it.  And I wish I had your skill at stickin words to the screen.


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« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2005, 11:33:35 pm »
Wow once you said this wasn\'t an advertisement for a game just you typing, I got pretty upset. Then I took a bit of time to look over what you wrote and you can have the..

:tdown: on disappointing me and a :tup: for typing so much once again.