Author Topic: The Tournament  (Read 513 times)


  • Traveller
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The Tournament
« on: October 24, 2005, 11:42:05 pm »
        Hiking along the path was a Ylian traveler named Ferdinand. He did this as a daily activity, for he had a love for nature. It was then he sees this sign with huge scrawling letters wrting: THE TOURNAMENT. ALL CONTENDERS ALLOWED. PLEASE SIGN FORM BELOW
        Ferdinand anxiously stared at the form below. He took one, filled it in, and went forward. Out of the trees came out Nolthir inspecting him. They explained that the person contending cannot be somewhat linked to Harem, a evil Diabolo. Of course, he was not and entered.
        Another huge sign was there:
        He looked around and saw others looking at him, wondering what the poor soul would do weaponless and inexperienced.
        \"What are you doing here,\" asked a scarred Ynnwn.
        \"To see what the tournament is about,\" replied Ferdinand.
        A Enkidukai laughed in the corner and said,\"You are one sad kid, lad.\"
        Everyone agreed because they knew something that the new contender did not. As the ship sailed across the lake, it came to a stop, and a Xacha announced,\"We have reached TOURNAMENT ISLAND!\"
        Everyone departed the shift and the enviroment beyond was amazing. Instead of looking like a oasis, it looked like a farm gone bad. Ferdinand was surprised, but everyone else seemed familiar to the ruins. Each fence was a different name such as: Serpent Marsh, Chaos, and so on. The names were very horrifying like \"Flesh Masher\". The Xacha nodded to the Nolthir, and announced,\"As most of you know, the tournament is unleavable unless you complete it. We have a network of islands here for every occasion, you can refer it to gladiatoral combat. There will be novices, and you can tell because every degree will have distincting features. Good luck and should I put this....battling!\"
        Everyone scattered to the waypoints of each group, and Ferdinand stepped into the Novice line. There were tons of them, all young and adventurous like him. The manager was a Kran bearing the flag \"NOVICE LEAGUE TOURNAMENT\". For one minute, the Kran said nothing, and the next moment, he stomped his foot to get attention. He beckoned the novices to follow. Ferdinand peered over to the Intermediate line, only seeing that the tournament they were to fight in first in Metal Canyon. THe line halted in front of a gate reading: Tear Lake. The Kran cleared his throat and bellowed,\" Hello novices, you will all be getting a first hand experience of what we call the Free For All Deathmatch. Weapons of all sorts will be laying on the ground, and you use them to battle. As you excel, you will earn something we call credits to purchase special armor or other weapons found only on this island, or convert them into Trias in Hydlaa or Ojaveda. Who is ready?\"
        Every soul in line raised their hand. The Kran flung open the gate, and a bushy forest with a giant lake under a bridge in the center. They entered, taking positions. The Kran yelled,\"GO!\"
        The arena was in session. Hesitantly, Ferdinand picked up a dagger and ran towards the bridge. He skirmished with a Lemur, who tumbled into the lake after his defeat. Little did Ferdinand know, however, ten archers were aiming at him. At the sound of the shot of arrows, Ferdinand runs and only gets trimmed in the shoulder. In front of him was a large mace as tall as he is. He carefully lifted it and charged at two of the archers battering them into the wall groaning in pain. A Klyros then took his chance and knocked the flail of Ferdinand\'s hand. A sequence of hacks followed, and the Ylian was lying down next to the two archers. He only got to spectate after his defeat. The Klyros was doing well, as he takes the weight of his enemy\'s weapons as an advantage. A Enkidukai then ended the Klyros\'s spree by taking him by suprise and mauling him with a hammer until he looked like some battered thing. He crawled away cowardly and sat at the bank to watch. In the time they had to fight in the arena, sprees began and ended over and over again until the Kran stopped the group.
\"You did better than I expected,\" he said,\"you each receive 50 credits. I want you guys to rest after the effort you put into this match. Meet up with me an hour later so you could go eat your dinner.\"
Finally a MMORPG that is free for eternity.....